Chapter 798 Lord Clovis is so fierce

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 "That's perfect." Miss Rabbit happened to be worried about this matter as well.

Like someone who is on vacation, the Arias family is also facing a shortage of staff.

This is also a sequelae of rising too fast. In terms of talent reserve, it is not as good as those of the old giants. In terms of military, it is not bad. The female lord has almost been expanding the army in recent years.

They also got the famous commander Du Lun, the former captain of the Imperial Guard, and there were many people in the resistance who were good at leading troops.

But the talents in internal affairs could not be taken care of for the time being. After taking Yanxue City, the female lord was going to write a letter to her aunt Alisa, asking her to come over and temporarily manage the city.

Because Miss Rabbit cannot stay here forever, she will have to lead troops to go on an expedition later, and Yanxue City has special political significance to the Western Region. It is okay if it is not captured. Now that it has been obtained, it must not be lost again.

But this is a large town with hundreds of thousands of people living in it, and Alisa is not a local, so it may not be easy for her to manage this place on her own.

Since Romero and others are willing to help, Miss Rabbit certainly has no reason to refuse.

However, the nobles looked at each other again.

The female lord noticed their little movements and asked, "Why, do you have anything else to do?"

It was the financial officer who was the first to speak, "We are happy to serve you, but we also hope that you can agree to our small request."

"What request?"

"We hope that you will not harm the members of the Figuerola family, including Lord Clovis."

Before the female lord could speak, Romero continued, "I know that with Lord Clovis's reputation in the city, you may not feel comfortable keeping him alive, especially after you leave here.

"And we can swear in the name of our ancestors that we will prevent this from happening for you..."

Ilea interrupted Romero, "I had no intention of killing Clovis. I would have him and the Figuerola family sent out of the West."

"Really?" the financial officer said in surprise.

But at this moment, the nobles saw a man hurried in from outside, and said something in Iwang's ear, and the latter's brows frowned.

"What happened?" the female lord asked.

The former intelligence chief sighed, "Lord Clovis refused to surrender to you and set himself on fire in the library."

"Ah, what?" Romero was stunned, "When did Mr. Clovis become so strong?"

Ilea also frowned and said, "How come a good person suddenly disappears?"

"Sir Couch, who went to capture him, said that Lord Clovis prepared a jar of turpentine and smeared it on the books. He originally planned to lure you there under the pretense of surrender, but then he suddenly pushed down the bookshelf, lit a fire, and talked to you.

perish together.

"He has been planning this plan for a long time. In order not to be noticed, he stayed in the library several days in advance."

"Is that so? No wonder he never showed up or commanded the battle. I thought he was scared away. It seems that I misunderstood him." said the female lord Su Rong.

She also didn't expect that Clovis, a seemingly gentle person, could still be so cruel in his heart, and would rather die than surrender.

Perhaps it was because Clovis, as the last person in charge of the Figuerola family, could not watch the family being ruined at his hands.

As for the anger, the girl didn't have much in her heart. She could understand Clovis' unwillingness and despair, and even if it wasn't Cookie but her who went to catch Clovis before, she wouldn't worry about being traded for her life.

Ilea still has a gun in her hand. As long as Clovis dares to show any intention of pushing the bookshelf, Miss Rabbit will kill him first.

The nobles in the room looked at each other in shock. They did not expect Clovis to be so brave. After a while, Romero asked again, "How did Lord Clovis burn himself on fire?"

"Oh, he found out that the person who came to arrest him was not Lady Ilea, and knowing that his plan could not be realized, he thought about giving someone a support before he died, so he pushed the bookshelf towards Sir Kuchi.

"But Cookie dodged it, and the bookshelf pinned Clovis underneath. Cookie wanted to save Clovis, but Clovis took out a flint and lit the fire. After that, he was completely

and was engulfed in flames.”

Yiwang lamented, "By the time the people outside rushed in and put out the fire, he was already badly burned."


Romero didn't know what to say for a moment. There were a lot of doubts about this matter, especially for those of them who had dealt with Clovis a lot. In their eyes, Clovis would never succeed.

A moment of courage.

But no one can say for sure what choice a person will make in a desperate situation. Maybe the children and lords are right. Clovis was so anxious that he finally chose an extremely heroic way to bid farewell to this world.

I want to tell the world that scholars also have courage.

But no matter how Clovis died, this matter is obviously not suitable for further investigation.

Romero and others came to the female lord to intercede for the Clovis and Figuerola families. This was their last duty as vassals, but if Ilea disagreed, they would not fall out with the female lord.


After all, Yanxue City has fallen into Ilea's hands. This is an established fact, and they have to think about their own lives and that of their families.

If they were really as fierce as Clovis, they wouldn't have bowed to those Wing Tribe people in the first place.

If Clovis dies, he will die, at least his reputation will be good if he dies like this.

The female lord didn't think much of it. She was not familiar with Clovis. The latter had been staying in the library until Gwen's defeat before he was invited out to take charge of the overall situation. Miss Rabbit had not met him either.

I just think Clovis has quite a bit of integrity.

And as Iwang revealed the second piece of news, Ilea's attention was also diverted.

"Our people also found your great-grandmother Ona. She was imprisoned in the dungeon of the garrison. There were also several monks on weekends and hundreds of Saturday believers. Fortunately, most of them were fine."

Miss Rabbit jumped up immediately after hearing this, "Quick, take me to find her!"

After saying that, she didn't care about Romero and the others, and rushed out of the house. The girl whistled to call the Sun King, rode on his back, and ran towards the garrison's station.

Ilea was most worried about her great-grandmother. She had wanted Ona to leave Rock Snow City after receiving the warning, but the latter refused.

As a result, when Lanita arrived in the Western Region, Ona was also captured by Clovis as expected. Fortunately, Clovis was not so crazy that he killed everyone he caught, which would chill other vassals.

This chapter has been completed!
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