Chapter 843 Bad ending

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 "What else did galgame teach you?"

"Let me think about it, not every game has to pursue a happy ending." Wang Guowei said.

"The galgame seems open, but in fact each branch basically has the best options. If you follow the guide step by step, you can get the perfect ending.

"But the problem is that if you do this, you will lose the fun of the game. You have indeed passed the level, but you are just a puppet of the strategy team. Those options are not what you really want to choose."

Li Yu thought for a while, "But if you choose what you want, wouldn't it be easy to get bad ending?"

"Yes, that's quite irritating, but no one stipulates that the game must have a happy ending, right? Besides, some game producers are not human beings and don't arrange a happy ending at all. You can play whatever you want.

It's a dead end, but the way of death is different."

"Does anyone play even that kind of game?" Li Yu asked.

"Even games like that are played by people," Wang Guowei said. "As long as the player base is large enough, there will be everyone. But this is a good thing, as it can enrich the types of games on the market."

“It’s certainly cool to make a game that sells like crazy, stays at the top of the best-seller list, and is covered by the media, but a small game with a unique personality that can touch the hearts of a small number of people is also cool.

"Of course...your investors may not think so."

Li Yu nodded, "Thank you for chatting with me about games."

"I actually wanted to comfort you, but I unknowingly ended up talking about games. By the way, speaking of games, how is your medieval immersive game? It's the one you asked me to design a web page for.


Wang Guowei wanted to divert Li Yu's attention from the matter of "broken love", so he said:

"not bad."

"When will the demo come out, let me play it too. I remember you told me before that there is a strange sect called Shuangxiujiao, and the god they believe in is called Saturday.

"Speaking of which, can I join this sect if I have a mission? I feel that I and the people in it should get along quite well, although I haven't even taken a weekend off since I graduated...

"But I thought I could be a counterexample to others about how terrible it is to lose a Saturday."

"Do you really think weekends are a very important thing?" Li Yu paused and then added.

"You see, there are actually many more important things in the world than having a double holiday, such as war, famine, education, nuclear pollution, etc. Compared with these things, it doesn't matter whether we have a double holiday or not."

"Who said having a double holiday is irrelevant?" Wang Guowei's eyes widened, "I have always dreamed of having a double holiday!

"Well, of course the things you mentioned later are also important, but I am not Mahatma Gandhi and I care about mankind. Let the people above worry about those grand issues.

"As a social creature, why do I have to think about how to make the world peaceful and humanely harmonious and full of love all day long?

"Anyway, I hope all companies can abide by the Labor Law and give everyone their vacation time on time. Is this requirement difficult? Why can't it be done?"

"Besides, I'm thinking that it won't bother anyone if I want to take a holiday. Is it possible that as long as we workers take a holiday on time, the world will be filled with wars, people will starve for thousands of miles, and nuclear pollution will become more and more serious? This is also true.

It shouldn't be.

"I've been working overtime recently and I haven't seen Abai and Apu give me face. Should I hit them or not?"

Wang Guowei was chattering there, but when he turned around, he found that Li Yu had closed his eyes on the sofa.

Wang Guowei was startled when he saw this. He stretched out a trembling finger and put it under Li Yu's nose. He was relieved when he found that the latter just fell asleep because he was too tired and was not dead.

He stopped complaining and went to Li Yu's room to get him a towel and put it on his body, and then went back to play games.


Early the next morning, Li Yu opened his eyes and rubbed his sore neck, feeling that his head was finally not as groggy as before.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table and found four WeChat messages, three of which were sent by Zhang Yanlin, asking him if he got home safely.

Li Yu casually replied saying sorry. He fell asleep as soon as he came back last night. After clicking send, he looked at another WeChat message, which came from a lotus avatar.

I sent a photo of a female cat and two kittens drinking water by the pool in the community.

Li Yu replied, stop reading and go to school quickly.

However, there was no further follow-up on Lotus Head. On the contrary, Zhang Yanlin's reply came very quickly - that's good.

A moment later she sent another message - are you able to answer the phone now?

——Convenient. Li Yu typed.

——Then I'll call you.

After Zhang Yanlin sent this sentence, he initiated a call invitation.

After Li Yu connected, he heard Zhang Yanlin's concerned voice, "Did something happen?"


"But I just received a call this morning. The person on the phone said her name is Xu Mengyuan and she is a human resources officer at the head office. She said you will be on leave for a while."

"I won't go to the company again next Monday. I asked her if you had already taken your annual leave. Why do you still need to take a break? How long will it take? She just told me that she had no comment.

"She also said that the head office will send another person to take charge of the branch's business when you are away. Is this true?"

"No, this is just a misunderstanding. I will resolve it." Li Yu said, "Don't worry, just work as usual next Monday."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu did not rush to call Xu Mengyuan. Instead, he went to take a shower first, then returned to the bedroom, opened the closet, and chose a suit from a row of black suits to wear.

He looked in the mirror to make sure his face had returned to normal, and then dialed Xu Mengyuan's number again.

"I thought you would contact me earlier. Don't blame me. This is the decision of the board of directors. Taylor agreed to give you some time to think about it, but during this period you can no longer engage in your previous job." Xu Mengyuan said.

"But as far as I know, we don't have much time left."

"This speaks volumes about how much the board of directors values ​​you..."

"Let me return to my post." Li Yu interrupted Miss HR, "I will carry out the next work in accordance with the company's requirements."

Xu Mengyuan on the other end of the phone seemed a little surprised. After a while, she said again, "Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it." Li Yu said calmly, "I had no choice from the beginning, right? If I didn't do what the company said, my followers wouldn't be able to survive either. They would turn into fuel and provide faith.

, let our tribe descend to other planes.

"No matter how I choose, they will all die anyway, so there is nothing to hesitate about. Besides, I am also an Earthling after all. Mr. Qin is right, I should stand with my ethnic group."

This chapter has been completed!
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