Chapter 1 Nightmare

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 "Team Han, Team Han, Team Han, wake up, we're at the place you mentioned."

Song Hongbiao woke up Han Bin in the passenger seat. The latter opened his eyes, stretched, and then subconsciously put his palm into his pocket and took out half a pack of cigarettes.

Han Bin took one out and held it in his mouth.

Then he went to his trouser pocket to find a lighter, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. Finally, Song Hongbiao, who was driving, took one from the armrest box and gave it to him.

"Captain Han, you just had a nightmare."


"I saw that you were frowning all the time when you were sleeping, and you were still muttering. Everything you said was false, and it was all false. Could it be that you were dreaming about the end of the world again?"

Han Bin lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, opened the car window, and flicked the ashes out, "Maybe I'm too tired these days."

"But in the last fatal incident, Team Korea, you only slept for two days a week. I saw that you were in high spirits. You didn't go home to catch up on your sleep after being busy, and you even asked someone to play mahjong."

Han Bin snorted, "I'm already thirty-five, do you expect me to be able to survive like this forever?"

"Then don't make trouble for yourself." Song Hongbiao parked the car on the side of the road.

"Brothers came to City Z to arrest people. We are already very tired from squatting on the target every day. Team Han, you think you are not busy enough, so you came to City L next door. If Director Guo finds out about this, we will definitely be criticized."

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm just going to meet someone, ask a few questions and then go back." Han Bin said, "You can think about what to eat for dinner in the car."

"What about Team Korea, are you treating me to a treat?"

"I'll beg you." Han Bin said as he opened the car door and walked out.

Song Hongbiao watched Han Bin disappear into the opposite community. Then he turned on the radio in the car and found a radio station that played cross talk and listened to it for a while.

About a quarter of an hour later, the passenger door was opened, Han Bin got in the car again, then took a cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it.

"Let's go back to City Z."

"Is it done?"

"It's done."

"What's the result?" Song Hongbiao asked curiously.

Han Bin shook his head.

"I don't understand," Song Hongbiao said while changing gears, "Captain Han, why do you have to keep an eye on that company called Third Century? Didn't we check it? They didn't do anything illegal.


"And even if they broke the law, shouldn't they be under the supervision of economic investigation? What does it have to do with us? Let me put it bluntly, Captain Han, you are a bit of a meddling in other people's business."

"Who are you calling a dog?" Han Bin said, "Drive quickly. I'm hungry. I'm going back to City Z to eat rice noodles."

"Hey, why are you eating rice noodles again? Team Han, didn't you let me choose? I want to eat Haidilao!" Song Hongbiao protested.

"There's no time." Han Bin said, "Don't you still have to stay overnight?"

"Holy crap!" Song Hongbiao was shocked, "Captain Han, you are such a person. You never wanted to treat me properly from the beginning."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. Just remember, I will treat you to Haidilao after this is done."

"That's pretty much it." Song Hongbiao was finally satisfied.

Han Bin also smoked half of his second cigarette. He opened the car window again, and the cold wind outside calmed his irritable mood a little.

Song Hongbiao spoke again at this time, "By the way, I remember reading a statement on the Internet before, saying that dreams are manifestations of your subconscious. If you often have the same nightmare, it is probably related to a tragic experience in your childhood.


"There was nothing tragic about my childhood."

"That means you have recently watched similar movies or novels."

"No, I'm so busy that I don't have time to relax."

"That's strange. Captain Han, why do you have nightmares when you are fine? And you keep having nightmares over and over again."

Han Bin was silent for a moment and then said, "Tang Mengjia."


"Tang Mengjia, the people I just visited were her grandfather and grandmother." Han Bin explained.

"Then this Tang Mengjia..."

"Eleven-year-old, female, living with her parents in City B, in fifth grade. She fell down the stairs at school two months ago. Unfortunately, she hit the back of her head. She was later sent to the hospital, but rescue efforts failed."

"Oh. I seem to have an impression. Didn't you suspect that there was school bullying in the Korean team at the beginning?

"But after asking around, both her parents and the classmates and teachers around her said that they never saw anyone bullying her, so it should be just bad luck."

"What, Team Han, have you found any new clues?" Song Hongbiao looked at the traffic jam ahead and honked the horn twice. However, the motorcade did not move, so he could only continue to wait and turned his attention to Han Bin.

The conversation comes up.

"I didn't find anything else about the cause of death, but Tang Mengjia's mother Dong Yuanli came to see me again later," Han Bin said.

"Really? When? Why are we looking for you?"

"She told me she saw her daughter again."

"Ah, this kind of thing is very common. Some family members of the deceased will have hallucinations because they are too sad, but when a person is dead, he is dead, and the bodies have been cremated..."

"Tang Mengjia's body was not cremated."


"Her parents signed a body donation form, so after Tang Mengjia's death, her body was taken away directly by the Red Cross."

"Is that so? Is there any problem?" Song Hongbiao was puzzled.

"There was no problem with the process. I then went to the Red Cross and found out that Tang Mengjia's body had been sent to a research institute. But when I got to that research institute, the researchers there did not allow me to take a look at Tang Mengjia's body.

"It wasn't until I threatened them to apply for a search warrant that they told me that Tang Mengjia's body had been cremated because something went wrong during the research and her body could no longer be used.

"So I checked all the crematoriums in the city, and sure enough I found Tang Mengjia's name in one crematorium, but this time I was cautious and found the cremator who was responsible for the cremation that day.

"But the master didn't have much impression of Tang Mengjia. I asked him if he would forget it. He said that because of his work, he came into contact with many dead people every day, but at such a young age, if he had seen it, he would not have forgotten it so quickly.


"Then where did Tang Mengjia's body go?" Song Hongbiao was stunned.

"That's the problem." Han Bin said, "I then investigated that research institute and found that one of their donors was a company called Wade Health, which donated the largest amount and the most frequent donations.

"This is a foreign-funded company headquartered in Switzerland. I couldn't find much information about them in China, but during the investigation, I discovered that a consulting company called Third Century has a close relationship with Wade Health.


"They are a consulting company, so it is normal for them to provide consultation to clients." The car was blocked in the middle of the road and could not move. Song Hongbiao also wanted to smoke.

"But the problem is that Third Century is not a normal consulting company." Han Bin said calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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