Chapter 916 Foreigners (Thanks to the leader, Snow Cake Bread)

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No one knows where she came from, and her appearance is like a mystery.

At first, people just called her a foreigner, which was the unified name given to those unfamiliar faces by the indigenous people on the continent of Bratis.

But soon, some people discovered that she was different.

She claimed that she believed in a god named Varlia and that she was its priest.

There is nothing surprising about things up to this point, because most of the foreigners who come to this continent have strange beliefs.

Even the local gods on the Bratis continent, if we really go back further, many of them migrated from other places with their believers.

The sects that have survived to this day have established a firm foothold and have a fixed number of believers. They have basically divided up the population of this continent.

Therefore, it will be difficult for latecomers to drink soup again.

Before the priestess came to Bratis, many people had actually made similar ideas, but without exception, they all failed.

Some people are just a joke among the locals, and some people have never heard of their names at all.

So when the priestess announced that she planned to spread the grace of the goddess of life to this land, most people were prepared to see a joke.

However, soon, she had her first follower.

It was a young man named Hui, only fourteen years old, thin and frail, but with wolf-like eyes.

It is said that he was captured from the mountains by a slave trader. When the trader found him, he was sleeping in a wolf den with a group of wolf cubs.

At first, the merchant thought he had picked up a good deal, because although the boy in front of him was thin, he was agile and had half-orc blood, but he did not belong to any family.

But he soon regretted it, because he found that the boy could not even speak the common language of the mainland, and he had an inexplicable hostility towards human beings. Even if he was severely beaten and bruised, he still could not learn to obey.

No one would want such a slave. In the end, the merchant could only lock him in an iron cage and throw him aside.

Some customers who were originally interested in him gave up the idea of ​​purchasing after hearing about his situation, even though the merchant's asking price was only three silver coins, less than half of an ordinary female slave.

Until the priestess passed in front of the young man, she suddenly stopped and then put one of her hands into the iron cage regardless of the businessman's dissuasion.

The young man's eyes were full of alertness, and he let out a low whimper from his throat, like an enraged beast.

The priestess's voice was extremely soft, "It doesn't matter, relax, I'm not your enemy."

The boy couldn't understand her words, but the beast's intuition told him that the human in front of him was different from the others he had met before.

She is warm and approachable, just like the soft belly of a she-wolf.

So the boy didn't resist and allowed her to put her hand on her cheek.

"Let me see what happened to you." The priestess said, and then she took out a sachet she carried with her and shook it under the boy's nose.

After a moment, the priestess took back her hand, her eyes full of sympathy.

"Poor child." She turned to the merchant and said, "Open the cage. I bought this slave."

He was quite happy to have a fool willing to take over the slave business, but he had been doing business around here and had to take his own reputation into consideration, so he warned, "This guy is very fierce. I opened the cage and be careful if he rushes out and attacks people."


The priestess said, "It doesn't matter. He is my first believer in this land. I can guarantee that he will not attack anyone."

While talking, the priestess took out three silver coins and handed them to the merchant.

The businessman discovered that it was not the common currency on the continent of Bratis, but in Crab Point, he had long been accustomed to such things. He weighed it and found that the weight was quite sufficient, so he had someone open the iron cage.

As soon as the iron cage opened a small crack, the young man immediately jumped out, bared his teeth at the slave merchant, and prepared to pounce.

"You don't seem to have a name yet," the priestess said. "I will call you Hui from now on, because you have a pair of gray ears. Don't hurt other people's Hui, otherwise the guards in the city will arrest you."

The next moment something magical happened again. As if he understood what she said, the boy put away his teeth and evil eyes, and followed the priestess obediently.

People around him couldn't help but be amazed when they saw this scene.

However, the priestess's bulging money bag also caught the eyes of those who were interested. A foreigner, possessing wealth, and being a woman will always be particularly eye-catching.

Those sneaky figures followed her, hoping to wait until there were fewer people to take action.

But the priestess walked all the way to a tavern.

Just when the little tails hiding in the shadows were wondering if she was going to go inside with mercenaries to ensure her safety, the priestess turned around and smiled behind her.

"You guys come in too, I'll treat you to this meal." After saying that, she opened the door and walked in.

The pickpockets and thieves looked at me and I looked at you. The last person boldly followed in. Some people set an example, and the rest followed suit.

As a result, when they came out again, they had all become followers of Varria.

——From this day on, Cornelia and the goddess of life behind her began to be known to more and more people.

But obviously not everyone is happy to see this happen.

As mentioned before, every city in Bratis actually has a mainstream sect.

So someone privately contacted Earth Bear, the most notorious mercenary in the city at the time, through an intermediary, hoping to eliminate this hidden danger.

After collecting the deposit, the Earth Bear was very quick and came to the hotel where Cornelia lived as soon as night fell, but he did not come out again after that.

It wasn't until early the next morning that people were surprised to find that there was another guard with a violent temper but a loyal heart beside the priestess.

Now Cornelia's name has completely spread, and the priests of other churches hate and fear her, fearing that she will snatch away all their believers.

However, no one knew that the heart of the priestess was no longer here long ago. Cornelia turned her sights to the west, in the direction of Lionheart Castle, which she knew was the political and power center of the empire.

As long as we capture that place, people on this continent will soon believe in the goddess of life.

This is her true purpose of coming to this land.

And Cornelia was almost on the verge of achieving it, if those wing tribesmen hadn't invaded Bratis later.

With Edward II being poisoned, the priestess' hard work in the royal capital was largely lost. She could only do the next best thing and choose to continue assisting Allister.

However, this time her opponents became Shuangxiujiao and the prophet Merlin, who was a foreigner like her.

Cornelia thought she had paid enough attention to Li Yu, but when Cornelia easily defeated the Black Hand and regained the Golden Valley with lightning speed, the priestess discovered that she didn't understand this opponent at all.

And the situation may be worse than she expected.

Cornelia was still thinking about how to defeat the powerful enemy, but unexpectedly Hui brought back a new message - the prophet Merlin wanted to negotiate with her.

Although Cornelia didn't know what Li Yu wanted to talk to her about, but since the other party had put the ashes back, she naturally wanted to show some goodwill.

Then the priestess heard the most ridiculous and horrifying story she had ever heard in her life.

However, her intuition told her that all this was true and the person opposite did not lie.

The most important thing is that she can't find a reason for that person to lie.

After several nights of ideological struggle, Cornelia finally decided to meet the man. If Merlin was willing to open his heart to her, the priestess could determine whether what the other person said was true or false.

As a result, this meeting completely changed the life of the priestess and destroyed all her previous plans.

Cornelia then joined Li Yu's plan, accepted the conditions offered by the latter, converted to Saturday, publicly declared that the goddess of life was the incarnation of Saturday, gave up Allister, and supported Ilea to become the emperor.


The reward Li Yu paid her was to allow her to use Saturday to collect faith.

From that moment on, there was no more Priest Cornelia in the world, replaced by a nun named Moira.

This chapter has been completed!
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