Chapter 238 I am really poor!

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Chapter 238 I am really poor!

Unpredictable came to this conclusion from the very beginning.

But he wasn't sure... Although it made sense, there was no evidence.

Until he applied the logical relationship of this guess to the other two manipulated people...

Whether it was the security officer who assassinated him just now or the security captain, were the people behind the scenes hiding the "white light bomb" in his body?

Let’s talk about the security guard first. He is just a manipulated tool, and whether the assassination is successful or not, there is no return. In this case, of course, the person behind the scenes will plant a white light bomb in his body... This will make the best use of it.

the taste of.

But the fact is that the security guard was shot to death indiscriminately before he could blow himself up.

Unpredictable quickly came to a conclusion based on the logic he guessed... The thought implanted in this security officer was probably "I want to kill the detained inspector". That is to say, if he realizes the opposite fact, the thought inside his body will

The white light bomb will be detonated...

It's a pity that he didn't get this opportunity - when he realized that he couldn't kill Mu Zhi, he was beaten into pieces by others... Therefore, he failed to trigger the self-destruction mechanism and emit white light.

It is normal that he failed to self-destruct, because it depends on the opportunity and details at the time, and the manipulator behind the scenes cannot control it so carefully... Otherwise, wouldn't the man behind the scenes have the brains of a fairy?

This is a reverse argument. Although it still cannot confirm the accuracy of the guess, it greatly increases the credibility of the conjecture.

As for the security captain...he was different from the other two people who were manipulated. He was not implanted with thoughts, but had a memory blocked.

Although the form is different, but... the unpredictable one can also think of it based on logic - the self-destruction mechanism still exists, and the security captain can basically be sure that there must be a "white light bomb" in his body!

Originally, Mo Zhi didn't think so deeply. When he was tortured by Cha Fei and the pain was unstoppable, and when Cha Fei threatened him with Luo Sheng, his brain was running rapidly...he suddenly thought of this!

Pain is helpful for thinking and for sudden inspiration...You can never imagine how smart you are unless you are forced into a desperate situation.

The people behind the scenes are plotting against the Public Security Bureau and the Inspection Bureau at the same time. There is no reason not to implant a white light bomb into the body of the security captain and use him to attack the contractors of the two departments... Moreover, there is another layer of design that further proves this point, and that is the white light explosion.

The manipulator will die!

If the security captain blew himself up, it would be more beneficial to the people behind the scenes... The Public Security Department had no evidence to prove his death, and the people behind the scenes cut off the last connection with the entire crime process and went into hiding again.

As for the self-destruction mechanism of the security captain...

He is different from the other two in that his memory is blocked, so... the fuse he triggered the white light explosion should be when the blocked memory is recalled!

Unpredictable can take advantage of this

He was able to take advantage of a scheme that the Sheriff's Department and Chaffee were completely unaware of.

Chaffee is about to break his arm...

It would be better to introduce the fact that the security captain has been blocked from memory. It can not only give Chafee the method to save Maeve Foresta, let her study the security captain hurriedly, temporarily let herself go, but also... let Chafee eat it.

Nod off!

When Chafee studies the security captain, she will definitely study the blocked memories by him. Moreover, she will quickly discover the contents of the blocked memories and try to make the security captain remember something...

This is equivalent to triggering the fuse of the "white light bomb"!

Unpredictable seems to be calm at this moment, seemingly teasing Dr. Hesse, but in fact his heart is in turmoil——

He didn't know whether his guess was correct, but he felt it was so intuitively. This heart-wrenching feeling really made him break into a cold sweat.

Chaffee will definitely be busy triggering the "white light bomb". Such an inexplicable change will inevitably cause chaos in the Sheriff's Department. It is a good opportunity to escape!

And asking Chafee for a doctor to check his injuries was because he wanted to increase his chances of escaping... As long as the doctor was there, the iron gate should be open.

Although this iron gate may not necessarily be able to stop him, and he can break the door lock with a submachine gun, but... it will make too much noise, and even if he rushes out, he will face endless security guards.

"Doctor! You must have a good examination."

Seeing that the female doctor was tired of it and seemed ready to leave, she smiled reluctantly and said:

"I still feel pain, please give me a closer look..."

He is trying to buy time...

The female doctor immediately rolled her eyes. The white eyes were highlighted by the black skin, making her look particularly... full of disgust.

"Don't ignore me!" Mo Zhi shouted: "I remembered, my akimbo muscle hurts!"

This awesome vocabulary made the female doctor stunned and asked: "Where is the akimbo muscle?"

Unpredictable: "..."

I don't even know...

The female doctor confirmed that Mu Zhi was playing rogue, and snorted disdainfully: "Rogue!"

She took off the rubber gloves on her hands, threw them into the medical kit, closed the lid, stood up and looked around at the guard... This meant that I was leaving and no longer wasting time on this person.

Unpredictable stretched out his hand to stop: "Wait a minute."

The sudden move made the female doctor's face tremble...

The security guard next to him also drew his gun.

Mo Zhi paused for two seconds, waiting for the vigilance caused by the security guard, guard and female doctor to dissipate. Then he grabbed the female doctor's white coat and said with a mean smile:

"Beautiful doctor! You are so beautiful!"

This time, I used another trick... licking!

The female doctor Hesse was still disdainful, but after hearing this, she still glanced back at Mo Zhi, as if to remind Mo Zhi: Of course!

There is a way! Observe her expression unexpectedly and get an unexpected surprise.

So, he raised his head slightly, put his right hand on his chest, and stared at the female doctor meticulously.

His face was serious, his eyes were moving, he pretended to be affectionate, and he spoke in a deep voice:

"Beauty! You are so charming! The first time I saw you, I fell in love!"

"I did this...just to attract your attention, so that you can think of me in your free time. I...what I want to say is that I am interested in you!"

The female doctor's footsteps suddenly froze as she tried to break free, and she looked at Mo Jie in disbelief.

The two security guards swallowed at the same time and looked at each other subconsciously, not paying any attention to the fact that they could stuff an egg into their mouths.

Mozhi said sincerely: "Please, give me a chance!"

The female doctor swallowed and her face was extremely complicated: "Who would like to have sex with prisoners? Scumbag!"

Unpredictable shook his head: "I was just arrested by mistake, I will be out soon!"

"Please believe in my sincerity..."

The female doctor looked down at the unpredictable person sitting in front of her and said firmly after a few seconds:

"I'm married and have a husband!"

A look of sadness appeared on the unpredictable face, and he said heartbrokenly:

"I don't ask to marry you, I just hope you give me a chance! We can date, I just ask for a sweet kiss..."

"Tch~" the female doctor snorted coldly, unmoved, and retorted:


After saying that, he shook off his unpredictable hand and walked away.

Mo Zhi thought for a second and suddenly announced: "I have money! A lot of money!"

The female doctor paused.

Mobi said in a determined tone: "I have a manor in Tianqin Bay!"

The female doctor turned around, the disdain on her face disappeared, replaced by hesitation, as if her brain was thinking rapidly... After a few seconds, she asked:

"What's your name? When can you go out?"

Um... Mu Zhi was stunned for a moment and said:

"My name is Luo Qing, from the Supervision Office across the street."

………at this time.

A deafening alarm suddenly sounded.

The entire Sheriff's Department was shrouded in harsh sounds...

The female doctor stretched out her hands and covered her ears. Her eyes were still scanning unpredictably, as if she was hesitant to step forward and cover his ears.

The two security officers also looked puzzled... This is a Level 1 alert from the Public Security Department!

This is a level that will only be sounded when the Public Security Department is under serious threat. It is rarely sounded at ordinary times...

Why did it suddenly sound at this time?

There is a situation!

Outside, noisy sounds, footsteps, and shouts suddenly came from upstairs and was a chaotic mess, as if something big had happened outside, and everyone was rushing to the scene.


Unpredictably, his heart trembled, and he instantly understood the reason for the strange movement.

The security captain's bomb exploded!

This is the time you’ve been waiting for!

But he didn't know that in a certain interrogation room in this building, the effect of Terry Wallace's death was surprisingly good - almost the entire Silver Hand was paralyzed.

Two security guards responded immediately when they heard the alarm. One stepped forward to help the female doctor, while the other stood in front of the iron bars with his gun pointed at Mo Zhi.

No matter what, get out of here first.

Of course, the female doctor also knew that something big had happened in the Public Security Department. With the support of the security officer, she walked towards the door, but from time to time she covered her ears and looked back at Mo Jie...

Unpredictability became the focus of the three people's eyes.

The young "prisoner" suddenly became happy, and a relieved smile crawled onto his face... He looked at the three of them meaningfully and opened his mouth.

A scream came!

The harsh sound instantly covered the entire detention room, and the extremely high decibels exceeded the deafening sirens...

Skill: Soul Shock!

The two security guards and the female doctor felt as if they were struck by lightning, their brains went blank for a while, and they felt as if time had stopped temporarily...

Everything in front of me has a double image.

Skills that can make white-level contractors sluggish for several seconds are more effective on ordinary people and the effect is more obvious.

The three of them suddenly froze in place and briefly lost the ability to move.

One of the guards suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed the iron bars that were closing in during a moment of unconsciousness.

With a click, the iron bars locked.

The female doctor quickly regained consciousness. She struggled to get rid of the blank space in her mind. She turned around blankly and looked around, only to see...

The "prisoner" who had just been examined by himself had put a civilized hat on one of the guards, turned around and waved his palms towards the other guard. His movements were regular and consistent, like a pendulum moving back and forth.

The policeman wearing a civilized hat was unaware of his death. He had lost all his strength and was lying limply on the ground... The other security guard looked dull, his face was full of tiredness, his eyelids gradually closed, and he was leaning against the wall.

Like noodles, it slowly softens.

Of course she doesn't know... the language of the symbol: the "slumber" hat, and the unpredictable skill that has just been awakened: hypnosis!

The blank period of consciousness caused by the soul impact is unpredictable enough to do many things.

Then, the female doctor saw Mozhi, who was wearing a black trench coat, looking at her, with a smile on his face that looked like he was looking at prey.


The female doctor reacted immediately and screamed in fright, very loudly.

Unfortunately, her voice was covered by the alarm.

Mozhi said with a smile on his face, approaching the female doctor step by step and forcing her directly into the corner.

"Shout! No one will save you even if you shout till your throat is broken!"

Unfortunately, his voice was also covered by the alarm. From the female doctor's perspective, his mouth was opening and closing unpredictably, but no sound could be heard.

"Devil!" The female doctor was so confused that she cried loudly.

This time, Mo Zhi heard it clearly because he had already walked next to the female doctor, only ten centimeters away...

Unpredictable said in her ear:

"Actually, I am very poor."

The female doctor's eyes suddenly widened, and she quickly grasped the collar of her white coat with both hands, as if she was worried that the fragile buttons would be torn apart by the person in front of her.

Damn it! Is this how poor people are treated? Looking at her actions, Mo Zhi cursed in his heart.

Then, he took out the hat again and put it on the female doctor's head.

Unexpectedly, before the dizzying effect of "amnesia" took effect, the female doctor had already fainted from fright.

At the moment of losing consciousness, the female doctor's confused consciousness echoed with the cry from the bottom of her heart:


"...I was prostituted for nothing by a gangster."

Unpredictable looked at the three people who were sleeping, ignored the female doctor, and lowered his head to think for a second.

Immediately, he walked over to a security guard and reached out to unbutton his clothes and belt...

The guard's build is almost the same as him.

He changed into a guard's clothes and quickly found the key.


Sheriff's Department Health Room.

Maeve Foresta paced back and forth amid the shrill sirens.

He was very anxious.

He had just given the order to sound the alarm.

For no other reason, the Silver Hand was "annihilated". He soon realized that this was the design of the people behind the scenes, and he might take advantage of this to do something to the Public Security Department...

There are no contractors in the Sheriff's Department right now!

It wasn't until the ten-minute alarm ended... that he didn't receive any alarm, then he sat down and meditated in silence.

Unfortunately, it seemed that due to a series of changes, he felt that his brain was in a mess and he could not figure out any ideas at all.

Just then, a doctor in a white coat came in.

He reported the report while wiping the sweat from his temples:

"Director, we have checked everyone in the special operations team. No one is dead... everyone is unconscious!"

The Special Operations Team is the standard name of the Silver Hand... When Maeve Foresta heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just be fine...

This is the property of all contractors of the Hot Spring City Public Security Department. If a large area of ​​people is damaged, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He asked the doctor in a deep voice:

"If you fall into a long will it take to wake up?"

The doctor shook his head:

"It's not clear yet, but... Chief Inspector Chaffee seems to have some consciousness, but she is still in a light coma... She seems to be suffering a lot of pain, and so does Ms. Jesus, but her condition is worse than that of Chief Inspector


"We have examined them one by one, and all of them have no injuries... This is very strange, they are all unconscious despite no physical injuries..."

This doctor is an ordinary ironman, and he cannot understand this situation that is difficult to explain in medical technology.

"Okay, go ahead!" Maeve Foresta waved his hand impatiently: "Go take good care of them and observe them at any time."

Seeing the doctor leaving, the director frowned deeply...

Through the doctor's report and recalling the scene at that time, he now understands... That white light seems to be only effective on the contractor, and does not directly harm the body.

He and other security guards were also hit by white light, but they were completely fine.

Now that they can gradually wake up, it seems... Chafei and the others should be fine, right?

Wait a minute, they'll find out when they wake up.

Maeve Foresta roughly analyzed the situation in front of him and felt that he had obtained a relatively certain answer, and then he was completely relieved.

He got up, walked out of the clinic, and prepared to go back to the director's office.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the corridor, two security guards climbed up the stairs in a panic. When they saw him, they looked happy and ran over.

"Director! Someone escaped from the detention room!"

When Maeve Foresta heard this, his heart suddenly thumped, and an idea suddenly came to his mind...

"Who? Who escaped?"

The security guard gasped for breath: "That's it...that's the person Captain Wallace arrested today!"

Sure enough...the director's vision went dark and he felt dizzy.

He stretched out his hand to hold on to the wall of the corridor, feeling a large amount of information rushing through his mind... Did the captured inspector escape from prison?

They ran away!

What should I do next?

The last weight to control the situation was lost. If these two people escaped back to the Supervision Office, wouldn't Pandora be able to announce the mistakes made by the Hot Spring City Public Security Bureau at any time...

It's over, it's over...

Maeve gritted his teeth tightly and asked without any hope: "Both of them escaped?"

The security guard quickly replied: "No, there is only one."

Director Foresta was stunned.

Seeing the director's confusion, the two security guards hurriedly described:

"The man in the black trench coat escaped. He...he took the opportunity to escape during the examination by the doctor sent by the Chief Inspector."

"He took away the uniform of a guard. He must have restrained the doctor and the guard and escaped pretending to be one of our people. When we found out, there were only three of our people in the detention room, and they were all unconscious."

"Fortunately, our people are all fine and have woken up..."

The person pretending to be the Sheriff's Department? Maeve Foresta subconsciously looked out the window. On the other side of the street was the grove outside the Inspectorate. There was a three-story building faintly inside.

The distance is so close, it only takes a few minutes to run back to the Inspectorate.

Thinking of this, Maeve Foresta suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned around and said to the guard following behind him: "Go quickly and seal the gate! Check the entry and exit records!"

"No, block all entrances and exits of the Sheriff's Department."

Maeve Foresta's intuition was that it was too late, but he still ordered the entire Sheriff's Department to be cordoned off.

The outer wall of the Public Security Department is three and a half meters high, with barbed wire on top, and the one who escaped... was undoubtedly a nightmare and unpredictable person. His ability should not be able to break through the wall or jump over the wall to escape. Most of them would have to pass through the security department.

The door of the department.

Even if he is pretending, his identity will be strictly checked when entering and exiting the Public Security Bureau. He may not be able to get out, and even if he does, he will be found to be abnormal...

That's right! When he thought of this, the Director felt that he had regained some hope, and he added another sentence:

"Pay attention to the people inside us! Everyone wearing uniforms must be checked carefully one by one!"

Thanks to [Beautiful Sister] [Xiaojun Returns] and [dsafssag] for their monthly votes.

My collection just exceeded 10,000!

Finally exceeded 10,000

850,000 words, the collection has just reached five figures, and I feel more and more that my grades are poor. Sad.

Lao Sui feels like a blindfolded donkey, struggling to move forward step by step, but still not knowing where the road is. Sometimes he feels lost and constantly questions himself.

The road of coding is really more difficult than cultivating immortality. And I am just the loser with extremely poor qualifications in the novel. Especially when I see the geniuses who have collected tens of thousands of words out of 100,000 words, I feel an inexplicable sense of loss.

Hahaha. I’m just complaining. Sometimes when I’m in a bad mood, I still have to say a few words, otherwise I can’t resolve it.

No matter what, my collection finally exceeded 10,000!

I will write more about it later

Let’s encourage friends who support us

This chapter has been completed!
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