Chapter 48 Visitors from Scaled City

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 More than half a month has passed since Herodotus was assassinated, but the city of Dolin has not calmed down, but has become increasingly chaotic.

Because the Layinmondi family that has ruled here for a long time has been wiped out by the Blood Moon Society.

As a result, the city lost its legal owner, and many forces began to take action.

This includes some noble families in the city, the remnants of the Blood Moon Society, and the defeated army left behind by Gwen.

The latter was defeated and incorporated by Herodotus not long ago, and was originally at the bottom of power.

However, the death of Herodotus made them suddenly become popular. No matter how ugly they fought in the previous battle, after all, there were still nearly 4,000 people.

One thousand of them followed Yin Erkand and left. The remaining three thousand are still the largest armed force in the city of Dolin, and have now become the targets of other forces competing to win over.

In order to survive, these warriors had to betray the Figuerola family and join the Blood Moon Society. Now they can no longer return to their hometown.

They could only continue to stay in the Lined City, taking every day they could be happy. Coupled with the fact that they had no one to restrain them, their military discipline was very bad.

They are responsible for at least half of the current chaos in Scaled City.

During this time, many residents have fled one after another, but some people have gone the other way and chosen to enter the city at this time.

The man wore a cloak, rode an old horse that had shed its hair, and had a long sword on his waist. He was dressed in a typical mercenary style.

The guards guarding the city stopped him, and one of them shouted to him, "Hey, that sneaky guy over there, get off your horse and get checked. We suspect you are a spy of the Figuerola family."

Upon hearing this, the uninvited guest took off his hood, revealing a pair of golden hair underneath.

"I'm not a spy, just an ordinary mercenary. I was entrusted by my employer to go to the city to find his brother."

"Haha, that's a good excuse. If I were a spy of the Figuerola family, I would say the same thing." Another guard sneered.

The mercenary was a little helpless, "How can you believe my words?"

"Give us a gold coin and we will believe you."


The mercenaries finally understood that these guards only wanted to make money, and they didn't care at all whether there were really spies from the Figuerola family sneaking into the city.

The entrance fee of one gold coin was simply ridiculously high, but compared to what he had to do, it was nothing.

Moreover, before setting off, Prophet Merlin gave him a hundred golden lions as activity expenses, so he is not short of money now.

But he still had the patience to bargain with the guards, because the mercenaries were very aware of the greed of these guards. If they agreed too quickly, these guys would probably regret it immediately, increase the price, and make another big deal.

It is not impossible to even directly kill people and steal goods.

In the end, the mercenary spent four silver coins and successfully got rid of his identity as a spy and entered the Scaled City.

Looking at the familiar streets and buildings around him, the mercenary breathed a sigh of relief. It had been more than a year since he left here, and he thought he would never come back.

But now was not the time to dwell on the past, he had business to do, and those memories weren't very pleasant.

The mercenary arrived outside a boot shop based on his memory.

It was just after noon, but the shop was already closed.

The mercenary knocked on the door, but no one answered.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Along the way, there were not many open shops, and most of them were closed.

And even then, someone would smash it open and loot everything inside.

So the mercenary had no choice but to turn to another street. He walked straight to the hotel on the corner, but the door there was also closed.

The mercenary's frown deepened.

At this moment, a voice came from behind him, "Big man, are you looking for a place to stay?"

The mercenary turned around and saw a girl.

He looks about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a dry figure, but a pair of very smart eyes.

"Don't look, the hotels in the city are basically closed, but I can help you find a place to spend the night. It's safe enough and has food. Of course, you have to pay a price. It only costs three silver coins..."

Before the girl could finish speaking, she saw the big mercenary retracting his gaze and turning his head to continue studying the long-closed hotel in front of him.

"I'm not blackmailing you. As you can see, all the shops in the city are closed now and food is hard to come by. The price is very reasonable."

"Where are your parents?" The mercenary did not answer, but asked, "They just let you run around on the street. Aren't they afraid that you will be captured by bad guys?"

"My parents are gone." The girl said with a dark look, "My brother and I are left to depend on each other. I have to find a way to support our family. I have grown up in this area since I was a child. I am very familiar with this street. When I see

Bad guy, I will run away early."

"Are you familiar with this area?" the mercenary asked, "Then do you know where the owner of this hotel is?"

"He's dead too," the girl said, "and he's been dead for a long time. He was among the spies of the Blood Moon Society arrested by the Layin Mengdi family. That night, the guards rushed into his shop and took him away.

, we haven’t seen him since.”

The mercenary had a headache. He didn't expect that this secret stronghold would be destroyed so early.

Then there was only one place left that he had not yet searched, but the mercenary felt that there was not much hope there.

The girl seemed to see something at this time, and asked tentatively, "Are you not looking for a place to live, but someone, who are you to Uncle Doroselle?"

"Just ordinary friends." The mercenary said. He took out four silver coins from his wallet and threw them to the girl. "But I really need a place to stay. Take me there first."

"Okay." The girl took the money, very happy, and immediately led the way.

The mercenary followed her to an empty store, which seemed to have been looted before, and everything that could be moved had been emptied.

There was only a pile of worthless garbage left. The girl walked to the piece of garbage and said to the mercenary, "Come and help."

After hearing this, the latter walked over and helped her move the broken wooden boards above, revealing an entrance.

"I don't want to sleep underground." The mercenary frowned.

"It's not underground, it's just a passage that leads to the courtyard at the back. We sealed the courtyard door and used this road to enter and exit so that no one can find us."

"Then you are quite smart." The mercenary said.

"There is nothing we can do. The city is too chaotic now. If we don't do this, we won't be able to survive now."

"But now that I know your secret, aren't you afraid that I will kill everyone inside when I go in?" the mercenary said calmly.

"You can't. I'm very good at judging people." The girl's eyes were bright. "Big man, you look like a good person right away."

This chapter has been completed!
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