Chapter 577 Visiting Cochin Ram

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Chapter 577 Visit Cochin Ram

The prophetic bishop said nothing.

It seemed that Time Saul Underwood's words accurately revealed his intentions.

After a long silence, seemingly no longer trying to persuade, the remnant soul of the prophetic bishop changed the subject, and illusory voices sounded layer upon layer:

"So, you're going to Bancarol?"

"Hehehe" Judge Shiang sneered hoarsely, but did not deny the other party's inquiry:

"Yes, I'm going to Ben Carroll!"

"There is my path to becoming a god, and, hehehehe, Bishop of Prophecy, although your predictions seem like child's play to me, I am still prepared to eliminate any possible hidden dangers."

"Heart-nightmare." The remnant soul of the prophetic bishop said.

"Since you predicted that I would die at his hands, I will send him on his way. After all, he is also in Bancarol." Time Saul Underwood's cloudy eyes were full of coldness:

"I would rather kill by mistake than let go!"

"You will die!" The remnant soul of the prophecy bishop said in a serious tone, full of warning:

"Among the countless futures, your probability of dying in Ben Carroll's is the highest!"

"If we take action against the successor of the remnant soul of Bishop Xinmai, this probability will continue to be amplified."

"That's enough!" Time Saul Underwood seemed to no longer want to argue, and the talisman on his body suddenly erupted.

Blue-level symbols rolled from the mountain peaks like waves, sweeping across the entire area like a tsunami.

The remnant soul of the prophetic bishop here quickly dimmed under the squeeze of this doomsday-like symbol source and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never existed.

Time Saul Underwood withdrew his contract ability, and the mountains under his feet became quiet.

The Iron Mountain Secret Realm in the distance seemed to be triggered by the talisman source that was so close and so powerful, and suddenly burst out with a roar, as if in response to the Judge of Time.

Saul Underwood looked at the rolling white mist in the distance, slightly lost in thought, and finally said to himself in a hoarse voice:

"Now, I'm worried about killing the nightmare again."

". Could it be that, since you can't control me, you're looking for the nightmare again?"

"Put your hopes on the nightmare in your heart?"

Cochin Lemu Weapons Manufacturing Company is also located within Longhao Manor. This large-scale factory is located to the west of the manor, far opposite the Tower of the Gods.

Through the car window, Mo Zhi could already see tall houses that resembled factory workshops, as well as three-story masonry structures used for offices.

It's just that outside the company, the security force has been significantly strengthened by several orders of magnitude - the entire company is surrounded by a towering wall, with an electrified power grid hanging on it, and outside the wall is a fort-like fortification surrounded by sandbags.

, there are heavy machine guns and teams of Hesse armed personnel that have been set up not far away.

In addition, there are small doors every fifty meters on the wall for combatants to enter and exit. Under strict guard, there are still patrol teams that occasionally come out of the door and wander along the fortifications.

From the outside, this place looks like a military fortress. The garrisoned military force is enough to fight a positional battle. Based on the number of people who can be seen in front of him, Mo Zhi roughly estimated it and finally concluded that it was an operation of the Supervision Office.

Even if all the troops are dispatched, it is estimated that it will be difficult to attack this place from the front.

This is without taking into account the participation of contractors! And the reason why this is not taken into account is because as they gradually get closer, Mo Jie can already feel the occasional fluctuations in the source of symbols from inside the wall from inside the carriage - here

There are not only southern tribe militants, but also an unknown number of contractors.

Of course, this is not unexpected. After all, Cochin Lem is too important to the southern tribe, whether it is its location inside Longhao Manor, or the Hesse army and the hidden contractor guards inside, it cannot be overstated.

No wonder even the old cat found nothing... Mu Zhi thought to himself.

After the last trip to Dongcheng City, Mo Zhi gave Uncle Cat a few days off and arranged for him to find a way to sneak into the Cochin Lemu Company to investigate. However, it was almost half a month ago.

The old cat still complains every time that there is nothing he can do.

As the heavy sliding door opened, the convoy of more than a dozen carriages could not all enter like last time. Only MacArthur Jason himself and the two carriages of the unpredictable duo slowed down and passed the layers of guards.

's door.

As soon as you enter the wall, you can feel a chilly smell in the air. The atmosphere is completely different from that of the manor.

Scattered among the factories and buildings, there were also guards with five steps and one post, as well as workers in dark yellow work clothes who occasionally walked out of the workshops, but no one said much, and there was only the roar of large machines in the entire factory.

Unexpectedly helped his "future wife" out of the carriage and followed MacArthur's pace.

The federal capital personally led the two people to meet the people who came out of the office building. The other person was obviously a manager-level figure in Cochin. After introducing each other, the deputy general manager named Barry led the three

People were visiting, and at the same time they raised their voices against the roar of the machine:

"That's the forging workshop, this is the material processing workshop, and what's in front of us is the warehouse..."

With that said, he led everyone into one of the factories.

Unpredictable is a complete layman when it comes to things like weapon manufacturing. He can't figure out what's going on on the assembly line, so he follows Shi Yi in boredom and spends his energy on taking care of his "future wife".'s just for Elder He Niu to see.

After following him for a while, he finally left the hot and noisy factory and entered a three-story building in the center.

"The hall on this floor is our company's weapons sample showroom." Finally far away from the noise, Deputy General Manager Barry stood in the center of the hall and proudly introduced to the two people who were visiting the restaurant for the first time:

"Inside the corridor is the design department, where we Hesse people are composed of the most elite designers in the continent. They design new weapons that are or are not available now, and then mass-produce them in the factory.

The best products are displayed in front of everyone.”

Indeed, the hall on this floor is full of various long guns and cannons on display.

Seeing the finished product directly this time, Mu Zhi could finally understand something, but... the weird feeling made him gradually frown.

There are all kinds of guns on display here!

Yes, there are many kinds, but it's not that there are many types in the original literal meaning, but... there are many firearms with very weird shapes, which makes Director Mo Da confused.

Unpredictable maintained a polite posture, and as the three of them walked slowly, he finally stopped in front of a long-barreled rifle hanging on the wall, and couldn't help but ask:

"Dear Mr. Barry, this gun... why is the barrel slanted?"

Yes, although the gun in front of you still fits the image of a gun in your impression, the barrel of the gun is obviously pointed upward and is not level with the body of the gun...

I can’t understand this!

Upon hearing Director Mo's question, several people stopped at the same time and focused on the gun.

Mr. Barry, the deputy general manager in charge of the introduction, straightened his suit, walked to the rifle very calmly, raised his hand like a gentleman, and proudly gave an explanation:

“This is a great initiative by our design team!”

"In the long era of unification, this initiative is unprecedented and unprecedented!"

"This gun is called an anti-gravity rifle!"

Anti-gravity rifle, this name is really deceiving... Hearing this, Mu Zhi sighed inwardly, and suddenly he vaguely understood the reason why the barrel of this rifle was upward.

Barry straightened his tie, looked at Mo Zhi and others, and said in a recitative tone:

"The gun is the crystallization of Iron God's civilization, a precision product condensed with history and wisdom!"

"It's just that the ironmen have been using rifles for a long time, but they have always ignored an important detail! That is. After the bullet comes out of the chamber, it is affected by gravity!"

"It's a pity that the ironmen didn't realize this. However, this problem was finally solved by our clever Hesse engineers! The mainland does not recognize the wisdom of our Hesse people. From this design, we can prove that these prejudices are wrong


"Elevate the front part of the muzzle to a certain distance so that the bullets coming out of the chamber have an upward speed at the same time, so that they can resist the constraints of gravity during flight."

"In this case, if the force of gravity cancels out each other, will the bullet be able to hit the target accurately?!"

Unexpectedly stunned.

What a genius!

The logic is surprisingly reasonable...

Resisting the urge to refute, Mo Zhi moved his facial muscles that were a little stiff due to maintaining politeness, and asked:

"I don't know, has your company tested this gun?"

"Of course I have tested it!" Barry nodded heavily: "The designer personally tested it and proved that his design was 95% successful. It is a very successful design!"

There must be something wrong! What does 95% success mean? Does the remaining 5% mean that the target is completely missed? Mo Zhi almost smiled bitterly in his heart and looked at MacArthur Jason standing next to him.

The richest man in the federation was smiling and nodding, as if he deeply believed what Barry said.

Unpredictable could not help but extend a thumbs up and seriously echoed:

"Sure enough, only the clever minds of the Hesse people can make such a perfect design!"

"The great Jose~"

Well, that last sentence almost broke my voice.

After this exchange, Deputy General Manager Barry became excited. He couldn't wait to lead everyone around the hall, and once again stopped in front of a weird-shaped grenade, he kept talking:

"This is also a major design of ours, the password grenade..."

"Our designers used their ingenuity and came up with this great idea, which is... to add a coded lock to the pin of an ordinary grenade! In this way, not only can it be ensured that the grenade will not be accidentally triggered and detonated in normal times, but also

These weapons cannot be used after they have been captured by the enemy."

"Is it convenient to use?" Director Mo asked humbly.

"It's very convenient. Each batch of our grenades has a different password, but after a batch of designed algorithms, we can know the unlocking password of each batch of grenades based on the algorithm."

"Well, we are now teaching algorithms to the soldiers. I have to say that this does encounter some difficulties. After all, the literacy rate of the Hesse people is not high. However, I believe it can be overcome."

Stopped in front of a row of bullets that Director Mo had never seen before.

"This is a Hesse silenced bullet. We have reduced the charge of this bullet and put a layer of fiber inside the bullet chamber. After testing, this can greatly reduce the blast volume of the bullet."

"In this case, will the power of the bullet be..." Director Mo Da wanted to know what kind of brain circuit the Hesse people had to design such a useless thing.

"There will be some impact, but it will be within control!" Barry nodded solemnly.

Stopped in front of a pistol with five barrels side by side.

"This is an anti-movement pistol! This is also a great design... After rehearsing the battle, we found that many experienced enemies have mastered the ability to move to avoid bullets. Therefore, our designers used their brains to design

Get out this anti-movement pistol!"

"With this pistol, as long as the trigger is pulled once, it can fire five bullets in parallel at the same time... Well, the gap between each bullet is calculated and should exactly match the enemy's lateral movement speed."

"How about it, Director Mo, are you already shocked by the great intellect of the Hesse people?"

I just feel that my IQ has been insulted... Mu Zhi forced a smile and nodded in agreement, not forgetting the urge to explore the brain circuits of the Hesse people:

"If this pistol fires five bullets at the same time, its ammunition capacity and continuous combat capability..."

"This is not a problem at all!" Barry expressed surprise at Mo Zhi's question: "It has ten rounds of ammunition and can be fired twice."

"As for the ability to continue fighting, there is no need to consider it at all! This is an anti-movement pistol. What enemy can not be hit after two consecutive shots?"

"No need to fire the third shot!"

I almost forgot this... The unpredictable director looked ashamed.

Hessians, you win!

"These are great achievements that belong exclusively to us Hesse people! In the near future, Hesse manufacturing will be heard throughout the entire continent!"

Okay... Mozhi breathed a long sigh of relief, and subconsciously looked around at the various clever designs displayed throughout the hall, feeling relieved immediately.

I kind of hope now... Well, the Black Ox Priest should quickly order war on the Federation!

Look at the intelligence of these Hesse people, will they be slapped naked in the face?


At this moment, an explosion suddenly came from inside the hall where several people were sitting.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

I looked up and saw that it was the direction of the design department that Deputy General Manager Barry had just introduced.

This explosion was very sudden, a bit like a fire...

Sensing something was wrong, MacArthur ordered Barry: "Let's go over and take a look."

Barry nodded and led the three of them deeper into the corridor.

Inside, at the testing range of the testing department, several Hesse designers were hurriedly carrying out a wounded man with blood on his face.

On the ground, there was a rifle with the barrel exploded into several pieces, and a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Exploded?" the future saint of Hesse exclaimed.

The staff had already called the doctor, who was providing emergency treatment to the injured. Seeing that the scene was almost tidied up, they all came together to salute MacArthur, the deputy general manager and the real owner of Cochin Lem.

As the deputy general manager, Barry seemed to feel very humiliated when he saw an accident happening in front of distinguished guests, and asked with a sullen face:

"what happened?"

Everyone immediately started talking:

"It exploded, strange..."

"It exploded again. This seems to be the third time recently."

"It's really strange. We obviously made it according to the purchased design drawings, so why did it explode again?"

This chapter has been completed!
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