Chapter 113 Reason

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A child, standing in front of the mountainous Chengtian Gate and under the huge war drum, looked so small and helpless.

His thin arms struggled to swing the drumstick, which was thicker than his thigh, and hit the war drum with all his strength.


Weak, but shocking.


It seems to hit people's hearts.


It seemed that the city walls were trembling.


It seemed that the magnificent Miyagi opened its eyes.

A drop of crystal liquid fell in the wind along with the child's hair.

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The wind blew his messy hair aside, and what was glistening there was not sweat, but tears hanging like beads on his face.

Boom, he swung the drumstick with difficulty. Soon, his thin body was shaking, his chest was rising and falling violently, and his tears were getting more and more violent.

"Grandson, try harder!"

Facing the direction of Chengtianmen, the kneeling old woman was crying and shouting.

The child bit his lip and waved the drumstick again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the sound of drums, the old woman faced the Chengtian Gate, bowed her head devoutly, and let out the most heart-wrenching cry from her heart, "I'm sorry!"

The officials who came out of the palace were shocked. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor's palace was used to avenge the injustices of hundreds of people in the world, which means that tomorrow will be clear. In the twenty-fifth year of the Ming Dynasty, today, an old woman and a child knocked on the door.


The veteran soldiers guarding the Imperial City were holding the hilts of their swords tightly with murderous looks on their faces. Ordinary people would wait for death for those who approached the Imperial City. However, the Emperor himself said that those who were wronged and insulted should not be stopped.

Countless imperial city guards surrounded the grandfather and grandson tightly. They turned their backs to the two, forming an iron-clad human wall behind them.

Immediately afterwards, countless deafening hoofbeats sounded, and hundreds of golden-helmeted knights filed out from the imperial city. The two generals in the lead, with their backs and shoulders, were inviolable and inviolable.

On the left hand side is Mei Yin, the consort commander of the Imperial City Guards. On the right hand side is Li Jinglong, the commander of the pro-army forces in front of the palace. The two of them are on war horses, with solemn expressions and eyes like knives.

"Who's knocking on the door?"

The wind blows, and the mane on the neck of the war horse is flying in the wind, and the voice of the prince-in-law, Captain Mei Yin, is like spring thunder.

The drumming stopped, and the child who was playing the drum ran to his grandmother and knelt down respectfully.

The old woman raised her head, straightened her grandson's wrinkled clothes, and used half a comb to comb her grandson's hair. Then she took out a handkerchief and wiped their heads and faces clean.

Her movements were very slow, as if she were performing a pious ritual.

Then, the old woman screamed sharply, "Daughters of the people, the Zhao family of the Ming Dynasty, knock on the que and complain!"

Prince Consort Mei Yin paused and said loudly, "Your Majesty has arrived, please wait here!" Then he whipped his horse whip and said, "Where is the guard?"

"Here!" Countless tiger voices sounded.

"Line up to welcome your majesty's grandson!"


The cavalry and infantry formed a formation at the foot of Chengtian Gate.

Then, there was silence between heaven and earth, with only the faint sound of wind. Gradually, the dark clouds above their heads dispersed, and the armor on the guards' bodies emitted a dazzling light, like heavenly soldiers and generals.

Suddenly, uniform footsteps sounded.

From the entrance of Chengtian Gate, one hundred and twenty palace servants dressed in brocade robes slowly came out carrying a huge royal chariot. The emperor and the crown prince, dressed in royal robes and formal robes, lined up behind the dragon chair and throne.


At Pu Bucheng's sharp voice, the imperial chariot suddenly stopped and landed under the majestic gate tower of Chengtian Gate.

Zhu Yunxi slowly stood up on the throne. The breeze blew their crowns, revealing his eyes, allowing him to see the scene in front of him clearly.

"It's them!" Zhu Yunxi recognized the grandfather and grandson who were kneeling together and hugging each other twenty steps away.

"I am the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty and the great grandson of the emperor. Who is knocking at the door?" Zhu Yunxi shouted loudly.

The old woman was trembling nervously, but she still shouted with all her strength, "Ms. Zhao, a daughter of the people, a dear citizen of Hangzhou in the Ming Dynasty. She suffered a great injustice, and she knocked on the tower to speak to the sky to uphold justice!"

"The first ten steps!" Zhu Yunxi continued.

The old woman and child were so frightened that they were weak. Several Jinjiasu guards carried them and placed them ten steps in front of the imperial chariot.

The imperial chariot representing the imperial power was right in front of her, and the old woman suddenly shouted, "Your Majesty, it's unfair to let a common woman make the decision!"

The old man put his arm on Zhu Yunxi's arm and stood up with a straight face, "I am the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang. If you have any grievances, report them directly! If it is true, I will give you justice. If it is a false accusation, Yi San


Boom, the old woman kowtowed vigorously on the stone slab.

"The emperor, the emperor, and the empress are here, and everything the common woman said is true. If there is even half a lie, the whole family will fall into the ten hells, and they will not be reincarnated for generations to come!" The old woman cried loudly, knocking and knocking while crying.

Side road. White hair, flying in the wind, like silver threads.

Zhu Yunxi felt that the old man grabbed his hand and suddenly exerted force.

"Step forward five steps and speak!"

Immediately afterwards, the old woman and the child were carried directly to a place very close to the royal chariot.

"Mr. Zhao, a civilian woman, is from Jixianli, Hangzhou. She has a family of nine, including an old woman and her husband, two sons, two daughters-in-law, one daughter and one grandchild."

"The women's family is a kind-hearted people. The husband works at the dock, and the two sons help in the cloth yard. The woman takes her daughter with her, and the daughter-in-law weaves and mends at home. Although life is hard, she still has enough food and clothing. On weekdays, I obey the law and abide by the law.

My neighbors praise me for being an honest family!"

"Unexpectedly, disaster fell from the sky!"

"On that autumn day, the house of a commoner woman was having a reunion. A team of wolf-like police officers rushed into the house and took my son away, claiming that he had committed a heinous crime!"

"A civilian woman and her child worked in a cloth factory and passed Rouge Lane every night when they came home from work. One night before autumn, in an academy in Rouge Lane, the master of the academy, Qin Shishi, and his maid were raped and killed. Just because my son and his friends were passing by.

I joked that if I had to sleep with Miss Qin, I would have no regrets in my life, but I would be framed as a murderer."

"The child was imprisoned and was taken into custody on the same day to plead guilty. The woman and her husband went to the government office to inquire, but we were not allowed to visit."

"Later, the husband of a civilian woman broke down the family and sold the house, and bribed the supervisor so that he could see my son."

"My son is pitiful. He has been beaten to the point where he has lost his human shape and his muscles and bones have been broken. When he saw the face of a civilian woman, my son cried out in a pool of blood."

The old woman's voice changed from a shout to a hoarse roar.

"My son said, Mom, they beat me, and I can't stand it. The official said that as long as I confess, he will not beat me again. I am unjust! I am unjust!"

"At that time, the woman asked my son, is what you said true?"

"My son said, if it's not true, I'd rather be cut into pieces and live like a pig or a dog for generations to come!"

The old woman's voice was extremely hoarse, "At that time, my son stretched out his hand, and there were no nails on his ten fingers, and the flesh and blood were all bloody!"

"It's a pity that the two sons of a common woman, the eldest son Zhao Zhili and the younger son Zhao Zhixin, are both kind and kind-hearted children. When they are more than 20 years old, they have never had a dispute with anyone. They are afraid of killing chickens. How can they kill people!"

"On the day of the incident, my son went home early and bought two kilograms of mooncakes from the pastry shop!"

"Besides, the academy has two guardians, a maid and a master. How can my son rape and kill two people silently?"

"A civilian woman and her husband went to the government office in Hangzhou to beat drums and complain about the injustice. But the Hangzhou magistrate said that there were all the witnesses and material evidence, and it was an ironclad case."

"The certification from the Yamen is just a friend with whom my son was joking. The physical evidence is a bloody suit that is not worn by my son at all."

"The husband of the common man and the official distinguished themselves in court. The clothes my son is wearing are all made of coarse cloth woven at home. The bloody clothes are made of silk. How can I, a poor Zhao family, afford it?"

"As a result, the official was furious and my husband gave me twenty sticks in court."

"That day, the husband of the peasant woman was angry and angry, so he left that night. Before leaving, he held the peasant woman's hand and said only two words: avenge!"

“A family with a good-natured wife can be ruined in an instant.”

"The eldest son knew the etiquette, and went to the government witness to argue with him. He was so angry that he fought with the officials. He was also imprisoned, tattooed and sent to the army, and was sent to Yunnan!"

"The civilian woman sold her property and went to the Chief Secretary's Yamen to file a complaint. But the Yamen didn't even accept the complaint!"

"That night, a strongman broke into my house and snatched away my daughter-in-law. The strongman said that if he complained again, he would sell the eldest daughter-in-law of a civilian woman to a prostitute. If he still didn't listen, he would kill my whole family!"

"Women are still homeless, so what are they afraid of?"

"The whole family left the city overnight and wanted to go to Beijing to file a complaint!"

"But as soon as we entered Yangzhou, officials from Hangzhou came after us. The old woman and her grandson escaped by luck, but the daughter of a civilian and the eldest daughter-in-law were caught!"

"Today, if it weren't for the help of noble people, the civilian woman would have been captured by Hangzhou officials outside Yingtian City!"

"Your Majesty! His Royal Highness the Emperor's Grandson!"

Blood gushed out from the corners of the old woman's mouth, and her thin body kowtowed on the ground like duckweed in the wind.

"Please bring justice to the women, give my Zhao family a clean reputation, and give my husband and son their lives!"

~~I went for infusion and dressing change in the afternoon, but it was delayed. I'll give everyone more supplies, and I'll give them to you in the middle of the night.

This chapter has been completed!
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