Chapter 862 Invincible

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 Miss Rabbit has been thinking about fishing, but she didn’t expect to catch a big fish as soon as she went out.

The battle with Drake helped Ilea solve a lot of things at once. According to Joseph, there were less than 200 defenders left in Berry Castle.

Moreover, following Drake this time were the armies of many nearby lords. In other words, the territories of those people were now in an unprecedented emptiness.

Naturally, the girl was not going to be polite to them. She knocked down all these places in one go, showing a strong posture that frightened many people.

Although Ilea was very good at fighting before, she first defeated a giant dragon, then defeated the dwarves' army in the Dragon's Back Mountains, and then crushed the invasion of the Wing Tribe.

But for the next year, she stayed in the Western Region to engage in production and develop agriculture, so many people forgot how good she was in fighting.

And now the girl is using a series of clean and decisive victories to force everyone to recall her past impressive achievements.

As a result, the remaining lords of the Golden Valley were all panicked. Whether they chose to side with Allister or be loyal to Claudio, or those who were still waiting and watching, they all came together regardless of their previous grievances.

Because the enemy this time is too powerful, it is obviously impossible for one family to defeat such a powerful enemy alone.

On the other side, Lilania and his wife had just finished reorganizing their troops and set off on the road. Their original plan was to meet Ilea outside Berry Castle and then launch an attack together. Unexpectedly, Ilea was already at Berry Castle at this time.

I drank Coca-Cola.

When Lilanyav and his wife arrived at Berry Castle, they received news that the Western Army had rested here for Saturday and Sunday and then continued to advance to the north.

Wherever they passed, the local lords either surrendered or abandoned the city, but no one dared to resist.

Drake's disastrous defeat made many people lose their will to fight, especially the news brought back by the defeated soldiers, saying that Ilea and her Western Army could summon white smoke and thunder on the battlefield, and could also control terrifying giants.

The iron ball smashes any enemy who tries to block them.

Coupled with the lessons learned from the Wing Tribe people, more and more people began to believe that there was indeed divine help behind Miss Rabbit.

And how can mortals compete with gods?

Blackhand Edela is thinking about this issue now. The Rune City where he is now has gathered many envoys sent by the family.

These people have been chattering and arguing in his city lord's mansion in the past few days. Everyone has an expression of fear and anxiety about a catastrophe, which makes Edela frown.

"That's enough," Black Hand said, interrupting the discussion below, "You complain here every day and promote the enemy's strength, but it can't help you keep your territory."

"Then what do you think?" The person who spoke was a young nobleman.

Edela did not despise him because of his youth, because he knew the identity of the man - Wolfe, Wolfe from the Vanersen family.

As early as two years ago, no one knew about this name or the family behind it.

But later, Wolfe stood out in the martial arts tournament held by Solomon and killed several opponents in succession. He gained the favor of the Wing Tribe commander and gave him land and wealth, allowing him to leap directly into the dragon gate.

After Solomon's death, Lanita did not embarrass the new nobles who were canonized by Solomon during his lifetime. Instead, she relied more on them. She gave a piece of fertile land in the Golden Valley to Wolfe as a gift.

The latter also became the new nobleman with the most land in the Golden Valley.

"Your emperor, Conley, doesn't he have two dragons?" Edela was still very polite to Wolfe. "Maybe you can write to him and borrow a dragon, so that we can at least concentrate on dealing with Ilea and

Her western army."

Wolfe shook his head, "Those Wing Tribe people lost a dragon. The only two dragons left are very precious now. I don't have the dignity to get one."

"You should tell the people of the Wing Tribe that Ilea has become king. She will not be satisfied with just winning the Golden Valley. If we lose, the Elk Valley will fall next, and then it will be the Red Plains' turn.

"Adela said.

"What about your emperor? What is he going to do?" Wolfe asked.

"Your Majesty is too far away. Even if you want to help us, you can't do much unless you open the Red Plains and Elk Valley to allow His Majesty's army to pass."

"I can't decide on this kind of thing." Wolfe said calmly. After speaking, he looked at the other nobles who were still noisy in the hall.

"There are still some things in my territory that I need to go back to deal with. Let me know after you come to the conclusion of your argument."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the latter's mansion regardless of whether Black Hand answered or not.

Edela looked at Wolfe's leaving figure and narrowed her eyes.

Another noble named Jero on the side said to Edela, "Could this kid want to betray us and turn to Ilea?"

"He originally made his fortune by taking refuge in those Wing Clan people, but it seems that he has no loyalty to those Wing Clan people.

"These nouveau riche have no aristocratic honor at all."

Jero has never looked down upon these new nobles. They grew up by eating the corpses of the old nobles. They were just a group of shameless hyenas.

At this moment, Edela no longer cares about the dispute between the old and the new. He just wants to solve the immediate problem of survival first.

According to the terrifying marching speed of that army, it wouldn't take long for them to reach his door.

"Perhaps we can ask the Penlos family in Elk Valley for help." A noble suggested.

"The Penros family? They have been beaten by Ilea a long time ago. In order to redeem Tristan, they almost emptied their family fortune. They have no guts to fight against Ilea again."

Blackhand sighed as he spoke.

Tristan had been defeated so miserably before, and many nobles had laughed at him, but he didn't expect that it would be their turn so soon.

If that battle wasn't enough, then Derek, as Edela's teacher and the famous commander of the Golden Valley, no one knows his strength better than Edela. In the end, Derek just had a face-to-face encounter with the Western Army.

The son is gone.

Black Hand didn't think he could defeat Ilea by himself, even if he gathered all the troops in the hall together.

This was also the area that gave him the biggest headache. He couldn't defeat it, and he was reluctant to escape from the land he had conquered so hard.

Just when Edela and all the nobles were frowning, a voice rang out from the crowd, "I may have a way to help you overcome this difficulty."

This chapter has been completed!
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