Chapter 27 We have to become more cunning

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 When Red Beard saw Li Yu approaching, a look of vigilance immediately appeared on his face, and he was still yelling at the same time.

"Idiot, where are you looking? If you have the ability to loosen the rope from my hand, I promise to twist your head off!"

"Save your energy..." Iron Spear said lazily, "You know he can't understand, and even if he can understand, he won't challenge you in a duel."

"Cowards, those Imperial people are cowards. They only dare to ride on their horses and hide behind those iron sheets to fight us." Redbeard said bitterly.

Of course he knows that such complaints have no effect, but besides complaining, he can't do anything else now.

Redbeard and Iron Spear have discussed many times since they were selected, what the Imperials want to do to them.

Both of them felt that this time it would be a disaster.

It's not that they are pessimistic, it's that they can't think of anything the Imperials can do with them other than killing them to boost morale.

Therefore, the more excited the surrounding soldiers were, the colder their hearts became, because in the past, when the hunters in the tribe went into the mountains to hunt and returned with full loads, the atmosphere in the village was also so festive.

Only this time they are prey, not hunters.

There was a look of reluctance in Red Beard's eyes, "I am the strongest warrior of the Mist Snake Tribe. As soon as old Utu dies, I can become the new Utu."

"It's a pity. It seems that we will die earlier than Old Utu." Iron Spear shrugged, "Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you let me try to seduce that guy, judging from the attitude of the people around him, he should be a big shot, and this is the second time he has come to me. I can be sure that he is definitely interested in me."

"How do you know he is here to find you? How long have you not taken a shower?" Red Beard sneered.

"Otherwise, if he didn't come to me, could it be that he came to you instead?" Iron Spear asked, "I don't have any objection... If you are willing to sacrifice yourself, see if you can find a way for us both to survive."

Redbeard was dumbfounded. He had indeed heard similar rumors before, saying that some of the imperial nobles had played with women too much and had lost interest in women and began to like men of the same sex.

Thinking of this, Redbeard couldn't help but feel a chill, and couldn't help but take half a step back. As a result, the guard behind him immediately whipped him.

The red-bearded man grunted and glared angrily at the person who whipped him. In exchange, he received another whip, which was slapped firmly on his back.

Redbeard was about to explode with anger, but he also knew that a good man should not suffer the consequences of his immediate loss. This time he kept a low profile, and turned back to his sister in a low voice.

"Is there really anything you can do to keep us alive?"

"Of course, they just selected ten unlucky guys to boost the morale of the army. They had no idea that the strongest warriors of the Mist Snake Tribe were here.

"So many people have been arrested this time. If those Imperial people don't kill us, they can kill others." When talking about business, Iron Spear also became serious.

Redbeard felt that what she said made sense, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved, but as a man's dignity it was still difficult for him to agree to Iron Spear's proposal.

After thinking for a while, Redbeard said again, "That guy can't understand us at all. How can you ask him to let us go? What if he just wants to sleep with you for free?"

"No, as long as he sleeps with me, I will have a way to get him to let us go. Can you stop being so mother-in-law? If it's later, they might take action."

"Let's do it." Redbeard finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth.

Anyway, what he loves is not Iron Spear, but Shana, because Shana is more gentle, and he knows his sister very well. Even among the savages, she is a little too wild.

Redbeard felt that he could not control this wild horse, and no man could really control her.

Seeing her brother finally nodding, Tie Spear couldn't help but feel shocked. She looked at Li Yu boldly, her eyes burning, and then she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips.

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Then, she saw the man in black clothes turning around.

Gone away.

"Really, that's all you have?!" the red-bearded man on the side mocked.

"This is my first time doing something like this, and I'm facing an Imperial man. How do I know which one is better?" Iron Spear said unhappily, "If you're not satisfied with me, just do it yourself."

Redbeard immediately closed his mouth, and after a while he said again, "Your seduction failed. What should we do now? Can we just wait to die?"

"I don't know." Iron Spear said angrily.

Redbeard wanted to say something else, but then the guard behind him suddenly pushed them and motioned them to move forward.

Redbeard's heart suddenly sank, but he soon discovered that the imperial soldiers around him also started to move and began to move away one after another.

Redbeard was a little confused. What did this mean? Why was it that the beheading was all over without even looking at the person?

However, Iron Spear became happy again, "Look what I said, that guy is interested in me, he just let us all go in order to sleep with me."

"How do you know this is your credit?" Redbeard said as he walked forward.

"Are you stupid? If you didn't go out with the army just to sleep with me, why did you take us with you?"

"This..." Redbeard couldn't think of an answer, but he caught the key point of his sister's words, "You said they took us with them on the expedition?"

"Look around you. Aren't we in their army now, walking with them?"

Redbeard also reacted at this time and said excitedly, "They are going to the Dragon Ridge Mountains!"

"Otherwise? You said, those dwarves will lure them to save the old guy with the hair on his ears."

"Then our chance has come! As long as we enter the mountain, it will be our territory." Redbeard couldn't hide the excitement in his voice, "Our hope of escape will also increase."

"How to escape? We are now surrounded by those Imperial people."

"There will be a way. Don't forget that we have internal support involved."

"That guy didn't come to save you and me."

"No matter what, we have to contact that guy first," Redbeard said. "I am the future Utu of the Mist Snake Tribe. I can give him some benefits and even land."

"That is the land of the tribe. Even if you become Utu, you can't give it away," Iron Spear reminded, "You are not the lord of those empires."

"I know, but that guy doesn't know. Anyway, we have to persuade him first. At worst, I will compensate him with other things after we escape."

"You were led astray by those dwarves and the Imperials, brother." Iron Spear said scornfully.

"The war is coming. If we want to survive, we must become more cunning than those enemies." Redbeard said.

This chapter has been completed!
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