Chapter 759 Strength expansion and the core of the base

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Chapter 759 Strength expansion and the core of the base [5400-word chapter]

In the Wengcheng.

Li Yu asked Zhong Chuchu about some information about the motorcycle gang in detail, and Zhong Chuchu told her all the information she knew.

Afterwards, Li Yu looked at He Chao and asked: "He Chao, have you introduced them to the situation at Da Zhangshu Base?"

He Chao would be a little nervous every time he faced Li Yu.

This sense of tension comes from the fact that when you face someone you admire very much, or even treat him as an idol, you will unconsciously feel nervous.

He Chao said quickly: "I have told them all."

Li Yu nodded and said: "Okay, then you can take them back first, and you can go and do your own business first."

Then he turned to Zhong Chuchu and said: "You guys probably understand the situation at Da Zhangshu Base. We don't welcome lazy people here. It's actually relatively simple. As long as you have hands, are willing to work, and can generate value, we will give you

Give me food and points. If you work hard, everything will get better."

Zhong Chuchu looked at the young man in front of her, filled with emotion, and said gratefully: "Thank you City Lord, we will do a good job."

Li Yu waved his hand and asked He Chao to take them out.

Let us naturally feel no gratitude to Niu Rong.

The most important thing is, since you don’t have enough food, you will definitely expand, so you should implement the bad rules you make in the future.”

On the way to the duty room, Guo Peng briefly thought about the matter.

Li Yu nodded and said: "Yes, when you finished, you wanted to build the greenhouse and the residential building at the same time, but the suggestion from his seventh uncle was to build the greenhouse before destroying it. The wall is not that low yet.

It's relatively dangerous. You think it's unreasonable, so you suspended the construction of residential buildings."


Since we can all retreat, let alone Zhu Xiao and us who have been with you for so long. This He Chao's combat power is actually very vulgar. Is there no problem if I join and retreat?

But now we have eliminated so few forces and survived so many waves of zombies.

The most important thing is not the problem of internal management. If there are fewer people, we are afraid of being taken away from power. More importantly, if there are fewer people, we are afraid of being united.

Therefore, the food supply is stable and the base is also very stable.

After they left, Li Yu looked at Ding Jiu, Xiao Liu and others, and asked: "Uncle Ding, how is the construction situation of the third outer city now?"

At the same time, you allocate half of your manpower to build the greenhouse shed at the same time. Once the greenhouse shed is completed, Anya can stop planting.

Add in Lao Luo, Ju Tianrui, Xiao Jun, Lao Lu, my uncle, Lao Yi, Lao Bi and other people who are very weak in combat and have no experience in leading a team.

Everything Guo Peng was thinking about had been running through his mind for a few minutes. It was all what I thought about when I was walking towards the duty room.

So I said: "You have dealt with all the eight groups. Zhu Xiao has been in this group for a long time, and its combat effectiveness is outstanding, but it is better because it is stable enough.

I found the gun arsenal, and even the tanks were gone. Uncle Eight gave me a surprise, and wiped out a super weak special operations brigade.


The internal friction is slight, so we can go in the same direction together.

After all, my brother-in-law is a special police officer, and he does not possess the characteristics of being resolute and resolute.

The Xiaozhangshu Base currently reserves less than a thousand tons of grain. That part was transported back from the national reserve granary. The reserve has not been reduced. It is just the replacement of old grain with new grain.

Niu Rong from Group 1 made some mistakes in the test.

On the other hand, among the eight groups, Zhu Xiao's group was originally the least qualified, had the lowest points, and had cooperated with the Xiaozhangshu base for the longest time. It should be the group most likely to retreat to the inner city.

, but when they went to the Guangshi Steel Plant later, the inspection was so sloppy that no zombies retreated into the steel plant.

This also allowed He Chao's team to receive relatively small contributions and points, making our team's overall points ranking in the bottom eight among all members.

Uncle Eighth's combat power was extremely low, so I carried out operations against the enemy, and my influence in the army naturally gave me a sense of trust in the hearts of Lao Luo and others.

The seventh aspect is to consider the points and character loyalty test of the eight groups.

Guo Peng nodded and said: "No, how long will it take for the greenhouse shed to be built before it breaks down? Is it right for residential buildings to wait until the greenhouse shed breaks down?"

As for Ding Jiu, our group was a group of seven. When we went to Guang City to search at the end, we were not allowed to follow. I was allowed to follow because there were enough people in front.

Guo Peng was silent for a while, then said: "Next time we go to Li Province to look for sun panels and encounter bandits, He Chao is really reliable.

Moreover, Ding Jiu's two groups are also ranked in the bottom eight in terms of staff points.

Which group of people should be asked to withdraw? What if eight groups of people should be asked to withdraw?

But there is an internal problem.

(asking for monthly ticket)

Before the power is in our hands, there is no series of institutional coordination.

In addition, the most important guarding of the fence, so far, is still under the control of Niu Rong. The personnel on duty outside, unless there are ordinary circumstances, such as a zombie wave, or there is no enemy invasion, will be inside for a small part of the time.

People in the city are on duty.

"Hmm." Guo Peng has no objection to that. Uncle Qi is right to think about it. If he can destroy the 40 acres of greenhouses as soon as possible, he can go back to grow food as soon as possible. That's right.

Although there are few people in Xiao Zhangshu Base now, the strength is definitely strong!

It hasn't been a long time since the inner city staff added people, so that was an opportunity.

In sharp contrast to the small number of staff and collaborators, we have a strong sense of identity and pride in our identity as city staff...

Uncle Qi thought about it carefully and said first: "Let's go back and do what he said. Judging from our performance, you have fewer contacts, which is indeed a problem. It's just that you think about the people in front of you.

Arrangements need to be thought about."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In this way, among the dozens of people in the Guo Peng family, the most stable relationship has been completed.

For example, Uncle Ba is now taking Niu Rong, Zhu Xiao, Ding Jiu and our group to transport steel to the Guangshi Iron and Steel Plant.

Through these, many inner city personnel and staff have no objective conditions for rebellion.

He Chao, who is in Group 9, has only been with Xiao Zhangshu Base for eleven months. Although my contribution points are very low, my qualifications are the same as those in Group 1 and Group 2.

It is not that Xiaozhangshu Base has achieved self-sufficiency in food now. We will only consider expanding manpower when the food supply exceeds demand.

Xiao Hu is responsible for some affairs in the inner city. I am alone except for my son, who is in the inner city. In addition, Guo Peng has no help for me. Judging from Niu Rong's consistent performance, it cannot be said that he is not interested in Xiaozhangshu base.

A very focused person.

Fortunately, Guo Peng's family and friends are strong enough and they can pull their hips to be pig teammates.

But judging from the current food output of the base, including the newly built Eighth Mile City planting area, you actually don't have a surplus, enough to cover the eight groups of people.

For the current small Zhangshu base, or for a small minority of forces.

That mission was actually a test for us.

There are seven levels of the system, and each level comes with the same benefits and benefits as standard.

Here, the team of He Chao and Ding Jiu is wrong in terms of their own combat capabilities, and it is also wrong to go back and forth to train them so that they can fight against each other."

On an objective level, do we have the basis for rebellion and seizing power?

As long as they pass the test, Niu Rong and He Chao, two members of the big group, can truly join the Xiao Zhangshu base and become members of Licheng.

Guo Peng nodded and said: "I have something to do. When we come back in the near future, let us help build the Eighth Mile City first. The crops in the greenhouses and sheds outside the inner city also need people to take care of them. Anya's side

We don't have enough manpower to go back.

I'm sure Niu Rong's family members are pulling their crotches, and there is no way to accomplish this.

Back in the duty room, Li Hang was in the duty room, but Li Tie woke up over there.

At least many people in the inner city are completely unaware of that point.

During the time I left, I actually accumulated some things, and I needed to wait for Guo Peng to finally make a decision before he came back.

So far, the Xiaozhangshu Base seems to be an established organization, but everyone's responsibilities are very vague.

When Uncle Qi heard this, his face was not firm and he said: "But there are not more than forty people in our eight groups. Is the speed too slow?"

Uncle Qi looked at his uncle and said: "That's actually quite confusing. If our eight groups are actually calculated based on points, we haven't reached it yet. If we calculate based on the assessment, Niu Rong's group is totally fine.

, but my joining time is always the same as one or seven groups. Your personal idea is, if you wait any longer? All eight groups will be suppressed for the time being."

It's like a pyramid. People at the lower end enjoy less, so we will protect that system more.

After all, there are basically people living in the seventh mile city. The residential buildings are also empty, and there are zombies outside who are working day and night, working tirelessly and conscientiously, just complaining and running the assembly line to generate electricity. There are also greenhouses inside, and they all grow food.

Uncle Qi and uncle had exactly the same idea that time, so they waited until Niu Rong came back to make a decision.

Very rarely, the collapse of a power is caused solely by zombies, natural disasters, and enemy attacks.

At this time, Guo Peng had the same thoughts as when he had just been reborn. When he had just been reborn, there were many people but weak abilities. I just felt that it was very scary inside, and I just wanted to be safe in a corner.

Niu Rong and Niu Rong had a complicated conversation about the current construction situation of Eighth Mile City. After learning the specific construction plan and exiting the exhibition, they let us go about our own business.

"Uncle, where is he?" Guo Peng looked at his uncle.

Guo Peng has almost lost all ambition. Since he can become weaker, why does he become weaker?

With the addition of less than 2,000 cooperating personnel, equipped with walkie-talkies, and repeaters at the station to weaken the wired power, the entire Xincheng was like a layer of net.

Even Bai Jie, the head of the scientific research office, has no connection with Guo Peng in some way, and is loyal to Guo Peng from body to soul.

The two years of precipitation at the Xiaozhangshu base have verified such a suitable path through repeated tests.

Thanks to [Little Commander Maomao] for the reward

At present, the rights of the Xiaozhangshu base are firmly in the hands of Guo Peng's family on a family basis.

He Chao also went out to perform several bad missions together. You think there is something wrong with me.

Uncle Qi and his uncle nodded, approving Guo Peng's decision.

At that time, I knew which group to let join the inner city.

Only a few collaborators made trouble, and they were all killed by Guo Peng.

Similarly, Guo Peng was the youngest of eight generations of the Li and Liu families, and the elder of eight generations disobeyed Niu Rong.

Before completing the mission back and forth, our group's points had reached the amount required to retreat to the inner city.

You mainly consider this issue from two aspects. First, if you recruit us and withdraw us, there will be no problem in terms of food. After all, we have joined the inner city and the food supply will increase.

That and a series of rules formulated by Niu Rong restricted us.

However, after asking eight groups of people to retreat at once, Uncle Qi felt that the pace of expansion was too slow.

That involves the material level.

My uncle finished my thoughts in one breath.

On the subjective level, institutions are also used.

So, your opinion is that all the people in the eight groups should withdraw!"

After listening carefully to Uncle Qi's words, Guo Peng looked at Qi Zhou and then said to Uncle Qi and his uncle: "Let's go to the duty room to chat."

Guo Peng shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter. Now the total number of people in your base and inner city is only 700. Ju Tianrui alone is dozens of people smaller than us."

After we have endured hardship, we naturally know that what comes in the future is easy.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Loyalty is loyalty, and the quality of character is just a matter of time. There is no time that cannot be seen through the things we have experienced together.

There is not even a temporary station in the entire Xincheng.

A very small minority of people will think of rebellion as long as they can survive.

The construction of the eighth inner city is almost broken, and it is time to increase the number of people in the inner city.

Therefore, adding eight groups of people to the inner city will eliminate the pressure on food.

And most importantly, food can be supplied.

"You see that the side entrance of Eighth Mile City has not been built yet. You can go over and have a look later." Niu Rong thought for a while and said.

Li Yu and Guo Peng's father are responsible for the construction project of the base.

For the staff, if we don't have the monthly minimum food, we will at least starve to death. Compared to the cooperators, we are like we don't have the staff to be special, enough...stable.

After that, as Zhu Xiao and others who started cooperation with Xiaozhangshu Base relatively early, they were quickly promoted from collaborators to staff members in less than a year, and their current points have not yet reached the threshold for retreating to the inner city.

critical point.

Uncle Qi has always been very steady in his work, so when he rarely makes some decisions, he usually sticks to the "steady" approach. But sometimes he is too steady and too fast, and lacks efficiency in certain matters.

Similarly, for the cooperation staff of Guangzhou Xiaozhu Base, who have not experienced the extremely hungry situation in other places, they know that becoming a cooperation staff of Xiao Zhangshu Base can be done in exchange for food by completing tasks. This is also a way to survive.

But there is a problem. One of Zhu Xiao and Niu Rong belongs to Group 1, and the other belongs to Group 9. He Chao joined and retired much later than Zhu Xiao's group, but Niu Rong's group is very courageous.

There were very few things that could be found around the small Zhangshu base, so He Chao's team dared to go out and search far away.

These people in the inner city can live in a safe place without starving themselves, and can even take cold showers.

Why did the people in Neili City ever make trouble? Except for the weak suppression,

Helping someone when they need it is worse than adding icing on the cake.

That's a coincidence. Guo Peng's family must be small enough to accomplish that goal.

It would also be a waste of time to regress simultaneously like that."

Among them were many people from the inner city, many of whom were in the most critical moment. Guo Peng took the lead.

That alone cannot prevent rebellion from occurring in the base.

Here, we quickly infiltrated our influence and set up observation posts at the base. If there was no trouble on both sides of the national highway, the base would know immediately.

My uncle is responsible for the protection of the entire base.

So we will also spontaneously protect the Little Zhangshu Base. After all, the Little Zhangshu Base will exchange food for us. Although we are often hungry and often full, at least as long as we work hard to complete the task, we will starve to death...


He Chao is a man who dares to fight and fight hard. He is a man with a true temperament. Ding Jiu is a combination of Niu Rong and He Chao. I have no idea, and the combat power is also wrong. Your personal idea is that as long as the points are reached, and

They showed enough loyalty to the Xiaozhangshu base to let us join. The other thing is that I didn’t think too much.”

Before returning to the duty room, Li Tie looked at Uncle Qi and Uncle and asked, "Uncle Qi, uncle, they two have no idea?"

I had enough points before I came back from the Guang City mission.

Then, without the solid relationship of family ties, Guo Peng retreated and delegated power.

With Guo Peng as the core, the two old men Li Gong and Grandpa have single-handedly recommended Guo Peng to be in charge from the very beginning. Guo Peng successfully completed the trust several times and consolidated the core position, forming a group consisting of uncle, seventh uncle, eighth uncle, and seventh uncle.

The trust of uncles and fathers.

Ding Jiu had been waiting nearby, waiting for Li Yu and Zhong Chuchu to finish talking. At this time, Li Yu called him. He straightened his expression and said: "At present, the wall part of the third outer city has been built 100%."

Ten, it is estimated that it will be completely destroyed in less than ten days.

Even, there is no sign of it!

When you retreat to the inner city, you must hand over firearms. When you leave the city to perform tasks, you must apply to obtain firearms and report the number of bullets.

Niu Rong pondered for a long time and said to his uncle and Qi Shu: "Qi Uncle, he is right to be careful. To be honest, Uncle Ant, Uncle Xu, we jumped directly into the retreat city. Although we were specially recruited, for everyone

Even the staff members need to be given a chance.

It all depends on loyalty and character. Do you personally think there is any problem with Zhu Xiao and Ding Jiu? We have done very few missions together since then. As for Niu Rong."

That point ensures that the low point is always within hand.

On a subjective spiritual level, Guo Peng has always promoted family culture. As long as he joins Xiaozhangshu Base, he is like a family.

After all, Guo Peng has completely different attitudes towards the enemies inside, even the returnees, and towards the people in the inner city.

However, what we do know is that Guo Peng has been hiding his emotions just now. His hatred for his enemy, Guan Zhonghui, made me think that it is time to make the strength of the base even weaker.


People often only develop ambition before they lose a certain ability, or before they reach this position.

Niu Rong from Group 2 was the one who went to Guangshi earlier. The test was as difficult as Zhu Xiao and Niu Rong.

"Food production is stable, is there any pressure? Our eight groups have enough points. If there is a problem with loyalty, let us join." Guo Peng said first.

In the front office department, there are also relatives and friends such as Mother Li, Li Yuan, Aunt Zhou, etc.



After Uncle Qi started doing business, he was a treacherous and cunning old man, but I was also sincere to my family, so cunning and cunning became a compliment. So Niu Rong made me responsible for the internal affairs of the entire base, and for the

Management of numerous staff and collaborators.

Uncle Qi immediately became determined, so he told Guo Peng about the situation.


But so far, there has been no power seizure or rebellion among the members of the inner city of Xiaozhangshu Base.

Regression restrictions from both objective and subjective levels.

This chapter has been completed!
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