Chapter 136: Extreme Heat

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The child's fever is somewhat relapsing, going down for a while and then coming back again.

Cui Langzhong was quite stable, occasionally rubbing and pinching a few acupuncture points.

It was not until noon the next day that the child no longer had a fever, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

That night, not only did these people collapse because of their food, but also their families suffered a lot.

The entire team was also delayed and had to postpone their journey.

Yan Laoer can't even eat the food given to these popular people.

As soon as he got up in the morning, he took the three Qi brothers and him to go around the pile of victims.

That mouth never stopped.

His throat was smoky as he spoke.

"Let me say it for the last time, these river clams are rotten, smelly and can't be eaten! We don't plan to feed the clam meat to livestock. It's the shell! The shell! Wash the shell, dry it and grind it.

Powder, mix it with hay and feed it to livestock. Do not add too much, just a little.

It’s quite troublesome! But now there’s nothing for them to eat except hay, so I just made some troublesome gadgets to add some flavor. Why don’t you believe it! It’s really edible and I can’t let you eat it!

Look at this place, there is such a big gaping hole, these river clams have been dead for who knows how long, so you are so foolish to think that you can eat something that has been dead for several days? Besides, you can’t smell it!"

Many people lowered their heads with bad expressions.

They are the ones who risk their lives by eating river clams.

Now I don't vomit or have diarrhea, but my body is really weak and I can't stand without shaking.

Especially when the sun comes up, it gets dark in front of my eyes.

I regretted it to death.

It was difficult to follow him originally, but now it's hard to follow him!

"I shouldn't be bothering with river clam powder." Yan Laoer was chatting with his sister Cui Niangzi.

"How can they rely on you? It's their own fault. They thought we were hiding something from them. Second brother, let me tell you, you just can't be too kind to them. I think those who eat bad things are all

It’s not a good thing. I’ve already agreed with your brother-in-law that you can’t charge less for the consultation fee. Even if you don’t do it even if you don’t have a copper coin, you have to teach them a lesson!”

"Oh! Sister, I'm so scared of being poor that I always think about whether I can eat whatever I see."

If people can't do it, they'll just think about animals.

"Isn't it like this for all those who forage in the fields? You know how to make a living! I appreciate this about you. You have a quick brain and you can come up with an idea in a flash. Just say this river clam powder, mix it, mix it. My donkey is cute.

have eaten."

"Sister, have you polished it yourself? Why don't you bring it over and I can do it for you?"

"Hey! What's the matter? Your brother-in-law is making medicine with a pestle and it's easy to use. He said that this is also a medicinal material. Tell me, he is such a shameless person. He won't be able to remember it until you figure it out. You

The plastic surgery was done, but he thought about it and actually put gold on his face."

Yan Laoer was ashamed, "What, sister, it seems to be really useful as medicine, I can't remember clearly."

"You have to worry about so many things every day, and you are tired of remembering everything. Let me tell you that your brother-in-law is confused about his own troubles. Look at you, you are clear about giving the livestock a piece of cake..."

Yan Yu, Big Dog Brother, and Little Dog Brother were squatting on the ground writing and drawing.

Oh no, it’s Brother Eucommia and Brother Pueraria.

She laughed like crazy.

His father does know a lot about livestock, hahaha!

"Brother Ge Gen, you wrote the word 'ge' incorrectly. The word in the middle is '日', not 'mu'. You wrote an extra horizontal line."

Cui Gegen looked at what Yan Xiaoer had written, then looked at what he had written, and nodded.

"Xiaoer, can you please call me Little Little Brother from now on? Pueraria lobata, why is it so awkward? My mother said it was a tukola buried in the ground."

"And me, can you still call me big dog from now on?"

Yan Yu nodded under the expectant eyes of his two little brothers.

"Then from now on I will call you big dog brother and little dog brother if there are no outsiders. If there are outsiders, I will call you by your name."

Pueraria lobata is a kind of soil, Mrs. Cui really knows how to describe it...

She was a little curious about how she would say the name of her big dog brother.

Then he asked: "Brother Dagouzi, how did your mother say your name, Eucommia ulmoides?"

"Bark." Dagouzi said helplessly.

Yan Yu was even more curious.

"What about cicadas and silkworms?"

"Insect skin."

"...Who is Ma Bao?"


Yan Yu:……

What a talent! You summed it up so well.

The pair of grandparents and grandson were the last to leave. Mrs. Cui was watching eagerly from the side. How could Mr. Cui dare to accept less money?

Yan Huaiwen asked Liang Manshan to help gather the victims, and said in public: "We will hit the road on time tomorrow as usual. If anyone wants to go to the official road, let my second brother help you point the way."

After dinner that day, someone came to see Yan Laoer and asked him how to get to the official road.

Yan Laoer was worried that they wouldn't be able to find it, so he asked his daughter to draw a simple map.

The visitor was grateful and left.

Early the next morning, the victims began to be evacuated.

Some of them followed them, while others went to the official road.

After walking for another two days, we still saw a vast plain. Fortunately, there were half-dead trees dotting the landscape, so it didn't look so monotonous.

Yan Yu was a little tired today, and even picking a new egg in the morning did not make her happy.

Every time the platform is launched, it will be announced in advance.

Today is June 30th. It’s past midnight, which means it’s the first day of July.

She calculated on her fingers every day and would never make a mistake.

But... there's just no movement at all.

I don’t know if the ‘irregular opening’ allowed them to catch up.

Is it going to be a bye this time?

Yan Laoer saw that something was not right with her and asked her to sit in front, and they would drive together.

The four hens have chicken coops and hang them on both sides of the front of the car.

At first they didn't dare to make a sound, but now they cluck when nothing happens, and they always rattle the cage, as if they can successfully escape if they persevere.

"Don't worry, we still have enough food and water. I guess we're not far away." Yan Laoer comforted his daughter.

In fact, they don't have much water anymore.

It’s not that the cats haven’t found the water source, it’s that they can’t get it.

Yes, it's underground, quite deep.

And even if it is further away, it will be useless to search for it. How to explain that he knows there is water? Who would be able to see the water veins?

At noon, everyone took a break.

I deliberately found some shade under some trees, but after all, there were few trees and many people, so many people were still directly exposed to the scorching sun.

Water is lost quickly, and no matter how much water you drink, you still feel thirsty.

They didn't dare to drink a lot of water. Seeing that there was no water source to replenish it, they drank a little or a little less of the water they had saved before.

Yan Huaiwen went for a walk and came back and said to Yan Laoer: "Take out those clothes you left and hang them on the tree. At least they will provide more shade."

Yan Laoer dug out some baggage and asked someone to help him hang it up a tree.

The shady area is a bit larger, but it still doesn't change anything.

Li Xuemei felt so uncomfortable with the heat that she couldn't care less and sat in the front driver's seat with her daughter.

There is a straw mat added by Yan Laoer above his head, which can block most of the scorching sun.

The lukewarm warm wind makes those who blow it feel upset.

This chapter has been completed!
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