Chapter 24 Wang Ai and his friends (5)

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 While they were chatting and laughing, the banquet arrived. Wang Ai had booked it from a restaurant near his home. There were about thirty people, and five tables were opened, with a mix of east and west, and everything was available, because there was also Constan in the crowd who always pretended to be transparent.

Silk, how much care should be taken of her taste.

We were having a lively meal. Wang Ai and Ma Dong were at the same table with the reporters. Shi Wenjun and Bao Ligao were with the team members from the family company. Xu Qinglian was holding Constance and Li Lin, and Li Jun was with them.

The two tables are occupied by the senior high school team.

There was a lot of liquor and beer, and everyone drank happily. However, the reporters noticed that Wang Ai's cup was full of juice, and no one tried to persuade him. He seemed to be used to it.

A reporter from China Youth Daily couldn't help but ask: "Don't you drink at all?"

"If you really can't refuse it, you can only drink. For example, if the team wins the championship or something, everyone is happy. I don't want to be too unconventional, but in most cases I don't drink." Wang Ai took a mouthful of food and said.

: "Actually, it's not because I'm very self-disciplined. It's mainly because I don't like it. Beer is bitter and liquor is spicy. What's the point of drinking these things? I can probably understand the feeling of drinking too much and then feeling dizzy. Maybe it's good? But

I am a scholar, and a scholar’s ​​mind must always remain clear, there is no point in anesthetizing oneself.”

Liu Jianhong shrugged: "After all, you still don't know how to drink, how can there be so much truth?"

Wang Ai laughed; "Yes, if I am not greedy for wine and do not have this preference, I may feel that there are some shortcomings in life, but I have gained too much, and shortcomings are normal. When the moon is full, the water will overflow, and it is also like a black spot on the moon.

, Nothing is perfect, people always have to sacrifice something to pursue what they want."

"Tsk tsk, it tastes like a philosopher, and it's also classical philosophy." Zhang Erwen put down a glass of Luzhou Laojiao and sighed: "Speaking of which, I haven't heard of you making any academic contributions in recent years. Junior brother, I remember you are

Are you a member of the Youth Philosophy Society? You will concentrate on playing football in the future? You were a nationally famous young doctor back then."

"By coincidence, there will be an exchange event tomorrow morning, and I plan to attend it. As for academic achievements, this is how I see it. It is true that football has not had much time for academics in recent years, but it is also a special social practice.

The growth of philosophy is always accompanied by various observation experiences. When the experience reaches a certain level, it will naturally mature. Since elementary school philosophy, this has basically become a fixed mindset, no matter what you see or experience

, when you calm down, it will become a philosophical conclusion. In fact, you can’t change it even if you want to.”

"No wonder you have a better vision than ordinary people in many things." A reporter from "Liaoshen Evening News" said with a bit of compliment.

"That's what a philosopher is like. As long as he is willing to look outside and look down, he will have a lot of insights. But if you ask him to actually implement it and solve some problems, that is not his strong point. In short, the one advantage of a philosopher is

One is the brain, the other is the mouth, not the hands, hehe. Kill or bury, that’s me."

While talking and laughing, the dinner was over and everyone sat in the yard and drank tea. The summer night in Beijing was still sultry, so everyone except Wang Ai and the reporters drank cold beer and cold drinks.

Liu Jianhong raised the topic: "How many stadiums do you have? You didn't say it carefully just now, but we actually understand that you are using your news attention this time to increase the public's love and investment in football, but you

How many such golf courses do you plan to build? Just keep building them? Or just leave them in vain? As far as I know, the cost of each golf course is not low, at least three to five million."

Wang Ai scratched his face: "Speaking of this, I do have a long-term plan. It is mainly funded by my family. My money is in the student loan. In a few years, the student loan will be able to sustain itself and my income will be flat...


"That won't work!" Shi Wenjun was at the table behind Wang Ai. Hearing this, he turned around and interjected: "Currently, only Liaoning and Sichuan provinces benefit from the student loan. It will be gradually expanded in the future. At least the three northeastern provinces will benefit from it next year."

Covered, your money still has to stay here.”

"Yeah, well, in this way, it mainly depends on the financial resources of domestic enterprises. How much can be repaired is considered. But no matter how repaired, it is far from the ideal state. After all, we are a big country, and relying on one of our companies is selling blood.

It can only embellish one or two."

"Then what's the value of doing this? How about investing the money?" Zhang Erwen frowned.

As soon as Zhang Erwen said these words, the courtyard became quiet. Except for Wang Ai, most of the salarymen in this courtyard could not understand Wang Ai's wasteful behavior. Any investment must pay attention to a visible return, free stadium

Where is the reward for this thing?

Wang Ai was silent for a while, then suddenly put down his cup and said in a measured tone: "Taihang, Wangwu Mountain, is seven hundred miles across and ten thousand ren high. It is originally located in the south of Jizhou and north of Heyang."

The reporter is not a novice. Even if he has graduated for many years, when he hears the four words "Taihang, Wangwu", he will know that he is reciting the famous Chinese poem - "The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountains"!

The ancients called this "singing to chant one's ambition".

The reporters raised their teacups to pay tribute to Wang Ai.

After the excitement in everyone's hearts slowly faded away, Liu Jianhong then asked: "How many such stadiums are there now? Where are they mainly distributed?"

"I don't know the specific number, but it's probably more than 500. Beyond Sports has total data, and it's mainly distributed in the three northeastern provinces and Sichuan. The three northeastern provinces are spread out bit by bit from my home in Liaoyang. You all know my family

Companies are mainly in the Northeast, and it is easier to rely on various personal connections to promote them. In Sichuan, people like Captain Ma, Li Bing, Zou Yougen, Yao Xia, and Wei Qun help. It is impossible without acquaintances to help, such as buying land.

Why should they sell you a piece of land on the outskirts of the city? How can you make more money by building a house? So we have to communicate slowly."

"But as far as I know, it's been five or six years since you moved to Beijing. Why hasn't it been in Beijing?" Zhang Erwen asked in confusion: "Isn't it better to do this kind of thing in Beijing? Beijing is the capital. From Beijing

To do it, the radiation range and driving ability are much stronger. If you have to go to the countryside to surround the city, it is definitely not as good as opening up the situation directly in Beijing."

Wang Ai looked at his senior brother with a smile: "Land in Beijing is expensive."

Everyone laughed dumbly.

"It's not just high or low. When we were doing this, we also considered doing it in big cities first. But later, considering our product positioning, we found that we can only start from the edges. There are two conditions here. One is that our stadium positioning is

The civilian golf course is an amateur golf course for ordinary people, so the cost issue must be considered. Another is that there is an upper limit on the total number of people that can train on this golf course. We have calculated that about two thousand people can regularly, well, the cycle is

If you practice football here for half a month, there will be no room for more. If you put it in a big city or a densely populated area, regardless of the cost or the adverse impact on the local economy, it will not be able to fully play its role. This land is wasted.

.So it’s better to move to the edge of the city, where the population density and accommodation capacity are just right. So many of our courses are in suburbs or simply towns.”

This chapter has been completed!
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