Chapter 364 Let Them Go

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Chapter 364 Let them go

"How can we go to the barn? No, no, no." Yan Laoer looked at Mr. Tian's gesture and refused without thinking.

Mr. Tian stared at him with his eyes and breathed heavily from his nostrils, as if he was about to breathe fire.

Yan Laoer had to face the grim facts before his eyes.

"The barn has been occupied by Beirong, what use can we people in the past be used for?"

I saw Mr. Tian making a two sign, which slowly turned into a three.

Yan Laoer felt extremely uncomfortable.

There was an example when the eldest master's city was destroyed. He didn't dare to look forward to the current situation of the second master and the third master.

"Go...see...if...looking for an collect...the body..." Mr. Tian said very slowly, partly because of his health, but also because he choked several times.

The reason why they had this moment to breathe.

It's because the barn in the city... was breached!

Beirong was busy transporting grain and had no time to chase them.

Yan Laoer looked forward.

They were very close to the city wall at this time, and he felt that if they searched hard, they might still find a dog hole in the wall.

Isn’t that how TV dramas are played? They are all in the palace, and Tiger City is so dilapidated. How could it not be there?

As long as you search hard, you will definitely find it!

"Sir, it's not safe in the city now. We have to run out. We can't go through the city gate, so we can only think of other ideas. Let's look for the dog hole I told you before. If there is one, I will risk my life and go there.

Let’s go over to the barn to see what’s going on. If it’s not there, we’ll just hide and hide until reinforcements arrive…”

Mr. Tian used his only strength to squeeze his hand.

They took action again and went to the city wall to find the dog hole that Yan Laoer mentioned.

Fortunately, the dog hole was not found, but there was a mouse hole.

Yan Laoer was pleasantly surprised.

"Dig, just dig from here, and widen the entrance of the hole. Don't waste your strength, brothers. Just point at it if you can get out of the city!"

Yan Huaiwen led Gu Feng's city guard army and rushed to the outside of Huju City. What he saw was the Huju border guards who had repeatedly charged and were shot back by Beirong arrows from the tower, and Xizhou who came to support after seeing the smoke.

Border Army.

Switching between offense and defense.

Beirong fought with style.

But without the advantage of city height, our side was obviously unable to cope with it.

The Tiger Guards were all injured and there were not many of them. Although they were brave, they could not form a decent offensive.

There were a lot of reinforcements from Xizhou, but Yan Huaiwen saw at a glance that these Xizhou soldiers were deceitful, charging and killing, shouting loudly, but they were serious about it, but they stopped moving forward, just lingering outside the range of Beirong, not daring to go any further.


Gu Feng's city guards also saw the clue.

The young general was furious.

The tone was very harsh: "These weaklings in Xizhou, it's better not to come and occupy the manhole without shit, they are just thinking about our Guanzhou's food and grass!"

Yan Huaiwen didn't talk nonsense and walked directly in the direction of the commanders.

The one he is most familiar with is Mr. Xue Qi, and he knows nothing about the others.

And Mr. Xue Qi is the most speechless among them.

Not only because he had the lowest official position, but also because he suffered a defeat, and Beirongtou was a loser, so he couldn't hold his head high in front of these people.

The whole person looked depressed and unattractive.


General Xue Qi naturally recognized him. Yan Huaiwen and Yan Hushu, Mr. Tian’s right-hand man, had dealt with epidemics before. Even earlier, their village had entered Guanzhou from his guard post.

Yan Huaiwen got straight to the point: "General Xue Qi, the situation is urgent, so I will ask you directly."

General Xue Qi probably knew the character of Yan Hushu, who was very attentive to official duties. How long did it take for his reputation to spread to their guard station?

"What does Yan Hushu want to ask?"

"Have you ever gone to the four gates to check? How many Beirong are there on each tower?"

Mr. Xue Qi is also an expert in fighting. These things are all in his mind and come out with his mouth.

"The main gate and the west gate are no less than three hundred, and the east and north gates are more than two hundred." Yan Hushu was afraid that he would not understand, so he added: "This is just the number of bows seen on the tower. The actual number is,

It should be 50% more."

"Ximen..." He chewed on these two words and his eyes flashed, "But Ximen has the most people?"

"Yes, it looks like a lot." Mr. Xue Qi said.

"There are troops deployed at all four gates to attack the city?"

"Both." Xue Zongqi got angry when he mentioned this: "I think we should specialize in one branch and not spread ourselves out, but they think we should defend the four directions to prevent the Beirong from escaping..."

Yan Huaiwen looked at him with a look that was hard to explain.

He said rudely: "Why is General Xue Qi so confused! Trapping Beirong is also trapping our people. They are blocked in the city and cannot get out. Only a small half of them are struggling with us in the tower, and the rest are

doing what?!"

His voice was still calm: "The barn in the city must have been breached. There are three main gates, the west gate, and the north gate. The main gate has a flat road, and it will take the shortest time to escape back to the outside. The north gate is close to the mountains. If the Beirong retreat into the mountains, it will be difficult for us to pursue them."

, the west gate is in the middle, and all three gates are possible. Judging from the current Beirong soldiers, the possibility of escaping from the west gate is greater. Even if there are other three gates, they will only be small groups of soldiers, diverting our attention...


Mr. Xue Qi thought what he said made sense.

He had fought with the Beirong for many years and was more familiar with the tricks of the Sun Tzu. As soon as the reinforcements arrived, the Beirong just wanted to run away. It was useless for them to occupy Huju, but which gate they chose to block was too important.

If you choose the right door, you can not only inflict pain on Beirong, but you can also get some food back, but if you choose the wrong door, you will suffer heavy losses.

Especially when Hu Ju lit up the beacon, Xizhou sent many troops to support them, but in fact they just wanted to earn some food and grass.

If you make the wrong choice, it will be very difficult for the tiger to win this year...

This was also the reason why he agreed with several others to attack the four gates together. He didn't dare to gamble.

"Then let's guard the west gate!" General Xue Qi looked at the people brought by Yan Hushu, thinking that he would gather his brothers and all go to the west gate to take a gamble!

Yan Huaiwen said coldly: "What are you guarding? Not only are you not guarding, you are also leading people away and letting them go!"

"If Beirong stays in the city for a moment longer, the people in the city will die in vain. Why should we leave them?"


"Huju is in Xizhou, and the matter has nothing to do with them, so they don't cross the thunder pond and are not willing to take risks. However, my descendants of Huju, relatives and friends are all in the city, fighting bravely to kill the enemy, and not afraid of death!

If Beirong retreats a moment early, it may be a chance for the people in the city to survive!"

"Food and property are not as important as human life! You can't put the cart before the horse! We are officials, regardless of our military skills. We protect one party, not to protect those external things, but to govern the people, we are human beings!"

"I will lead the men to attack the east gate. Please lead Mr. Xue Qi to follow quickly!"

I’m really convinced at this bedtime now ~ completely turned upside down ~

It's not that good yet, so I'm just coming over here. I'll update a chapter first, then go to sleep for a while to think about it, and then I'll update again when I wake up during the day~

I remember, there should be two more chapters today~ Don’t look at the confusion in sleeping, remember the accounts clearly, quack~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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