Chapter 50 Dwarves vs. White Walkers (Part 1)

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 Being suddenly engulfed by a strange beam of light, even though General Jerome had fought on the battlefield and killed countless enemies throughout his life, he felt extremely panicked at this time.

He couldn't even move, he just stood there blankly, as if his throat was being strangled by an invisible hand.

Then he was thrown to the ground by Aragorn, who shouted, "Protect the general!"

The other dwarf warriors came to their senses and rushed over one after another.

They raised the shields in their hands, pulled out the battle axes from their waists, and kept slashing and howling at the beam of light, as if they wanted to scare away their opponents in this way.

However, no matter how fierce their movements were, the beam of light remained motionless.

A dwarf warlock thought of something at this time and said excitedly, "This, this must be...a call from the gods!

"Only the most heroic heroes will be selected to go to the Kingdom of God full of ale and flowers. General Jerome, this is Setelt's recognition of you!"

Jerome was still confused at this moment, and he subconsciously said after hearing this, "But I still have to lead the army to fight for the kingdom, how can I go to the Kingdom of God now?"

"It doesn't matter, you can pray to Setelt and ask it to recruit you after your death."

However, before the warlock finished speaking, there was another cry of killing outside the camp, and the dwarf warriors on the outermost edge seemed to have fought with some enemy.

Jerome's heart suddenly sank. He had gradually regained his consciousness now, and no longer believed what the warlock said. This was Setelt's summons to him.

Even if there is really a shortage of people on Setelt's side, there is no reason to burn their food and grass first.

Jerome's first reaction was that those Imperials were calling.

After all, the only people in this mountain that could pose a slight threat to them were the Imperials. However, it didn't take long for the news coming back from the front to make his head confused again.

Because those dwarf soldiers said that their opponents were a group of humanoid monsters that they had never seen before, with colorful eyes and glowing eyes.

When he heard the news, Jerome almost thought he hadn't woken up yet and that it was all just a dream.

Otherwise, in just a short period of time, another bolide, another white beam of light, and another luminous monster suddenly appeared.

These are too bizarre.

However, Jerome secretly pinched his thigh, and the pain felt extremely real. Moreover, the shouts of death in his ears were getting closer and closer to him.

Those monsters are coming menacingly.

The dwarves could only fight in a hurry. Many of them had no time to put on armor, and they could only use what weapons they could find.

And most people, like Jerome, are frightened by these sudden visions, so as soon as they take over, they often cannot resist for long before they begin to collapse.

As the commander of this army, Jerome certainly understood how dangerous this situation was. He wanted to reorganize the soldiers who were fighting in different places and restore their combat effectiveness.

But this is not easy to do even during the day, and now it is night, and Jerome can't even find anyone to deliver the order.

He asked Aragorn to call the other officers. However, Aragorn turned around and didn't see many officers. However, he gathered two to three hundred soldiers and came back to Jerome.

"General, the enemy is about to attack. Let's retreat. Prince Oli's side has not been attacked. We can escort you to his side first, and then we can reorganize our forces before fighting those monsters."

Jerome looked around. He couldn't see clearly what was going on in the darkness, but the screams and wails that came one after another were almost all coming from the dwarves.

And Jerome noticed that the light pillars in the sky were still moving. Every time they moved to a place, they would be attacked soon.

At this time, Jerome still didn't know which side these white light pillars were coming from.

But even after seeing this, there was nothing he could do. After all, he could still fight the enemy, but facing these pillars of light he had never seen before, Jerome didn't know what to do to defeat them.

This made the dwarf general very frustrated.

At this time, Aragorn also noticed that Jerome's current mood seemed a little abnormal.

But he didn't have time to persuade him anymore, because although they dragged Jerome out of the suspicious light pillar, they were still very close to it.

He was always in danger, so he winked at his two men and asked them to lift Jerome one after another and lift the dwarf general onto his horse.

Afterwards, Aragorn led people to escort Jerome all the way to retreat to the west side of the camp.

As he said before, it has not been attacked by those monsters yet. It is relatively safe and can give them time to reorganize their army.

Halfway through, Jerome finally came to his senses and said in a hoarse voice, "Gather those savages together. We can't just let our soldiers die. As allies, they also have to fight those monsters.


Aragorn nodded and sent one of his men to inform the leaders of the savage tribes.

The remaining people continued to escort Jerome until they saw Prince Orly.

Jerome actually didn't like the middle-aged man in front of him who always had a hearty smile, because he knew very well why the dwarf king sent Ollie here.

It was simply because of his outstanding achievements over the years that Herre was a little worried about him, so he sent his younger brother to monitor him.

This time the Dwarf Kingdom dispatched 30,000 troops, but Jerome could only command about 18,000 people, and there were 12,000 people who mainly followed Ollie's orders.

Jerome was a little dissatisfied with this arrangement before, but now he actually feels a little lucky.

Due to the enemy's sudden attack at night and the coordination of various strange celestial phenomena, Jerome was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. More importantly, he lost his command. His men and horses now became chaotic.

Jerome and Aragorn had been gathering the remaining soldiers along the way, but they could only gather less than 2,000 people.

On the other hand, although Oli was also shocked, given the time they had bought, at least everyone was here now.

Jerome nodded to Ollie, and even though he had said hello, he immediately went straight to the topic without bothering to exchange pleasantries.

"We have been attacked. It is not yet clear who the attacker is, but judging from the speed of their advance, the number of people should not be particularly large. As long as we take people back to kill them now, we can regain the initiative."

Ollie's face no longer had the usual smile now, and he looked very serious, "General Giant, are you sure this is not a trap?"

"What do you mean?" Jerome was stunned for a moment, then felt a little annoyed, "At this time, are you still going to continue fighting with me?"

"It's not internal fighting," Ollie shook his head. "Mainly, night fighting is not something we are good at. I think we should try our best to hold on until dawn."

This chapter has been completed!
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