Chapter 110

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Things make the best use of them, and so do people.

For those in power, people with different talents must be placed in different positions in order to exert corresponding energy.

Tie Xuan is upright and rigid, and he is meticulous in his work. If you use him to check the military situation of Yan Fan, you will definitely be able to do everything in an orderly manner.

Xie Jin is talented, but he is a bit frivolous and good at quarreling with others. So it is perfect to use him to sow discord and drive a wedge between King Yan and his subordinates. Regardless of whether King Yan believes it or not, he can give him a break and make him feel uncomfortable.


As long as it is a nail, it will always come out. But the human heart is too soft, and it cannot be contained for a lifetime. The superiors all have suspicious qualities. This buried nail will not soften with the passage of time, but will only slowly come out.


This is human nature!

To be honest, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. In the face of power and wealth, other relationships must take a back seat.

The year has finally arrived.

The efficiency of the imperial court has slowed down, and the pace of the capital has also slowed down.

This has been the case since ancient times. Before the New Year, anything that is not money-related must be dealt with later. Big things must be dealt with after the New Year. Of course, if there are debts, they must be collected before the New Year.


Although the Emperor Taisun issued an order to select outstanding generals from coastal guards and establish the Jing Navy to specifically suppress pirates and Japanese pirates, he ordered Guangzhou Fu to build a shipyard to build warships and speedboats, and he appointed Duke Tang He as the chief military officer of the Jing Navy.

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But this will have to be done after the new year.

It's not procrastination, but that the superiors should be considerate of their subordinates and let the ministers who have been busy for a year have a good year. The Ming Dynasty's army was powerful and had strong mobilization ability. After the New Year, Tang He rushed to Fujian and was able to pull up an army in an instant

A team that can fight. When the warships are in place, the Jinghai Navy sets sail and clears out the pirate lairs. It is a matter of course.

At the end of the year, the capital is in full bloom, and the streets are full of people buying new year's goods. The streets are filled with a dazzling array of goods. There are many people walking on the street, shoulder to shoulder, all smiling and cheerful.

The temples and Taoist temples in the south and north of the city are even more prosperous. There is an endless stream of people praying to God and worshiping Buddha, and the monks and Taoists are smiling.

The people who have worked hard for a year spend a happy Spring Festival for their family by saving food and clothing. Bringing out the best food, wearing the best clothes, and worshiping their ancestors means that they live a prosperous life. At the same time, they should also spend some money to show their filial piety.

Gods and Buddhas, pray for a happy life and prosperity in the coming year.

The New Year is not so much a festival as it is a ceremony for Chinese people to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

Behind the joy and laughter in the New Year are the sacrifices to the ancestors and gods of heaven and earth.

On Qixia Mountain outside Yingtian Mansion, there is the ancient Qixia Temple. This temple was built in the seventh year of Yongming in the Southern Qi Dynasty. It has been a sacred place for Jiangnan Buddhism since ancient times. Its incense has not faded for hundreds of years and it is proud to be in the world.

The more famous the temple, the more people come to burn incense and worship Buddha. Outside the mountain gate, there are many cars and horses, and the crowds are crowded. Everyone, rich or poor, wants to offer a stick of incense to the famous temple before the New Year to pray for good days in the coming year.

May your family and home be healthy, and seek happiness in life.

Not only are people burning incense and worshiping Buddha, there are many vendors on both sides of the official road outside the mountain gate, and the sound of hawking can be heard constantly. It is like a large open-air market. After burning incense and worshiping Buddha, people walk through it with their families, or choose their favorite products.

Or have some snacks, it’s very lively.

There are mountains and temples. There are people and gatherings.

In the solemn temple, the incense is faint, and the huge Buddha statue solemnly saves all living beings.

Outside the mountain gate, there are mixed flavors and noisy human fireworks.

Is the incense of Buddha abundant? Is the incense of man beautiful?

Where can there be a Buddha without people! In Zhu Yunxi's view, the fireworks in the world are far better than the incense of the Buddha. The incense of the Buddha belongs to the Buddha, while the fireworks in the world belong to thousands of people in the world. And they are passed down from generation to generation without interruption.

At a stall selling small wontons, Zhu Yunxi, dressed in casual clothes, took small bites of fresh meat wontons with dried shrimps added. The skin was thin and the fillings were big. The shopkeeper packed and cooked them freshly. All the fillings used were visible to the diners, so they were genuine.

Although these wontons are small, the meat filling of one wonton is comparable to the ingredients used in a bowl of old Shanghai wontons in later generations.

Smoke was rising from the pot, and minced meat was chopping on the cutting board. The shopkeeper's wife was chopping the stuffing, and the wife's two kitchen knives were flying up and down, along with two lumps on her chest, which trembled and trembled, making people dizzy.

A diner on the side was eating and peeking at the wontons. Unexpectedly, he realized that the wontons were too hot, and he immediately grinned.

"Ha!" Zhu Yunxi laughed out loud, overjoyed. The proprietress of the wonton stall was carefree and quite majestic, but the diner was not picky about food and kept peeking at her, which was really bad.

Hearing Zhu Yunxi's sneer, the diner who was grinning because of the burn was a little helpless. He cursed angrily in his mouth, but when he saw Zhu Yunxi wearing a brocade hat and mink fur, followed by a group of burly entourage, he suddenly stopped.

It was not a trivial matter for the emperor's grandson to leave the palace. Fu asked Zhang Fu, the Liao brothers and other close soldiers to accompany him, watching the people around him. He Guangyi, a member of the surrounding Jinyi guards, was on guard with a secret sentry.

"Sir, how does it taste?" the owner of the wonton stall asked a little embarrassedly when he saw Zhu Yunxi dressed richly. The stalls he served were all peddlers and lackeys, and it was rare for a rich young man to patronize it.

"Very good!" Zhu Yunxi took a sip of the soup and said with a smile, "It's no worse than the ones made in big restaurants!"

The shopkeeper immediately beamed, "I have been selling wontons for three generations in my family. What matters is that the products are genuine and the prices are high. Only when the guests eat well can they have repeat customers!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and nodded. It's not that there are no profiteers in doing business in this era, but the price of being a profiteer is too high. Whenever the common people sue a businessman, the officials will arrest the businessman and give him a slap, regardless of right or wrong.

Even if the people beat up a businessman because of a dispute over goods, the beating will be in vain.

However, it is only limited to small businessmen who make a living by doing business.

"Come again..." Zhu Yunxi checked the people around him and said with a smile, "Come again and give me these companions!"

"Okay!" the shopkeeper agreed, and then smiled, "Master, I see that your companions are all burly, and one bowl may not be enough to fill you up. How about a few more bacon pancakes? I guarantee you will eat well!"


"Come up together!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

The shopkeeper threw the towel on his shoulder and shouted to the bacon pie stall next to him, "Waiter!"

The other side replied, "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Put more meat on the bacon pie!" the shopkeeper shouted.

"Haha, no wonder he recommended us to eat cakes. Relationships are his brother-in-law's business!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "This shopkeeper knows how to do business!" As he said that, he looked at the guards around him who looked like they were facing an enemy, and said with a smile, "Everyone knows how to do business!"

Sit down and eat a warm bowl, don't tense up. In the peaceful and prosperous times, there are not so many bad people!"

Fu asked Zhang Fu and other guards to sit down obediently, but he kept looking around and kept one hand on his waist, touching the place where the weapons were hidden.

In an instant, wontons and meatloaf were served, and the guards devoured them. After spending a day shopping with Zhu Yunxi, they were already hungry.

At this time, in front of the wonton stall, an old woman with a boy came. The old woman was dressed in shabby clothes, and the child was also quite embarrassed. She was a little out of place with the wealthy and happy people around her.

"How much does a bowl of wontons cost?" the old woman asked.

"Five big bucks!"

"So expensive!" The old woman took the child and took two steps back.

But the child didn't move at all, "Grandma, I'm hungry!"

"Shopkeeper, can you sell me half a bowl of wontons?" The old woman spoke softly in Wu dialect, looking embarrassed.

The boy she pulled was staring at the wontons intently, with saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. The two of them seemed to have traveled a long way, and their bodies were covered in dust.

"Look what you said, what's wrong with half a bowl!" the shopkeeper said with a smile, "Sit down somewhere and I'll cook it for you!" He said to the mother-in-law, "I'll chop the stuffing and you cook it!"


"There's no point in half a bowl!" Although the shopkeeper's wife said so, she still put the wontons in the pot. When she looked back and saw the boy swallowing his saliva, a smile appeared on his face and he added another handful of wontons.

After a while, the wontons were cooked. The old woman pushed them in front of her grandson, took out a piece of black multigrain pancake, and ate it in small bites.

"Grandma, you can eat it!" the boy said humbly and sensibly.

"Eat more!" The old woman said with a kind face, but she couldn't resist her grandson. After her grandson's repeated urging, she dipped some grain pancakes in the soup.

"I'll give you a bowl of soup!" The shopkeeper's wife quickly filled the old lady with a bowl of hot soup and placed it on the table.

"Thank you very much!" The old woman carefully took out two copper coins from her arms, her face becoming more and more embarrassed, "Only..."

"Look what you said, since it's Chinese New Year, I'll give you this bowl of wontons!" the shopkeeper said with a smile, "at the feet of the Buddha, I'll do a good deed today!"

There are still many good people in the world! Small kindnesses from ordinary people are great kindnesses!

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yunxi nodded secretly.

He turned around and ordered to Fu Rang, "Give the old woman some money and the wonton stall too!"

"Yes!" Fu Rang nodded.

Then, Zhu Yunxi stood up and walked forward leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Come back after you've eaten, young master!" The shopkeeper nodded and bowed.

"Take it!" Fu Rang raised his hand, and an ingot of five taels of silver flew into the shopkeeper's hand.

"Ah?" the shopkeeper exclaimed, "I can't find this little guy!"

"Good people are rewarded, my master rewards me!" Fu Rang said, walking to the old lady's side, "Old man, my young master gave it to you, take it!" Two ingots of ten taels of ingot were stuffed into the old woman's hand.


"This..." The old woman was stunned.

If you are a small citizen, you should do small kindness, but as a king, you should do great kindness.

It seems like a prosperous time with blooming flowers, but there are still people who can't afford wontons. There are even people who can't afford to eat.

Walking among the lively crowd, Zhu Yunxi only felt the burden on his body and the long way to go.

"Send someone to follow, don't let the old woman's money be robbed!"

Zhu Yunxi walked out for a while and said to the guards beside him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, hysterical shouting suddenly came from behind him.

"Grandson, run quickly!"


The sound of calling makes people's hearts tremble.

Zhu Yunxi turned around and walked quickly, only to see three or five men in the dark, dragging old women and children towards the distance. People around him were whispering, but they dared not speak out if they dared to be angry.

"Take it!" Zhu Yunxi shouted loudly.

~~~Third update, ten thousand words dedicated

This chapter has been completed!
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