Chapter 4 Maple Grove and Cornflowers

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 Heroines had a lot of her hair torn off, but her face remained expressionless, "He chose to die on his own. You know this very well."

This sentence completely defeated the lady opposite and made her burst into tears.

Heroine handed over a handkerchief, but it was slapped away. The lady pointed at her and screamed.

"Even if you didn't kill him, he died because of you. You, a traitor, colluded with those Wing Tribe people early on. The fall of Lionheart Castle was also because of you!"

Hailuo Yinsi shook her head, "Even if you don't believe me, you shouldn't disbelieve your husband. Since he has been doubting me all the time, how could he let me get in touch with the Wing Clan people outside again."

"Then why can you take us out of the city?!"

"Didn't you already guess the reason before?"

The lady was shocked, " really murdered your own husband. How could there be such a...such a vicious woman like you in this world?!"

She racked her brains, trying to find a more offensive word, but her background and training allowed her to finally utter only the word "vicious".

Heroine didn't argue, her cheeks were sickly pale, as if there was no blood at all.

The lady then thought of something, her face suddenly changed, she hugged her daughter, and said in horror, "You...where do you want to take us? Are we going to the Elf Kingdom?"

Heroines shook her head again. She seemed a little tired, but she still spoke.

"The Elf Kingdom has declared war on the Red Lion Empire, you'd better not go south anymore.

"Well, it won't work in the east either. Sooner or later, the New Land will belong to those Yi tribesmen. You'd better go to the west and pass through the Elk Valley. Don't stop at the Golden Valley. Keep going west and go to the Western Territory. Those Wing tribesmen should be here soon.

I won't be calling there for a while.

"Their coach is a very cold but also very rational guy. Such a person will definitely put the overall situation first. You can go to the Western Region to find Yin Leya. I have met her and she is a pretty good person.

"And she has killed a dragon and defeated more than one Wing Clan member. She may have a way to stop...those Wing Clan people."

Heroin's voice became softer and quieter as she spoke, and then became intermittent.

"What about you..." the lady asked, "won't you come with us?"

"No, you won't trust me if I go with you. I will get off the car in the woods ahead."

The Elf Queen asked her maid to hand over all the gold, silver and jewelry she brought to the noble lady.

"Why did you take the risk to take us out of the city?" asked the lady.

Heroine leaned on the carriage and closed her eyes for a while, regaining some of her energy.

When I opened my eyes again, my whole person looked radiant.

She said word by word, "I am Hailuoyinsi, born into the royal family of elves and the princess of the forest. From the moment I was born, I have been shouldering the eternal responsibilities of the royal family.

"——To protect my people, I will not allow anyone to destroy the tranquility of that forest, even if that person is my husband, I cannot control his ambition... I have to kill him.

"But I am also the queen of the empire. I underestimated my father's hatred for the empire. His hatred will not only destroy the Red Lion Empire, but also my people.

"I can no longer return to my hometown, and there is no place for me in this land."

After Heroines finished speaking, the carriage stopped just in time.

The little girl hid in her mother's arms, panicking like a deer. She looked at the elf queen in front of her, "Queen Heroin, you...why are your lips bleeding?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Heroin wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and forced a smile.

"Just stop here. Take care of yourself for the rest of the journey. This is the only thing I can do for you."

After saying that, she opened the car door and staggered out of the carriage.

Before Heroine went out this morning, she applied a poison called the last kiss on her lips. She wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the leader of the Wing Clan army.

However, Solomon was more alert and cautious than she imagined, and had no intention of possessing her.

This is a tough guy to deal with.

As for the young man named Sharjah who came later, Heroines saw that he was not very convinced by Solomon, and coupled with his prominent background, she decided to keep his life.

Maybe it will become the trigger for civil strife among the Wing tribesmen in the future.

As for other things, Heroines can't do it either.

She dragged her weak body into the maple forest in front of her.

When Edward II snatched her back, considering her status as an elf princess, the wedding was held in this forest.

At that time, Edward II was not as pot-bellied as he is now, and he was not as addicted to alcohol as he was later, and he was not obsessed with discussing the meaning of life with the priest Cornelia.

The two also spent a relatively sweet time after their marriage.

Edward II even swore to her that he would never invade the Elf Kingdom.

But time... changes a lot of things.

Every word that lovers say when they vow to each other is sincere, but unfortunately, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

Heroines wanted to find the big tree in the forest where the two of them had made an oath. However, it was already winter, and all the leaves had fallen off. Every tree looked almost the same.

Heroines searched for a while, but felt she had no strength left, so she sat down against a maple tree.

She looked up to the south, as if she were seeing the hillside covered with chrysanthemums that she passed when she was young.

The Elf Queen closed her eyes contentedly.


In the early morning of the next day, two giant dragons, one white and one green, appeared in the sky above Baihe City.

Their huge bodies seemed to block out the faint morning light. The defenders in the city had never seen such a sight, and they were all so frightened that they stood still.

Before they could react, the two giant dragons had already swooped down! They opened their huge mouths full of sharp teeth and spit out blazing flames!

In an instant, the entire city wall was set on fire, and the archers on it screamed, and soon they were all on fire.

The two giant dragons followed the same pattern and used their dragon breath to sweep away several other city walls, eliminating the defenders on the walls. Then they plunged into the city, and before the soldiers below could fully assemble, they began to rampage through the military formation.

At the same time, more small black dots appeared in the sky.

Sharja took the lead and shot all the dozen or so arrows in his quiver in just a few breaths. He then pulled out the short knife from his waist and rushed towards the noble-looking man below.

Upon seeing this, the latter also drew his sword and fought with Sharjah. His swordsmanship was not fancy, but very practical. It was obvious that he was also a master.

While entangled with Sharjah, he was still instructing his men to regroup and prepare their formation to face the enemy, which made Sharjah feel a sense of being slighted.

So he roared angrily, accelerated his attack, flapped his wings, and began to change positions in the air more frequently.

As expected, it became more and more difficult for his opponent to deal with it. Sharjah saw the flaw in the nobleman's moves and took another half step forward without hesitation.

It seemed that he was facing the long sword with his chest, but in fact, the short sword in his hand had already cut the noble's throat first.

Faced with the splash of blood, Sharjah did not hide away. Instead, he just stood there and opened his arms to bathe.

The momentum he displayed also made the enemies around him fearful.

However, after killing a few more people, Sharja felt a little bored because he never met an opponent that could excite him.

So Sharjah couldn't help but think of a certain female lord far away in the West.

Defeated Moen's Yin Leiya?

Sharjah dodged an arrow shot from a dark place and stabbed the dagger into the assailant's stomach with his backhand, twisting it around twice before pulling it out.

I hope I can have some fun with her.

This chapter has been completed!
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