Chapter 95 It turns out to be you

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 According to the latest news obtained by Yin Leya, the city gate in Lake City has not been opened for four consecutive days.

Although the residents in the city were allowed to leave their homes on the evening of the next day, they were still unable to leave the city, and the Wing tribesmen had completely taken over the town from the garrison.

However, there are not many Yi clan members active in the city, and high-ranking military officials, including Solomon, have never shown up.

Pers, the city lord, asked to see Solomon but was rejected several times, so he could only continue to live in the inn.

More and more people began to realize the abnormality behind this, especially on the third day after the Wing tribesmen returned to the city, dozens of crows mysteriously fell from the sky.

They died very strangely, with no scars on their bodies without exception.

Pers also heard about this and sat in the room for a while. Then he got up and dragged out the largest box under the bed and started rummaging through it.

After a while, he finally found what he was looking for.

Those were letters between him and Yin Leya some time ago. He originally planned to burn them all before surrendering, but when he was about to take action, his old habit of indecisiveness relapsed, and he unexpectedly left these fatal things behind.

Come down.

Perls read the female lord's letter from beginning to end, paying special attention to the parts related to divine punishment.

Yin Leiya was certain in her letter that Solomon and his army would taste the bitter fruit of failure in the Western Territory, and they would face the most cruel and merciless divine punishment on Saturday, which would even affect other creatures with wings on their backs.

Seeing this, a look of shock appeared on Perls' face.

Because the current development of the situation is exactly the same as what the female lord predicted in the letter.

Although Solomon's side has been strictly blocking the news, some people have seen those Wing tribesmen secretly carrying something outside the city in the middle of the night.

Rumor has it that what the Wing tribesmen transported out were the corpses of their Pao Ze.

However, it was clear that the city in the lake was peaceful and no fighting was taking place, so why did the Yi clan members keep dying? Perls did not dare to think about it anymore.

When he was corresponding with the female lord, he also hoped that some god would take action to stop the atrocities of the Wing Tribe people, save the Western Region, and save the Red Lion Empire.

However, when his expectations came true, Perls was not happy at all, because he and the Malir family behind him had surrendered to Solomon and the Wing tribesmen, and had handed over almost all their wealth.

If those Yi tribesmen are really defeated in the Western Territory, then his act of dedicating the city will definitely be despised by other nobles in the Western Territory, the reputation of the Marier family will plummet, and there is a high possibility that he will be liquidated by Yin Leiya.

Perhaps the only thing that can comfort Perls is that except for Solomon and his 10,000-wing army, the main force of the attack on the Western Territory, the coalition forces led by the dwarves and the imperial nobles did not return to Lake City together, and were still singing

Forge ahead.

They alone may be enough to defeat the rebels gathered in Green Field.


The alliance of dwarves and the empire, which Perls had high hopes for, is indeed making good progress. They have arrived and taken over Rock Snow City, the political and cultural center of the Western Territory.

"The Writer" Clovis led the remaining fifty members of his family out of the city to welcome Solomon's arrival.

Clovis also asked his servants to collect a lot of flowers in advance and covered the avenue outside Yanxue City.

However, they did not get to see the famous Wing Clan commander. It was Tristan, the head of the Penlos family, who took over from Clovis the sword left by Philip Snowclaw.

After surrendering, in order to show his sincerity, he also came to participate in the "war to recover" the Western Territory.

But Tristan didn't like the weather in the West, the smelly swamps, and the strong winds that almost blew people away.

He just wanted to end it all quickly, defeat the female lord named Yin Leya and the resistance army led by her, and then return to Elk Valley to have a good drink.

However, he still showed considerable patience towards Clovis, and even turned over and dismounted when he took the sword.

"Lord Clovis, it's been a long time. The last time I saw you was at Cullen's wedding."

Tristan asked someone to put away his sword and take off his gloves, with some emotion in his tone.

Clovis couldn't remember clearly, "Who are you?"

"Tristan of the Penros family, it seems that our two families will be loyal to the same monarch again."

"So it's you." Clovis nodded, and then asked, "Where is Lord Solomon?"

"Lord Solomon has something urgent to do and has returned to the lake. Before leaving, he asked me and Balin to temporarily command this army until Lord Solomon comes back."

As Tristan spoke, he pointed to a white-bearded dwarf beside him.

Perhaps because he thought of his dead grandson, Clovis did not salute the dwarf general, which made the latter unhappy and kept mumbling.

In the end, it was Tristan who smoothed things over, saying, "Okay, everyone is working for Lord Solomon, and we just took this opportunity to wipe out any festivities we had before."

Balin spat on the ground, "Don't compare me to you. You are just hounds tamed by Solomon. We dwarves are the true allies of the Wing Tribe."

Tristan was a little uncomfortable with what he said, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Clovis.

"Let's go into the city. Our time is tight. Lord Solomon requires us to reach the green field within seven days."

"Then when will Lord Solomon come back?"

"I don't know." Tristan shook his head.

Balin shouted again, "Cowardly imperial people, our military strength now far exceeds that of the female lord named Yin Leiya. We don't even need to bother Lord Solomon and his men to take action again, we can defeat this time."


"Don't be so optimistic, they still have a dragon." Tristan reminded.

"We dwarves are not afraid of dragons." Balin patted his chest and said.

"You are afraid of Yin Leiya. She once defeated your army of 30,000 with only 5,000 men." Clovis said calmly.

His words made the dwarf general blow his beard and glare in anger, but he couldn't refute.

Tristan disagreed. In his opinion, although the female lord named Yin Leya won the championship in the martial arts tournament, it only showed that she was very brave personally.

This does not prove her commanding ability. The battle in the Dragon Crest Mountains was beautiful, but I heard that it was because the dwarves were frightened by the magic performed by Merlin and the savages rebelled that she was allowed to win.

A big victory.

But after all, Yin Leya's age is there, and her command experience is definitely not that rich. With a superior force, as long as she plays steadily and doesn't make mistakes, there should be no problem in defeating her and her coalition forces.

The only troublesome thing is the white dragon.

This chapter has been completed!
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