Chapter 264 Headache from blowing hair

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Yan Laoer entered it several times before he was able to stop in the gap between the two boats.

The people on the shore signaled him to throw the reins over.

Wait until the man is skillfully tied to the boat pile.

Then he carefully looked at the raft in front of him.

"Okay, brother, we have enough materials. There are two layers of rolling logs on a raft, and there are baffles on both sides... Needless to say, it works quite well."

I have been living by the water all year round. One look at the wooden boards on both sides and I know what they are used for. I glance at the back and see if the water splashes in, and I know it in my mind.

"We are the bow of the boat at the inner pier. If you see that boat, identify it. If we are not here in the future, you can just send the copper plate there to my mother-in-law."

Yan Laoer said with a pinched look on his face: "I didn't bring any cargo with me, so I'll count it as empty. I heard that a raft can pay less than a boat..."

The bow of the boat was not upset either. It was probably the first time for the country man to come back to Changping, and the letters he got were all about regulations from several years ago.

"I'm afraid that person hasn't been to Changping for several years. What he's talking about is old almanac. Now it doesn't matter whether you are a raft or a boat. It depends on the size and how much you can carry. Look at you.

This raft is big and wide, and is no different from the boat next to you.

Also, don’t be fooled by me. We have been making a living on this inner pier since we were young. We can tell at a glance what you are here for.”

Yan Laoer pointed at himself and asked confusedly: "What am I here to do?"

The bow of the boat has an expression that sees through you: "Sell the cow! Otherwise, what would you do with it? Or maybe the flat grass is more fragrant, so you brought it to graze?"

Yan Laoer was speechless.

He simply admitted it.

"Bow of the boat, raise your hand. I really don't want to sell my cow. Let me keep it empty." He begged in a low voice.

The man looked around and saw that they were familiar with each other. He also lowered his voice and said, "It's for your own good. I handed over the coins here and I'll give you a sign. You won't have to use this money when you enter the city."

If you don't pay me anymore, I'll just look after you two.

Otherwise, the officials guarding the city will not be as easy to talk to as us."

"If you have a ticket, you don't have to pay when entering the city?" Yan Laoer asked.

"If you don't hand over the cow, you have to hand over the man." The boatman recognized that he was here to sell the cow, but he couldn't let the money for the cow escape.

He is in charge of this inner dock and has to pay monthly accounts.

The boats nearby pay more, but those boats that make a living at the inner pier pay less.

Unfortunately something happened to Gu Feng and no ships came for a long time.

"Oh, by the way, where are you from?" The bow of the boat thought of something, looked wary, and backed away.

Yan Laoer knew what he was worried about and hurriedly said: "We are here to fight against the tiger."

"Tiger City?" The bow of the boat was a little surprised: "It's not close. If you come here again, it will take a lot of effort to get back."

"I had no choice. I was going to Gufeng originally. It's not that it's not easy to walk there... I didn't stop in the middle and went straight to Changping."

The bow of the boat nodded clearly.

"Brother, let me tell you, you will not lose money if you come to Changping to sell cattle. Although it is a long way and hard work, the cattle we can sell for a better price will definitely be higher than if you go to Gufeng." He whispered again: "Except

Don’t buy anything else that is necessary, it’s too expensive for us.”

Yan Laoer:......

Why do you think I'm here to sell cattle?

He thought it was almost done, so he pretended to be in pain, gave him a copper plate, and came back with a stick.

One side of the bamboo stick is engraved with the character "Sheng", and the character on the other side is smaller, which is the character "内".

Yan Laoer repeatedly asked the bow of the boat to help him take a good look at his raft.

The bow of the boat misses you, who can care about this broken raft like you?

But since he accepted the copper coins from others, he assured him in a nice voice that there would be no problem and it would be covered by him.

The father and daughter took the cows away from the pier.

Yan Yu took the bamboo stick, looked at it for a while, and said, "This bamboo stick must have been used for a long time. The color doesn't look like Hsinchu."

The ink stains on it are also a little blurred. Of course, it may be because it is near a river, or it may be accidentally touched by water.

"It looks like it will take a long time, at least it won't be like this in a year or two." Yan Laoer said after estimation.

"Will there be any bamboo sellers here in Changping?" The reason why Yan Yu was interested in bamboo sticks was for this reason.

Beirong's entry into the village taught them a lesson.

There are loopholes in Huju City's border defense, and the opening is in the rolling mountains behind them.

The arrow towers and the high walls surrounding the village cannot be built in a day or two.

Before that, they need something to protect themselves.

The first thing that comes to mind is definitely the bamboo crossbow.

Bows are difficult to practice, but bamboo crossbows are easier to use. Almost everyone in their village, from old to young, can use them.

It was too dangerous to fight the Beirong head-on, and those barbarians were good at shooting arrows. They didn't have crossbows in their hands, so they would be at a huge disadvantage against them.

Yan Laoer: "This has to be inquired seriously." Yan Laoer said: "Your uncle also said that we can do it again after we have avoided the limelight. Someone has already entered the village. It is too dangerous. Let us be careful.

, I guess he won’t object.”

"We can do everything and practice. We usually use the bow, and when necessary, use the bamboo crossbow." Yan Yu said.

Yan Laoer shook his head and said: "I hope we won't need it, but there's nothing wrong with preparing it in advance."

The father and daughter reached a consensus.

We also walked outside Changping City.

Changping has two towns near the sea and two natural harbors.

There is a river in each direction in the west and south.

Across the river to the west of the city is Yongning.

This river in the south of the city is in a strip of water with Gufeng.

It is also the river crossed by the Yan family's father and daughter.

The two entered the city from the south gate, and there were not many people entering and exiting the city gate.

They were quickly queued up.

When the officer guarding the city saw the bamboo stick, he only wanted money for his head.

It's just that the price per person is a bit expensive.

Yan Yu, a child, also needs three copper coins as an adult.

Two people are six articles.

"When you have time, you have to calculate whether it is more appropriate to take the water route or the land route." Yan Laoer said: "Including the raft, the three treasures, and us..."

"Dad! Didn't we all think about it at home? The waterway is definitely more suitable for hauling a lot of things. If you take the official road, even if you save money for staying at the inn, you still have to pay it when you get to the city gate."

Yan Yudao: "The bow of the boat has already said that if you don't pay it to him, you have to pay it here. If we don't bring the three treasures with us, we will have to hire a car to take us to the dock when we buy back the things... It's the same dad."

Yan Laoer sighed: "When you go out, you have to spend money everywhere."

He touched half of the ginseng in his arms and said, "Let's go to the pharmacy first."

I have had the experience of finding pharmacies several times.

Yan Laoer quickly locked in on several drug stores and crawled in and out of them.

The drugstore shopkeeper saw this country man coming back with his child.

They were all happy: "I told you, fellow, the price I gave you is more reasonable. Your ginseng is missing a section. Big families only collect whole ginseng, but they don't want it. They only gave it to our drug store to cut it into slices and sell it slowly."


"It's just that little, you're doing it too hard." Yan Laoer complained with a plaintive look on his face.

The shopkeeper originally wanted to see him.

What kind of family is this?

In the countryside, if you dig up ginseng and don't rush to sell it, you can just hide it and keep it as a treasure and keep it safe. How about you treat it like a big radish in the field and cut a section of it yourself to eat...

What a waste!

But seeing him going back and forth from house to house, asking and bargaining, with a confused and melancholy look on his face, for some reason, he found it funny.

When you are in a good mood, people become more tolerant.

"Then what do you think you can do? The whole radish is easy to sell. We don't hold back the money. I'll take half of it from you. I have to sell it piece by piece. You think it's a big radish. We weigh it by the kilogram. I'll give you as much as you want.

, can everyone afford to eat this ginseng?"

"Let me show you." The shopkeeper turned around and found the section of ginseng slices from the medicine cabinet, pulled out the wooden box, and opened the tightly wrapped ginseng slices inside.

Separate the cloth, twist it with your hands, and look at it from a distance.

"Look carefully, with such a thin piece, two pieces in a medicine are enough to fill the sky. Ordinary medicines cannot use it.

You tell yourself how many slices you can cut out of your half of ginseng, and how long I have to sell them."

Yan Yu thought what the shopkeeper said was reasonable.

This is the time cost of goods settling.

She looked at her father.

Yan Laoer himself is a businessman, can you not understand this?

Ahem, small business is also business.

"Shopkeeper, please add more." He still didn't give up.

The shopkeeper smiled even more and his eyes narrowed.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were trying to cut off some flesh from this person, which made me feel distressed.

"Okay, I'll give you an extra bite. Don't go back and forth here and there. I think you're exhausted. Five cents, thirty-five cents!"

Yan Laoer's expression changed for a long time.

He choked out a sentence: "Okay, I want silver, not copper coins."

Yan Yu tried not to laugh.

I guess I learned this from the kid who sold the sheep.

It's more cost-effective to exchange silver for copper.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Okay!"

I didn't want to take advantage of this.

It's just a pity.

This is a good ginseng for Qi Liang.

Including the piece that was cut off, even if it's not eight taels, it's still pretty much the same.

If it's the whole thing, he can accept fifty taels, and adding a few more taels is not out of the question.

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper said one more thing: "If you have such a good ginseng again, don't waste it. This ginseng is old and a strand is worth a lot of money. If you really want to use ginseng, just buy the ginseng slices and go back. You can do the math yourself."

Calculate, how much difference there is between inside and outside."

Yan Laoer could no longer agree and nodded repeatedly.

He asked again about the price of the ginseng slices.

The shopkeeper quoted him what he said was the real price.

Yan Laoer:......

Judging from the prices in Changping, your prices should be quite realistic, but compared with Yongning in Fucheng, the things you sell really cost sky high.

Everything is expensive!

This is the conclusion the two of us came to after walking around several streets after coming out of the drug store.

"Medicine is expensive, grain is expensive, salt is expensive, paper is expensive, cloth is expensive... nothing is cheap." Yan Laoer complained: "Selling things is more expensive, but buying things has already been spent, and you may spend more.

, after all the general accounting, I was still taken advantage of."

"It's said that the eldest man in Changping set high taxes." Yan Yu looked in the direction of the government office.

I heard that this great gentleman is not at the government office now, and has gone to the seaport in Pinglang Town.

The people in the city were gossiping, as if they had brought someone in, and they were also relatives of the King of England.

Relatives of the King of England...

If it's not the royal family, it's the mother's family or the wife's family.

Only these can be called relatives of the prince's family.

However, these lowly people, just gossiping, had no idea which great god was here and what kind of relationship they had with the King of England.

For them, it doesn't matter whether they come or not.

"Do you think Linhai will be lower or about the same?" Yan Laoer asked his daughter.

Yan Yu: "It depends on whether there are any wind or floods in Linhai this year that my uncle mentioned. If not, it will definitely be lower than in Changping. The prices here are higher than in Yongning, which is simply outrageous."

Yongning, as the capital of Guanzhou, should be the highest political and economic standard in Guanzhou.

So what if Changping is close to the river and has developed sea transportation?

This is Guanzhou, not the south.

The consumption level of the people is completely unreachable, and it is forced to do so.

The items sold are so expensive, and every shop is deserted.

The thinner the business, the more they have to sell at a higher price to make a profit. This is not increasing taxes, but draining the lake.

"If we go to Linhai and find that the price is still high, we will have to spend money to go to the city again when we come back." Yan Laoer didn't want to waste money.

"It's easy. We can just ask someone to find out what the weather is like in Linhai this year. If the weather is good, we will go there."

Yan Yu actually didn't want to bother. If they were in a peaceful mood while sailing on the water, everything would be fine. But they had too many things on their minds. It was fine at first, but over time, the beautiful scenery on both sides of the strait became the same.

I want to go home.

The two men found a wine shop.

Not only does it sell wine, but it also sells food, including stir-fried dishes to go with wine, braised meat with soy sauce, noodles as staple food, and pancakes as well.

I chose this place out of necessity.

For news to circulate, there must be people and idle people.

Those who have serious things to do and are busy working and making money every day, who has time for idle talk?

Another thing is that there are many people going around doing business in this kind of place.

If you can't afford to go to a good restaurant, this small restaurant is the best choice.

After drinking a small amount of wine, two plates of appetizers, sipping, sandwiching the dishes, sipping again, talking about mountains with others, feeling comfortable and happy all over.

There were not many people bringing their children here, so when Yan Laoer came in, he was a bit eye-catching.

He didn't care about how many there were, so he found a seat in the middle and took Yan Yu to sit there.

The two of them ordered a pancake, a bowl of noodles, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of roast chicken...

Good guy, when the waiter sang the name of the dish, all the young and old men in the restaurant were stunned.

What kind of wealth is this? You actually ordered roast chicken!

These people's eyes were sizing up the two men.

Could it be that people are not judged by their appearance and are dressed so poorly on purpose?

People who like to come to wine shops just want to take a few sips. People who can drink can be divided into two types: those who drink in silence, those who drink with great flavor, and those who love chatting with others and can talk well before and after drinking.

This latter one also has the general benefit of being cooked on its own.

"Brother, did you forget something? Why didn't you order wine? Are you used to drinking good things and not bad ones?"

This person wanted to say, if you order such a solid dish, it will cost you a whole jug of wine, otherwise it will be a waste of the chicken.

"That's not the case. I have to hold poles in the afternoon. I'm worried that if I drink something, my forehead will hurt if I blow the wind." Yan Laoer spoke in standard Guanzhou dialect.

Coupled with this real homely consumption.

All of a sudden, he was treated very kindly to everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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