Chapter 61 Wang Wudao, should be cut down

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Early the next morning, the three armies arrived. The rainy season had come to an end, and the sun was shining from the sky. It was a rare sunny day.

Thirty thousand Mexica warriors gathered outside the camp, covering the barren fields and shocking the Otomi people in the city of Hilotepec. The warriors are the masters of war and the power to defeat everything. And now, the empire

Nearly one-third of the force is gathered here, obeying the king's orders.

The sacrificial altar has been erected high, thirty thousand warriors gathered together, and the ceremony for the expedition began immediately.

Shulot sang ancient songs praising the sun, and Akap danced the obsidian dagger used for sacrifice. This represents the sacred sacrifice to the sun god, announcing human affairs in the name of the god.

Behind them were nearly a hundred priests of different ranks. They were all dressed in ancient costumes and looked solemn. The priests held their feather crowns high, played the distant and desolate ocarina, and performed mysterious and clumsy sacrificial dances, creating the solemnity of a formal ceremony.

The priesthood just came from the holy city of Teotihuacan not long ago, and Akap is now their leader. This is also the support of the high priest Shuter to the king's younger brother Avit, and gives the king's younger brother the lofty divine authority.

Endorsing the expedition and rallying the hearts of the warriors.

Under the gaze of 30,000 warriors, the great nobleman Ketoko was trembling on the ground. He was fed obsidian knife water in advance. Now his eyes are dull, his limbs are weak, and he cannot speak. Beside him are dozens of people.

A trusted officer named Tisoke was also in an anesthetized state.

Shulot learned the recipe of knife water from his grandfather. This anesthetic is often used in sacrifices before sacrifices. The main ingredients are hallucinogenic and sedative herbs, such as magical morning glory, black feather jade, datura, psilocybe mushrooms, and

There are tequilas with increased alcohol content. These are also called "plants of the gods" and were also added to the sacred smoke by the Mayans and Tarascos.

"The effect of the potion is very good. It can be used as an anesthetic for surgical operations." The young man sang solemnly while thinking wildly, "But the name is too simple, so it is better to call it sacrificial water!"

The military situation was urgent and everything was kept simple. It didn't take long for the solemn ceremony to enter the sublime sacrifice stage. All the warriors held their breath. Their eyes were fixed on the altar, and their eyes were full of awe. The world was solemn.

, only the singing of sacrifice.

Like a wild boar waiting to be slaughtered, Ketoko was dragged lightly for a hundred meters by the giant bear Stanley, and dragged up to the sacrificial platform. Then, under the obsidian daggers of the priests, and in the psychedelic state of the kingdom of God, the descendant of God

His blood flowed on the altar and turned into a noble sacrifice to the sun god Huitzilopochtli.

Under the warm sunshine, Akapu raised the warm sacrifice in his hand, shouted the name of the god "Huitzilopochtli", and prayed for the coming of the god. Thirty thousand warriors also knelt down and sang in unison on the altar.

He shouted in front of him, and the thunderous shouts immediately resounded throughout the world, like lightning tearing apart the world! Do this three times, and then fall to the ground.

Not far away, in the city of Hilotepec, the Otomi nobles trembled in shouts. They were no strangers to this ritual. It was the source of the Aztecs' conquests and the nightmare of the Otomi people.


Soon, dozens of long poles stood tall in front of the altar, and the sacrifices turned into heads that shocked the three armies.

"Tisok's war against the Otomi people has failed. It is time to end this war!"

Shulot stood majestically on the altar and shouted to all the troops in a solemn tone. What was in his mind was his grandfather's speech during the mobilization in the Holy City. He was wearing a black Tengu priest uniform.

This was Tisok's "gift" after the first life and death test. At that time, Tisok's army was in control, and he had just learned about the vision he had when he was born, and his innate wisdom. The king was murderous and jealous.

My father could only watch in humiliation as he was taken away, and his life and death were in the hands of others. After that, there was a secret communication between his grandfather and Avitt.

This is the cause of everything and will also witness the result of everything.

"But Tisok is not ready to end this war! For the sake of his shattered reputation, he will besiege the city again, wasting the lives of the warriors in the terrible rainy season and the boundless mountains and forests. There, the warriors do not even have an honorable

Die in battle. They either die of weakness or illness, or die at the hands of the despicable Otomi militia, and will never reach the land of the God of War!"

The siege failed. Where will Tisok go next? Shulot doesn't know now. But the warriors must know that the former king has become their enemy and the target of their weapons.

Recalling the ever-humid rainy season, the arduous mountain forests, and the mosquito-like Otomi people, many warriors showed painful expressions on their faces. The religious concepts instilled in them since childhood did not make the warriors very afraid.

Death. But without an honorable death in battle... what the samurai worried about was the world after death.

"Tisok failed. He could not lead the warriors to victory. He did not cherish the lives of the warriors. He has been deprived of his status as a king!"

In the Mexica Empire, failure to win was the king's greatest original sin.

"Under the supreme witness of the sun god, war god, and patron saint Huitzilopochtli, the king's brother Avit has ascended the throne as the Great Tratoani! The high priests of the Holy City have sworn allegiance to the new king. He will

End this war and send all samurai home! Samurai, now is the time to show your loyalty!"

As the words of the oath rang out, Avitt, dressed in the king's attire, held high the staff of Montezuma, and ascended to the highest altar.

Then the young man took out the obsidian dagger, cut off a strand of his own hair, and placed it on the sacred altar in front of Avitt. The young man blinked quietly, and Avitt looked at the young man with a radiant light, and the corners of his mouth curved in a faint arc.

Next, Akapu cut his hair and swore an oath, then priests at all levels, loyal camp commanders at all levels, then two thousand family warriors, 14,000 South Route Legion, and finally 30,000 Mexica Legion!

"This is also the order of loyalty." Shulot maintained the solemnity of a priest. He faced the warriors who had cut their hair and pledged their loyalty in the audience, silently weighing them in his heart.

The nobles with the least loyalty were imprisoned in the camp. At this time, they stood on the wall of the camp with bare hands, wearing unarmored uniforms, silently watching Ketoko's sacrifice, and also silently watching the three men.

The allegiance of ten thousand warriors.

These great nobles are the former commanders of the legion and former supporters of Tisok, but are now forced to remain neutral. The great nobles are familiar with the game of power, are not pious to religious theocracy, and disdain the priests' opinions.

But now, they have been deprived of the right to command the army, replaced by nobles loyal to the king's younger brother, and even sent to the altar of sacrifice. In this battle, they are no more important than the civilian warriors.

Next to them were the heavily armed warriors of the Avet family. The warriors had received orders that if there was a rebellion in the Herotepec camp, the nobles would be executed immediately to prevent the rebellion from escalating.

"King Zhou is unruly, King Wu will attack him!" Shulot carefully observed the expressions of the warriors, felt their fighting spirit, and then nodded with satisfaction. Those who manage an army must first control their hearts and occupy the commanding heights of people's hearts.

It is more important than the battle itself. Because military morale determines the combat effectiveness that the army can exert and determines the direction of the war!

Similarly, those who attack an army must first attack the heart. The young man's thoughts flashed: "Today's strategy can be used in reverse again."

No matter what era, solemn ceremonies can always gather chaotic people's hearts and plant a hint of obedience in people's hearts. With the completion of the loyalty of 30,000 warriors, the morale of the army has significantly improved. The warriors touched the weapons behind them, and they no longer

Exclude the next battle.

"Samurai! It is not an honor to kill the compatriots on the opposite side, but capturing the samurai on the opposite side alive counts as military merit. This battle is just to depose the king, end the war, and everyone returns to their hometowns!" Under the dazzling sunshine, Avitt finally gathered his thoughts.

The will of everyone, with the tolerant attitude of a king.

The three armies are united at this moment, and ten thousand people are here to surrender! The majestic king waved his magic staff to the west, and thirty thousand warriors immediately set off, carrying two weeks of marching rations, and headed for the nearest mountain camp like a raging and murderous torrent.

There are only 30,000 militiamen left in the Herotepec camp, and hundreds of warriors as the backbone. Relying on the strong fortress, they are enough to defend the Otomi people. Scouts and intelligence officers have already been dispatched in advance, sneaking into the distant camp.

The mountains and forests communicate with the allies that have been agreed upon long ago.

After marching for three days, they came to the junction of mountains and forests. Xiu Luote once again saw the solid mountain camp. The camp was built on the top of the hills. The terrain was open and the mountains were sparse, making it easy to defend. Looking from a distance, a wisp of smoke could be seen.

Soaring into the distant sky. Beside the smoke, is the king's flag, also flying.

This chapter has been completed!
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