Chapter 870 Walking among zombies

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At the end of July, the weather was sunny and cloudless.

Oil City.

After the third uncle checked the helicopter, he looked at Lao Bi and others who were getting ready for departure, and shouted to Lao Bi:

"Lao Bi, see you at the transit station, we're leaving first."

After saying that, he clapped his hands to indicate that the jackal could take off.

Jackal glanced down at Xiao Jun, then controlled the helicopter to take off, heading straight towards Xiushui.

Lao Bi and others below also began to drive out of the oil city. A convoy, four or five oil tankers, and dozens of trucks loaded with oil drove in the direction of the helicopter.

After they left, the oil city suddenly became much emptier.

Xiao Jun watched them leave, and only after their backs completely disappeared did he say to everyone: "The leaders of each group are here to have a meeting, um, Zuo Ruxue, come with you."

They left, and there were less than two hundred people left in Oil City. They must make good use of these two hundred people to shape Oil City into an iron barrel, and they must not let others take advantage of it.


In a helicopter.

Ant looked at the scene below the plane boredly. At first, he could still see Lao Bi and his vehicles following behind, but as they got behind, the convoy became farther and farther away.

"Captain, are we going to Xinshi Lithium Battery Company next?" Lao Qin asked on the headset.

The third uncle put the pistol back on his waist, and then said: "Yes, as I said yesterday, we will go to the Xinshi Lithium Battery Company to explore the road first, and later go to the Zhongshan Station to wait for Lao Bi and the others. I think they should be able to arrive in the afternoon.


"Okay." After hearing the third uncle's confirmation, Lao Qin didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he spread a blanket on his body and leaned on his seat to take a nap.

The helicopter was very fast, and in less than two hours, they arrived over the new city.

Ant and Uncle San gave directions to Jackal based on the civilian map.

Since there is no navigation, they cannot determine their current location, so in many cases they can only locate themselves through the scene on the ground.

"Going south, according to the scale, we should be in the suburbs of the city center, about 20 kilometers away from the city center." After checking the map, the third uncle said to Jackal.

The jackal followed the instructions and flew south.

Ten minutes later, the third uncle looked at the ground with a telescope.

It is located inland, but it was still affected by the typhoon. Half of the signboard of the lithium battery company's factory was lost.

They did not fly directly. Everyone on the plane was observing the situation below with telescopes.

Zombies, humans, or other potential threats.

At least take a look before landing.

The gate at the entrance of the factory is open, and there are more than a dozen vehicles parked crookedly. It seems that they were originally used to block the gate, but the blood and traces around these vehicles seem to tell others that a fierce battle has occurred here.

There are a few scattered zombies down below, wandering in the empty factory building.

After walking around in a circle, the third uncle looked at the center and roof of the factory building.

The factory building is about ten meters high, and the roof is not large, but it can also park a helicopter.

The center of the factory building is relatively wide, making it easier to park a helicopter, but if there are people or zombies below, it will be easily attacked.

"Stop on the top floor of that factory building. Everyone, be ready to get off the plane." The third uncle said to everyone while checking the magazine. Ah.

Everyone was getting ready to get off the plane.

Buzz buzz——

They landed the helicopter on the roof of the factory building.

After landing, the third uncle immediately jumped out of the helicopter and stepped firmly on the floor.

Lao Qin and Ant also came down.

The three of them first stood on the top floor and looked around. After checking, the third uncle whistled at the two of them and took the lead to go downstairs.

The jackal stayed guarded by the helicopter.

This lithium battery factory is quiet. There are still some traces of blood on the walls of the corridor. Some of the white walls have fallen off and some mold has grown.

Tap tap tap——

Uncle San and the others tried to lower the sound of their footsteps to avoid making too much noise.

The building they came down to should be an office building, with mostly conference rooms and office seats inside.

They walked slowly until they reached the first floor. The third uncle pointed at the two of them and gestured to the back to have a look.

Ant nodded, then took a sharp knife and walked towards the corner of the first floor.



A gust of wind came out and blew off the piece of glass that had fallen from the window.

Ho ho ho!

Almost instantly, the whole building seemed to be boiling, and the roars of zombies were everywhere.

The third uncle waved his hands towards the two of them, telling them to stay quiet and stop moving.

After the roaring sounded for a while, it stopped again.

The third uncle gestured towards the ant to continue moving, and then the ant began to move its body.

A gate appeared ahead.

The ant slowly opened the door, leading to the factory building at the back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he pushed it open, a zombie wearing factory work clothes appeared in front of him.

The zombie pounced directly on him, but the ant, who had been prepared, calmly swung it with his knife.


The zombie was beheaded directly, and then the ant stabbed into the zombie's head.

Just as he was dealing with the zombie, Uncle San and Lao Qin also entered the factory. The equipment in the factory was arranged neatly and orderly in the chaos.

The factory building was no less than 2,000 square meters, and there were some zombies among them who heard the noise and slowly walked toward Third Uncle and the others.

"Old Qin, go and check whether these devices and batteries are still working." The third uncle said, and then he and Ant faced the zombies head on.

They already have amazing fighting power, but they just wanted to save their energy and didn't want to waste it on killing zombies.

But now that it has been found, the zombies must be dealt with.

Lao Qin nodded, then walked to the equipment to check, took out some instruments from his backpack, and powered on for testing.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But nothing seemed to happen until he took apart a piece of machinery and found that it was rusty inside and the whole thing was soaked in water and swollen.

He checked one after another, but found that they were all scrapped and the batteries were soaked in water and difficult to repair.

"Captain, the first floor here is basically unusable. Let's go look elsewhere. It can't have only one production workshop." After all, Lao Qin had worked in a lathe factory after retiring from the army, so he had some experience.

They began to walk outside.

Coming out of the main entrance of the factory building, they closed the door again.

It seemed that he was thinking that he would be discovered by zombies anyway, so he didn't bother to lower his voice.

They were wearing explosion-proof suits and helmets. Unless they were exhausted or trapped in the zombie wave for a long time, these zombies would not pose a big threat to them.

Shi Shiran walked out of the factory.

The dozen or so zombies that followed out of the factory were quickly dispatched one by one by Uncle San.

Even the few that I saw from the helicopter came up and were hacked to death by the ants.

Their explosion-proof suits were coated with a layer of zombie flesh, allowing them to walk freely among zombies.

But this is a test of one's character. If a timid person screams, he will definitely die.

For Uncle San and the others, it was for convenience. After all, there were quite a lot of zombies in the factory, at least hundreds.

Soon, Lao Qin took his third uncle and the others to another factory building, which was just like the one he had just seen. However, this factory building was built in one building and had more than just one floor.

They went to the second floor and found some usable batteries, equipment, raw materials...

The third uncle took out a spray paint from his backpack and spray-painted a mark on the door. When the time comes, Lao Bi and the others can come over and carry the things inside.

Along the way, they were smeared with a layer of zombie flesh and blood, so that the zombies inside did not notice them.

Then, they opened all the doors in the factory to allow the zombies locked inside to come out.

They need to lure these zombies away, otherwise it will be troublesome for Lao Bi and others to come and clean them up.

After spending an hour or two, the doors of the entire factory were opened.

Third Uncle contacted Jackal.

"Jackal, you fly the helicopter, then turn on the speakers and use the speakers to maximize the sound. We have opened all the doors in the factory and use the sound to lure these zombies away."

"Okay, Captain, have you found what you want?" Jackal asked while controlling the helicopter.

"I found it, fly up quickly, take the zombies to the east, take them ten kilometers away, and then come back to pick us up," the third uncle said.


Jackal started the helicopter and the helicopter flew up from the roof of the building.

Immediately afterwards, Jackal flipped through the music playlist, and without any choice, he pressed the play button.

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my heart, let me keep you with all my heart!!"

"yo! yo!"


The speaker is at its highest volume, plus speaker amplification.

The sound was so loud that the jackals were startled and their eardrums felt like they were about to burst.

He quickly put on the headset with one hand, and it felt much better.

He didn't take it with him before taking off because he wanted to test how loud the sound was, but the sound was unexpectedly loud.

In the small square in the center of the factory, the third uncle and the others looked at the helicopter in the sky.

A huge singing voice stunned them, it was too clear.

Ho ho ho!

Amidst this sound, thousands of zombies ran out from the interior of the factory, following the helicopter towards the door of the factory.

Third Uncle and the others were among the zombies, motionless.

The thick layer of zombie flesh and blood smeared all over his body made the zombies around him think they were the same kind.

Until these zombies left, Uncle San and the others could still see the helicopter in the distance, and they could still hear the melodious sound.

"It always feels a bit inconsistent..." Lao Qin coughed twice and said to his third uncle.

The third uncle looked around and saw that there were basically no zombies around.

So he retreated to the edge of the central pool and sat down on the edge of the pool.

The pool has dried up and there are still two skeletons in it.

The third uncle sat on the edge of the pool, looking at the helicopter with a relaxed expression.

"Wait here." Third Uncle said to the two of them.


In the helicopter, Jackal could still hear the loud soprano even if he wore noise-cancelling headphones.

I wanted to change a song, but I felt that the volume was not loud enough, so I played the song on a loop.

There are more and more zombies in the back, and the number of zombies has become huge.

The sound was so loud that he not only attracted the zombies in the factory, but also the surrounding zombies. However, the jackal was in the air, and no amount of zombies could cause harm to the jackal.

The jackal spent a lot of time, it took more than an hour to lead these zombies several kilometers away.

Although the flight distance is not far, it still consumes aviation kerosene.

The fuel tank is running low. If we fly for half an hour at most, we will be out of aviation kerosene.

So as a last resort, Jackal told his third uncle about the situation.

After the third uncle learned that the zombies had been attracted to a distance of seven or eight kilometers, he asked the jackals to return. Seven or eight kilometers was a distance enough.


The jackal turned off the sound and speakers, and everything suddenly became quiet. The zombies below suddenly lost their direction, became restless, and scattered in all directions.

Jackal immediately changed direction and returned to the lithium battery factory to pick up Uncle San and the others on the plane.

When Jackal brought the zombies there just now, Uncle San and the others also blocked the gate of the lithium battery factory to prevent zombies from outside from coming in, so that Lao Bi and the others could come over later to carry things.

Soon, they returned to the Xiushui Transfer Station in a helicopter.

The distance from Xinshi to Xiuxian is very short, so they are very fast.

Zhou Tian and others at the transfer station once again saw Uncle San and others, and went over to greet them enthusiastically.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Only through Third Uncle did they know that Lao Bi and the others would come over today. They were a little excited on Sunday. After all, there were only a few of them at the transfer station, so they were a bit boring on weekdays.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lao Bi and the others took the convoy and arrived at the transfer station smoothly.

After Lao Bi entered the transfer station, he was obviously a little happy.

He was under great pressure and returned to the Da Zhangshu base with hundreds of tons of oil, just like walking on the road before the end of the world with an open package full of cash.

But the difference is that they have guns and cannons in their hands, which can deter people who live along the way and spy secretly.

"Finally we arrived without any danger." Lao Bi said with some emotion when he found his third uncle at the transfer station.

The third uncle patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't put too much pressure on me, Old Bi. We can support you at any time."

Lao Bi nodded and said nothing.

After a long time, he suddenly said: "Captain, what's going on at the lithium battery company? If we don't go there today and set out to collect the lithium battery equipment and raw materials tomorrow, we may not be able to return to the Da Zhangshu Base until the day after tomorrow."

The third uncle shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't be so troublesome. The zombies inside have been cleaned up and the things have been found. All you need to do tomorrow is to carry the equipment and raw materials into the car. I think it will be enough in one morning at most.

, I will return to the base in the afternoon, I can definitely make it in time!”

Hearing Uncle San say this was a surprise to Lao Bi.

So he smiled and said: "The captain is still awesome!"


The transfer station provides a resting place where you can refuel, add water, repair your car and change tires.

Nothing happened all night.

Early the next morning, they continued to head south, on the way to the Xinshi Lithium Battery Factory.


(asking for monthly ticket)

This chapter has been completed!
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