233 Sudden Arrival

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How could Zhu Yunxi not know about such a big matter?

The old man's palace was once again bustling with oppressive silence. The palace people and the imperial doctors performed their duties almost silently, and the palace was filled with a strong smell of medicine.

"Your Majesty's illness didn't get better last time, and this time he has a sudden attack, and his illness is getting worse!" In the side hall of the palace, the Taiyuan Hospital was bowing to report to Zhu Yunxi, "I must say something inappropriate, the Emperor is already at this age.

.What I fear most is anger and anger.”

"I don't want to hear this!" Zhu Yunxi sat on the chair with a gloomy expression, "I want to ask you, when will Grandpa Huang get better?"

The old man suddenly fell ill, and it was even more serious than last time. He had a high fever and fell into a coma. If we think about it according to history, the old man should have a few years to live. But Zhu Yunxi knew that his appearance had changed many historical trajectories.

Maybe it has changed too...

Moreover, the root cause of the old man's illness is ultimately caused by his children and grandchildren. The root cause lies in these conspiracy and conspiracy to fight for power and gain.

When he thought about what might happen to the old man, Zhu Yunxi couldn't help but feel his hands and feet become cold and his heart trembled.

He was not afraid that the old man would suddenly leave and he would not be able to sit firmly in that seat. But from the bottom of his heart, really from the bottom of his heart, he did not want the old man to leave just like that.

And he left so quickly and suddenly!

The old man is already that old, and to put it bluntly, there is no tomorrow as long as there is today. This is the second time he has fallen ill this year, and he is getting worse.

Taiyuan was hesitating again and again, gritted his teeth and said, "I dare you, Your Highness, please make preparations early. The Emperor is suffering from internal illness, and it will take more than a day to freeze three feet, and it will be hard to recover after a long time!"

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Suddenly, Zhu Yunxi was stunned.

It is said that the imperial doctor beside the emperor is a national expert, but a national expert is nothing!

There were too many taboos in treating the emperor in the palace, so these imperial doctors used the safest method. They did not seek merit, but sought no faults.

At this moment, Pu Bucheng walked over quickly and said, "Your Highness, the Emperor is awake and calling you!"

Zhu Yunxi stood up suddenly and strode inward. Pu Bucheng followed behind, and in his daze, he stumbled and fell.

As a eunuch who has been with the emperor for decades, it is almost impossible for him to lose his temper like this. Even the last time, when the old man was seriously ill, he said he was going to go with him, but he still looked calm.

There is only one possibility for being so rude. Old man, maybe it is really...

"This slave deserves to die!"

Zhu Yunxi helped the other person up with his own hands, looked at the other person's nervous expression, and said softly, "At this time, be more careful!"

Then he let go, straightened his clothes, and entered the old man's palace.

The old man leaned weakly on the pillow, breathing extremely heavily. Feeling Zhu Yunxi's arrival, he opened his eyelids with difficulty and smiled laboriously.

"You knew already?"

"Grandpa Huang!" Zhu Yunxi sat down next to the old man and wiped his face with a handkerchief, "My grandson already knows!"

The old man squeezed Zhu Yunxi's hand gently, "We may not be able to survive!"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's just that you are angry. Wherever..." Zhu Yunxi endured the sadness in his heart and said, "You are in good health. The imperial doctor said that you are just..."

I’m pissed off!”

"We, we know!" The old man's face showed a bit of pain, and his body couldn't help but curl up, "People will get cold when they are about to die, and we are very cold now!"

One sentence almost made Zhu Yunxi burst into tears.

He quickly covered the old man with the quilt tightly. He reached out and touched the old man's forehead. It was frighteningly hot.

"Don't cry! You can't cry now. If you want to cry, wait until the day you send me away!" The old man's eyes carefully turned on Zhu Yunxi's face, as if he couldn't see enough, "Everyone has this day! We can still do it!"

I am satisfied that I can speak clearly to you now that I have the tone!"

Tears fell instantly.

The old man, no matter how sick he was, never said such words before. But this time, he opened his mouth and kept silent because he knew that his time was running out.

"Grandpa Huang, it's all your grandson's fault!"

Zhu Yunxi cried, "My grandson shouldn't..."

He felt so regretful now that he wished he could slap himself twice on the spot and give himself a severe beating.

Knowing that the old man is in poor health, and knowing that his last illness has damaged his vitality, why do you want to expose the feudal king's affairs to the old man at this time?

Why are you in such a hurry and so unable to allow time?

The old man still has a few more years to live, so he can just wait with peace of mind. Be it Zhu Di, Zhu Yunzhen, King Qi, King Ning, King Dai and other evil uncles, just let them make trouble and torment them.

Take good care of yourself and provide for the old man until his death. Wouldn't it be nice to let the old man and He live the last years of his life beautifully?

Those people, after he ascended the throne, had many means and methods to deal with them, but now they are just subject to some calculations, so what?

"It's our fault!" The old man's voice was hoarse and he said with difficulty, "There are some things that I shouldn't have left you with trouble!" As he said that, the old man's body trembled slightly, and he frowned and said, "Help us up!"

"Grandpa Huang!"

"Help us up!" The old man said in a serious tone.

Zhu Yunxi had no choice but to help the old man get up. Pu Bucheng piled a few pillows on the old man's back and let the old man lean on them.

"But you want to see Concubine Hui?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

The old man shook his head.

"See Jin and Xiao Fu'er?" Zhu Yunxi asked again.

The old man smiled and shook his head, "If you are sick, you cannot pass it on to your children!"

As he said that, the old man looked at Pu Bucheng and said, "Go and call someone!"

Call someone, who?

Zhu Yunxi still didn't understand, Pu Bucheng had already kowtowed and left.

"Grandson, is our hair messy?" The old man said weakly, "Please smooth it for us so that it doesn't get messy. Have someone prepare warm water for us to wash it off!"

"The imperial doctor said, you can't touch the water now!" Zhu Yunxi said, "Grandpa Emperor, you can rest in peace and recuperate, don't always scare your grandson!"

"Don't listen to those quack doctors. Besides, this thing can cure a disease, but it can't cure a life!" The old man leaned back, his eyes drooped, and whispered, "When our parents gave birth to us, they kept us clean.

When we leave, our children and grandchildren must also be kept clean by us. This is the natural law of reincarnation and the right way in the world!"

Zhu Yunxi felt like his heart was cut by a knife.

He could tell from the old man's intermittent words that the old man seemed a little confused.

"We're leaving, and there are still a lot of things that we can't put away. Grandson, can you take them all with us? We're afraid of the cold, so bring more socks for us. When I was a kid, in the winter, the soles of my feet were covered with frostbite and it hurt.

It's itchy again, and yellow soup comes out when I scratch it!"

"We are afraid that there will be no one around us to talk to, so you have to bring us some people to talk to and make clothes for us. Otherwise, if the clothes are torn, no one will sew them, and no one will make shoes for us...


"Grandpa!" Zhu Yunxi choked even more, hugged the old man into his arms, and burst into tears, "Don't scare me!"

He was really scared, really panicked.

The old man has been a hero all his life, how could he ever say these things?

The separation of life and death in this world comes too suddenly, too suddenly!

Could it be that history has really been changed and that the old man should die like this...

"Have the pear trees by the Huaihe River blossomed?" The old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked out happily, "When we were young, the eldest and second sisters led us to walk in the pear forest. The eldest brother and the third brother climbed the tree and filled the

A pocket full of wild pears, the taste is sour and sweet!"

"Later, the boy from Rich Master Liu's family refused to let us pick pears, so we even had a fight with him!"

"Tang He was stunned. He went up and broke his head. As a result, he lost two strings of money and his father sold an acre of land. He was so angry that he almost beat him to death!"

"Hey, where's Tang He? Where did his idiot go? Call him, don't call him Xu Da. Xu Da seems to be honest and naive. Li Shanchang can't do it either, and that idiot is even worse!"

"Where is your grandmother? Why hasn't she come to bring us food? We are all hungry!"

"Grandpa!" The old man in his arms was shaking violently, his eyes were closed and he was talking nonsense. Zhu Yunxi was already sobbing.

At this time, even if there are thousands of words, I can't say it.

"Biao'er!" the old man continued to mutter to himself, "you are so bad, please give us some face. Serve your mother well and don't let him get angry. Treat your younger brothers well and let them go. Look at your sisters well, don't

Let them be bullied by your husband's family, you bastards, I'll give you my knife. If anyone disobeys, chop him or stab him!"

"Imperial physician!" Zhu Yunxi shouted.

A group of imperial doctors stumbled in.

But the next second, the old man opened his eyes and said angrily, "Get out!"

The doctors were stunned for a moment and then quickly dispersed.

"We!" The old man also hugged Zhu Yunxi tightly and said seriously, "It's okay!"

At this time, there was a sudden burst of footsteps outside the door, and the officials followed Pu Bucheng in.

As soon as they entered the old man's palace, the ministers who were already thinking about it were shocked to find that the emperor and the emperor's grandson were hugging each other and crying.

This chapter has been completed!
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