Chapter 587: Take advantage of the fire and wait for the fire

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Chapter 587: Take advantage of the fire and wait for the fire

What is the Southern Tribe?

That is a secret organization and the enemy of the Supervisory Office!

Mu Zhi brought this article up and publicly announced that the Belinsa and Megan families in front of him were accomplices of the Southern Tribe, which was equivalent to pushing them all to the opposite side of the Punisher.

At this time, who has the heart to consider the headquarters’ attitude towards Director Mo Da?

"You~~" Belinsa said angrily subconsciously: "You are talking nonsense!"

"Street Megan is about to take office as the Inspector General of Bancarroll City. How can our Megan family compete with the Southern Tribe?"

"Pa~~" Director Mo Da had known for a long time that this woman would use this to talk about something. He immediately slapped the table, scattered the second half of her explanation, and read out the manuscript he had prepared a long time ago:

"The Megan family secretly colluded with the Southern Tribe, and the Punisher Council will soon pay off the Megan family!"

"I have received a secret order from Lord Canglan, the Fifth Chief. In order to reduce the impact of this matter on Pandora Headquarters, I have ordered that Steri Megan be sent to Bancarroll, and I will arrange a secret killing!"

"Everyone, why don't you take action?"

This time, Stree was directly pushed to the side of the Megan family, which was liquidated by the headquarters.

The whole room was suddenly filled with talismans.

At this time, Belinsa also exploded with yellow-level talismans.

Who would have thought that with just a few words, the situation would suddenly turn around and turn into a situation where action had to be taken.

Now the Punishers have mobilized Fuyuan to prepare for the attack. If they don't take action, will they lead the way to be killed? Belinsa is also the leader of the clan and will not be indecisive. When she has to take action to deal with the enemy, her mind is racing, but she is also very happy.

Just do it, the result will be acceptable!

I had already thought about it before I came here. As long as I can force the other party to take action this time, it will be beneficial and harmless.

If you win, it's easy to talk about. If you lose, it doesn't matter. The worst thing you can do is turn around and leave this mess to the unpredictable. When Strymagen arrives and takes over as the Director of Inspectors, you can use this matter as an excuse.

What's more, he is at the yellow level, and the three of them carry several powerful contract items, so the chance of losing is not big.

However, the facts once again exceeded her expectations.

Just when the three men and six punishers were about to fight. It was indeed six punishers, because Robinson had already stood there dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events, not knowing what to do.

The talisman that was raging throughout the small conference room quickly disappeared like winter snow that had been poured with boiling water.

Not only the three people on Belinsa's side, but also the other six punishers, the fluctuations in their talisman sources were instantly annihilated.

The two parties who were activating the contract skills stopped at the same time.

Mozhu then slowly stood up, holding the crystal clear "Annihilation" bracelet in his hand

At this time, there was a faint red-level bright color on the bracelet.

Unexpectedly frowned and said to his subordinates who were also standing in a daze in front of him:

"Why are you still standing there? Go up and do it!"

"Don't you need a contract to fight in groups? Six against three, you can just deal with them!"

Belintha suddenly screamed inwardly that something was not good.

Fell into a trap!

They are not punishers. Although some members of the family have become punishers in various places, Belinda, as the patriarch, did not keep the twenty original words of the Inspectorate in mind.

After all, these twenty Words of Origin are not combat-type contract skills, and people who are involved in the world of contractors have the misconception that they are more interested in powerful skills, and habitually forget these functional contract items.


The same goes for Team Leader Belinsha.

She calculated the combat power of both sides for a long time, but forgot that "annihilation" in the words of the Inspectorate at the beginning was like a bug.

Once this thing is opened, the battle among the contractors instantly turns into a street brawl.

No, it's not a complete street fight. After all, people on both sides are armed with guns.

However, in the shock of "Annihilation" being activated, it was too late to draw the gun. When the three people, including Belinda, thought of inserting their hands into their waists, the extremely strong and muscular Calderon had already rushed forward.

When they arrived in front of them, with arms as thick as buckets, the three people moved sideways like kites with broken strings.

Although the contractor will gain physical strength every time he upgrades, this rate is not enough to change the disadvantage of having a small number of people in a group fight, and it is not enough to deal with Calderon, a strong man who was born with a strong body given by the Iron God.


Three people hit the wall in succession.

Before they had time to get up, six Punishers rushed forward, pressed the three people to the ground and subdued them. After locking the handcuffs, they simultaneously searched out all the pistols and other weapons they were carrying.

"Unpredictable! How dare you attack me? I am the patriarch of the Megan family!"

Belinsa was naturally dissatisfied. She was a yellow-level contractor, and she was used to being domineering. How could she endure being captured in such a humiliating way?

She twisted her body wildly, trying to break free from the oppression of O'Casey and Ruth:

"Unpredictable. You are finished! You are finished!"

"You have all been deceived by Mu Zhi. He is the one who colluded with the southern tribe, he is the one!"

"His fiancée! That Saint Hesse is actually Elder White Bull, one of the five elders of the Southern Tribe! Did you know!!!"

"He and that Sophia are about to get married. How could he not know that the other person is the White Bull Elder? A member of the Southern Tribe?"

"Unpredictable is Pandora's traitor. Unpredictable, how dare you bite me back."

These words are still very intimidating.

After all, this involves the position of Director Mo. After hearing Belinsa's revelation, even Moto Taki and Calderon, who were completely devoted to Mo Zhi, stopped what they were doing and looked at Mo Zhi blankly.

Test and find answers.

Unpredictable and not in a hurry, he took out another cigarette from the cigarette case Calderon placed on the table next to him and lit it with a snap:

"Are you an idiot?"

"Of course I know that Sophia is the elder of the White Bull of the Southern Tribe!"

"You admitted it! You admitted it!" Belinsa didn't deny it despite the uncertainty. She was overjoyed and raised her head to signal to Ruth and O'Casey who were restraining her.

"Sophia is my informant! Idiot!" Mo Zhi exhaled a puff of smoke and shrugged at the subordinates who focused on him:

"In order to break into the southern tribe, I had to sacrifice my appearance and have a fake relationship with an informant to cover up my identity. Do you really think I like that bitch Hesse?"

This statement once again surprised everyone present.

What is the captain saying?

Ms. Sophia, the future No. 1 saint of Hesse and one of the five elders of the Black Niu Priest, is actually the captain’s informant?

This is too amazing!

However, this does show that the captain is still fighting openly and privately with the Southern Tribe, and the captain is still the captain of our Supervision Bureau!

"You are talking nonsense! Sophistry!"

Belinsa was also stunned and couldn't calm down. She reacted for a long time before continuing:

"You and she visited Elder Heniu today. Is it possible that Elder Heniu MacArthur Jason is also your informant?!"

"I've called you an idiot, what else can you say?" Unpredictable spread his hands speechlessly:

"I've done a good job as a spy. I've penetrated the southern tribe through Sophia. Isn't it normal for me to interact with other elders?"

After saying that, Mo Zhi raised his head and looked around at everyone present: "You should all have heard the news that the Wu Niu Sacrifice descended again at Longhao Manor today, right?"

"That is the semi-spiritual true form of Wu Niu Sacrifice. He wants to verify whether I truly surrender to the Southern Tribe, haha. I am such an excellent captain, I must have surprised you again."

This time, Belinda's mind was in chaos.

The amount of information is too much.

The relationship is too complicated.

Her Mason family was originally a second-generation family sandwiched between Pandora and the Southern Tribe. She understood the relationship between the two parties, but it revealed too many details. She was surprised and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Which sentence is true and which sentence is false.

Unexpectedly, on behalf of Pandora, he successfully sneaked into the Southern Tribe? He even saw the Wu Niu Sacrifice today?

Or is it unpredictable that he has betrayed Pandora and continues to pretend to be the Director of Supervision here?

very messy!

At this moment, Mo Zhi almost had the same thoughts as hers in his mind. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't even know which side he was on!

But this is not important, because Mozhi always thinks that he is alone.

"Put them down and keep them under guard in the Annihilation Detention Room for 28 hours." Mo Zhi ordered after seeing that they were done.

"Wait!" Belinsa then remembered her situation at this time and the impact that her being restrained would have on her family, and she shouted frantically:

"Unpredictable! You liar, everything you tell is lies!"

"When Sterry gets to Bancarroll, you won't be able to hide it anymore, you will."

"Don't take me away, I am the patriarch of the Megan family, and I am a yellow-level contractor."

"Unpredictable, I'm going to kill you!"

However, after this argument, the team members were not stupid. Of course, they were loyal to Captain Mo, and they dragged Belinsa and the two followers down with all their hands.

Seeing that she still refused to give up, Mu Zhi sighed heavily and sneered:

"Your Meghan family is finished!"

"That brother of yours, Stree. Hey, I don't know when he will be able to arrive at the Inspectorate. I hope he can come soon!"

"This way you can have some company together!"

The small conference room is ready.

Mozhi sat back on the chair and looked at Robinson, who had not dared to move since just now, with a smile.

This old guy's body was trembling involuntarily at this time.

"You are really stupid!"

Mo Zhi shook his head slowly: "Last time, I considered your status as an old man from the Supervision Bureau and gave you a chance to change your ways, but it turned out."

"Now, you make me feel like a time bomb. As long as I make the slightest mistake, you will explode immediately."

Robinson no longer knew what to say at this time.

Last time, when the identities of Gendry and Sharna were revealed as spies of the Southern Tribe, this old guy was stupidly used.

This time, Mozhi had just been questioned by the Megan family, and this guy immediately rebelled.

No one on the wall is as smart as him!

Robinson swallowed deeply: "Captain, I was wrong!"

"Please, give me another chance!"

"I am the longest-serving punisher in the Supervision Bureau, please."

Unpredictably shaking his head

"I'll let you go this time, but next time, when that Stree comes to the Supervision Office, are you going to follow him and beat me up again?"

"No, no" Robinson choked and denied, but no more sound came out of his throat.

In fact, his character is not bad, and he is not a treacherous person. He just thinks too highly of himself and has always coveted the position of the Punisher captain because he is the oldest among the Punishers.

Even he knew that turning his elbows outward twice in a row was unjustifiable, not to mention that these two times were critical moments involving major cases in the southern tribe, and he played the role of an idiot each time.

He is not stupid, and he also knows that he has no shame in begging for unpredictable forgiveness.

"Go to the detention room!"

Mo Zhi sighed: "Confinement for a month! Go reflect on it yourself!"

Robinson bit his lip, turned around silently and went out with an uncertain expression, and left.

The reason why Mozhi did this was not because he didn't want to fire him, but because he had gone through the situation just now, and if he was let out, the news would definitely leak out.

In the conference room, only Motaki, Calderon and Mozhi were left.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Yuantong asked quickly:

"Captain, is that Stree really coming? What should we do?"

"Also, the headquarters has ordered the liquidation of the Megan family. When will we do it?" Calderon added: "I will prepare right away!"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Mo Zhi waved his hand and called him, looked around the crowd and said:

"Didn't I say that Stree is also the target of the secret order to kill! Do you still need me to say it? I've already set an example for you!"

"As soon as he comes, immediately trick him into the room, or use annihilation, or use drugs to control this guy first!"

"Captain, is Strijn the target that the headquarters ordered us to kill?" O'Casey asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course." Unpredictable looked serious: "Why would I joke about the headquarters' order?"

"Having been your captain for so long, you should know that I never lie to others, right?"

Ruth Salit: "That's true, the captain is right."

"Captain, it turns out that you and Saint Hesse are not real! Hahahaha"

Unpredictable is really helpless towards this little devil Ruth.

"What about the Megan family?" Calderon continued to ask: "Are we going to attack tonight?"

Mo Zhi thought for a while, then reached out and patted his head:

"Don't make trouble!"

"Why do you think about fighting and killing every day?"

Calderon was stunned when he was photographed.

Motaki next to him is a thoughtful guy. Seeing Mo Zhi say this, he seems to understand a little bit:

"Captain, you mean to say that you want to do something secretly?"

"No, no, no," Mo Zhi said, "Let's not rush into action!"

"Why? Not an order?" Gustas asked.

Unpredictably looking around at everyone:

"If you do it, of course you want to take advantage of it!"

"The fire hasn't started yet, go and make a yarn."

This chapter has been completed!
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