Chapter 779 What the hell is today?

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 Tristan knew that people's hearts were broken.

Different from the resistance army opposite, Ilea and others are fighting for their hometown. In order to protect their territory and relatives, they all have the same belief, so they all fight more and more bravely, as if they are tireless.


On the other hand, although they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, they come from different places, and there is no reason why they must take the Western Region.

It's okay when things are going smoothly, because everyone will do their best when making money, but once trouble comes, problems will easily be exposed and even fall apart.

While Tristan was still sighing, he saw that the dwarves on the other side had already seen that the situation was not going well and ran away first.

Their coach, Bahrain, was gone as soon as he came up. And because he rushed forward, he received the most severe beatings. Two to three thousand people were already dead.

Seeing that the most capable wing tribesmen had all run away, the dwarves certainly did not want to stay and wait to die, and they were still shouting as they ran.

"General Bahrain was killed by the sacred weapon of Shuangxiujiao. Saturday is too powerful. Everyone, run away! The only way to die is to stay."

Tristan didn't know whether these little dwarfs were really beaten stupid and started talking nonsense, or whether they were just trying to find some excuse for his disgraceful escape.

Anyway, no matter which way it is, it’s just stupid. Not only is it stupid, it’s also fatal.

If Balin hadn't sacrificed himself early, Tristan would have even suspected that these dwarves had collaborated with the enemy, but Tristan couldn't control them and just let these fools jump up and down, spreading panic everywhere.

Seeing that the morale was dropping again and again, and the army was on the verge of defeat, the other lords also became somewhat calm and spoke one after another.

"Sir, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

"Yes, Shuangxiu Sect's sacred weapons are emerging one after another, and there are dragons to help. The outcome has been decided, and there is no point in carrying on."

"Sir Solomon will not blame you. You have done your best. The Wing Tribe people fled first. Why don't we also withdraw to Yanxue City and send people to ask for help from Lord Solomon.

"Lord Solomon only sent less than 300 people this time. If he is willing to send more people, the white dragon will definitely not be their opponent."

Everyone was trying to persuade Tristan to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible, for fear that the latter would not be able to think about it and would pull everyone together to support him.

That is to say, they still don’t know the real situation in Lake City, otherwise no one would care about Tristan and they would have dispersed long ago.

Tristan also knew that the defeat was now certain, and the fact that he wanted to persist before was not because of how loyal he was to the Wing Tribe people.

The main reason was that he was the commander-in-chief of this army. He led nearly 80,000 people to fight against more than 20,000 people on the opposite side. However, he failed to win. This man was really humiliated. If word spread, even the Penlos family would be humiliated.

Tristan was reluctant, but now he has gradually come to his senses and knows that Arundel's suggestion is right.

Although the loss this time was a bit heavy, as long as he could return alive, he would still be the master of the Elk Valley. And this time the Wing Tribe people left them and ran away. If Solomon knew about it, there would be nothing he could blame him for.

What Tristan is worried about now is whether the surviving Wing Tribe people will blame him for the defeat when they return because they are afraid of being punished.

Thinking of this, he looked around again and said, "Where is Ywang? Where is Ywang?"

Tristan wanted to send Ivan to the lake to tell Solomon exactly what happened here, but he could not find the former intelligence chief.

The Wing Tribe fished him out of the dungeon and asked him to continue to be an interpreter to help them communicate with Tristan.

But this time, because they had to deal with Bai Long and Li Yu, the Yi tribe didn't want to carry a burden with them before setting off, so they dumped Iwang to Tristan.

However, at this moment Tristan discovered that Yvan was missing.

All the nobles and lords looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, one of them said, "It seems that I didn't see him again not long after the war started."


Tristan didn't know what to say anymore.

What the hell is this day like? Why are everyone running away so aggressively?

As the first person to notice the danger, Ivan was indeed the one who escaped the fastest, but he was the only one, so he was not so conspicuous when he ran away.

Coupled with his status as a translator, even if the people supervising the team saw him, they would not stop him, and he actually ran away.

However, because he was escaping halfway, and the scapegoat for Lanita's capture before, Yiwang did not dare to return to Yanxue City.

It is even more impossible to surrender yourself to the green fields. The former intelligence chief took a look around and found a forest in the distance. He decided which direction to go in. If there were pursuers behind him, he would have a better chance of surviving in the woods.


However, Yiwang walked for a while and was about to reach the woods. Unexpectedly, the white dragon and the Wing tribe people behind it flew towards this direction by coincidence, which shocked the former intelligence chief.

He hurriedly found a small hole and hid under it. Yiwang saw the white dragon flying over his head, and then he could faintly hear the sound of some fighting. Soon after, he saw the white dragon flying past again, and there seemed to be a group of Wing tribesmen in front of him.


Yiwang didn't know what happened and didn't dare to come out. He could only continue to lie in the pit. He didn't know how long it had been. Anyway, Bailong and the Yi clan members had been gone for a while.

The former intelligence chief felt that he should be safe, so he sat up from the pit, but before he had time to rejoice, he saw a group of people outside the pit, each holding a long iron pipe in their hands, pointing at him.

"Who are you?" The leader, a man with thick black hair and the appearance of an army officer, raised his eyebrows.

"I, I am nobody... just a traveler passing by. I didn't expect that there was actually a war here, which shocked me. I just wanted to hide in the forest." Yiwang squeezed out as much as he could.


"A traveler?" The black-haired officer's face showed a half-smile, "I heard your accent sounds like you're from the royal capital, so you've traveled quite far."

The former intelligence chief was a little embarrassed and wanted to make some excuses.

But the black-haired officer waved his hand and gave the order, "Tie up this suspicious guy first. If we want to get more military glory, we have to speed up our pace. As soon as those Wing Clan members fled, I think the remaining people also insisted.

It won’t be long.”

Tom's words came true. As Tristan and others made up their minds to break out, the coalition forces completely collapsed soon after, and they began to drop their weapons and flee in all directions.

Miss Rabbit temporarily handed over the Sun King to Thomas, then rode on the white dragon, sat with Li Yu, and chased the defeated soldiers all the way.

The female lord was very excited. Counting the dragon-slaying battle, this was already the third war she had commanded. She had won all three battles, and the weak defeated the strong in the last two times. The opponents she faced became stronger each time.


However, with the help of Li Yu, she still achieved the final victory, and even the girl who was not very sensitive to politics was vaguely aware of the importance of this battle to the continent of Bratis.

But this is all things later. Miss Rabbit is now just immersed in the joy of winning the battle, continuing to chase the remaining soldiers, focusing on capturing prisoners and expanding the results of the battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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