230 I Killed You

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Entering the palace according to the order, Ning Wang Zhu Quan was not allowed to bring any troops and horses, and he was alone.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi, the grandson of the emperor, was playing chess with Liu Sanwu, a member of Zhongshushe, in the East Palace.

Liu Sanwu was also a famous figure in the dynasty, and he was the best at playing chess. But when he played against Zhu Yunxi, his old face was wrinkled into orange peel.

Without him, what they are playing is not Go, a game played by scholar-bureaucrats who forget about food and sleep, but chess, which is the most enjoyable game for common people.

On the chessboard, Zhu Yunxi's chariots and cannons were shouting in front of and behind him, and the pawns crossing the river were making trouble inside. Liu Sanwu had completely lost his sense of proportion.

With a snap, Zhu Yunxi moved his chess piece. He hit Liu Sanwu's middle gate, devoured the opponent's old prime minister, and said with a smile, "Check!"

Liu Sanwu’s beard trembled and he jumped on a horse!

Zhu Yunxi smiled, and the soldier took a step forward and pinned it directly on the horse's leg.

Then, he smiled and tapped the cannon on the other side that came to life because of the opponent's vault, and said with a smile, "If this cannon falls, you will have nowhere to go!"

"I am no match for His Highness, admit defeat!" Liu Sanwu cupped his hands and smiled bitterly, "I am really not good at this!"

"People say you Liu Sanwu is a national player!" Zhu Yunxi laughed.

Liu Sanwu lowered his head and said, "What I'm good at is playing Go!"

"Tsk tsk, Go! We, the old Zhu family, and all our lives together, don't have the grace to do so!" Zhu Yunxi stood up from the chessboard and said with a smile, "Chess is better. Both sides line up and make it clear that you and the horse will live and die!"

"As for Go, there are hidden dangers, so you must play the game with all your heart!" Liu Sanwu said.

"It's not as happy as a knife and a gun after all!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Go is about going, and chess is about killing. Through the ages, Go is about trickery, and the emphasis is on fighting without bloodshed and planning first." He said, laughing, "

Grandpa Huang once said that a game of chess can be played in one direction for a whole day, and the ladies are just counting and calculating, which is not pleasant or convenient!"

Liu Sanwu didn't argue. He had played chess with the emperor and the former prince. But those two were both vigorous and resolute, especially the emperor. His offensive was overwhelming.

But the emperor's grandson in front of you plays chess in a routine way. He starts with his chariots and horses, and it looks like he's attacking the city, but in reality he's just a pawn crossing the river to disgust you. And then he catches you off guard, when you think he's going to exchange his pieces with you.

Sometimes, he goes full backhand.

The emperor's grandson's chess game was a bit sloppy!

However, he did not dare to say it clearly and said, "Why is Your Highness so excited today that he summons his ministers to play chess!"

Zhu Yunxi picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, "It's okay, I'm tired these days, relax!"

Liu Sanwu looked around and saw that they were the only two people in the palace, and said in a low voice, "Counting the days, Prince Ning will come to Beijing soon!"

"Well!" Zhu Yunxi said, "I expected it to be today!"

"I dare to ask, how does Your Highness plan to deal with Prince Ning's matter? Should he be spared or punished?" Liu Sanwu asked.

Zhu Yunxi put down the tea bowl and said with a smile, "What are the pros and cons? Can you tell me?"

"If it is protected, it will be good! If it is punished, it will be chaos!" Liu Sanwu said, "I have said something disrespectful, but now the vassal king cannot move!"

Zhu Yunxi didn't speak, his eyes signaled the other party to continue speaking.

"What the emperor said is the family law of our ancestors in the Ming Dynasty!" Liu Sanwu continued, "The vassal kings sealed the country and defended the capital. The capital was the trunk of the tree, and the vassal kings were the branches and leaves. From then on, the family, the country, and the world"

"Let's get to the point!" Zhu Yunxi interrupted and said, "Why can't you move!"

"Once the power is given out, and then taken back, there will be blood!" Liu Sanwu said, "The emperor is old, how can he have the reputation of killing his own children!" After saying that, he sighed and continued, "The emperor is wise, brave and wise, but"

"Don't you dare say the rest!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "Let me tell you, you want to say that Grandpa Huang doesn't care about anyone in his life, except for his family, right?"

"Death penalty!"

"Hey!" Zhu Yunxi laughed and said, "Throughout the ages, many founding heroes ended up in a miserable life, with their descendants killing each other, and even father and son killing each other. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, there was no internal fighting between princes and no suspicion between father and son. Even though it is a heavenly family,

But there is also a sense of family happiness among common people.”

"In the final analysis, my Zhu family has too few people. Before the emperor launched his army, the Zhu family only had one male member, the emperor. When they achieved a little success, the King of Jingjiang came to look for him, but there were only two men. Now,

Every man is loved like a treasure by the Emperor!"

"If it were you, could you be so cruel?"

At this time, the bastard suddenly said softly outside the palace door, "Your Highness, Prince Ning has entered the palace!"

Zhu Yunxi nodded, and the bastard went out again.

Liu Sanwu said anxiously, "Your Highness, I have something to say!"

"Say it!"

"If Your Highness wants to protect King Ning, remember not to speak out too early!" Liu Sanwu said, "When King Ning was young, I taught him to read. He was arrogant and did not know how to advance or retreat. He loved to vent his anger on others and did not know how to wake up. This time

Entering the palace will surely anger Your Majesty."

"If His Highness is to be rescued, it will have to be at a critical moment, at the critical moment. Only in this way can Prince Ning be sincerely convinced and accept your love!"

"The former prince was exactly like this back then!"

"Once, the emperor was angry with the King of Qin and wanted to punish him with his stick. When the palace servants came to retaliate, the emperor picked up the stick and the prince said he understood!"

"The emperor took action, but the prince only said he knew it!"

"The prince did not come forward until King Qin was beaten to pieces!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "I know this. Not only did my father go, but he also cried and threw himself on King Qin, saying to the emperor that it was the brother's fault not to teach. Please punish me and spare the second brother!"


Liu Sanwu nodded, "That's right!"

"My father is my father, and I am me! What I want is different!" Zhu Yunxi smiled casually, "Here, let's play another game!" As he said that, he began to play chess quickly.

Suddenly, Liu Sanwu's old face wrinkled up again.


Ning Wang Zhu Quan spoke arrogantly on the road, but after entering the palace, he felt uneasy.

There was no one in the palace, and he was the only one standing in front of the old man's royal table. On the table, there were several dossier-like things. He looked at it, and there was a business volume of King Channing written on it!

My heart was beating wildly, and I looked around secretly, wanting to reach out for it, but I didn't dare.

Suddenly, slight footsteps came from the side hall.

Prince Ning turned his eyes and saw a pair of slippery cloth shoes in his sight. He knelt down in gratitude.

"My dear father, please see me!" King Ning bowed and said, "Long live my father! Long live my father!"

The old man put his hands behind his back, stood up slowly, and looked at Prince Ning playfully. He neither asked him to get up nor said anything.

In an instant, Queen Ning's back was covered with cold sweat, and she shouted loudly, "My lord, I bow to your majesty, long live my emperor!"

The old man raised his eyebrows, casually sat down on a stool, and said to the table, "Go and see for yourself!"

"I don't dare!"

"Is there anything else you don't dare to do? Look!"

Prince Ning shivered when he was shouted at, and he took the file tremblingly. After just a few glances, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

"When the king was in Daning, he secretly sold things strictly prohibited by the imperial court with the barbarians. These few merchants sold more than 10,000 jins of sugar and tea every year. The cattle and horses they obtained were sold to the mainland. They also secretly communicated with many local officials.


"In addition, there are cattle and horse skins, gold sand, gems and other items, involving the vassal kings of Chu, Shu, Hunan and so on. The vassal kings have frequent exchanges and often send private messages. There are even brocades, silks and other items from the inner vassal, which are all given to King Ning in exchange for war horses.

, and then shipped to the mainland for sale!”

Looking at it, Prince Ning's hands began to tremble.

Everything written above is true.

Although he needs money to support his troops, he is a public person and is afraid of losing face among his brothers, so he has been doing large sums of gold and silver favors with kings all year round, just to make others say, "Good King Ning!"

"Father, my son is guilty!" Prince Ning suddenly recalled the words of his staff and cried, "My son is ignorant and made a mistake. Please punish me, my father!"

"Punish you?" The old man sneered, "We asked you to be the King of Sai in the Ming Dynasty. We asked you to guard the border and serve the country. And you, doing these things in private, do you still look like a vassal king?"

"You are just selling illicit salt, but you are also selling these contrabands to those Tatars. Are you afraid that they will be out of breath and no longer able to go south to herd horses?"

"You don't care if you sell it yourself, but you still show off to your brothers and let them have their own ideas. What are your intentions?"

"Father," King Ning said, "sons and ministers also have difficulties. Daning is in a barren area."

In shock, King Ning forgot what his staff had repeatedly told him.

Sure enough, the old man was furious, "You beast, you still dare to quibble!" As he said this, he suddenly stood up and walked towards the imperial case.

Son, this bastard old man can bear it!

Even the old man can tolerate his son's arrogance and extravagance!

Even the tyrannical old man can tolerate it!

However, this frequent exchange cannot be tolerated!

The vassals have frequent exchanges. What does the emperor think? What about the next emperor?

Prince Ning, this is taking his brothers into the ditch, making his eldest grandson, the future Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, intolerable!

"I'm not quibbling, it's really"

Suddenly, Prince Ning could no longer speak, and his expression was horrified.

The old man grabbed Yu Shen's sword and pulled it out with a bang.

He said angrily, "I will kill you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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