Chapter 177 Li Yu’s speculation

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 Yin Leya took some time to digest what Li Yu said before, and then asked again.

"But if Allister is not the murderer, wouldn't Garth's suspicion be even greater? When Edward II died, the biggest beneficiary was him. He became the emperor directly, and he also protected Clay, who was obviously problematic.

Count de."

"Well, Garth is indeed the biggest beneficiary, but he protects Clyde mainly because Clyde is his swordsmanship teacher. Garth has some shortcomings, but he also has many advantages.

"For example, he treats his own people very well. Even if one of his subordinates makes a mistake, he rarely punishes him severely. In addition, I guess the main reason why he kept Claude was because he didn't want this incident to affect his coronation ceremony.

"After all, everyone knows about his relationship with Claude. All the nobles in the royal capital know that Claide is his confidant. If anything happens to Claide, it will be hard not to think of him."

Li Yu said, "In addition to the above points, I think there is another very important reason why Gars is not the murderer, and that is that he does not have many common interests with those Wing Clan.

"Perhaps there is still a possibility for them to cooperate before he becomes the emperor, but after Gars becomes the emperor, the upcoming wing army will become a big trouble for him."

The female lord suddenly thought, "Is it possible that the cooperative relationship between the two parties will only last until Garth sits on the Bone Throne? At least they still have the same interests in poisoning Edward II.

"Gars wants to become the new emperor, while those wing tribes want to get rid of the old emperor who is actively preparing for war."

"Yes, I can see that you are thinking carefully this time and have thought of various possibilities."

Li Yu's praise made Miss Rabbit feel happier than eating a buttered apple. She involuntarily puffed up her chest and felt windy when she walked.

But then she saw someone and continued, "But... this possibility is still too small. Garth is not stupid. He should have thought that if he really cooperates with those wing tribes, he will definitely not be able to escape just because he wants to.


"This is tantamount to giving a clue to the other side. Those Wing Clan will definitely use this matter to threaten and blackmail him in the future.

"In addition, Bruce just set a fire above the Tower of King's Landing. Garth's first reaction was anger rather than surprise. This also proves from the side that he does not have a deep connection with the Wing Tribe people."

Li Yu's analysis made Miss Rabbit suddenly enlightened, and the originally complicated situation seemed to become clearer.

But soon she frowned again, "But if Allister and Garth didn't collude with those wing tribes, then who was the murderer of Edward II?

"It can't be the second prince Claudio, right? I think he's pretty nice, and he's very happy to pay."

"I don't know either." Li Yu said, "Jude and the others did some research during my absence in the past two days, but after all, they are not nobles and cannot see the key figures among them, so they can only report the latest news in the city.

Collect them.

"But based on this information alone, it's impossible to determine who the murderer is. Duren's direction is wrong again, and he can't provide much useful information. But according to the elimination method, I think the only one who is more suspicious is Claudio

With Heroine."

"Heroise?" Miss Rabbit was a little surprised, "Is the Queen also suspected? But the death of Edward II should not be good for her."

"Neither Gars, nor Claudio, nor Allister is her son. No matter who of the three becomes the new emperor, her power will only become less, and she may have to move out of King's Landing in the future.

Go to the tower."

"The death of Edward II is indeed not good for her, but it is good for her tribe." Li Yu said.

The female lord seemed to have thought of something after that. She slapped her forehead and said, "Yes, Edward II seemed to have announced that he would go to war with the elves and dwarves before he died."

"And Queen Heroins is an elf, and she seems to be from a royal family."

"There is a little thing that Du Lun mentioned that made me a little concerned." Li Yu said, "He went to visit Earl Creed's mansion and saw the sculpture of Papagani, the god of wind.

"According to Clyde's wife Sade, Clyde himself was not a follower of Papagani. He only collected the sculpture because it was made by the master and was a flawless work of art."

"Is there any problem with this?" the female lord asked doubtfully.

"There is nothing wrong with Clyde collecting art, but I know that there happens to be a person in this city who also likes art."

"You mean Queen Heroines?"

Li Yu continued, "I actually don't quite understand why Clyde was involved in the murder of Edward II. Although it would be more beneficial for Garth to become emperor, the risk is too great. If something goes wrong, it will be

A situation of no return.

"Not only him, but also his family and the entire family behind him will be cast aside. Compared with the possible benefits, the risks are too high.

"But Clyde did it anyway. This is obviously against common sense, but if you look at it from an emotional point of view, then everything can be explained."

"Emotion, what emotion?" The female lord was still a little unable to turn around, mainly because Clyde had already married and had a wife.

But after thinking about it for a moment, she realized what Li Yu meant, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Do you think there is an affair between Queen Heroines and Claude?"

"I just speculated that Earl Clyde might be in love with Queen Heroines. As for whether anything happened between them, I don't know."

Yin Leya couldn't help but sigh when she thought of the figure she saw in the garden.

Queen Helena's beauty is recognized by the mainland, otherwise Edward II would not have launched a war to get her.

Even Miss Rabbit, a woman, couldn't take her eyes away from Heroines' face when they first met. It's normal for Clyde to be fascinated as a man.

Moreover, Clyde is also Garth's swordsmanship teacher and can often enter and exit the King's Landing Tower. This also means that the two of them have more opportunities to meet each other. Clyde is indeed very likely to take risks for the sake of love.

"What about Claudio? Why do you doubt him?" Miss Rabbit continued to ask.

"The main reason is that Cornelia did not choose him, but chose Allister."

Li Yu said, "If Du Lun didn't lie, Cornelia had penetrated Earl Clyde's heart the night before Edward II was assassinated. Cornelia must know something. She may be the current Lionheart Castle."

The only person in the house who knows who the murderer is.

"But due to political considerations, she will not tell the truth. Edward II is dead, and she needs to prepare for the future, betraying Duren in exchange for Allister's promise to go to the north, and keeping everyone on track.

Garth's suspicion is undoubtedly more in line with her current interests."

This chapter has been completed!
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