Chapter 95 Who is Li Jinglong?

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Between the two armies, the cavalry was the first to start a violent collision.

The armored cavalry of the Ming army charged against the Hu cavalry, which was several times their own, like a flood bursting from a dike.

The formation of the Beiyuan cavalry was a bit scattered. Each cavalryman had a bow in one hand and a few arrows in the other hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the charging Yuan army drew their bows and arrows on horseback, and arrows fell down like rain.

When the enemy fired arrows, the charging Ming cavalry held up a round shield with one hand and tried to bury their bodies under the shield. Cavalry and archery were not what the Ming army was good at, although there were many among them who were unparalleled in cavalry and archery.

Ding, ding, ding, the sound of arrows falling on shields and armor.

Throwing the car from such a distance would not cause much harm to the Ming army, which was all wearing iron armor. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was gradually getting closer, it seemed that the Ming army's iron flow could disperse the loose Yun army cavalry in a second.

But, the next second.

Mo Rigen, the commander of the Yuan army's cavalry, suddenly turned his horse's head, and all his cavalrymen followed him, as if they were trying to escape.

This is an old tactic of the Yuan army, a tactic that has been tried and tested in Eurasia for hundreds of years. Starting website

Once the enemy starts to pursue, they will deliberately slow down to make the enemy think they are within reach. But it is at this time that they will really reveal their ferocious claws. As they turn, they can continue on horseback.

Turn around and fire arrows, causing heavy casualties to the pursuing enemies.

Moreover, when the enemy reacted and stopped pursuing, they could turn their horses' heads and pursue them. They used their horse power and skillful mounted archery to shoot the enemies off their horses one by one.

But they still miscalculated. The moment they turned their horses' heads, Yan Fan's cavalry stopped unexpectedly. No one pursued them, and they just watched them go away.

Again, they knew the enemy's tactics very well. The most important purpose of the remaining cavalry under Yan Fan was to protect the flanks of the infantry.

The first wave of Yuan troops returned in vain.

On the other side, Lan Yu's cavalry was much weirder.

The reinforcements rushed to Zhu Di's flank, and Lan Yu also rushed to the Yuan army's flank. When another cavalry of the Yuan army came out to entangle, Lan Yu's cavalry suddenly split into two, one roared to greet him, and the other

Then they continued to attack the flanks of the Yuan army.

Lan Yu is not only a wolf, he is the wolf king. Only the wolf king knows how to distribute and command his companions.

Viewed from the sky, Sapphire's cavalry look like a pack of hunting wolves.


At the same time, the infantry on both sides began to engage in close combat.

The archers of the Yuan army faced the scorching winter sun, drew their heavy bows and arrows, and began to shoot at the advancing Ming army to cover them.

In the marching Ming army, some people continued to fall in the rain of arrows, and gradually the white cloth belts around their bodies turned blood red. But they still moved forward proudly.

Finally, the Ming army's counterattack began, with bows, arrows, and cannons and crossbows firing towards the enemy's position.

The firearms soldiers pushing the artillery with all their strength and holding the blunderbuss fired when they were thirty steps away from the opponent.

Bang bang! Boom boom!

At every moment, someone fell down on both sides, and the mourning spread throughout the countryside.

Amidst the smoke and the sky full of bows and arrows, the heavy armored infantry of the Ming army howled and rushed into the opponent's position and began to fight at close quarters. When they met on a narrow road, the brave would win. In the flat wilderness, both the enemy and us used the simplest fighting methods.

Work hard!

However, facing the impact of the Ming army, the Yuan army retreated consciously. Their wings began to move, and the central army sunk in, seeming to surround the small Ming army.


Dong-dong-dong, the war drums of the Ming army were still loud.

Zhu Di slowly mounted his horse and watched the soldiers in front fall down, get up, get up, and fall down, his eyes were red.

"Chitose!" General Zhu Neng cut off the arrows on his armor and roared with a ferocious face, "You can't go any further!"

Zhu Di looked calm, looked at his battle flag, and shouted, "Keep going!"

"Chitose!" Zhu Neng was anxious, "We can't go any further, the Tatars are coming from both sides!"

Oops, the harsh sound of metal friction slowly sounded, and Zhu Di pulled out the sword from his waist.

"Keep on pushing my king's banner forward!"

On the battlefield, Zhu Di's battle flag was in a pool of blood, stepping on the corpses of Yuan soldiers and moving forward slowly. Around the battle flag, countless Yuan soldiers swarmed up, but they were separated by the Ming army like a barrier.

Seeing the commander's battle flag advance, the Ming army, which vowed to take revenge, let out a shocking cry.

"Follow King Yan's thousand-year-old battle flag!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


On the flank of the battlefield, Lan Yu stopped his horse and looked at the battle flag that continued to move forward calmly, with some admiration on his face.

Zhu Di, this is to be used as a drug introduction. He is going to use himself as a bait to make the Yuan army's 100,000 people lose their minds, thereby giving others the opportunity to annihilate the Yuan army.

"He is quite a man!" Lan Yu exclaimed in admiration, "This temperament really looks a bit like the emperor back then!"

Zhu Gaoxu couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to fly back to Zhu Di, shouting, "Shuai Lan, let's keep charging, the Tatars are almost surrounding my father!"

"Hi!" Lan Yu smiled coldly, "Famous generals will be surrounded!"

After saying that, he looked towards the distance, the blurry horizon.

"Old Fu, you old cunt, what the hell are you waiting for?"


The sound of fighting resounded throughout the world, and on the blurry horizon in the distance, a group of cavalry marched slowly amidst the sound of fighting.

They did not mount their horses, but everyone held their favorite horses, because this way they could save horse power.

Zhu Zhi, King of the Liao Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty, was walking at the front with his war horse, his eyes full of fire.

"Chitose, the Tatar rear line has begun to move!"

"Chitose, the cavalry behind the Tatars detoured and surrounded King Yan's rear!"

"Chitose, the Tatars don't know we are coming behind them!"

"Chitose, we are only ten miles away from the Tatars!"

Messages were passed from Tan Ma to Zhu Zhi's ears one after another.

Gradually, surprise appeared on his face, and he looked back at the veteran in the cavalry team. No one was carrying him forward.

Fu Youde straightened his upper body with difficulty and asked a scout solemnly.

"Are you sure the Tatars didn't notice us?"

"The general will guarantee it with his head!" the scout shouted loudly, "the general and others almost touched the Tatars' noses. There are hundreds of thousands of Tatars, but they only looked at King Yan and Lan Shuai opposite, and they didn't notice at all.

We are already behind them!"

Fu Youde coughed twice, covered his chest and said with a smile, "God helps the Ming Dynasty!" Then he said to Zhu Zhi, "Chitose, aren't you taking revenge? The time has come!"

"Mount the horse!" Zhu Zhi shouted, and his subordinate Liao Fan Erlang continued to mount the horse at the same time as him.

"There can only be one King of Liao in the world!" Zhu Zhi shouted on his horse, "That is our King of Liao of Ming Dynasty! Kill me!"


"Eat Zhu Di, eat him!"

The eyes of Ashizhali, the king of the Northern Yuan and Liao Dynasties, were full of bloodshot eyes. Looking at the trapped and crumbling battle flags of the Ming army, he shouted excitedly, "The Han people will make sneak attacks, and they are vulnerable in a field battle!" As he said this, he continued behind him.

He shouted, "The entire army will trample Zhu Di to death!"

After the king's order was issued, the Yuan army's attack became more fierce.

In front of Zhu Di's horse, there were criss-crossed corpses. The flag bearer holding the flag held the flagpole with both hands to prevent the flag from tipping over. As for himself, his knees slowly fell to the ground, bleeding.

It kept spurting out from the gaps in his armor.

The life in his eyes was getting less and less, but he was still shouting, "Move forward!"

"Forward!" General Zhu Neng led his men to charge over, hacking to death several Yuan soldiers who rushed to seize the flag. He took the battle flag from the flag bearer's hand, waved it twice wildly, and roared, "Forward!"

Zhu Di was still on the horse, moving forward slowly. He stared at the Yuan army's Wang Qi with a cold-blooded look on his face.

Suddenly, an arrow was shot, and with a pop, the horse under his crotch screamed and fell down.

"Your Majesty!"


Amid the exclamations of the guards, Zhu Di stood up among the dead, sneered and raised his long knife high.

"Yan Fan'erlang, follow me, Zhu Silang, and move forward!"

"Kill the Tatars!" the three armies roared.


"Let me see how long you can last?" Aszhali looked at the banner of King Yan getting closer and closer to him, with a sneer on his face.

But within a second, his smile froze.

"My lord, what's wrong, there are many Ming troops coming out from behind, all of them are cavalry!"

"Your Majesty, it is the banner of the Ming Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, this is the banner of Ming General Fu Youde!"

There was a buzz, and Aszhali's mind was confused.

Does the Ming army still have ambushes? Does the Ming army still have back-ups?

There is Lan Yu in front and Fu Youde behind. How to fight this battle?

At this moment, the roaring sound of horse hooves could be heard clearly.

The Tieling Guards Cavalry led by Fu Youde, led by Liao King Zhu Zhi, rushed like sharp arrows into the rear of the unsuspecting Yuan army, as if they were entering an uninhabited territory.

"Avenge the sons of Liao Fan!"

With a bang of an arrow, Zhu Zhi's iron helmet was shot away by the bow and arrow, but he turned a blind eye, quickly kicked the horse's belly, charged over, and let the war horse knock away the archer who was aiming at him.


"Your Majesty, break out of the encirclement!"

Ashizali's love will grab his arm and drag him to the horse.

A war cannot be fought with just a large number of people. The 100,000 troops under his command encountered enemies everywhere, and if they continued to fight the enemies, there would only be one result, which was defeat.

In this case, it is better for the strong man to cut off his wrist and order the troops that can still be controlled to leave the battlefield and retreat far away.

But where to go?

In the front is the blue jade Zhu Di, and in the back is Fu Youde.

Suddenly, a ridiculous thought came to his mind, "Da Ming really thinks highly of me!"

When he was getting back on his horse, a scout came over with all his strength and said, "Your Majesty, the road out of Huangyugou is blocked. The Ming army has formed formations in the valleys on both sides. They are all infantry. This is Fu Youde's flag!"

The scouts of the Yuan army received belated news, and Aszhali was already at a loss.

Even if they withdraw from the battlefield, the Ming army is still well prepared. They have already laid a dragnet. How will they fight this battle?

"Your Majesty!"

Another scout rode over in embarrassment, "There is a Ming army blocking our way outside the Huangyugou Great Wall!"

"Who is it again?" Aszhali asked angrily.

"Cao Guogong Li Jinglong!"

This name made Ashizhali stunned, "Who? Li Jinglong? I've never heard of it. With my king's order, the whole army will break out from that Li Jinglong side!"


bad mood!

Today is my birthday. My mother sent a letter this morning, Dabaoer, what do you want to eat today? Mom will cook it for you!

I looked at the message, held back tears, and said, "Mom, just eat whatever you want. I don't want to worry about it anymore!"

I put down my phone, went to the bathroom alone, and cried.

Every year on my birthday, my dad will call early and say, Dabaozi, it’s your birthday today. You’ll have noodles and poached eggs in the morning.

Do you have money? If you don’t have money, your dad will give you a few thousand dollars, and you can take your friends and colleagues out to play in the evening.

I can no longer hear my father’s voice. Before I knew it, he had been gone for more than four hundred days.

When I took my mother to the supermarket a few days ago, I always had an illusion, as if my father was beside us, just like before, watching us pick and choose in the supermarket, with a smile on his face.

In the dead of night, I said to myself in the air, Dad, look, this is my house. I took my mother over to live with me.

The person who loves me most in the world is gone, and I can no longer hear my father's voice.

He gave me life and everything, but he left so suddenly without enjoying anything in return.

I dare not express my sentiments in front of my mother, because that would make her even more sad.

But I really miss my dad.

Dad, today is my birthday.

I wish I could eat the noodles and poached eggs you made again

When you have time, please go home and take a look! Career? Making money? It’s not worth a family dinner. It’s not like me, who wants to support my son but refuses to be kissed.

This chapter has been completed!
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