Chapter 204 Failed to read minds

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Chapter 204 Failed to read minds

Yang Yi stepped through the door.

Several inspectors, especially the young inspector, immediately gained courage and stood at attention towards the director:

"Director! You are here! This..."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Mozhi and the woman.

Yang Yi had already heard the general story upstairs.

However, he was not sure which "contractor monster" on the third floor did it. The person who reported the report did not know the Punisher team on the third floor... Just when he heard the young inspector's complaint, he discovered that the "troublemaker"

People are unpredictable!

He stopped moving forward almost instinctively, his sleepy and swollen eyes flashed with light, and his brows furrowed.

Unpredictable did not look at the director, but stared at the woman in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"I know this is against the rules!"

"But you have to know...the rules are made by people, the enforcers are ironmen, and the people being enforced are also ironmen, living ironmen!"

"Can we be a little more humane when enforcing the rules?!"

Several inspectors looked strange. Some looked at Yang Yi, some wanted to refute, and some were hesitant... They could not understand the unpredictable words.

When the woman heard this, she became excited again and murmured as if she was afraid of being rejected:

"Please, let me see my Yaya, see..."

Yang Yi stood there with her eyes fixed on the unpredictable. She thought for a full ten seconds before she opened her mouth and sneered:

"Are you soft-hearted? Pity this woman?"

"You are not an Ironborn, how can you talk to me in a humane way?"

Several inspectors breathed a sigh of relief, the director was on their side...

Especially the young inspector, whose face could no longer maintain a serious expression and smiled.

In his opinion, this young spy who was causing trouble for no reason was still stubborn and dared to contradict the Director in person. A slap in the face would be a minor punishment. At least he would be punished by the Supervisory Office. According to the regulations, the worst case would be expulsion...

His hand pressed the pistol on his waist again, and he deliberately turned sideways, showing the action in front of the director... This is telling the director that as long as you give the order, even if the kid in front of you dares to resist, we can immediately pull it out

Shoot him to death.

Unpredictable is right next to the young inspector, so he can naturally detect his movements.

He did not compromise, he also put his hand under his armpit, pressed the leather holster under his windbreaker in front of everyone in front of him, and said indifferently:

"She just wants to see her daughter. This request is not too much..."

You still want to resist?! Several inspectors fired their guns due to the unpredictability, and they looked stern. There was no joke in this kid, he actually wanted to draw his gun!

In order to let this woman see her daughter, this young "punisher" actually violated the rules in front of the director, and even resisted with force...

This is crazy!

Several inspectors pressed their hands on the handles of their guns at the same time, their eyes drifting to Yang Yi, waiting for Yang Yi's order.

The entire guard room is on edge!

They soon saw the director open his mouth and snorted softly: "A bad guy..."

In their view, Yang Yi was about to issue an order... This was understandable. The rules of the Supervisory Office were more important and must not be disobeyed.

Anyone who dares to fight against the law will only be destroyed!

However, what Yang Yi said next was very unexpected. It was not as they imagined, waving his hands and shouting domineeringly: "Take it!", but frowning deeply and asking Mo Zhi:

"how do you want to do it?"

Is this asking about the Punisher’s attitude?

Several inspectors were stunned for a moment. This was wrong. It didn't comply with the script. Shouldn't this troublemaker be taken down immediately?

They are all ready to draw their guns!

Huh... Mozhi breathed a sigh of relief and said to the woman in front of him:

"Sister, don't worry, they have agreed to let you see your daughter."

When the woman heard this, she immediately stopped sobbing, her face showed joy, and she said to Mo Zhi sentence after sentence: "Thank you! You are a good person, young man, thank you, you are a good person!"

"I'll just meet Yaya once, and I'll feel relieved...just meet her once!"

Mo Zhi said: "Sister, do you know that your daughter is sick... she has a strange disease, which may kill her!"

When the woman heard this, her face turned pale and she stretched out her hands to scratch around: "My Yaya is sick? Is she sick? What disease is she?"

Mo Zhi swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"Yaya is suffering from a terminal illness and must be treated at the Inspectorate. Do you understand? She can survive only by receiving treatment at the Inspectorate. It will be very dangerous if she leaves the Inspectorate. You don't want your child to be in danger... You

Look, this is a very serious infectious disease that can damage your eyes..."

"So, you can't take her away. If you take her away, no one will be able to treat her."

"Okay, okay!" the woman said quickly: "I won't take her away, let her get treatment here, I... just see her."

Yang Yi looked gloomy and remained silent.

Just like this... several inspectors were a little enlightened, and they had some associations with the "human touch" mentioned by Mo Zhi.

Isn’t this just a lie? No, it’s not a lie, it’s a fraud!

He lied to this woman that her child was terminally ill, turning the so-called maternal love into a more intense worry that taking the child away would cause the child to lose treatment... This is a lame lie!

Is the Inspection Office a place for medical treatment?

It's a pity... this woman has obviously never seen much of the world, and she can't even see this kind of loophole. It's simply... she was deceived by such unpredictable lies.

However, this can solve your worries. You don’t have to worry about the woman stalking you and wanting to take her back...

How can I put it? This seems to be a gentler treatment than throwing the woman out directly.

Seeing that the comfort had an effect, Mu Zhi turned around and looked at Yang Yi: "As for what I want to's easy to do! Go to the third floor and ask the captain to bring down the little girl named Yaya!"

"This matter must be approved by the captain..."

Several inspectors looked at each other...

Did the director compromise with the young spy in front of him?

Moreover, this young man seems to be giving orders to the director!

Did we hear wrongly? He can actually order the director?

Soon, something even more shocking happened to them!

Yang Yi curled her lips disdainfully:

"Damn it, bother me with this little thing..."

Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the door of the guard room.

Judging from this meaning, he actually "obeyed" the order and went upstairs to pick up the little girl.

The top leader of the Inspectorate actually obeyed the orders of a Punisher spy!

Just when their minds were filled with doubts, Yang Yi had already walked out of the guard room, turned back and said angrily to them: "Why are you still standing here? Are you sick!"

"Didn't you hear the order? Get out! Come with me to the third floor to pick up the child!"

Several inspectors stepped forward quickly...

The young inspector's face was full of disbelief. He turned back and looked at the unpredictable person sitting on the chair.

What is this guy's identity?

Hit the iron plate...

After exiting the door of the guard room, several people found that Yang Yi had twisted her fat body and ran upstairs quickly.

They stood there, looking at each other in confusion...

However, the doubt did not seem to last long, and they immediately realized that something was wrong.

Although it was already off-duty time for the entire Supervisory Office, suddenly, there was a strange feeling that made the atmosphere tense as if the heart was contracting!

They are ordinary ironmen who cannot detect Fuyuan's feeling, but they can still experience the pressure coming from upstairs.

No, not only upstairs, but also outside...

A fat yellow cat unexpectedly appeared at the door of the hall. The cat's eyes exuded wisdom similar to that of humans, and its vertical pupils were narrowed with a solemn expression.

The yellow cat stared at the guard room, the hair on its body flying in all directions as if it had been electrocuted...

There are footsteps on the stairs!

A female punisher with a scar on her face appeared on the stairs with a man and a woman...

The male punisher was also young. When he saw several inspectors standing in the hall, he yelled: "What are you doing standing here? Get out of here!"

Another pale female punisher rushed down the stairs, picked up Xiaobai who was still standing in the center of the hall, and walked to the side of the stairs...

There seems to be something scary in the guard room!

Director Yang Yi panted and followed behind. He also appeared at the corner of the stairs, but he did not dare to go down any further. He held on to the stairs while panting and drawing his gun.

The tall female punisher with scars on her face walked into the guard room step by step with a gloomy face and a windbreaker.

... Seeing Captain Vera appear, Mu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, there is something wrong with this woman!

At first, he was indeed infected by the motherly love shown by the woman and thought she was a poor mother. She whined and wanted to see her daughter, but was helpless under the violence of several inspectors.

The inspectors are somewhat inhumane...

Although Mu Zhi was extremely lazy and not hot-blooded, he was not a cold-blooded person either... He believed that the woman's request was not excessive, and he had the idea of ​​helping her.

This is just to fulfill mother's love... She was blinded by her daughter, but she still never abandons her strong mother's love!

Although the agreement severed the custody relationship between her and her daughter in a sharp and cold way, it could not stop the emotions and sever the mother's concern for her daughter.

The essence of maternal love is separation, and it has always been separation... From the tenth month of pregnancy, when the body is separated, to the child growing up and leaving nursing, to the child leaving home to study, start a family and start a career, and finally completely separated from life... These are two ends of life.

It is inevitable that we will gradually drift apart. The more complete the separation, the more extreme maternal love will be.

Unpredictable is a person who keeps kind thoughts deep in his heart. Although he is not serious most of the time and cheats everywhere, his cherishing of emotions has never changed...

In a person's life, except for strong and real emotions, everything else is just floating clouds... It is precisely because of this Buddhist mentality that makes unpredictable people seem to have no desires and desires.

However, he values ​​feelings...

At least, when he saw a poor mother trying to explain her concern for her daughter, he wanted to support her... He didn't want to be a bad person, he just hoped to fulfill the most precious thing in the world, even if the emotion had nothing to do with him.

But... of course, when he was aroused by the motherly love emanating from the woman, he did not forget to test his ability secretly... At that time, even he felt that his behavior was some kind of blasphemy.

However, the actual situation made his hair burst.

With the help of "extension", his symbol quickly climbed up the woman's body, but he got an extremely surprising result——





This woman has no thoughts!

Just a silence like he'd never heard before...

There was a problem with mind reading for the first time!

This is not right! This is definitely not normal!

The woman showed expectations, showed persistence, pulled each other with the inspector, and desperately wanted to see her daughter. All this shows that she should have strong psychological fluctuations...

The fact is, there is no thought at all! So much so that the ability to contract is not established, and even the headache of original sin does not come!

Unpredictable immediately thought of a guess - a dead person!

Only dead people will not have psychological fluctuations or have any thoughts!

This woman is dead, she must be controlled by something! Of course, the most likely thing is some unimaginable mysterious contract ability.

This woman is a time bomb, there is a manipulator controlling this woman!

Someone is targeting the Inspectorate!

...Several inspectors saw that they were about to take action, which may have irritated the manipulator...perhaps a bomb or something powerful was planted inside this woman, and the consequences would be disastrous.

He immediately stopped the inspector.

He wanted to use "communication" to notify the team, but he felt that the manipulator must be the contractor. He might have some ability to detect the fluctuation of the symbol source and take action in advance... He had already used the mind-reading technique just now, which might have aroused the other party's vigilance.

He tentatively approached the woman, pretending to be a "hot-blooded young man", tentatively showing an attitude of helping the woman...

With the situation unknown, he knew it was dangerous!

The few inspectors present are also dangerous!

In fact, everyone in the building is in danger!

He chose the calmest way to deal with it and brought the woman to the guard room... Anyway, being in a relatively closed room should reduce some trouble and reduce the level of threats.

Who would have thought...several inspectors followed him in with all their might, and just after they left, they followed in dutifully.

Under such circumstances, Mu Zhi didn't even dare to show any abnormality, didn't dare to talk nonsense, and couldn't yell like an idiot... "Danger"... "Get down!"

Fortunately, Yang Yi is here...

The experienced director is very knowledgeable and knows that he is not a fool, but also knows that he is not a good young man who is willing to help others.

Under such circumstances, the more enthusiastic and desperate Mu Zhi acts to help the woman, the more out of character he will be, arousing Yang Yi's vigilance... Lao Yang is worthy of being the director of the department for decades.

, and immediately noticed the anomaly.

When Mu Zhi said "Let Captain Vera do it personally!", Yang Yi was instantly sure of Mu Zhi's meaning.

The girl is no longer there, she was taken away by Zongchen, but Mu Zhi still asked him to inform Vera and bring the girl down...

There is indeed something wrong with this woman!

This sentence also contains unpredictable suggestions... Notify Vera that the equally experienced Vera "personally" comes down. Her ability is tempering. Even if something unexpected happens, the captain has good ability to save his life.

As for the others...of course they are searching the surrounding areas to see if they can dig out the manipulator.

Dominique's Sky Eye, Uncle Cat returned to the hall, Rebecca and Luo Qing followed...

Team members should not enter, and it is best not to enter.

Vera walked slowly, with the five rings on her hands that looked like "The Lord of the Rings" exposed. The "warehouse" in it even stored all the information from the Hot Spring City Inspectorate that had just been taken out from Mrs. Catherine's place.


After entering the door, Vera looked at Mo Zhi: "I'm coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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