Section 120? The most powerful spear, the strongest shield (Act 6: The struggle)

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 "Look, look, look!" In the female dormitory of the University of A Coruña, Lucia Constance, holding a thermos cup filled with hot coffee, pointed at the TV and shouted to her best friend: "You

Are you saying it’s not worth being his assistant?”

Her best friend, who was several years older than her, smiled helplessly after hearing this. She wanted to speak, but when she saw Constance's eyes fixed on the screen, she had to give up persuading her. Constance, at the age when her love affair was just beginning, had no choice but to give up.

Being an assistant to such a world-renowned star is like a moth throwing himself into a flame. How can you persuade him to do so?

The nearly black "turf", as Wang Aifeng ran like a horse, was kicked up by his long spiked leather feet, and a series of mud was splashed behind him. His original snow-white socks and knee pads were already stained with black mud. A kick in the backcourt

Before the long pass landed, he had already rushed between Van Blounthorst and Puyol. The TV screen quickly "scanned" the coaching bench on the sidelines. Jose had already stood up, and Rijkaard had also

stood up.

The camera glanced behind Wang Ai again, where Ronaldinho was signaling to the linesman that this was offside. However, the linesman remained indifferent amid the boos of thousands of fans behind him.

Puyol turned around hurriedly, Van Blounthorst turned around hurriedly, Oleg on the other side ran diagonally towards the middle, and rushed to the goal almost at the same time as Wang Ai. However, after running a few steps, he found helplessly that the opponent was dribbling the ball.

, even ran faster than him! He could only shout to Valdez with all his strength.

Puyol also felt the difference in speed between the two sides. After barely following a few steps, he knew he couldn't catch up, so he fell to the ground and tackled with both feet! When Wang Ai was running, he noticed that his movements were about to change and knew that he was going to make a last ditch effort.

At this moment, he suddenly increased his foot speed, and in the end, Puyol's high-speed tackle fell behind him and did not touch him at all.

Valdes was desperate, leaving the goal behind and running out of the goal area. He opened his hands to try to block the ball. Wang Ai took a step forward, shook off the "sliding kneeling" Valdes, and made a light push shot.

Oleg, who struggled to catch up, forced a tackle, but it missed the ball by a hair.

Under the gaze of Stamford Bridge who held their breath, the football rolled across the goal line. Everyone in the stands jumped up and waved their arms towards the center of the field. Stamford Bridge was like a kettle, reaching exactly 100 degrees, hot water

It turned into boiling water and started bubbling.

Since the successful pass, the Icelanders who had been following Wang Ai not far behind happily rushed forward and bumped chests with Wang Ai in the air to celebrate. Iceland, a small country with a population of hundreds of thousands, has no competition with the world, so the people are very happy

, the level of joy is almost that of the third brother!

It is a pity that the Iceland forward is unable to play in the forward line he is familiar with in today's talented Chelsea lineup, facing fierce competition from Robben, Joe Cole, Wright, and now Wang Ai. Even the attacking midfielder has encountered difficulties.

Lampard, who had been absent for ten thousand years, had to switch from forward to defensive midfielder.

Changing positions in order to gain playing time is a helpless choice for many players. However, there are very few who can shine brightly in the end after making this choice. Most of them gradually dim from then on. They give in to the needs of the team and continue to play.

Maintaining the state, but losing the training of inherent skills, especially the forwards who tend to lose the crucial sense of smell in front of the goal and confidence in shooting. It is difficult to calculate the gain and loss clearly.

At least Wang Ai would never choose like this. Apart from forwards, attacking midfielders and wingers, he doesn't even want to participate in defense. If he doesn't let me play, I would rather transfer!

Of course, in order to avoid such adverse consequences, Wang Ai will always use the game time to devote himself fully, using key goals one after another to consolidate his position, not only the team position, but also the field position.


Back at halftime, with two minutes left in the game, Wang Ai actually planned another long-distance attack with the Icelanders. Although this time it was spoiled by the well-prepared double-teaming of Max and Van Blondhorst, the Barcelona team still managed to escape.


"How is your physical fitness?" Jose asked Wang Ai gently in the home team's locker room.

As his teammates watched, Wang Ai grinned: "If you go all out, 20 minutes will be no problem."

"You fell just now, did it have a big impact?" Jose asked about the time when Wang Ai fell after being double-teamed near the end of the game.

Wang Ai frowned and stood up and moved seriously, "It's a little uncomfortable, maybe the movements are not delicate enough, but there should be no problem running."

After the team doctor also gave the same judgment, Jose thought for a while and said to everyone: "Our competition situation is unfavorable. Everyone knows it. For this, I want to criticize Asir... Your acting skills are too bad!"

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Del Horno smiled wryly and spread his hands. Jose put his hands in his pockets and said: "Everyone must hold on in the second half. I know that your defense is under a lot of pressure, especially since one of us can't defend, but he still can't defend."

The guy who wants to play for another twenty minutes. Hold on, he will cheer you up from the front."

Amid the applause of the players, Jose turned around and looked at Wang Ai with a smile: "You have many ways to score goals. I guess your two counterattacks just now frightened them and they will consider giving you a bigger foul."

, you have to pay attention, the opportunity for a direct free kick has come. In the entire first half, we only got one direct free kick in the frontcourt, and it was still close to the baseline. But after a while, they may not care about it, so seize the opportunity, but don't get hurt.


Wang Ai nodded solemnly, and a few minutes later, the two sides reappeared and exchanged venues. As expected, the opponent's entanglement with Wang Ai went from close defense to harassing defense. Whether there was the ball or not, Wang Ai always had Van Buron by his side.

Terhorst followed, and their arms were forever pushing and pushing.

After all, Barcelona has one more person and is fully capable of making such arrangements. Even if this does not conform to Barcelona's usual elegant style of play, even Rijkaard can no longer care about grace at this time.

Just when they were closely monitoring Wang Ai, the midfielder Drogba, who was full of energy and ran rampant, scored a goal.

This was in the 6th minute of the second half. Wang Ai passed the ball back to Lampard in an attack. Lampard did not stop the ball and directly passed the ball over Max's head. Drogba collided with him in the air and staggered to the ground.

After grabbing the first point, Wang Ai from the other side rushed to provide support, distracting the attention of the Barcelona defender. At the same time, he kicked off in front of the goal and scored into the corner of the goal.

Before this game, Eto'o said publicly: Drogba is great, but I am the African Footballer of the Year.

Drogba didn't respond after hearing it, but put his response on the court.

The battlefield between the two of them was also moved from Egypt to Stamford Bridge.

This chapter has been completed!
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