Chapter 416 Disguise! Return to the high wall.

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Chapter 416 Disguise! Return to the high wall.

During that time, Das Franco fell into complete despair.

According to him, even the exiled contractors who are exiled to Ayerkula Island by Pandora will not lose the ability to contract - the so-called Pandora Exile is actually the entire island of Ayerkula, and all the prisoners are like

Livestock are generally kept free-range on islands

Pandora only guards at all times and prohibits the exiled contractors from leaving the island. On the island, the exiled contractors can not only move around freely, but even take the lives of other prisoners, and they are no longer under Pandora's jurisdiction.

Therefore, the legendary Pandora's holy land, Ayerkula Island, is actually equivalent to the hell where contracted prisoners are exiled.

It was full of killings, and exiled contractors died almost every day.

However, Pandora didn't care about it.

In addition, Das also told about the location of Pandora's headquarters - the city in the sky, Ouranos.

It was actually a mysterious city floating in the air

This is the first time that a Pandora "internal" person has heard of the above information.

As for Darth Franco himself, after losing the ability to contract, he lost the motivation to live.

Being imprisoned means losing your freedom, but you still have the contract ability to survive, and you can survive on an island that is almost the size of a province. Even if you have to be wary of other prisoners at any time, you still have the motivation to live.

Even, there is still a vague hope - maybe, one day I can leave that prison.

Darth Franco was inexplicably selected. Not only did he become an experimental product, but he was also selected as a test mouse to test his contract ability. He was deprived of his contract ability.

So, this last hope was shattered.

He was fixed on the experimental table like a zombie, and his body was undergoing various endless tests.

He even hoped that the next experiment would be vivisection, so that he could be released from the coma as soon as possible without pain.

However, the fact is that he once again made a joke

Just a few days after he was disheartened and felt hopeless in this life, two judges with the Eye of Justice in yellow robes took him out of the laboratory, left Ayerkula Island, and came to this iron mountain.

Secret realm.

He received a new mission to explore the secret realm of Iron Mountain!

Counting him among them, there are four people in total

Thus, for the first time, Darth Franco learned that there were other captured exiled contractors who, like himself, had also been deprived of the ability to contract.

In this way, he met this new mistress, and the two of them formed a team.

Their mission was very simple, that is, to go deep into the secret realm of Iron Mountain every day and collect an item. What surprised Darth Franco even more was that not only had he seen this item before, but it was also the one that turned him back into ordinary iron.

People's things.

oval pebbles

Of course, Darth Franco had no room for refusal and could only carry out the mission with the teammate assigned to him under the arrangement of two yellow-clad Eyes of Justice.

Every two days, you have to enter a secret realm.

At the beginning, Das and his teammates did not know what the Iron Mountain Secret Realm was, nor did they know what the oval pebbles they were looking for were, but as time went by, they gradually understood some things.

Not everyone can enter this space where white mist rolls. At least, neither the two judges in yellow robes who brought me here nor the gray robes of the Guardian Council who were originally stationed on the high wall can enter here.


However, Darth Franco still had no room for resistance, and there was no possibility of hiding in the secret realm at the same time.

Because, there is no food!

Within the secret territory of Iron Mountain, almost no grass grows

He and the "Majestic Man" could only stay in the secret territory for two or three days at most, and then they had to return to the high wall along the original route and return to the control of the two judges in yellow.

Presumably, the same was true for the two female prisoners in the other group.

At the beginning of the period, during the first four or five explorations, he and the majestic man did collect some oval pebbles on the ground and took these things out.

The two men in yellow seemed quite satisfied after receiving this strange thing, and rewarded them with extra meals.

However, as the area explored has expanded, the number of pebbles has become extremely rare. The last two explorations have yielded no results.

The focus of the mission began to change. His and the majestic man's mission changed from searching for pebbles to exploring the secret space.

As Darth Franco narrated, he frowned in confusion and said some personal things about himself.

As they get along longer, it may be that Das Franco and his heroic teammate have the same experience, and the relationship between the two gradually changes from teammates to brothers.

Then taking a step further, Darth Franco finally broke the opponent.

Originally, prisoners in the "prison" had no physical freedom, and it was a common phenomenon for them to change from straight to curvy.

Darth Franco must still be empty in his heart, but at least he once again regained a reason to live. Even if this reason may seem funny and ridiculous to others, people who have never been in a desperate situation will naturally not be able to understand it.

Until this time I met unpredictable.

After Das Franco finished rambling on, his unpredictable gaze became a little deeper under the reflection of the oil lamp.

The general situation. I understand.

What Das told should be true. Of course, this is not only because he was controlled by the unpredictable and had to tell the truth, but also because he did not know that the unpredictable had more information——

His words are consistent with the secret information learned by Mu Zhi.

It seems that a talisman tide occurred in the Iron Mountain Secret Realm. Pandora dropped a nuclear bomb into the secret realm and discovered a new thing called crystals. She did not give up research on this thing.

This is easy to understand. The Wisdom Council has developed and used talismans for thousands of years. Of course, it will pay attention to the strange properties displayed by crystals.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be too stupid?

The crystal can turn the contractor back into an ironborn!

This is a conclusive fact. It was mentioned in the follow-up information on the nuclear explosion in the Iron Mountain Secret Realm provided by Mr. Liu Yuhang, a scholar.

What I didn't expect was that Pandora's human experiment on the crystal would actually choose Darth Franco, who had just been exiled. This was an unexpected coincidence.

When Darth appeared here at this time, it should be. As the research deepened, Pandora discovered the implanted crystal, and the contractor who was transformed back into the Ironborn actually had the ability to enter the secret realm without dying.

How it was researched is unknown, but it should be a fact.

From the perspective of my own analysis, the Albe tribe is not affected by the secret realm. The reason why I can enter is because of the main god-level contract, which is equivalent to having the blood of the Albe people. So is it the same if it is integrated into the crystal?

Ordinary ironmen will become "insulators" after being implanted with crystals, while contractors will lose their contract abilities after being implanted with crystals. Judging from the previous situation, Unpredictable Adventure used the contract ability on "Majestic Man", but

completely invalid

Does this mean that the ordinary people turned into contractors after being implanted with crystals are also "insulators"?

Whether they are ordinary ironborn or contractors, as long as they are integrated into the crystal, they will eventually become "insulators". Mr. Knowledge's report stated that contractors will become ordinary people after being implanted with crystals. It is probably Pandora's initial concern about being integrated into crystals.

Provisional conclusion reached after testing by subsequent contractors

It seems there are many more secrets of crystals.

Ignore this problem for the time being. Mu Zhi withdrew his divergent thinking and continued to dig out other information about Darth Franco. After all, this information would allow him to leave the Iron Mountain Secret Realm.

From his subsequent experiences, we can know that after Pandora discovered the first twelve crystals on the edge of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, she naturally wanted to discover more of this magical thing.

The secret realm is a restricted area and cannot be entered, so the idea is to focus on the experimental mice that have been integrated into the crystal and have lost the ability to contract.

This is exactly the reason why Das was brought to the Iron Mountain Secret Realm——

The Secret Realm is also the Jedi that Pandora has always wanted to conquer. Because of the existence of the Secret Realm Law, Pandora even internally restricts senior contractors from becoming gods. Naturally, they are eager to solve the bug that the secret realm will be generated when the senior contractors go crazy. Therefore, Das's mission was obtained

After the merger, Pandora also started exploring the interior of the secret realm through people like Das who could enter the secret realm.

Coincidentally, he was trapped in a secret realm and could not escape.

That's probably what happened

In Mo Zhi's mind, he was already considering the future development of the situation.

Within the secret territory of Iron Mountain, there is a black vortex of destruction!

That is the time and space channel of the Alebe people!

If Das and the other four explorers discover this passage, will they connect the clues to the elves?

It is possible. However, the probability is not high.

Thinking of this, Mozhi breathed a deep sigh of relief.

There are many abnormal areas in the secret area of ​​Iron Mountain, and the same is true for the black vortex. If there is no conclusive evidence that this is the work of the elves, then the black vortex should not be exposed.

To put it bluntly, even if the black vortex is placed in front of Das, this guy will regard it as an anomaly in the secret realm and cannot contact the elven tribe with tens of thousands of his future wives.

Just when Mu Zhi was deducing it again and verifying his guess.

Seeing that he was silent, Darth Franco knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:

"Unpredictable, please let me go. Please let me go!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. I will definitely not reveal your appearance in the secret realm, that's what I'll say."

"Just say that my teammate fell into a strange space in the secret realm and disappeared. I will never mention you, please let me go."

"Let me go"

Unexpectedly, his thoughts were interrupted. He looked at Das and asked with a smile:

"Do you understand?"

"I understand. I understand! I really understand!" Das hurriedly lowered his body:

"I know, you are trapped in this secret realm! You are like this. It means you have been trapped in the secret realm for many days, and you are a bit embarrassed."

"You can still use the symbol source, which means you have not lost the ability to contract. Although I don't know why you can enter the secret realm, but I understand that when I recognized you, you had already made up your mind to silence me."

"Your appearance in the secret realm is a secret."

"Please, spare me! I promise not to reveal it to the people in Pandora, I swear!"

Mobi smiled and said: "Letting you go is equivalent to asking me to believe in your oath? Believe in your character?"

"You don't seem to have this thing, do you?"

Hearing this, Das Franco burst into tears, laid his head on the ground, and begged helplessly:

"Please. Please"

Alas~~~ Mo Zhi sighed in his heart. Two months ago, Spider-Man Darth Franco was still relying on Airian and was the most powerful figure in Hot Springs City. At this time

Staring at Das Franco who bowed his head, his unpredictable eyes flashed and he continued:

"I said, I will take you to escape together, and I will give you freedom."

Das's body trembled violently, his eyes widened, and he looked up at Mo Jie in horror.

He said he would not kill, but then changed hands and ended his life. This was exactly what he often did when he was next to Ai Liang and had the power of life and death.

At this time, I heard that Mu Zhi said he would not kill him, but he did not dare to let him go in the slightest, which made him even more frightened.

He spat and Mozhi slapped his face with a dagger:

"You are very smart. I like smart people very much. You can already guess why I did this. I am indeed trapped here as you said."

"And the person who trapped me is Pandora. So, I and Pandora are enemies now."

The blade of the knife slashed across Darth Franco's forehead, creating a shallow wound, and the oozing blood dripped down his cheek.

Mo Cai smiled and said: "So I really won't kill you, there is no need."

"You'd better tell me about the situation of the high wall in detail. That way, I won't change my mind so quickly."

After saying that, he reached out and took out a piece of cat grass dry food and threw it directly in front of Das.

"I'm not kidding, are you relieved that I will give you something to eat this time?"

After dawn.

A certain location on the edge of the white mist in the Iron Mountain Secret Realm.

Two figures in gray robes emerged from the hazy fog and walked into the visible area illuminated by the sun.

In the distance, about seven or eight hundred meters away, is the high outer wall of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm.

The two looked tired, as if they had exhausted all their energy, and even walked unsteadily.

Das Franco walked in front without saying a word.

The "majestic man" followed behind him with unsteady steps.

After enduring the severe pain of the fracture in the middle of the night, Mu Zhi finally left the area of ​​billowing white mist and returned to the world.

After many days, the warm sunlight shines on my face again, and I feel a little uncomfortable and slightly itchy.

While walking slowly, he slightly touched the "mask" on his face. This was the face of a majestic man just pinched out at the edge of the white mist.

Under the influence of the "hidden" brooch, he secretly activated the talisman source, followed behind Das, and transferred the talisman source to the necklace in his hand.

Flesh and blood restored!

The fracture in his left arm was hidden under his clothes and healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two-person expedition team of Darth Franco walked out of the white mist again. They just used the simplest method. After exploring to the limit, they followed the original path and returned to the high secret wall built by Pandora.

And unpredictable, at this time he was pretending to be the majestic man who was killed

Through detailed interrogation, he had already told Das about the situation, and there should be a high probability of successfully escaping from prison by pretending.

This was the escape method he immediately thought of after seeing Das.

In order to act more like him, he re-activated the "mask" and used the shovel in his hand as a crutch, as if he would fall down accidentally.

Das Franco is silent

It's easy to understand why he chose to help Mo Ke because he was actually filled with tension. In this case, Mo Ke lied to him and told him to take him out to see Ai Liang.

Das has a longing for freedom. He is a European, and he has a mysterious paranoia about the word "freedom".

What's more, even if he is found out, he can still find an excuse to get away with it. If he is captured by the contractor of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, he is very likely to get out of the relationship - Mozhi uses his contract ability to pretend to be his teammates, and no one else knows


In short, it is the best choice for Das to just pretend that he doesn’t know anything at all.

A request without any risk might give him the chance to escape from the secret realm and return to the embrace of his "first love". Of course he had to give it a try.

Unpredictable felt that he had a grasp of his psychology, so he did not kill him and pretended to be one of them to escape from prison alone——

This is beneficial. If there are any details that cannot be detected through verbal questioning, the presence of Das, a living person, can increase the error tolerance rate in dealing with changes.

This chapter has been completed!
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