Chapter 367 The living must continue to live

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Chapter 367 The living must continue to live

Mr. Tian was still able to hold on, but he fainted after hearing someone report that the second and third masters had committed suicide when the barn was breached.

The two gentlemen did not want to become thieves seeking credit and reward, so one committed suicide with a smile, and the other died shouting curses...

Death is tragic.

The entire government office fell into an indescribable sadness.

Yan Laoer followed his brother closely, never leaving.

His fear came only after he realized it, and now he is getting stronger.

He only feels safe when he is with his brother.

Yan Huaiwen was extremely calm at this time.

"God bless, carry the eldest man to the backyard and place him there, and you will personally guard him."

Yan Laoer looked at the old man who had passed out at an unknown age, and had no choice but to leave his brother's side temporarily.

The frame of his donkey cart was still tilted in the yard, so he just happened to push it over and lift the old man up.

Yan Laoer quickly picked up the things scattered on the ground and piled them in the corners.

I feel a little distressed and have suffered a lot.

"Heng'er, take people to seek medical treatment and find more doctors."

Yan Xiangheng took the order and left.

"Put the desk in the courtyard and we will work here."

You can see them as soon as you enter the door, so you don't have to go to the hotel room anymore, which saves time.

Grief cannot last forever. The government offices in Huju must cheer up, and the people of the city are counting on them.

"Seal the barn and wait until the master wakes up before making a decision."

"Notify every household in the city to carry the deceased in front of the door so that it can be easily registered by the government."

"The Chinese medicine shop in the city is temporarily under the jurisdiction of the government office, and the medicines are checked and stored."

"Injured people from each family, if they are minor, can deal with it by themselves. After an hour, they can go to the east side gate of the government office to seek medical consultation and receive medicine. If they are seriously injured, they will report it to the patrol army, who will carry it to the west side gate of the government office for unified treatment.


"To open the yamen treasury, we took the medical sheds previously built outside the city and placed them on the east and west sides of the yamen for doctors to consult and administer medicine."

"Check the types and quantities of medicinal materials left in the warehouse."

"Manshan, you are responsible for supervising the grain tax this year. You know best how much grain Huju collected, first inside the city and then outside the city. Under Huju's jurisdiction, how much was robbed by Beirong? You will take people to each town to ask.

The three squadrons of government officers are at your disposal. If there are not enough, you can borrow them from the city defense army sent by Gu Feng. Firstly, you can collect the remnants of the Beirong army, and secondly, you can record how much food is left in order to prevent anyone from concealing it."

Liang Manshan hurriedly ordered a few government officials and left.

"Recruit civilians to collect the corpses in the city..." Yan Huaiwen paused and continued: "Confirm whether there are any survivors."

"The corpses of Beirong were thrown outside the city and counted."

"All the brave and righteous people who died when I was killed in the army will leave their names and record their merits."

"Those who are lost with their families will be sent home by the patrolling army. If there are no survivors at home, they will be sent to the government office."

Yan Huaiwen sat in the courtyard and issued orders one after another, causing the entire government office to stir.

The dead are dead, but the living will continue to live.

Yan Xiangheng came back from seeking medical treatment, and was directed by his father to find the people who had followed them and were placed in hiding places...

There is only one servant left beside Mr. Tian.

Yan Laoer ordered him to boil water and make beds...

The two men gently carried the elder to the bed. Yan Laoer first lit the stove in the room. After the fire started, he opened the window and stretched the pipe out of the window.

After mixing the hot water, the two men changed the old man's dirty clothes covered in blood and dust, covered him with a quilt, wiped his hands, feet, head and neck, and opened the messy bun to make the old man lie down more comfortably...

His eldest nephew invited three doctors, one of whom was good at bone setting, to straighten the eldest man's arm.

After such tossing, Mr. Tian just frowned but did not wake up.

The remaining two doctors took the pulse one after another, discussed with each other for a while, and left two prescriptions.

Yan Laoer listened carefully, but he only understood roughly. It should be that the elder was sad and angry, angry and frightened...

He was quite young, and after escaping all the way, his body couldn't bear it anymore, so he fainted.

First, drink a bowl of decoction to calm the nerves. If you wake up, drink the medicine to warm and nourish the internal organs. If you don't wake up within half an hour after taking the medicine, drink it again.

Yan Laoer remembered it in his heart, thanked the three doctors, and sent him out.

Let the young man guard the elder.

He hurriedly came to the front of the government office.

"Brother, the medicine Mr. Tian wants to use."

Yan Huaiwen took it, scanned it quickly, and said: "I know, I asked someone to send medicine there when I was young. What else is missing? You send someone to say, God bless, please guard the master, others around me are worried."

Yan Laoer saw how busy he was here, lining up one by one to discuss things with his brother without causing any trouble, and nodded solemnly.

He went to his own residence first and packed a lot of food in small bags. After thinking about it, he also packed his own bedding and carried it on his back, as well as the cooks, pots and basins.

Holding it under his arms, he walked boldly to the backyard of the government office.

He could somewhat guess what his eldest brother was thinking. After all, Mr. Tian had wanted to die before.

The second master and the third master are all dead, so there is no guarantee that the eldest master will not be able to think about it anymore.

That's why his brother asked him to go and guard it.

He needs to cheer up and take good care of him.

How could you let the person you saved finally die?

He is a professional when it comes to taking care of people!

The medicine was delivered quickly.

The boy fanned the cattail leaf in a daze, and when he saw Yan Laoer coming back, his eyes lit up, as if he had found his backbone.

"Look at the medicine, don't be so hasty about the fire. Bring it in as soon as the medicine is ready. Here's the bowl for you. Don't be irritable. Sir, it's fine. Just drink the medicine and you'll be fine. What are you afraid of!"

The boy responded with a sigh, staring at his back, almost crying.

Could he not be afraid? He would be afraid to death!

If there is something wrong with the old man, will he still be alive?

After Yan Laoer finished training others, he was lucky enough to enter the house.

To put it lightly, he also insisted on it.

This day passed with great fear.

It's better to be with his brother, but he gets very flustered when he leaves.

No, you have to keep yourself busy and find something to do.

Yan Laoer looked at the eldest man's hair. He had tied it and wiped it just now, but now he shook it off and looked at it.

He started to wipe it carefully with a cloth again.

Just taking medicine is not enough, you have to eat something.

Take out the pot, pour water to rinse the rice, and cook porridge.

Add some vegetable leaves to make vegetable porridge, Yan Laoer thought, and washed the vegetables again.

Take a look at your hands.

Oops, mom, I forgot to wash myself.

I quickly put it down, boiled some water, washed myself from head to toe, and then put on the clean clothes I brought.

The waiter came in with a bowl and was stunned for a moment.

The house is filled with the smell of sweet potato.

Yan Laoer also seemed like a different person, clean and tidy.

"By the way, you have to wash too. We both have to be clean so that we can serve the eldest master. Give me the medicine bowl. Hey, Xiangjizi. Wash it clean and change into clothes." Yan Laoer was afraid that he wouldn't let him go.

, and gave him the remaining spices he used.

The boy took it, thanked him and left.

Yan Laoer started to work again.

Blow the soup until it cools down enough to enter the mouth, press the old man's tongue with a spoon, and pour half a bowl in one breath, and then another half bowl, all at once.

Correct typos first and then correct them~

I'll see if I have enough time in the afternoon and do another chapter~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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