Chapter 46

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It rained 30% last night and was very sunny this morning.

In the morning after the rain, the air is filled with refreshing moisture.

The bright and colorful sunlight penetrated through the lush leaves on both sides of the road, and fell on the ground in colorful mottled colors.

The sun falls on the earth, and the people dare not be idle.

The streets of the capital city are already crowded with people. People doing business are opening their doors, people looking for work are taking to the streets, and the elderly are taking their grandchildren out for a walk to buy groceries.

Gradually, the smell of food, the sound of voices, the laughter of children, etc. collide together, turning into a living picture of life with all kinds of flavors.

The capital's population has always been the most densely populated in the world. Among the lively streets, Chang'an Street is undoubtedly the most lively.

It can even be said that today's Chang'an Street is no longer enough to be described as lively. It is completely full of people.

The street is full of people, densely packed shoulder to shoulder in a large black area, wearing all kinds of clothes. There are mature shopkeepers, there are young waiters. There are scholars wearing long gowns, and there are strong men in short clothes.

In addition to the people, there were also Jin Yiwei. The Jin Yiwei wearing Feiyu uniforms, under the leadership of two general flags, made the crowded people line up. At the end of the long line, there were several shops that were about to open.

It's not a shop. The place it was taken out is the warehouse of the Ming Dynasty Hubu Duzhisi. It has been temporarily transformed into a temporary place for selling stamps.

The initial website address is https://m.

Today is the day when Ming Dynasty stamps are sold. Merchants and people who got the news came in large numbers. Some people really wanted to send letters or deliver goods. Some people were really caravan stewards and wanted to use the imperial post station on the trade route. Others were

It's for the stamps handwritten by the Emperor.

Some simply came to join in the fun. On the wide and straight Chang'an Street, there were probably not more than 10,000 or 20,000 people at the moment.

"Master Jun, when will it open?"

"Oops, all the cake in my belly is squeezed out!"

"mmmp, verbose."

After being squeezed for a long time, the door still didn't open. The crowded crowd was furious, and some people with bad tempers started to curse.

On the roadside, in the private room on the second floor of the teahouse, Zhu Yunxi, who craned his neck to look down, heard several dialects in an instant.

Down below, the officers of the Jinyiwei General Banner who maintained order could not wait to rush into the crowd, gag the men who were cursing, and whip them a few more times.

But he didn't dare. The commander told me in the morning that the emperor and the king of Wu were both on top.

In the private room on the second floor, Zhu Zhong was holding a large bowl of freshly brewed tea, smiling so hard that his eyebrows and wrinkles were tangled together.

"Dasun, why are there so many people?"

Zhu Yunxi turned around and said with a smile, "Grandpa Emperor, this is the first time in history that the post office has been transformed into an inn to sell stamps. Of course I am very grateful." After saying that, he bowed slightly and smiled and said, "My grandson congratulates grandpa!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was drinking tea, "What are you happy about?"

"Things that benefit the country and the people will definitely be written down in the history books!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "When future generations write letters, they will be able to think of you, old man!"

"Haha!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, with a little pride on his face, but then he looked around and felt a little disappointed. They were all palace guards, and they all had tense faces as if they were facing a formidable enemy. If there are ministers here,

You can also flatter him.

However, this kind of pride is only fleeting. Zhu Yuanzhang is a person who just enjoys the flattery of others and does not take it seriously at all.

Drinking tea, he continued, "No matter whether you leave your name or not, those things written by scholars don't count. It's the real benefits that the common people get!"

The two men were talking above, and a gong sounded in the street below.

The air suddenly became quiet, and countless eyes looked eagerly at a few court officials who had removed the door panels and were standing inside preparing to sell.

"Da Ming stamp sales begin!"

A fourth-rank household official stood on the steps in front of the door and shouted loudly.

After finishing speaking, I was just about to clear my throat and continue talking about something official, when I heard a loud bang.

The crowd rushed over like a flood from a broken embankment.

Caught off guard, several Jin Yiwei were almost swept into the crowd.

I saw a huge crowd rushing to the front of the stamp shop. Countless people held up the shining silver and copper coins in their hands and shouted with ferocious faces.

"Give me a stamp!"

"I want a hundred!"

"I want five hundred!"

"The old emperor wrote it in his own hand, I'll wrap it up!"

If it weren't for the quick hands and eyes of the guards in front of the door, the official from the household department would have been trampled to death by the surging crowd.

"Hahaha!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed out loud on the second floor and said to Zhu Yunxi, "Good boy, this formation? It's just like when your grandfather led people to rob Dayuan's grain depot!"

Zhu Yunxi looked at the crowded crowd and the sweaty officials, and a sense of pride arose in his heart.

"I have taken the first step to change this era!"

Ming Dynasty has countless huge potentials, and the postal service is only the first step in tapping this potential.

The two men were upstairs, smiling and looking at the street.

In sight, a fat man stood there holding two gold ingots and shouted, "I want all of the emperor's handwriting!"

"Bah!" Someone behind him immediately yelled, "I want to blind you, my lord, please don't sell this fat guy, the villain will pay double, it's all right!"

"Your family is the only one with money? Grandpa's family runs a silk and satin shop, so they have lots of money!" Another person also shouted, "Three hundred taels a piece, our Zhang family wants all of them!"

Hearing the shouts of the wealthy businessmen in the crowd below, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Yunxi in disbelief, "So rich? Are our words so valuable?"

At this time, white silver had just been widely circulated among the people, and it was rare and expensive. In an era when there was no large amount of silver pouring into the country, the purchasing power of silver was astonishing.

For example, the market price of a small courtyard with three entrances in a prime location in the capital is only a hundred taels of silver.

Nowadays, one stone of polished rice on the market is about 120 kilograms, and the price is only about seven coins.

A few businessmen were willing to pay three hundred taels for a few words or a model of the emperor.

There are only one hundred Yubi stamps for sale in this issue, which is thirty thousand taels.

This is an astronomical number, no wonder Zhu Yuanzhang was a little puzzled.

"Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "This is because the people love you!"

You can wear it a thousand times, but you can never wear it to flatter yourself.

As soon as he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled so hard that he could not see his eyes again.

The old man was happy, and so was Zhu Yunxi.

These days, the old man is seriously ill again, and Mu Ying from Yunnan has left. He has no smile all day long in the palace, and no one dares to speak loudly.

The elderly need to communicate, and Zhu Yunxi was also afraid that the old man would get sick again because he was suppressing it. So he thought of a way to take the old man out for a walk.

What does Zhu Yuanzhang like most?

He most likes all kinds of things in the world and likes to watch the lives of ordinary people.

"This is just the capital city. We have many prosperous places in the Ming Dynasty!" Zhu Yuanzhang said, looking at the still bustling people below, rushing to buy stamps, "Yangzhou, Suhang, Luoyang, Jiaxing, Huai'an, Quanzhou..."

Zhu Yuanzhang knew the world well and said with a smile, "If everyone starts selling, how lively will it be?"

The crowd on Chang'an Street has not dispersed yet, and more and more people are coming from behind.

There are a limited number of Emperor's Royal Pen stamps, but other stamps are available for sale at will.

Everyone has to write letters these days, and this thing can be regarded as a daily necessity. Besides, even if no one in the family is out of town, others have bought it. How can I be embarrassed not to buy it? It is not expensive, and it only costs two or three dollars.


The wisdom of the people is infinite. When there are more people, various subsidiary industries will increase.

Next to the queue, various vendors selling food came carrying burdens. There was no urban management in these days, so vendors ran all over the streets.

After a while, the aroma of various foods began to fill the street.

"steamed stuffed bun!"

“Flat pie!”

“Donkey meat steamed dumplings!”

“Sesame sesame pancake and duck blood soup!”

There were so many people, business was so good, and the vendors were so busy that they were sweating.

Zhu Yunxi and Zhu Yuanzhang came down from the teahouse and smiled when they saw the bustling market.

"Grandpa Huang, if you don't return to the palace until noon, will your grandson treat you to a meal on the street?" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Zhu Yuanzhang clasped his hands behind his back, wearing cloth clothes and pulling on cloth shoes, just like an ordinary old man, "The food in the palace will make all the worms in your stomach lose weight!"

As he spoke, he moved his nose and smiled at Zhu Yunxi, "Oh, the donkey meat steamed dumplings taste good!"

Zhu Yunxi supported the old man and said, "Okay, let's go!"


There will be another chapter soon, thank you all for your support.

This chapter has been completed!
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