Chapter 691: Ms. Prophecys Dream Divination, Mr. Superbodys Love

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Chapter 691: Ms. Prophecy’s dream divination and Mr. Superbody’s information.

There was a lot of chatting during this period.

After a sudden battle between a dozen half-spirits in the southern province, the Federation and the Confederate Army officially started a war, and then there was a sudden disaster of the dead. A series of changes naturally provided everyone with a lot of topics to talk about.

Moreover, the chat during the lunar eclipse must be a microcosm of the entire continent, with everyone talking about the major events that happened in the southern provinces.

Mobi searched carefully for Mr. Chaosi's chat history, and finally, as expected, found that he had not said a single word.

Super Body is the resurrected Immortal God and the man behind the Shadow Organization. If this disaster of the dead is really caused by the Shadow Organization, then Mr. Super Body must have obtained a large number of living souls.

In addition, the world boss is obsessed with the news that he does not have his brother Xinmai. He has asked Xinmai's lover, Ms. Lingyu, several times, but the epic has always used excuses that she does not know.

Unpredictable fingers strike the silver ring:

【Is the World Boss here?】

The world came back almost instantly: [Brother Heart Nightmare! You finally appeared!]

Without asking him, Mu Zhi began to fabricate the reason for his disappearance:

[I was in the southern province during this period, um. I didn’t expect that the Union and the Confederate Army would suddenly go to war, and coupled with the disaster of the dead that followed, I was trapped there. 】

[The southern province is currently in a state of turmoil. Not only is it dealing with the plague of the dead, Pandora's semi-spiritual warriors are stationed in every city. I almost dare not use the talisman for fear of being discovered. 】

Everyone has never known the specific identity of Xin Nightmare. There have been many speculations, and they even suspected that Mr. Xin Nightmare was a member of a secret organization. Therefore, it would be more in line with everyone's guesses to avoid Pandora as an excuse.

World: [Brother Heart Nightmare, are you trapped in the Southern Province?]

Desire: [Mr. Nightmare, how is the situation in the southern province now? Is the disaster of the dead really that terrifying? 】

Prediction: [Will the disaster spread to the entire continent?]

Knowledge: [The situation is unclear now, everyone is talking about the disaster in the southern province, and our Federal Academy of Natural Sciences is also actively conducting research on the deceased]

[If the research is thorough and the weaknesses of the dead can be found, I would like to develop a specialized anti-dead weapon, which will definitely help the Federation finally defeat this disaster. ]

This kid is still obsessed with weapon development. Unpredictable smiled and shook his head:

[It was indeed scary. I was almost surrounded by the dead several times, but fortunately I escaped with my contract ability. 】

Epic also took the opportunity to join the group chat: [I really hope this disaster will not spread to the entire continent.]

World: [Ms. Lingyu has also spoken. Brother Xinmai has news, so you can rest assured. 】

Lingyu: [Thank you, World Boss, for your concern. I have reunited with Mr. Xin Mao. 】

World: [Oh, you have already met. It seems that Brother Xinmai has escaped from the Southern Province? 】

Mu Zhi smiled secretly in his heart and pressed the talisman in his hand: [Hmm.]

Desire: [Mr. Nightmare, can the dead really be contagious? Like the zombies in zombie movies? 】

Prediction: [It is contagious, similar to the zombies in zombie movies. As long as they bite a living person, they will infect the living person and quickly turn into a new zombie. 】

[Well, I also roughly calculated the time for mutation after infection. The speed is very fast. It takes almost only more than 20 minutes to complete the zombie transformation process. 】

Huh. Seeing this, Mu Yi felt suspicious. How could the prophecy lady see the deceased?

She has been in Dongcheng City, and it is only right to lock herself in the company's small dark room and code.

Before Mu Zhi could ask, others had already thought of the same question and asked it first.

Knowledge: [Ms. Prophecy, have you seen the dead? Are you also in the southern province? 】

Prophecy: [No, I didn’t, I just used the new ability after the red level, dream divination! 】

[Well, I also heard that everyone in the company was talking about the Southern Province, so I used my contract ability to divine the situation there. 】

【I told the world boss.】

World: [Yes, Ms. Prophecy’s new ability is really powerful. She can actually travel across space and see some situations in the southern provinces. ]

Dream divination is unpredictable.

I almost forgot, the prophecy lady is also a prophecy system user, but her level is a little lower.

Never underestimate a guy of the prophecy system. The miraculous abilities of their abilities always make people hard to guard against. Thinking of this, he has been deliberately avoiding Pandora headquarters and sighed to the unpredictable position he used to lock his position using the prophecy system.

By the way, Elder Red Bull once said at the Sanniu meeting earlier that Pandora also tried to use the ability of prophecy to find the source of the disaster of the dead, and even locked the location of the opponent, but failed to solve the person behind it.

Thinking of this, Mu Zhi tapped his fingers and asked:

[Ms. Prophecy, how do you use your dream divination ability? What pictures of the southern provinces do you see? 】

Prophecy: [This ability is similar to my ability when I was at white level. To use dream divination, you need to ask an open question. After that, you will see pictures related to this question in your sleep. ]

[Of course, not every divination can be successful and the answer to the question can be obtained directly. I guess that this is related to the symbol source attribute of the question. 】

【Symbol source attribute?】Muzhi was a little confused when he saw this unfamiliar word at first, but then he understood it:

[You mean, it depends on whether the target of this question is a contractor, or that the higher the level of the contractor involved and the more powerful the source of symbols, the less clear the answer will be? 】

Prophecy: [Yes, Mr. Nightmare.]

Prophecy: [Hahahaha, there was no news about you in the group some time ago. The World Boss and Ms. Lingyu are very concerned about you, so they asked me to try to divine your whereabouts. 】

[I divined several times, but only once was successful, and this time I only got some trivial pictures. I only saw some mountain peaks in the hazy picture. Well, the plants on these mountain peaks look like the clearest ones in the south.

The sub-picture is just a pool of clear lake water]

[The scattered pictures without direct answers indicate that your contract level is much higher than mine, hehehe. This is not the level of a red-level contractor, so I guess you have reached a higher level.]

[But if you succeed once, it means you are still alive. Otherwise, the dead contractor does not have the attribute of the source of symbols, so I have a high probability of judging that you are still alive. The world boss and Ms. Lingyu can rest assured. 】

This... I was really surprised this time.

Divination has always failed. It should be that the "Secret Chamber" was opened in the Green Valley where Wu Niu was worshiped. Well, of course, in order to integrate the fragments of the Ring of Resurrection, during this period, it was under the influence of two anti-divination items in the "Compressed Space" porcelain bottle.

This led to the failure of the prophecy lady's dream divination.

As for the successful one, it should be that the "compressed space" porcelain bottle was released and a certain gap in the "secret room" was closed.

That's right, I am already at the yellow level and have strong level suppression against the prophecy lady who only has the red level. Therefore, I did not get an unpredictable and clear picture from the prophecy lady's dream divination. I only saw some scenes where Midoriya was.

The peaks and green valleys are in the hinterland of Niushou Mountain, surrounded by peaks. The clearest lake is probably the small lake outside the place where Wu Niu sacrificially fell.

This is the key point of surprise!

Although under the suppression of the symbol source level, Ms. Prophecy did not get a clear picture of her appearance, she still got some clues about her location. In other words, Ms. Prophecy's divination was not a complete failure.

It's just that the higher the level of suppression, the more blurry the clues become.

By the way, the remnant soul of the prophetic bishop once promised that he would destroy every attempt by the prophecy lady to predict the unpredictable. It seems that after the prophecy lady upgraded, the "shielding" of the prophecy bishop's remnant soul can no longer keep up.


The prophecy continued to be explained in the group, confirming the unpredictable speculation: [Yes, it should be the suppression of level, but it is not limited to the contractor, but also related to the level of the contracted item, so the attributes of the symbol source are more important than the attributes of the contractor.

More appropriate, after all, the latter includes contract items.】

[The more severe the level of suppression, the less clear and clear the answer will be, and the more scattered, broken, and vague pictures related to the problem will be obtained. I have tried to divine for ordinary people, and almost always get clear answers.]

[So. Mr. Heart Nightmare, have your levels been upgraded again recently? 】

Unpredictable can only admit that there is no way around it:

[I have been promoted to the yellow level, and I am only one step away from becoming a half-spirit.]

Prophecy: [Sure enough.]

The World: [Wow!!! Big Brother Xinmai has reached the yellow level? 】

Knowledge: [Why is it so fast? I just applied to the college for promotion to the red level. 】

Desire: [It would be great if I also reach the yellow level. If I can be promoted to half-spirit, I can]

Spiritual language: [Can you escape from Tan Nankai’s clutches? 】

Desire: [Yes, hey~~]

Spiritual language: [Before the disaster, I met Qin Nankai in Bancarol.]

The fact is that today, in order to help cover up the lie that Mu Zhi and himself had met outside the southern province, Epic had to move the time forward.

Lingyu: [Second Young Master Qin is really handsome, and his smile is full of confidence. In fact, Ms. Desire, he is really a good partner. ]

【I don’t understand why you left him?】

Prediction: [Are you handsome? Second Young Master Qin? 】

[I will divine him in a while and see if I can see a picture that includes his appearance, and see what Mr. Qin actually looks like!]


Unexpectedly, at this moment, he was meditating on the ability of the prophecy lady.

Although Pandora's prophecy ability can find the location of the person behind the disaster, it cannot take down the opponent. Yes, so locking the opponent's location is not a problem. The problem is to be able to directly trap the opponent and kill him.

However, the prophecy lady's ability can still be of great use in the future.

At this time, Mr. Knowledge in the group was asking Mr. Xin Mao a question, which just disrupted his unpredictable thoughts.

Knowledge: [Mr. Nightmare, how can you level up so fast? Do you have any secrets? 】

Unpredictable then clicked on the talisman: [There is no secret, maybe it’s because of talent. 】


I was immediately speechless.

World: [I have also felt the emotional obsession of orange level, and my talent is also good!]

[A little worse than Big Brother Xinmai, but it doesn’t matter. In short, it’s much better than Mr. Knowledge.]


Mu Zhi secretly smiled, but he changed the topic to another purpose of this lunar eclipse chat - Mr. Super Body.

Nightmare: [In terms of level, I guess my talent is not as good as Mr. Super Body. Is Mr. Super Body here? 】

A few seconds later, Mr. Superbody replied: [In.]

Haha, as expected, I keep peeking at the screen and unpredictably triggering the source of symbols:

[Mr. Super Body must have also rapidly improved his level during this period of time.]

On the other side, Li Yan looked at the unpredictable fluctuations of this string of symbols, his face full of the majesty of God.

The meaning of Mr. Xin Mao’s words is that he already knows my identity!

I had previously suspected that he knew that I was the "god" resurrected by the Shadow Organization, and that he was most likely convinced of this fact. Since he knew it, it was not difficult to understand that he had already understood that what the resurrected Immortal God needed to upgrade was a living soul!

There must be many people who already know that the disaster of the dead in the southern tribe is caused by the Shadow Organization. During this period, the Shadow Organization has gained a large number of living souls, so Mr. Xin Mao's question shows that he has concluded that I am responsible for this disaster of the dead.

Benefits were obtained and the level was greatly improved.

This is indeed a fact. The ugly son of Shadow Fang sacrificed two full loads of living souls within five days, allowing himself to jump from the red level to the yellow level.

Li Yan inadvertently raised the corner of his mouth and gently pressed the talisman:

【Yes, Mr. Nightmare.】

[Like you, I am already at the yellow level and close to the threshold of half-spirit. 】

Everyone didn't know that there was something in the conversation between the two, so they didn't interrupt and participate. But this time when Mu Mu unpredictable saw Mr. Superbody's reply, a chill flashed through his eyes.

Inner Nightmare: [Mr. Superbody, this disaster in the Southern Province has caused too many people to lose their lives. 】

The meaning behind it is that your level improvement comes at the cost of countless lives. Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

Super Body: [Yes, too many people lost their lives]

Then the conversation seemed to change: [Isn’t it already confirmed that the Shadow Organization is behind the scenes? It seems that Pandora has nothing to do with the Shadow Organization. Hey, we are always helpless in the face of such a disaster. ]

The meaning behind it is obvious, it was the Shadow Organization that did it. Since you know that I am the god who resurrected the Shadow Organization, you should also know that the Shadow Organization is the Shadow Fang who has the final say. Pandora can't do anything about this disaster, and I can't either.

Disobeying Shadowfang's actions, even if the purpose of this action is to obtain living souls and allow me to level up.

You, or I, are the same, and have no choice but to face this disaster.

Unpredictably "translated" his meaning, and in the end it was difficult to determine Mr. Superbody's specific mentality - did he himself want to upgrade, just using the excuse of being coerced by the Fang of Shadows, or did he care about the countless dead, just because of the Fang of Shadows?

He had to obey the coercion of his teeth.

This is important to Mozhuang, as it will determine whether he wants Mr. Superbody's name to be written into his cheap notebook.

Mozhi said no more.

Mr. Super Body spoke again:

[I got news from an informant in the shadow organization that the person behind this disaster is one of the ten shadows, named Corpse Shadow.]

[This person is not on Pandora's hidden list. He should be a direct descendant cultivated by Shadow Fang himself. He is a contract-breaker. Well, his ability is to control the dead and make the dead infect the living. These situations are related to everyone.

It’s pretty much a guess.]

[However, this disaster was caused by Shadow Fang acting alone after Shadow Fang was ordered to do so. I’m afraid even Shadow Fang himself doesn’t know where he is hiding]

[This information is all I can obtain.]

It seems that they are still very cooperative and have not wiped out their conscience. Unpredictable breathed a sigh of relief and roughly recorded these contents.

At least it has been determined that it is the Shadow Organization, the Shadow-level half-spirit that controls the corpse. Sure enough, only a half-spirit-level strong person can have the strength to escape after being locked by Pandora, leaving Pandora unable to do anything.

Let’s see next whether Qin Nankai can leverage Pandora’s open teleportation array!

This chapter has been completed!
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