Section 28? Wang Ai and his friends (9)

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 Wang Ai turned to look at Ma Dong: "So, attacking the national system has never been for the good of China, but directly pointed at the competition between China and the United States in the international sports world. This is completely speaking for the Americans, or simply, this is completely a

Traitorous public opinion. Lao Ma, you are in the Football Association, and you may be aware of some situations. The Football Association is also relatively poor, and it saves money in every aspect. If it can achieve good results without spending money, does the Football Association definitely prefer not to spend money?


Ma Dong smiled and nodded repeatedly, and added: "In fact, the country needs to spend money on so many places, and it has to allocate a lot of funds to the General Administration of Sports every year. Isn't there just no way? If we can achieve results without spending money, then it will definitely

If you can't afford it, don't spend it. The football professionalization reform in 1994 was actually aimed at this goal. But ten years later, other projects have also tried to professionalize, but the most famous women's volleyball team can't do it. In other words, it can't be done.

, the government will definitely let it go if it can, but today, unless we don’t want to achieve results, we can’t let it go, and if we let it go, it will be over.”

When Wang Ai heard this, he turned around and looked at several reporters spreading their hands: "So, the Americans are good, but we can't learn it, at least we can't learn it now. Although we didn't call it that when we were promoting professionalization,

, but the purpose is much purer than these experts, and the means are much more decisive. But what is the result? Ten years of practice yields true knowledge, everyone! Those experts seem to be knowledgeable, but are the Sports Bureau cadres idiots? So, they are still making noises now.

Experts who abandon the national system are either stupid or bad!"

The reporter from the "China Youth Daily" subconsciously raised his hand: "Wang, Dr. Wang, can I publish this paragraph of yours in the newspaper?"

Other reporters also woke up. Once Wang Ai's qualitative evaluation of "either stupid or bad" was published in the newspapers, it would be a big storm affecting the academic community across the country! This evaluation is really too sharp and cruel. A scholar, or

Speaking of experts, once they are exposed and knocked down academically, they will be doomed! Digging for someone else's lifeblood will definitely lead to an all-out resistance.

Wang Ai chuckled and just opened her mouth to say: "Then..."

Xu Qinglian, who had been listening quietly next to her, suddenly stood up: "No!"

Everyone looked at her. Xu Qinglian took a deep breath and walked to Wang Ai: "You are going to the Premier League next month. You have set off this wave of public opinion. Do you have the ability to grasp it? Do you have time to respond one by one?

?These six words go up, and then you leave, you just kill and don’t bury them, just pat your butt and leave after causing trouble, are you such a person?"

Wang Ai clicked his tongue and muttered: "According to my temper, I should sit at home in Beijing and scold them every day. These bastards are so shameless..."

The reporters also sighed in unison, seeing that in this small courtyard in Haidian District, Beijing, a big debate that was about to spread across the country was snuffed out by a girl.

The reporter of "China Youth Daily" was particularly reluctant: "Can we tone down the tone a little? We won't publish these six words of yours, but can we publish the other analysis you just made in the newspaper? In fact, um... we are professionals

It's a big newspaper with very strict censorship. I enjoyed hearing those six words of yours, but if I take them back, the editor-in-chief will definitely not let them appear."

Xinhua News Agency reporters, CCTV reporters and even Liaoshen reporters all nodded. Only the "Liaoyang Daily" represented by Zhang Erwen didn't matter.

Wang Ai raised his head and looked at Xu Qinglian. Xu Qinglian and Wang Ai looked at each other and looked at the reporters and said, "Everyone is in the publicity department. You all know how loud this idea is at present, and you also know that once Wang Ai's speech appears, it will attract a lot of attention. Why are you here? I believe you are all Wang Ai’s friends, and Wang Ai regards you as a friend, so we talk about anything. But I ask you to treat this news report with Wang Ai’s responsible attitude, and don’t let you down. China is such a big country, and many things cannot be changed overnight. What we can do is to make the right voice and exert influence bit by bit, rather than force changes overnight. Public opinion work is not done that way. Therefore, I implore you to be less aggressive and gentle when reporting, and don’t irritate others too much. Wang Ai and I are still young, and there is still a long way to go. Wang Ai’s competition tasks are so heavy, so try not to let others down. He has been disturbed too much, please everyone."

With Xu Qinglian's sudden voice, the salon, which had become more and more in-depth as the discussion became more profound, came to an abrupt end. When leaving, the reporters solemnly stated that they would take this news report seriously.

In the night, on their way back from bidding farewell to the reporters, Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian were walking side by side in the alley.

"I know that scholars sometimes feel like they are drunk in the world, right?"

"...a little bit. Anyway, I really dislike them."

"But like you said, the cadres of the Sports Bureau are not idiots. Ten years of practice is enough to make them realize how absurd it is to abandon the national system. These reporters may not be able to see clearly for a while, but they will not be able to see clearly. Including those scholars, You don’t think you are the only scholar in the country who understands this issue, do you?”

Wang Ai turned his head and looked at the girl strangely, but said nothing.

"Do you know there is a fairy tale called "The Emperor's New Clothes"? Everyone knew the answer, but no one said anything for fear of attracting the emperor's anger. In the end, a child pointed out the truth. Do you want to be this child? Wang Ai ?You are no longer a minor a few years ago. In half a year, you will be 18 years old. Do you think people will still be as polite to you as before? "

"...Someone has to do things. When I reach this position, I have to bear this responsibility and obligation." Wang Ai muttered, resisting Xu Qinglian's criticism.

"Is it good to be used as a gunman? Do you want to be the gun that is pointed at by thousands of people? Do you want to offend so many experts and scholars across the country? Do you know that your family's business, including your sports career? How big is it? Even if those people can't win an argument with you, they gather together to cause trouble for your family business and your career. What do you do? Are you alone?"

Wang Ai snorted angrily and couldn't refute.

After a long while, he sighed: "The trouble with a big family is that it has too many tentacles, so all aspects must be considered. If you want to go to the end of the world with your sword, you can only think about it."

Xu Qinglian held one of Wang Ai's hands and said softly: "It's not that I don't let you speak, it's not that I don't let you seek justice. As a scholar, this is his duty to serve the country and the people. Don't forget, I

We are also scholars, but we always have to pay attention to some methods, right? Dying before we start the battle should not be our pursuit. We should smile to see them fail, smile to see them abandoned by the people and history."

This chapter has been completed!
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