Chapter 356 New Hope

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Big camphor tree base.

The snow melted and the lake surface of the mountain pond began to gradually thaw.

The sky is blue, the lake is quiet, and the cold wind wakes you up.

There is a fresh smell in the air. Although it is a bit cold, it is even more refreshing.

Everyone went outside and breathed the fresh air.

the other side.

The gymnasium is still under construction. These days, He Chao and others at the base and outside have successively replaced a lot of building materials.

This saved them a lot of effort in searching for building materials.

Li Yu stood on the wall and looked at everything in the base, feeling an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

In the past few days, He Chao and the others came twice more, bringing things in exchange. Li Yu also kept his promise and gave them some food in exchange for the original agreement.

Some trust has also been established between each other.

Through He Chao, I got some information from him. Now there is basically no large-scale survivor force in the entire Xin City or in the city.

Most of them are like them, a few, a dozen, or dozens of them floating around in various places.

There is no fixed place of residence.

For them, no one can stay in one place for too long because zombies are mobile and they need to constantly avoid zombies.

What's more, you still need to keep looking for food.

Some people even go all the way south to further places, while some people are unwilling to leave their hometown and just live in the place where they live, struggling to survive.

He Chao, who has traded twice in a row, already has nearly 10 kilograms of rice on hand. If he saves some food, this rice is enough to keep him and his daughter alive for a month.

He Chao was very lucky to be able to finally find Li Yu and the others.

Although they used a lot of things and replaced a little bit of food, it was these foods that kept them alive.

I can't eat enough, but I can survive, that's enough.

No one wants to die.

But just because he was able to exchange for food, he has been reluctant to share the news with others. Once there are more people and there is not much food, he will not be able to exchange.


Moving over long distances is a very dangerous thing in these last days.

This is the same for Captain Tao and others who came from hundreds of kilometers east.

There were not many bullets along the way, and they were all used up before reaching Xincheng.

Moreover, a lot of people were injured. Five people were injured on the highway before, and seven people were injured later during a zombie siege.

There were 28 people when we set off, but now there were only 16 people left.

This gave them a heavy blow to their longing-filled hearts, allowing them to see clearly the tragedy of reality.

There is a place 150 kilometers away from Xincheng.

A group of people were having a fierce quarrel.

Hua Chuanxiong pulled Mr. Wang down with his hands tied and slapped him:

"I fucking lost three brothers because of you. We've been gone for three days and we haven't arrived yet!"

Captain Tao and others quickly pulled him away. Captain Tao was also very depressed. In the past two days, he had lost two of his men.

Before they even reached Xincheng, they had already lost half of their manpower.

But there was no other way. Looking at the angry Hua Chuanxiong, he couldn't help but complain: You are even more impatient than me, so you just want to go home...

Captain Tao said:

"Since we are already here and so many of us have died, we are really wasting our time if we don't go. Besides, if we go back now, how will we explain to them when we go back?"

Hua Chuanxiong's eyes were filled with anger, and he said angrily: "How come we people have been here these past few days? We still haven't encountered a zombie wave. If it rains and encounters a zombie wave, we all have to answer here."

You asked my brother and Mr. Wu to send more people.

You saw those zombies yesterday. Do you think more people can solve the problem?

If there are too many people, they will just feed the zombies! Let’s go back directly now, and maybe we can go back safely.

We have all used up our bullets now, what will happen even if you go?

Besides, this Mr. Wang might be deceiving us."

Captain Tao glanced at Mr. Wang. This Mr. Wang was also a piece of meat. No matter how you asked him or how you beat him, he would always remain stubborn.

After hearing what Hua Chuanxiong said, everyone else looked thoughtful. It is true that this journey is too difficult.

The snow before was really too thick, and now there is still some ice on the road caused by the melted snow.

If the speed increases, the tires will easily slip.

In addition, the zombies we encounter now are also extremely crazy. After seeing people, they chase them like crazy. The group of zombies we met yesterday chased them for six kilometers.

Captain Tao saw that everyone was a little discouraged. In fact, he also wanted to go back. This trip felt so worthless.

Try to think about it, if everyone from their safe city comes here, the scale will definitely attract zombies.


But Captain Tao then thought about it. Before setting off, he promised Mr. Wu that he would definitely complete the mission and find out the strength of the Xincheng group that Mr. Wang mentioned.

And how much food do they have?

This is the main factor that determines whether Safe City will come.

Thinking of this, Captain Tao took off his duck down black hat and said earnestly: "We have come so far and we will be there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Don't you think it's a pity to give up now?"

Besides, when we get there, we don't need to risk fighting them. We just need to find out where they are and how much food they have.

It will be easy for all of us to explain when we get back."

As he spoke, he took Mr. Wang away from Hua Chuanxiong's hand, and then pushed Mr. Wang into the car.

Hua Chuanxiong didn't stop them. Even though Mr. Wang got in the car, he knew very well that they had already reached this point. If they didn't go to Xincheng to have a look, he wouldn't be able to do the job back home.

His brother needs to beat him to death.

But after this quarrel, everyone had different opinions, so they got back in the car and continued towards Xincheng.

It's just that everyone has different things in mind. At this time, Mr. Wang was also very anxious.

Through the contacts in the past two days, he did not expect that although the people in this safe city had guns, they had very few bullets. They had only encountered two waves of zombies in the past few days, and their bullets had been exhausted.

Isn't this a trap...

This disappointed him so much. In addition, this group of people was divided into four factions, and the internal fighting was so serious.

I guess I was already beaten to a pulp even before I met those people.

Alas, Mr. Wang sighed.

Sitting opposite him was Captain Tao, who was even more worried. According to what Wang Xiansheng said these days, those in Xincheng only had a few guns.

But when they encountered zombies before, they were already consumed. What would they do if they encountered them?

What worries him even more is that these days, Lao Sun and the others are a little angry because of the people who didn't save them before.

These days, some people are not willing to listen to orders.

I didn't communicate much with them, and their car kept following behind them.

It’s hard to lead a team.


This chapter has been completed!
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