Chapter 27: Ascension in the Day

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 After a moment of silence, the crowd burst into even louder cheers.

At the same time, countless voices gathered together and turned into two words that were repeated repeatedly.

——Judgement! Judgment! Judgment!


The voice became louder and louder, as if it was about to break through the sky, and Ge Wen's face changed greatly when he heard it.

Quintus on the other hand remained silent.

"Our first prisoner, the interrogator of Scaled City, according to our investigation, he has interrogated a total of 219 suspects of the Blood Moon Society in the past six months.

"More than half of them died during the interrogation process, and less than twenty of the remaining people are alive to this day."

A fat man who was almost twice the size of an ordinary person was escorted in front of Herodotus.

Before Herodotus could speak again, he fell to his knees with a plop and cried bitterly, "Shapiro forced me to do it. Shapiro forced me to do it. I am also a believer of the Silver Moon Goddess.

How could you have the heart to attack other believers!

"Please, spare my life. I already know that I was wrong and I am willing to work for you."

"It's not me you should beg for." Herodotus shook his head and said warmly, "I am not your judge."

After speaking, he moved his gaze to the crowd at his feet, looked around and then said, "As I promised before, I will return the right to judge him to you.

"It's up to you to decide his fate. If you think he is innocent, then I will let him go now. If you think he is guilty of a heinous crime, you can ask me to execute him.

"So please use the power in your hands with caution."

Before Herodotus finished speaking, someone shouted, "Execute him, execute him, avenge those who died!"

"Yes, kill him! Kill him!

!My brother died in his hands!


More and more people called for his execution. The fat interrogator's face turned pale and his whole body was trembling.

He seemed to know that he was doomed today, but he didn't want to sit still and wait for death, so he stood up from the ground, turned around and fled down the stone steps.

However, Yin Erkander on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands. He had already pulled out the sword from his waist and chopped off the fat inquisitor's head with one clean stroke.

The head flew far away and landed right at Herodotus' feet.

But Herodotus didn't even look at it, he just smiled slightly and said, "The next prisoner, oh no, I should say the next group of prisoners, the remnants of the Layinmondi family.

"After you killed Shapiro, they also wanted to contact the garrison to arrest and execute all those involved in the riot, so what do you think we should do with them?"

The crowd's voice was much quieter this time. After all, the Layinmondi family has ruled Dolin City for a long time. Even though the head of the family, Shapiro, has died, the remaining power is still there.

Moreover, among the more than 40 prisoners brought up this time, there were also women and children.

So this time the crowd started arguing.

Herodotus was not in a hurry, so he waited silently on the stone steps. After about a quarter of an hour, the people below the stone steps reluctantly came to a consensus.

Kill all the men of the Layinmondi family and send the women to the court.

But soon someone objected, "We can't leave anyone alive, otherwise what if that guy comes to us for revenge in the future."

"Yes, they should all be killed!" someone echoed, "When Shapiro arrested and tortured us, these people didn't stop him, so they must all be guilty."

"So what is your final decision?" Herodotus asked.

"Kill them all, kill them all!


"Yes, we can't leave any trouble behind." The crowd's voice became louder, calling for the death of all the more than forty people.

"This is not justice at all, it's just a carnival of thugs." Ge Wen's face was ashen.

This time Quintus did not refute, and the expression on his face became a little confused, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

Just as Ge Wen was talking, more than forty heads over there also fell to the ground.

Blood even splattered on Herodotus's robe, making his robe look even brighter.

"The next prisoner is a big shot," Herodotus said. "He is the acting city lord of Rock Snow City, Lord 'Severe Winter' Gwen from the Figuerola family."

Herodotus seemed to be introducing a product, and after he finished speaking, someone pushed Gwen up the stone steps.

Ge Wen did not resist, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and grabbed the sword of the soldier behind him.

He pulled it out with force, and then roared angrily, "You thugs and rebels have no right to judge me!"

After saying this, he charged at Herodotus.

However, the injured leg slowed down his movement, and the inflammation caused by the infection also made him break out in cold sweats and made his feet weak.

Ge Wen ran two steps and saw a group of guards surrounding Herodotus, knowing that he would not be able to kill the high priest of the Blood Moon Society.

So before the surrounding soldiers rushed forward, he jumped down the stone steps and jumped into the crowd.

Ge Wen waved the long sword in his hand and killed three people in a row. The other civilians around him were frightened and fled in all directions. He stared at the guy who had been called the happiest during the trial just now, and was about to catch up, but the next moment his footsteps suddenly stopped.


A sharp arrow hit him in the back!

But Ge Wen stared with blood-red eyes, as if he couldn't feel the pain at all, and swung his sword again, killing another person, and then the second arrow came, this time hitting his lower back.

Then came the third arrow... In the end, Ge Wen was hit by six arrows in total before he fell down unwillingly.

Herodotus frowned. Of course he could see that Gwen was simply begging for death and did not want to accept the so-called trial like the previous people.

However, in the situation just now, it was obviously not possible to let Ge Wen continue to slaughter the believers under the stone steps without letting go of arrows.

Herodotus shook his head, and finally had no choice but to accept this result.

This was different from what he planned, but it wasn't a big mistake, and Gavin died in the end.

Herodotus moved his gaze to Quintus again, and the latter seemed to be touched by Gwen's death. At this moment, he also raised his head and glared at Herodotus.

But the expression in his eyes quickly changed from anger to surprise.

Herodotus actually admired Quintus, because the latter was different from the corrupt and degenerate high priests in the Silver Moon Church. He was a man of real ability, and he was also very devout in his belief in Pithiya.

Herodotus hopes to subdue Quintus and make him available to the Blood Moon Society.

Just as he was thinking about Herodotus, he suddenly felt his feet light up, and his whole body floated towards the sky.

The high priest of the Blood Moon Society was stunned for about two seconds before he realized that he had been kidnapped.

Just when everyone was attracted by Gwen fighting bloody battles under the stone steps, a black shadow rushed towards him from the temple behind Herodotus.

When the guards around Herodotus realized what had happened, they saw that their high priest had been grabbed by the figure and flew away into the sky.

"Asshole! Put down Lord Herodotus!"

"Don't leave!


The guards had drawn their long bows and aimed at the figure in the sky. However, they did not dare to release their arrows because they were worried that they would accidentally injure Herodotus.

So I could only watch the winged figure flying higher and higher.

Just when everyone was at a loss as to where the figure planned to take Herodotus, who would have thought that the guy in the air would actually do as he pleased and really let go of Herodotus' arm.

This chapter has been completed!
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