Chapter 63 Father's Love, King to King

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The two received the message and each fell into deep thought.

Shulot clenched his fists. He seemed to be able to vaguely see his father's resolute face and the difficulties of the Teotihuacan Army in his words.

In his impression, his father was a truly strong warrior. He never said soft words to himself. Even before he went to war, his comfort was: "My son, you must be as strong as a warrior. As

A samurai is calm and regards death as the way home!"

The father just buried his warmth deeply in his heart. He would feel sorry for his exhaustion after capturing the prisoners and wanted to let his son rest; he would hold his hand tightly and remind his son to be careful; he would also kiss his forehead and hug his son into his arms.

Chest. Oh, and when he was just born, he lifted his son high and laughed heartily.

Thinking of this, the young man also smiled warmly.

Perhaps due to the influence of his grandmother, who was born as a commoner, his father did not have much ambition for power, but was pushed forward step by step by his grandfather. He did not have the cold-bloodedness of the nobles, who regarded common people as nothing and their children as chess pieces, so he could only use his strength to

Cover the fragile feelings of civilians.

This time, the father was willing to risk his life, lurking beside the king, ready to kill himself at any time. This was not for his own sake, but for his son, Shulot.

The boy closed his eyes silently. In the adult world, there is no love for no reason. Grandfather loved himself because he loved his own extraordinaryness and the greatness of his family; Avitt loved himself because he loved his own talents and common ideals; uncle loved himself.

Tad loves himself, and what he loves is the oath to protect and the hope of the common people. If he loses these, love will stay and be reluctant to let go, but it will eventually leave.

In this world, only his father is the only person who loves him unconditionally. From his birth until his death, Shulot will always believe in his father and hand over his back.

As for his future wife, the current young man has no way of knowing. He is willing to devote all his efforts to one person, control all his desires to one person, and only hopes for a mutual and sincere lifelong love...

"Our plan must be changed." After a moment of reflection, Avitt hugged the young man's shoulder. He woke the dazed young man from his soft memories and returned to the cold reality.

"The origin of the 30,000-strong army is complicated. It is impossible to completely block the news. Someone will definitely tip off Tisok secretly. He will soon know about our existence and the approximate strength of our troops."

"Our original plan was to gather 30,000 warriors and control this key marching channel and food camp, thereby forcing Tisok's army, which was short of food, to come here for a decisive battle. The terrain here is open and the mountains and forests are sparse. Once Tisok is defeated,

It’s hard to get into the woods and escape.”

"But now, Tisoke has abandoned most of the city-state legions and concentrated all the food in his hands. With the decisiveness of the commander-in-chief Totec, after he determines our strength advantage and the terrain of the camp, he is likely to

Convince Tisock to step aside."

"Their food can actually barely support eight thousand troops to return to the capital. If Totec is willing to lead the legion on a risky journey, endure huge losses, and dig into the unknown mountains and forests in the south without hesitation, Tisoke is very likely to escape.

Return to the Valley of Mexico. It is difficult for us to completely intercept them in the terrain with limited vision."

"Now Tisok is trapped in the mountains and forests, with a lack of food, limited information, and no knowledge of the situation in the capital. His army is easily influenced by our words, and the loyalty of the warriors is at the lowest point that is most easily shaken. This is

When he was at his weakest."

"Once Tisok returns to the Mexica Valley, even if he just escapes alone, he can still regain the support of the chief priest Kechar. Wait until he establishes contact with the great nobles, promises rewards, recruits the legion again, and restores food

Supplies, we will be in big trouble!"

"At that time, the priests and nobles of both sides will take separate sides, and the situation will evolve into a full-scale civil war between the two royal groups, and we will become the sinners of splitting the alliance!"

Shulot nodded seriously.

The strength of King Tisoke is not just the army in his hands. What is more important is the group of chief priests, part of the royal family and the nobles who support him behind him. Once these people have the rightful title of the king, they can

Then several legions and tens of thousands of militiamen were mobilized to collect sufficient food and grass.

There are still many military forces wandering around in the outside world. There are nearly 20,000 city-state warriors in the mountains and forests outside Herotepec. There are also four 8,000-man regiments of King Uncle Troll in Atotonilco. The Alliance

The eleven states can be mobilized again. Once these forces participate, the outcome is not yet known, but the destructive power of the civil war will definitely increase exponentially.

"Then what should we do? A light attack?" Shulot thought for a while and asked.

Avitt put his hands behind his back, paced and thought over and over again, and then made up his mind.

"The 30,000-strong army cannot gather here and wait! I will send out 20,000 warriors, with an army of 4,000 people, spread out scouts widely, and set up checkpoints layer by layer to block the mountain roads in the south and the wilderness in the east. Tisok must not be let go.


"Leave only 10,000 elite warriors in the camp and hide 3,000 of them to give the opponent the illusion that they can win. Tisok doesn't know the situation in the capital now, nor does he know Shusok's identity. With his arrogant character

, if you have the upper hand, you won’t run away, and you’ll probably take a risk.”

"Put on my flag and lure Tisok over with food and myself!"

"If Tisoke has not been reached after three days, I will personally lead 3,000 elite warriors and light troops to raid his main formation! You take the remaining 7,000 people and follow up from behind as soon as possible."

Having said this, Avitt's face finally showed cruelty and coldness again.

"If he escapes in this battle, we will go directly south and seize the capital. Don't think about the long term, just sacrifice the chief priest and the great nobles to suppress all threats. The capital in the lake is eternal.

A fortress that cannot fall, with it we will be invincible."

"My sons are still young and do not have the posture of a king yet. If I die in the war, the royal guard of honor will be handed over to you, and the scepter will be passed on to my eldest daughter."

"You can tell the warriors that you were born on the day Montezuma died, with a celestial sign and the morning star shining brightly. You are the reincarnation of the great king and have sacred royal power! Stanley will lead my family warriors and support me.

The royal family and nobles, be loyal to you and Alyssa Hulot, and treat her well!"

Avitt's face was cold and hard. His eyes flickered slightly, he stretched out his big hand, stayed on the young man's neck for a moment, and then touched the young man's cheek.

Shulot had no time to think about it. Shock appeared on the young man's face. At this time, his mind went blank. This was the first time Avitt mentioned his own death, clarifying the relationship between the inheritance of the great cause. This is the royal power of Mexico.

Inheritance has always been accompanied by blood, fire and killing.

After a moment, the boy subconsciously took a step forward and hugged the chest of his teacher and good friend tightly. He felt the love like a father, which moved him in his heart and made his voice choked up.

"No...Avit, you won't die..."

Holding the boy in his arms, Avitt's eyes finally softened and he smiled sincerely.

The samurai's actions were never delayed. Early the next morning, the 20,000-strong army was divided into five groups and quickly dispersed to the east and south, controlling the mountains and forests for a week and blocking the passage to the hinterland of the Mexica Alliance.

The Otomi guerrillas immediately shrank back, leaving the battlefield to two huge Mexica battle groups.

The king's general command flag of Avit stands high on the watchtower of the fourth mountain camp, while the king's general command flag of Tisok stands on the top of the third mountain camp with difficulty.

The two royal armies were only three days apart, and the warriors were filled with complex torment. I don't know when the new king was in the capital, and rumors that the king was deposed by the chief priests spread like the wind among Tisok's army.

The warriors don't know who is secretly spreading it.

Tisok's flag hesitated for two days. Hulot didn't know how many quarrels and changes in people's hearts occurred. He only knew that two days later, Tisok tried his best to recruit and gathered nine thousand direct warriors.

Four thousand city-state warriors and ten thousand militiamen came out in full force to attack Avitt's camp.

In the camp, the warriors recharged their batteries, waiting for the killing blow. Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Shulot looked at the distant sky. The midday sun fell on the empty hills, and the autumn wind carried a chilling atmosphere. The sun shone, reflecting thousands of Mexica warriors and their shining battles.

Stick. The autumn wind blows, rolling up withered flowers and laying down fragile withered grass, heralding the end of life.

On this sunny day, Avitt led ten thousand warriors and waited quietly in front of the camp. Eight thousand militiamen were stationed in the camp.

After a long time, the two royal flags finally appeared in the eyes of the Mexica warriors at the same time. Two mighty armies, two sacred flags, two compatriots brothers, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, experiencing the ups and downs of people's hearts, now only separated by

A distance of several hundred meters.

At this moment, they looked at each other from a distance, their minds were turbulent, and they had murderous intentions.

King versus king! The royal power of Mexica has always been passed down through blood, fire and killing!

This chapter has been completed!
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