Chapter 21 Hitchhiking

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Li Yu agreed to Shi Yitong's transaction request without much hesitation.

It is quite cost-effective to use this [router with poor signal] for one month to exchange it for [Momotaro’s Dango].

He didn't ask Shi Yitong what he planned to use the router for. The two just agreed on a date for borrowing and returning it, and then exchanged mobile phone numbers.

Shi Yitong also pulled him into a small communication group of seven people, all of whom were employees of the business department, and everyone had a responsible position.

If you encounter problems or troubles, you can seek some help from other group members in the group, but this kind of help is paid.

After the last round of lottery drawings, the annual meeting came to an end.

Mr. Qin made some more New Year's prospects, announced that the performance would continue, and returned to the second floor accompanied by the two twin girls.

Except for Bernard, who chose to stay and have a few more cocktails, the other three directors also left the villa one after another.

Li Yu didn't stay too long, even though the company promised to give them another half-day off tomorrow morning to compensate for the time taken up by the annual meeting in the evening.

But after Li Yu joined the third generation, his daily commute to and from get off work became more regular, and he became accustomed to going to bed early at night.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already half past eleven, so I asked the demon to drive his three-series car to the door.

Considering that many of the guests were drinking tonight, the golems at Hongye Villa also thoughtfully provided driving services.

However, Li Yu only drank some juice and yogurt tonight, so he decided to drive back by himself.

Just as he sat on the driver's seat, he saw Shi Yitong hurriedly slithering out, opening the passenger door, and after thinking about it, got into the back seat again.

Then he said to Li Yu, "Excuse me, please give me a ride. Just go out and find a subway station and drop me off."

"Okay." Just as Li Yu finished speaking, he saw Bernard also walking out of the living room, still looking around.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Li Yu, "It's you, the undead man."

"Director Bernard."

"By the way, have you seen Miss Shi?" Bernard then asked again.

"She just left on her motorcycle."

"But didn't she drink tonight?" Bernard looked suspicious, then he stretched his head and looked at the passenger seat, but didn't see anyone.

So he waved to Li Yu and said, "Okay, you can go, it's okay."

Li Yu nodded, shifted to D gear, and drove the car towards the outside of the manor.

It wasn't until he left the gate that Shi Yitong, who was lying in the back row, straightened up again and said to Li Yu, "Thank you, I owe you a favor."

"You're welcome, it's just a simple task, but the subway should be closed now. Wherever you want to go, I'll take you there."

"Oh, then take me to the airport. I'll sleep in the hotel there for one night and take the flight out tomorrow morning."

"Don't you live in city B?"

"Yes." Shi Yitong nodded, "I moved the project department to Sanya. The air there is better and you can see the sea."

"That's pretty good."

"Yes, I also bought a piece of land there and plan to build a resort. When it is completed, I can almost retire."

The car was going down the mountain. Li Yu asked while driving, "Are you not going to do it anymore?"

"Although this industry makes a lot of money, it is still quite dangerous." Shi Yitong looked at the trees passing by outside the window, "At this annual meeting, I found that two familiar faces were missing.

"After all, we are in another dimension of the universe. Facing a strange civilization, it is normal to be in danger. Especially in the early stages of land reclamation, although the company has provided certain protection, many salesmen still have accidents and even send them to death. Lose your life.

"And when you establish the sect and all aspects gradually stabilize, you will definitely not be satisfied with the status quo, and will want to continue to explore new markets.

"Wars, plagues, natural disasters, people will only sincerely hope to convert to some mysterious power when facing fear and despair. It is also the best time to preach, so in the end you will still face danger."

Seeing that Li Yu didn't answer, Shi Yitong asked curiously, "By the way, why did Bernard call you the undead just now?"

"Because my divine sequence can keep me resurrected." Li Yu said frankly.


Shi Yitong couldn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until the car came to the foot of the mountain and drove onto the national highway that she sighed again, "Then you are really born to do this."

"I am indeed quite satisfied with my current job." Li Yu also said.

Shi Yitong then remembered another thing, "By the way, you know, there are strong and weak levels of godhead. Interdimensional travelers can activate multiple godhead sequences, but the rarity of subsequent sequences can never be determined." beyond the first sequence.

"The number of godhead sequences in this world is limited. In other words, the stronger a person's initial godhead is, the more godhead sequences he can theoretically activate.

"If your initial godhead is the strongest, then you may be able to unlock all the godhead sequences. Of course, this is only theoretical. In fact, it becomes more difficult to unlock the godhead sequences later in life."

"The most powerful salesperson in the history of the company only possesses twelve divine sequences.

"Unless the Godhead sequence you activated at the beginning is very late, you don't have to worry about the embarrassing situation that there will be no Godhead sequence to activate."

"That's it," Li Yu said, "Thank you for sharing so much information with me tonight."

Shi Yitong rested his hands on his head and said, "There are only so many employees in the company's business department. Except for guys like Kulu, most of them are relatively friendly. Well, at least they were relatively friendly when they first joined the company.

"It's hard to say what it will be like in the future. In fact, even Kuru wasn't so annoying at the beginning.

“In order to prevent conflicts between salesmen, especially the occurrence of old salesmen snatching equipment from new salesmen and extorting their beliefs, the company does not encourage employees to have too much contact in private.

"So everyone is usually with the employees of their respective project departments, and when they go on business trips to another dimension, they can only go there by themselves. There is no legal restriction there, and the moral rules may not be the same as human civilization. Too same.

"Of course there is also the path you choose. The combination of various factors will affect you to a greater or lesser extent. Many people will never be able to return to ordinary life.

"They behave more and more like gods, and they talk like gods. The most important thing is that they begin to feel that they are superior gods from the bottom of their hearts..."

Shi Yitong yawned, "Sorry, I accidentally drank a few more drinks tonight and talked too much. I actually envy Gu An'an. I hope that one day I can be like her and live as I please."

This chapter has been completed!
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