Chapter 826 Imperial Valkyrie

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 After two days of rest, the morale of the rebels is high. Everyone is gearing up and can't wait to launch an attack.

On the other hand, the defenders in the city became increasingly restless and various rumors became more and more intense.

Ebrusus has not been idle, he has been busy arresting people, and he has arrested hundreds of people in just three days.

As batches of heads fell to the ground, those who had other ideas were finally frightened.

In addition, Ebrusus also took advantage of the weekend break for everyone in the Western Region to conduct a tentative sneak attack.

Unfortunately, they did not achieve much results. The tunnel they used for the sneak attack was dug by the Singleton family. Wilder informed Ilea of ​​the existence of the tunnel early in the morning.

Miss Rabbit had someone store a batch of firewood and rosin nearby. As soon as the attackers showed up, they were immediately beaten back by the nearby security forces. Then a fire was ignited.

Throw it into the tunnel.

A blower was also used to continuously send air in to blow the smoke towards the enemy troops in the tunnel.

In the end, Ebrusus failed in his sneak attack and lost nearly 300 men.

In short, Ebrusus has done everything he can, but he is not sure whether he can hold the Cornucopia.

After all, the army outside the city now has a great reputation. It had just defeated Solomon, causing the Wing Tribe people to flee back to Lionheart Castle in a hurry, and they also had a dragon in their hands.

However, Ebrusus's family members were all in Lionheart Castle, and he had no wings, so he would definitely not be able to run as fast as those Wing Tribe people. He didn't want to lose his wife and children, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stick to the Cornucopia.

But not everyone is as willing to play the role of abandoned son and buy time for the Wing Tribe people like Ebrusus.

For example, Tennyson has been very quiet since he visited Ebrusus that day, not because he has changed his position, but just to make Ebrusus relax his vigilance against him.

Sure enough, Ebrusus stopped interacting with those restless guys after seeing him, and called him to the mansion last night.

He was asked to lead a hundred warriors to stay on the tower of the east gate tomorrow morning. At that time, Ebrusus would send people out of the city to fight the enemies outside the city, but those people were just bait.

They will soon pretend to be defeated and retreat into the city.

However, Ebrusus would ask the person controlling the drawbridge to retract the drawbridge later to let some people into the city, and then suddenly lower the drawbridge to block the way of those people.

At the same time, the drawbridge will be retracted, so that the enemies will be trapped in the gallery, and then it will be Tennyson and the hundred soldiers' turn.

They can pass through the murder hole on the tower, launch an attack from above, calmly shoot the enemy below, and they can also pour hot oil or lime water.

This is a classic tactic often used by the defenders of Bratis Continent. The key to success or failure mainly lies in the time of lowering the portcullis and retracting the drawbridge.

Ebrusus planned to send his henchmen to carry out this task. The final attack on the tower would be simpler and less likely to go wrong, so Ebrusus handed it over to Tennyson.


Of course he also knew that Tennyson was not that reliable, but there was nothing he could do about it. People in the city were now unstable and many people were unreliable. Tennyson could be considered a relative of his and could be more or less reliable.

In the early morning, Ebrusus held a brief pre-war meeting and arranged everyone's tasks.

Soon the enemy army outside the city launched the first wave of attacks.

Ebrusus quickly climbed onto the city wall. He immediately looked for the white dragon and was slightly relieved when he didn't see it.

Ilea actually wanted to let the dragon go, but it was a dragon, not a dog, and it wasn't always there when called.

When Li Yu was here before, the dragon was quite obedient. Later, when Li Yu was away for a month, no one cared about the White Queen. She also went crazy and couldn't see her shadow for three days.

Although Li Yu called him over this time to help fight the war, he might have been a little bored staying in the military camp on the weekend, so Li Yu just walked away with his front legs, and his back legs also slipped away.

Just like an old man in the workplace whose boss doesn't clock out early, he doesn't know where he is now.

The female lord couldn't wait with 30,000 people. Fortunately, there were no dragons on the opposite side, so she still issued the order to attack.

As discussed before, they set up a posture to storm the east gate. They also rode the Sun King to the front line to supervise the battle in person, and also raised the rabbit flag of the Arias family.

When Ebrusus saw this, he did not dare to take it lightly. He commanded the defense on the city wall. The two sides saw each other for a while, but the suspension bridge of the Cornucopia was suddenly lowered, and then a cavalry rushed out from the city.

The cavalry was like a sharp knife, thrust directly into the side of the rebels with unexpected force.

Although I have made up my mind to fake defeat, but I can kill more enemies before that, of course I still have to kill more enemies.

And the cavalry did not disappoint Ebrusus. They quickly destroyed a siege tower and then rushed towards another siege tower not far away.

However, Ebrusus could not be happy for long, as he saw a cavalry unit from the resistance army coming towards them.

The cavalry arrived very timely, and they also started to move just when the cavalry in the city started to launch a sneak attack.

Ebrusus' eyes widened. Is it a coincidence? That cavalry unit happened to be cruising nearby, and they were driven away by them?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why they came so quickly. It felt like they were waiting for people from the city to come out.

Ebrusus really guessed it right. Although Ilea did not let the drone fly to the city for fear of being destroyed by those wing tribesmen, she could still let it hover outside the city to help monitor the movements near the city wall.


Therefore, she noticed the cavalry unit ambushing beside the door early. Later, Ilea also called in a cavalry unit through the wireless intercom. As soon as the unit in the city came out, she immediately waved them away.

The female lord now finds the wireless walkie-talkie more and more useful. Although this thing is not as visually stunning as the Italian cannon and the three-eyed bird, it is not bad at all in terms of practicality.

In the past, when fighting on the Bratis continent, messengers had to be used to convey orders. A lot of time would be wasted when they came and went, but the fighter planes were often fleeting.

And once a fight breaks out, it's not that easy to find someone.

Therefore, commanding and fighting in this era was not so precise. In addition, the sources of troops under the lords were also very complicated. They came from different families and mercenaries. In many cases, they just swarmed in and fought each other.

At most, they allocate their respective tasks before the war. Only Miss Rabbit can use the power of Shuangxiujiao to perform micro-management on the battlefield. In a sense, her title as the Imperial Valkyrie is not an exaggeration.

This chapter has been completed!
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