Chapter 53

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Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Zhu Yunxi read the battle report to the end.

"At daybreak, the bandit chief Hajiu and Yuelu Timur attacked fiercely with 30,000 rounds, vowing to devour the ministers in one bite. Little did they know that Dingyuan Marquis Wang Bi led the Longxiang Shence Second Army and had arrived."

"My heavy armored cavalry of the Ming Dynasty is the vanguard, and my light cavalry is the rear, and I will defeat the bandit chieftains directly!"

"The thief chief Yuelu Timur died in the battle, and Hajiu led a thousand people to flee west. In this battle, a total of 30,000 pseudo-Yuan thieves were killed, 2,000 were captured, and countless cattle, horses, and camels were killed."

After reading it in one breath, Zhu Yunxi was slightly shocked.

This is not just a battle report, but a picture of the Ming Dynasty's battle in Mobei.

Lan Yu, who used his body as a bait to attract the enemy, was really a madman, and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who resisted cavalry with foot were also a bunch of madmen.

A group of lunatics with the belief that they must win!

At this moment, if it were not for the court meeting outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, if Zhu Yuanzhang and others were not present, Zhu Yunxi would really want to shout, Ming Dynasty is mighty!

"Grandpa Huang, such a great victory deserves a reward!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and nodded, then sat down on the dragon chair and said, "Pass the message!"

Remember the URL m.wxsy.

After the emperor finished speaking, naturally there were eunuchs ready with pens and ink, and several Hanlin bachelors were waiting with their pens.

"You don't need to write this time!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved to his ministers and said to Zhu Yunxi, "Grandson, you write it!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yunxi was not shy and stood directly in front of the desk, picking up his pen and waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang to speak.

"You won the battle, we are very happy."

Zhu Yunxi was slightly startled, and then he understood that Zhu Yuanzhang's style had always been like this, simple and clear, just like talking to a parent. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang directly wrote in his imperial edict to the border generals, "Have a knife ready, and give it to the thieves when they come."

Let's look into death.

The more casually Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, the more he did not treat this person as an outsider. On the contrary, if Zhu Yuanzhang was polite and wrote about being blessed by heaven and the like, someone would be careful about losing his head.

"It's just that a little too many people died. You are a general and the Duke of the Ming Dynasty. Don't fight such dangerous battles in the future."

"The corpses of the soldiers who died in the battle must be collected. We Chinese people pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots. We send cavalry to escort and send all the children back. The list of meritorious service members should be reported. The list of those who died in the battle must not be left behind. There are also injured ones.

If you are disabled, report it to us. We are all good men of Ming Dynasty, we cannot let them down..."

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke slowly, and Zhu Yunxi wrote slowly.

Suddenly, Zhu Yunxi caught a trace of hesitation in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes.

It stands to reason that after saying this, the emperor would discuss the merits and rewards in the imperial edict, but Zhu Yunxi never showed up.

"That's all." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Send them over a hundred miles to the blue jade tent!"

The eunuch on the side carefully took away the imperial edict that was still wet with ink, and walked to the dragon chair. There was a separate small table there, and on the small table was a simple red square box.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood up, opened the box solemnly, and then took out a large seal, a jade seal, from inside with both hands!

After finishing the imperial edict, Zhu Yuanzhang said again, "Hubu!"

Fu You, the Minister of Household Affairs, asked, "I am here!"

"For the soldiers who died in battle, each of them will receive a pension of two large silver coins, five dou of rice, three dou of wine, and five kilograms of meat per month. Add one piece of silk and all the wadding. Those who are disabled and unable to take care of themselves will be given more rice and stone every year."

As he said that, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes became sharp, "Remember what we say, even if you lose a grain of rice or a penny, it won't matter!"

"I obey the decree!" Fu Youde said.

The pensions for the soldiers can be said to be generous. How many emperors in the past and present have cared about the life and death of large numbers of soldiers? Giving them some food at once is considered a favor.

Zhu Yuanzhang's pension truly allowed these men who worked hard for the Ming Dynasty to have no worries. Their wives, children, and children would not go hungry when they died, and they would be supported by the court even if they were injured for a lifetime.

Zhu Yunxi felt that no one's success was a fluke. It was probably this kind of kindness to the soldiers from the heart that made Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial career possible.

Afterwards, the court will disperse.

The two men who returned to Fengtian Palace did not sit in the chariot but walked instead. The palace guards stayed far away, for fear of disturbing the two men's whispers.

"Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi couldn't hold it back anymore and said, "General Lan Yu and others won the battle..."

"Are you trying to tell us why we didn't give them any promotions?" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

Jiang is still old and spicy, and his thoughts were immediately revealed. Zhu Yunxi gave a small flattery, "Grandpa Huang is wise!"

"National honors are not a child's play. We will wait until their teachers return to the court and the court will discuss it." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Yunxi and said, "Grandson, you have to remember that kindness comes from the superior. Ministers are also human beings. Sometimes people are cheap and easy to get.

We won’t cherish the things that belong to us. Since we want to give someone a title, we have to let him understand the meaning behind the title, as well as our kindness!”

"Grandson, I understand!" Zhu Yunxi said respectfully.

"You don't understand!" Zhu Yuanzhang patted Zhu Yunxi's shoulder with his big hand, "You boy, you are smart, thoughtful, and smart, but your mental skills are not so good!" After saying that, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, "Anyway, your grandfather is an old man.

You will not die, you are by our side, and study hard!"

Yes, a modern young man, a modern young worker, will indeed be deficient in the area of ​​imperial mental skills.

Zhu Yunxi's heart warmed, "Grandpa Huang, you will live a long life!"

"It's nonsense. Emperors throughout the ages have lived long live, but how many people have lived a long life?" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed as he walked, "Grandson, remember that if you want to be a good emperor, you must treat yourself as a human being. Don't listen to the flattery of those ministers.


"Grandson, remember!" Zhu Yunxi said, holding Zhu Yuanzhang's hand.

The emperor recognized him from the bottom of his heart, but did not say it out of some concerns. Both his grandfather and grandson knew this.

The two walked slowly, and sometimes Zhu Yuanzhang would turn his head and look at his grandson's profile, with a smile on his face.

In fact, the reason why he did not immediately reward Lan Yu and others was very simple. The favor was right. But in this case, he liked his grandson Zhu Yunxi instead of him.

Lan Yu has now reached the rank of minister and is the absolute leader among military commanders. He is also Chang Yuchun's brother-in-law, a relative of the prince, and Zhu Yunxi's uncle.

Behind him, there are a lot of old ministers of the prince and the generals and nobles of the Huaixi line, intertwined into a huge power network. Power is a double-edged sword, and not everyone can play it well.

Now that I have given Lan Yu too many things, what if he dies one day and Zhu Yunxi comes to power, wouldn't he be rewarded without reward? At that time, Lan Yu's many identities will be added to another kind of respect, and he will be the first relative of the Ming Dynasty.

A relative who is good at fighting and surrounded by a group of ministers and generals is not a good thing for a young emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang was a heroic emperor who came from a rough background, and he also knew that people's hearts are sinister. At the same time, he also knew that there are no absolute loyal ministers in the world. Duke Zhou was afraid of the day of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the throne.

Moreover, Lan Yu is a typical warrior, outspoken and very easy to be instigated by others. His achievements in military victories over the years have also made this man somewhat domineering and domineering, and sometimes he even dares to contradict himself in private.

There were actually many such people in the Ming Dynasty, and those veteran generals who conquered the world together more or less all had this problem.

Zhu Yunxi is still young, and this kid has a kind heart. Can he control them?

The delay in announcing the establishment of the emperor's grandson was also to let those who were secretly scheming come out of the water so that he could beat them.

If they can be used, keep them.

If they are a threat to Zhu Yunxi in the future, then get rid of them all.

Fengtian Palace was right in front of him. Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but squeeze his grandson's hand and said in his heart.

"Grandson, what we will give you in the future will definitely be a great country. Before that, Grandpa will cut off all the thorns for you. You can be your emperor of peace, and leave the bad guys to your grandpa!


"Grandpa Huang, be careful of the steps!" Zhu Yunxi reminded in a low voice before going up the steps.

This chapter has been completed!
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