Chapter 181 Stir-Fried Pork with Bamboo Shoots

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"The emperor's grandson asked you to study in the palace, but look at what you do every day?"

"Hunt on horseback, eat, drink and have fun. When you come to the capital, each of you will bring a group of slaves for your use!"

"Not only are your studies a mess, but you don't even know how much food the fields produce, or what solar terms to plant and what solar terms to harvest. You guys have grown so big in vain!"

The old man put his hands behind his back and scolded the emperor and his grandchildren.

"Our Lao Zhu family came from a poor family, and our ancestors were just mud-legged people digging in the fields for eight generations. Now that we have become the world, we must not forget our roots in glory and wealth! From now on, you will all be vassal kings, in charge of the fiefdom, lead the army and govern the people.

People. You have even forgotten the book, how can we rest assured in the future?"

All the emperors and grandsons were too frightened to speak. They all knelt on the ground and buried their heads deeply.

"If you can't study well or farm well, what's the use? Are you still a good man?" The old man continued to scold, "I don't get tired of fine food, I don't get tired of fine food, but I enjoy it even more than I do! Your generation is like this,

What about your children and grandchildren in the future?”

From now on, the children and grandchildren of these vassal kings will become the moths of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yunxi watched with cold eyes, and in his heart he hated these people for not living up to expectations. Speaking of it, the old man's sons may have many problems, but if taken alone, they can stand alone. But these emperor's grandchildren are much worse.

Although Zhu Yunxi had secretly pushed for it, the vassal king was far away from the vassal affairs. But if they really went to the border, these people were far less brave than their fathers, let alone that kind of ability.

"When the emperor's grandson and princes were studying in the palace, no great scholar ever complained to us!" The old man continued, "But you have only been here a few days, and I can't bear to hear your bad words.

The cocoon is here!" As he said that, the old man suddenly cursed, "Zhu Gaoxu!" Remember the website address m.wxsy.

"My grandson!" Zhu Gaoxu agreed quickly.

"I asked you to study, but you complained about having a headache all day long. I asked you to ride a horse and hunt, and you were more energetic than anyone else!" the old man scolded.

"Grandson!" Zhu Gaoxu hesitated and said loudly, "My grandson aspires to be a horse-riding king like his father, rather than studying. The things in the books really feel to him."

"Shut up!" Zhu Gaochi suddenly stood up and slapped him on the back of the head, "Did I let you speak?"

You deserve it! Zhu Yunxi smiled secretly in his heart.

The old man was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring. "Boss, whip him hard!" He said, and then cursed, "You still compete with your father? Can you compete? Are you still talking back?"

As he said that, the old man looked around, picked up the bamboo pole used to repel birds, snapped the two ends with a click, and walked over, "Imitate your dad, right? Your dad used to eat our fried pork with bamboo shoots when he was a kid, and his buttocks stuck out."


"Grandfather, ouch!" Zhu Gaoxu screamed and rubbed his buttocks.

The old man swung it round, bang bang bang bang.

He slapped him several times and cursed, "If you don't study, you won't be able to fight well. You will be a common man and a reckless man for the rest of your life! You will be ignorant and messy all your life!"

Zhu Gaojiu's screams echoed around, and the emperor's grandchildren buried their heads deeper, for fear that if they were not careful, the old man would see them and hit them with a bamboo stick on their buttocks. Especially Zhu Gaojiu, Zhu Yunxi saw with his own eyes that his second brother was beaten

When he picked up the stick, he quietly climbed more than a foot to the side.

"Grandpa Huang, the nine sons of the dragon are all different!" Zhu Yunxi advised, "Calm down, they are still young, so it is not surprising that they are a little naughty. Besides, they all grew up in fine clothes and fine food, so they can do it even if they don't understand some things.


"Loving a son is like killing a son!" The old man continued to slap him twice and said angrily, "No one cares about you in the fiefdom, but here, you should be a good person!" As he said this, he threw down the stick in his hand and shouted loudly.

He said, "Starting from tomorrow, all the slaves around you will be kicked out, and only two eunuchs will be left to serve you!"

"We will personally look at your homework every day. If you don't learn well, if you don't learn well, you will have to watch your skin carefully!"

"You are not allowed to go out of the palace to play without our permission. Especially you, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Youyi, please restrain yourself. Don't do anything inappropriate. I won't bear to beat you, but I will!"

"I obey the order!" All the emperors and grandsons trembled with fear.

"Look, don't you always want to have a family dinner? Why did you get it?" Zhu Yunxi smiled and the old man helped him sit down.

"On a rainy day, a big kid has nothing to do when he's idle!" the old man snorted.

"It's not raining either!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

The old man glanced at him and touched the shoes on his feet, "Are you itchy too?"

"How can you save some dignity for your grandson!" Zhu Yunxi quickly smiled and said, "My grandson's academic performance is much better than theirs!" After saying that, he turned to the emperor and his grandson and said, "You haven't thanked Grandpa Huang for his teachings?


"O ministers, I would like to express my gratitude to the emperor's grandfather for his kindness in teaching me!" the emperors and grandsons said.

"Imperial Grandfather!" Zhu Gaochi said with cupped hands, "My grandson is the eldest son, and I feel guilty for not being able to fulfill his responsibility of teaching his younger brother! From now on, my grandson must discipline his younger brother well and never let you worry about him again!"

"This is how you act like an older brother!" The old man nodded and said, "Among the emperors and grandsons, the second and third sons of your family are the most naughty. From now on, if they disobey, you can just slap them, and we will make the decision for you!"

"Yes!" Zhu Gaochi said loudly, "My grandson obeys the order!"

Zhu Gaojiu rubbed his butt, looked at his eldest brother, then at the old man, with a sad face. Zhu Gaojiu, on the other hand, quickly moved towards his eldest brother.

"Get up and eat!" The old man waved his hand.

What we ate was not a good dish, just a big pot of mutton stew.

The cooking method is somewhat different from that used in the palace in the past. The stewed mutton is divided into individual casseroles. In the milky soup, the skinned mutton is tumbling. There are also white radish, sugar cane and other items.

Each person has a pot, which is about a pound. The mutton in the pot is fat or lean, and there are also side dishes such as tofu, green vegetables, and yam.

The eunuchs pushed up a table with various dipping sauces in small bowls.

Soy sauce, aged vinegar, southern milk, sand tea sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, cooked sesame seeds, yellow mustard.

The emperor and his grandchildren were all sitting obediently. Zhu Yunxi took the bowl and mixed the dipping sauce at the table, "Grandpa Huang, give you more pepper oil!"

"Well, Sichuan peppercorns go well with mutton, put more southern milk!" the old man said, then took the soup Pu Bucheng served and took a sip, "What are you doing here, eat!"

All the emperors and grandsons stood up again to thank them, and then they were busy making dipping sauces and other things.

"There's still more in the pot than there is to eat. You have to eat enough, but don't leave anything behind." The old man watched his grandchildren devouring it, with a smile on his face. "Mutton is easy to digest. When we were young, we ate three kilograms in one meal!"


As he said that, the old man sighed again, "It's not that I want to beat you up or scold you. Your great-grandfather's generation would never dare to think of this mutton, and it's never been seen before. You have the best food and clothing now.

It’s the best, but don’t take everything for granted!”

"Go and see among the people. What do the people eat? If you have two taels of meat, you will celebrate the New Year! Remember, our ancestors had a hard time conquering the world. You who dominate the world cannot eat and drink freely and be arrogant and lustful. Let alone forget that our ancestors have conquered the world.

The difficulty!”

"I, please remember your grandfather's teachings!" All the emperors and grandsons quickly saluted again.

"Grandpa Huang, please try it!" Zhu Yunxi sat down next to the old man, took out a few pieces of good meat and gave it to the old man with a smile.

The old man lowered his head and looked at the bowl, "Well, get us the sheep's hooves!"

"This is meat, why do you need to eat that?"

"What do you know?" the old man hummed, "the most chewy!"

Unable to resist the old man's stubbornness, Zhu Yunxi asked someone to fish out the sheep's hooves for him. The old man didn't mind the soup, so he grabbed it with his hands, took a bite, and said with a sigh, "It's bland!"

"There are dipping sauces here!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

The old man glanced at him again, "We know how to eat!"

Zhu Yunxi thought for a moment and smiled, "How about I give you a sip?"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded immediately, "There's nothing wrong with pairing sheep's hooves with white wine!"

"Just one cup, don't drink more!" Zhu Yunxi then ordered the palace servants to get the wine.

The other emperors and grandsons were eating silently, and saw that the two of them were enjoying themselves, with extremely rich expressions on their faces. Most of them were envious. They were also the grandsons of the old man. They did not dare to talk to the old man like this. Nor would the old man be so affectionate to them.


Seeing the wine, the old man smiled even more and looked at Zhu Yunxi, "Why don't you have some?"

"My grandson still has some memorials that I haven't read yet!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

"Do things slowly, don't be hasty!" the old man said, "Don't be tired!" After saying that, he turned back and said, "Pu Bucheng, please pour a glass of wine for our eldest grandson!"

The faces of other emperors and grandchildren were even more envious.

"Give them some drinks too!" Zhu Yunxi smiled at the old man, "Today's family dinner, my grandson will join these brothers and have a sip with you!"

"Okay!" The old man laughed, and then turned to everyone with a straight face, "You borrowed the help of the emperor's grandson!"

"I thank you!"

Just as Zhu Yunxi was about to speak, he saw the blind man holding Huang Feng's memorial in the distance and running towards him quickly.

He quickly stood up, greeted him, took the memorial and read it carefully.

"What's wrong?" the old man shouted from a distance.

Zhu Yunxi frowned and looked lonely, "The Yellow River in Henan has burst!"

The old man paused with his chopsticks, lowered his head to look at the mutton in the bowl, and whispered, "There's another disaster! Common people."

This chapter has been completed!
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