Chapter 245 The Discomfort sails at full speed regardless of head or tail

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The core air defense circle of an aircraft carrier strike group or carrier battle group is extremely sensitive, just like a person's weakness. If this area is invaded, it means that the aircraft carrier, which is the absolute main force of the strike group and battle group, faces a huge threat.

During the Cold War, the core air defense circle of the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier battle group was repeatedly penetrated by fighter jets of the Soviet Red Navy, and was even skimmed at low altitude. If it was wartime, it would mean that the aircraft carrier had been hit by a missile.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the U.S. Navy lost its only opponent. As time went by, it felt great pressure to maintain the huge aircraft carrier battle group's year-round combat readiness. They came up with a smaller and more flexible aircraft carrier based on the perceived threat.

A lower-cost formation method, which is the origin of the aircraft carrier strike group.

Compared with an aircraft carrier battle group that often consists of twelve or twenty ships, with one aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship as the core, two to three destroyers and a supply ship as auxiliary, the operating cost is much lower and it can meet the needs

, and the deterrence is sufficient.

When necessary, the two aircraft carrier strike groups can form a standard dual aircraft carrier battle group, and the combat capability will soar.

The Anglais Pirates' Malaise strike group was completely modeled after the US Navy's aircraft carrier strike group. They believed that the power of a single strike group was sufficient to deal with any threat.

After all, there are very few countries that have and have the ability to use dozens of carrier-based fighter jets in the open sea. The naval fighter jets of most countries cannot fly far away from shore-based airports.

However, when the Anglican Saxon pirates determined their global robbery maritime armed force formation model, they discovered that a new and cutting-edge naval force had entered a stage of explosive growth. It had launched hundreds of thousands of tons of warships in consecutive years, and had already launched hundreds of thousands of tons of warships.

Served two aircraft carriers!

A strike group with an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship as its core is actually very difficult to face an anti-piracy formation.

However, at this time, the commander of the USS Malaise Strike Group, Major General Sweeney, did not pay enough attention to the experiences of his colleagues. He ordered the strike group to move forward at full speed. As a result, a problem arose - the USS Malaise aircraft carrier and the Poker-class destroyer

Both can run 30 knots, and the supply-class fast combat support ships and ANZAC-class frigates cannot keep up.

In this way, as time went by, the Malaise strike group gradually divided into two parts. The Malaise and the three Poker-class destroyers ran in front, and the Anzac-class frigate and the Supply-class fast combat support ship fell behind. The greater the distance, the greater the distance.


Anzac-class frigates cannot run 27 knots because they have to escort supply-class fast combat support ships.

The supply-class fast combat support ship has a maximum speed of 25 knots. For the sake of saving fuel, it rarely sails at the maximum speed. At this time, the Discomfort and the Sanjo Poker-class ships still have sufficient ammunition, dry cargo, and fuel.

The captain of the class fast combat support ship decided to sail at an economic speed of 16 knots.

The two ANZAC-class frigates can only escort it at the same speed.

The aircraft carrier USS Malaise received a call from an unidentified advanced submarine. The captain of the ship, Sherfield, suffered from hemorrhoids and was in unbearable pain. He needed timely treatment. There was no corresponding medicine on board. The USS Malaise requested that the ship send a rescue helicopter to transport Captain Sherfield.

Get treatment when you are not feeling well.

Major General Sweeney had met Colonel Sherfield several times, and without saying a word, he immediately sent a rescue helicopter to transport Sherfield to the Discomfort.

After emergency treatment by the medical officer, Sherfield's hemorrhoids were well controlled. Finally, the medical officer asked Sherfield, "Sir, do you like spicy food? Like Lao Ganma from China?"

Sherfield nodded calmly.

"If this is the case, you need to control it in the future. Your hemorrhoids cannot be taken lightly." The medical officer blinked and wrote it down truthfully in the medical record.

In fact, the medical officer has already figured out that Colonel Sherfield's hemorrhoids are not caused by his liking for spicy food.

Sherfield didn't care. His sexual orientation was an open secret. He had as many as three boyfriends on the submarine, and these three men took turns accompanying him every time he went to sea. Therefore, he often did not find the underwater life boring.

Feeling restless due to pain in his butt, Sherfield simply came to the TFCC Tactical Flagship Command Center on deck 03.

The commander of the strike group is not the captain of the USS Misfit, but Rear Admiral Sweeney and his team of staff, called the CSG carrier strike group command organization, which usually has more than 70 people.

This aircraft carrier formation command team does not normally station on the ship, but is temporarily formed to board the ship during deployment to exercise command authority.

Their command position is the TFCC Tactical Flagship Command Center on the 03 deck of the aircraft carrier, where they direct a series of combat operations of the entire fleet of ships, aircraft, and submarines.

In other words, the command authority of the aircraft carrier strike group is here, and the top commander of the group is Rear Admiral Sweeney, not Captain Blade, the captain of the USS Malaise.

When Sherfield passed the deck corridor, he discovered that the Discomfort and the three Poker-class ships were sailing in a tactical column at high speed, with the Discomfort in front and the three Poker-class ships following behind. This was an uncommon formation.

Because nuclear-powered aircraft carriers do not have the problem of refueling, they can sail at high speeds for a long time without considering fuel, but this is not the case with the conventionally powered Poker-class aircraft carriers. Therefore, they follow the aircraft carrier Unsuitable and use the water flow formed by the high-speed sailing of the Unsuitable.

Sailing can save some fuel.

Such a formation means that the commander does not consider whether he will encounter interception or attack on the way, and just rushes towards the target sea area.

Sherfield frowned immediately.

Arriving at the TFCC Tactical Flagship Command Center, Major General Sweeney came over to shake hands with Sherfield, "John, how do you feel? Are you okay?"

Sweeney was aware of Sherfield's sexual orientation, but this did not affect his admiration for Sherfield. In the Anglo-Saxon pirate submarine force, Sherfield was famous as one of the only three most advanced nuclear submarines.

Captain, Sherfield was the commander who had the most interactions with the Soviet Red Navy submarine force during the Cold War.

"It's not a big problem." Sherfield nodded and said, "Johnny, I have to tell you the truth. I encountered a powerful attack in the waters of Dolan Island in the Alazu Sea. It was a frigate that was very rich in anti-piracy operations.

.If you let the formation sail at full speed with the aircraft carrier at the front, it will be easy for them to plot against you."

Sweeney chuckled and said, "It's just an old-fashioned frigate produced twenty years ago. Yes, I understand the situation."

It's a bit of a schadenfreude.

The most advanced nuclear-powered submarine in the world, with a submarine displacement of up to 12,000 tons, was actually defeated by an old frigate with a combat performance of more than 3,000 tons, which is only equivalent to the frigates built by the U.S. Navy in the 1960s. This face came from the Pacific Ocean

It was thrown into the Atlantic Ocean.

Sherfield said, "Don't forget, before this, we had already had a submarine and cruiser driven out by the old frigate. Moreover, there is also a new youth frigate and a very powerful conventional submarine."

"A very powerful conventional submarine?" Sweeney was naturally not an incompetent person. When he heard this sentence, he paid attention.

What is the aircraft carrier most afraid of? The most afraid of elusive submarines.

Compared with the huge aircraft carrier battle group, the aircraft carrier strike group is often not equipped with escort submarines, which means that the anti-submarine means of using darkness against darkness is lost.

Even if all the fighter jets from several surrounding countries launch a saturation attack on the USS Malaise, Sweeney is confident that he has sufficient means to deal with it.

This time the USS Illness was fully loaded, with 48 Super Hornets capable of air defense operations, plus nearly 300 vertical-launch anti-aircraft missiles on three Poker-class aircraft, the air defense capability was very powerful.

However, if it is an elusive submarine, it will be a headache.

The most important thing is that Sweeney knows that Sherfield thinks very highly of himself. Since he said there is a "very powerful conventional submarine" there, it means it is really powerful.

Sherfield is a surreal person. He doesn't care about face, he only cares about profit. He will not elevate his opponent to make his failure less conspicuous just to avoid embarrassment.

He said solemnly, "I encountered that conventional submarine by chance at a very close distance, which shows that it has very good silent performance. Then it entered a silent confrontation for seven or eight hours, which shows that its commander is

He is a very calm person, and I feel that his abilities are not inferior to mine. Secondly, in the end, he chose to surface in an emergency and take the initiative to expose himself. I only found out that I had fallen into a trap when I locked onto him with attack sonar."

"He deliberately exposed his position to lure you to use attack sonar, which gave the frigates on the surface an advantage." Sweeney understood immediately.

Sherfield nodded and said, "Yes, I realized I had been tricked when I found out that the old frigate had launched an anti-submarine depth bomb before me. At the last moment, I counterattacked and launched a heavy torpedo. As a result,

Something even weirder happened."

These specific details were unknown to Sweeney.

Sherfield frowned, puzzled, "It was impossible for that old frigate to escape the attack of the MK-48 torpedo launched at a distance of three nautical miles. However, the fact is cruel, they actually destroyed the MK-48 torpedo."

-48 torpedoes, hundreds of meters away."

"What? They destroyed the MK-48 heavy torpedo you launched? This is impossible." Sweeney didn't believe it at all.

Sherfield nodded solemnly, "It's absolutely true. This is the reason why I surrendered and evacuated the Alasu Sea - that old frigate has some very advanced anti-submarine means, which can hit small underwater targets at high speeds."

Sweeney knew all too well what this meant.

Anti-submarine warfare has always been a bottleneck for naval operations in various countries. During the Cold War, in order to fight against the huge submarine force of the Soviet Red Navy, the U.S. Navy supported Little Japan at all costs to build the world's first naval force focusing on anti-submarine warfare, and its anti-submarine warfare capabilities ranked first in the world.


"John, I believe you, but I received an order to rush to the waters of Alasu as soon as possible." Sweeney said in a deep voice.

Sherfield was silent.

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