Chapter 15 Want to compete?

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"What's the strange smell?" Miss Rabbit twitched her nose twice, but there was no other special smell in the air except the smell of grass and a little earth.

Angela's two maids later said they did not smell any strange smell.

But Angela still covered her mouth and nose, and at the same time took a half step back to distance herself from Yin Leiya. Then she put her hand down and said with satisfaction, "It's much better now. It turns out that some people have the sour smell of poverty."

Miss Rabbit couldn't help being furious when she heard this. Regardless of Fausto's dissuading eyes, she put away the smile on her face and sneered, "Being poor is better than the smell."

Angela burst out laughing, "Only people who have no money find money smelly."

"I'm not talking about money. When you enter my castle, remember to hold it in and don't fart...otherwise I'm afraid everyone will faint from the stink."

This time it was Angela's turn to change her face.

The animal on the coat of arms of the In-Manuel family is the weasel. As we all know, weasels will fart to protect themselves when in danger.

Moreover, their farts are so stinky that they can often make enemies dizzy with the stench, and in severe cases, can even be life-threatening. So some people say that the farts of the Yin Manuel family are also very smelly.

But no one with any brain would believe this kind of thing. It is clearly a slander against the Yin-Manuel family.

However, the destructive power that similar vicious rumors can cause is astonishing.

Especially for young female members of the Manuel Yin family like Angela, the thing they hate most is hearing such rumors.

Last time, a maid was caught sneezing just two times while making Angela's bed. Angela then found an excuse and scolded the maid severely, and a few days later she sneezed again.

Transferred to the laundry room.

As a result, the country rabbit in front of her not only mentioned the Yin Manuel family's taboo, but also mentioned it in front of her. Angela immediately broke her guard and pointed at Yin Leiya's nose and cursed loudly.

"You! You! You fart!


"Yes, I know how to fart." Miss Rabbit admitted frankly, and then looked at the butt of a certain aristocratic girl with malicious eyes, "Why, you don't fart, is it because you don't dare... Yes,

Your farts are so smelly, if you let them out, it will bring shame to the entire Yin Manuel family."

Angela was so angry that her whole body was shaking, she was completely dizzy, she started talking nonsense, and she blurted out, "Of course I fart too! My fart smells better than yours!"

Her heroic declaration made many people nearby couldn't help but frown.

After Angela finished speaking, she immediately realized something was wrong.

I fell into a trap! Unknowingly, I was led astray by this country rabbit in front of me. As a member of the ancient and noble Yin Manuel family and an unmarried woman, I should always remain elegant. How could I say this?

Such vulgar words.

Calm down, you must calm down immediately, and end this boring and vulgar topic, Angela warned herself in her heart.

The guy opposite doesn't seem to be married yet, so it won't be good for either of them's reputations.

Just as Angela was thinking this, she saw Yin Leya thrust into her waist and said in an aired voice, "Do you want to compete? But when we hear each other's words, we will definitely have different opinions and argue, so we still have to find a notary.

let me see……

"Well, let's go to Sir Ferdinand of the Bathory family. He is famous for his honesty and trustworthiness, and he will definitely be able to make the most just decision."


Angela realized that she might have overestimated the bottom line of some people, and she did not want to continue to struggle with this issue, Hanhu Road.


"Who doesn't know that the Bathory family and the Arias family have been friends for generations, so if you go to Ferdinand, he will definitely be looking towards you."

Then, without giving Miss Rabbit a chance to continue, she raised her voice and complained.

"Ah, I've been standing outside for a long time, and my ankles are sore. Is this how the Arias family treats guests? Guests are not allowed into the castle for such a long time."

"It's not like you don't have long legs, so you can't walk in by yourself?" Yin Leya returned.

Angela clenched her fists secretly, and her fingernails almost pierced into her flesh.

She had never been as angry as she had been today since she was a child. She felt like she would be so angry that she almost turned around and got back on the carriage.

But in the end, he held it back and said with a dark face to the two maids beside him, "Did you hear that? Don't you have any feet? Hurry up and leave!"

The two maids did not dare to disobey Angela's order and quickly stepped forward.

Yago on the side didn't dare to neglect when he saw this, and hurriedly came over to lead the way, leading the Immanuel family and his party towards the castle.

When they were far away, Fausto sighed and said, "Miss, is it really necessary to do this?"

"As you can see, she was the one who provoked me first."

"That's true, but why can't you be a little more tolerant?" said the old consultant, "Blackstone City is right next to Green Field. We have always purchased various supplies from there. If such a trivial matter causes the two sides to become enemies, then

In the future, if we want to buy anything, we will have to travel farther, which not only takes longer, but also costs more in transportation."

"Do you think she would let me go if I gave in from the beginning?" the girl asked.

Fausto was startled when he heard this, and then seemed to think of something, "You mean..."

"Yes, it has been discovered that we secretly sold pepper." Miss Rabbit looked at Angela's leaving back, put away her previous frivolous look, and showed a thoughtful expression.

"This kind of thing is inevitable. Blackstone City belongs to the Yin Manuel family. No matter how careful we are, if they want to investigate, they will definitely find some clues.

"Besides, the pepper we sell is of such good quality that only the truly rich can afford it. The richest family in the entire Western Region is the Yin-Manuel family. Maybe most of the pepper was given to them by the Yin-Manuel family."

If you buy it, they will definitely be curious about where the pepper comes from, and then they will find it on me. "

“Are they trying to get back the taxes we owe?”

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. A few hundred gold coins is a lot to us, but the Yin Manuel family may not take it seriously." When talking about money, the girl's mind immediately became extremely calm.

"That guy Angela didn't get angry even after being ridiculed by me so much. Haha, he must have something up his sleeve. Fausto, send someone to keep an eye on the Yin Manuel family to see if they have anything else next.

Small gestures.”

This chapter has been completed!
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