Chapter 248 Toowoomba is sinking

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Text Volume Chapter 248 Toowoomba is sinking. Ship No. 53 repeatedly called on the international channel to express its willingness to lend a helping hand to help rescue people who fell into the water. The supply class and Ala were frightened to death and were also seriously injured.

Dahao hurriedly expressed his thanks.

Li Hai immediately ordered the entire ship to maintain a combat-ready posture, and at the same time organized a rescue team, released lifeboats and dispatched rescuers.

At the same time, the Zhi-9h carrier-based helicopter belonging to Xinqianqian on the flight deck took off urgently to conduct an aerial search.

In fact, Li Hai discovered that the Allada itself needed rescue, because it was very close to the Toowoomba. Dozens of people were on the deck to rescue the Toowoomba, and the personnel on the Toowoomba were sent to the Allada.

Da number to transfer.

After a big explosion occurred in the ammunition depot of the Toowoomba, most of the people on the deck of the Arada were thrown into the sea by the powerful shock wave. The weapons and electronic equipment on the surface, facing the Toowoomba, were all damaged.


Under the strong impact, the structure of the Arada's hull even underwent some changes. Let alone the war, whether it can be fully restored in the future is still a question.

There are 667 supply-level crew members, which is sufficient. However, many people were severely shocked by the big explosion. In addition, they did not have a good impression of the Kangaroo Gang as their ally. In the end, the nearest

The supply level actually did not start to rescue the people who fell into the water for half an hour.

However, the supply level immediately reported to Major General Sweeney, the commander of the USS Malaise aircraft carrier battle group.

Ship No. 53 turned on a high-power searchlight. Because it needed to regularly perform the task of maintaining order at sea, the ship installed several high-power searchlights. The largest one was on the mast and had a temporary blinding function.

Li Hai leaned on the guardrail outside the bridge and observed the situation at the scene.

"It's too tragic." He shook his head slightly. "The Toowoomba was obviously fully loaded. Such an explosion could only be caused by the explosion of all the ammunition in the entire ammunition depot at the same time."

Chang Haizhou heard something interesting, "Do you think it's man-made?"

"It's very possible." Li Hai pointed to the Toowoomba that was broken into half and slowly sinking not far away, and said, "Look, the crew barely reacted. If it was an accidental explosion, at least there would be time to escape.

, but they didn’t even have a minimum of time to escape. The perpetrator wanted all the people on the ship to be buried with him.”

At this time, Wan Liyang trotted over, "Captain, before the explosion, our radio monitors heard some inexplicable calls, which were publicly transmitted wireless signals. Our monitors focused on their formation communications.

I didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but I just thought about it and thought it was related to the Big Bang, so I translated it.”

He said and handed over a piece of paper.

Li Hai started reading.

Like a suicide note, the general meaning is that the author fell in love with a female officer on the ship, but the female officer was raped by the officer for a long time. The two were frightened by the officer's lewd force and could only endure it, but their honest love relationship had to be destroyed.

They got along secretly until the superior saw them living as boyfriend and girlfriend. The superior asked them to perform in public, which made the two extremely sad and angry. The two decided to die to prove their love. The author also expressed a lot of dissatisfaction and listed the superior's many

Domineering behavior, such as raping more than half of the female crew members on the ship, etc...

Li Hai suddenly realized what happened on the Toowoomba.

He handed it to Chang Haizhou smoothly. Chang Haizhou read it with disbelief on his face.

"More than a hundred people were buried just because of this..." Chang Haizhou shook his head and sighed.

Li Hai looked at Toowoomba, which was almost completely silent, and said regretfully, "With a pretty good frigate."

Chang Haizhou glanced at Li Hai and found that his eyes were indeed staring at the frigate. He did not pay attention to the crew members scattered on the sea who were wailing and then gradually became silent.

So cold-blooded.

"Rescue team, be careful not to get close to the sinking ship. Pay attention to possible whirlpools and receive an answer." Li Hai raised the intercom to remind.

"One group received!"

"Group 2 understands!"

"Three groups received!"

Three lifeboats are all the rescue force that the No. 53 ship can send. At the same time, the No. 53 ship is also using soft spiral ladders to rescue nearby people who have fallen into the water.

Because it involves a health protection issue, the protective clothing on the ship is limited and the rescue speed is very slow, but the No. 53 ship has tried its best.

According to the judgment of the health agency, this virus was man-made and released around the world, or it was caused by an accidental leak from a biochemical laboratory but was concealed. In this case, any outsiders must go through strict inspections.


In other words, all those who fell into the water rescued by the No. 53 ship must undergo strict biochemical tests to ensure that they do not carry the virus.

If protective measures are not in place, as long as one person is infected with the virus, the ship will definitely lose its combat effectiveness.

Li Hai was determined not to let such non-combat casualties occur.

In this case, the No. 53 ship can only place all the rescued drowning people on the flight deck, and conduct biochemical tests on them here.

There are only two sets of medical protective suits on the No. 53 ship, and only two medical staff can be sent to conduct biochemical tests on these rescued drowning people. The speed is very slow. Moreover, the medical protective suits are disposable, which means that these two

The medical staff can only continue to work, and no one can replace them.

The principles of medical protective clothing and biochemical protective clothing are similar. They are fully sealed. Generally, people can only last three hours wearing this kind of protective clothing.

Li Hai would never joke about the safety of his men. Before the rescue, he issued an order: the two medical staff would evacuate and disinfect after three hours.

On a dark night, the Toowoomba completely sank and formed a whirlpool. Fortunately, the rescue team of the No. 53 ship was prepared in advance and did not approach there, thus avoiding the whirlpool. However, the crew of the Toowoomba was not rescued.

, all were swept underwater by this whirlpool.

The horrified Arada on the other side witnessed the tragic situation of its comrades, but they did not even have the courage to lower the lifeboat.

By the time the Toowoomba sank completely and the water returned to calm, the number of drowning victims rescued by the Allada was actually less than one-third of those on the No. 53 ship!

As for the supply level, not even a single person who fell into the water was rescued.

Of the more than 180 crew members on the Toowoomba, only 39 were rescued, and the rest sank to the bottom of the sea with the ship...

This chapter has been completed!
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