Section 38 Player Contract

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 After Wang Ai ran around the court for half an hour, he stopped to rest out of breath for ten minutes, and then began to practice dribbling and shooting. An hour later, the three of them ran back to Yang Chen's house again. This time Wang Ai

He didn't go crazy anymore, and his physical fitness was almost exhausted.

After arriving home, Wang Ai simply rushed to ask Yang Chen if there was a gym at home. When he heard that there was no gym, Wang Ai went to the backyard and played with dumbbells for half an hour. Because the weight was not suitable, Wang Ai complained while practicing.

Conditions are poor.

Yang Chen sat silently on the wicker chair in the courtyard, not bothering to argue with Wang Ai, and just looked at the 14-year-old boy with twinkling eyes, carrying out the training process that could be called masochism in a relaxed and happy manner. Yang Chen saw

There have been many talented young players in the past, but I have never seen a boy like Wang Ai, who takes pleasure in suffering and doesn't care, as if his body is not his own. Yang Chen has seen Wang Ai's muscles move involuntarily many times.

Shaking, he drank a sip of salt and sugar water or simply ate a sip of something, rested for a while, and then continued.

Yang Chen couldn't figure out why a young genius like Wang Ai, who came from a wealthy family and had a high degree of education, was willing to endure such hardship.

Half an hour later, Wang Ai put down the dumbbells regretfully: "The equipment is not enough, it's still a bit behind."

Yang Chen clearly saw Wang Ai's arms shaking involuntarily, and in the end the dumbbell almost fell from his hands.

Yang Chen let out a long breath and hesitated: "Do all people of your generation practice like this? Are they all so ruthless?"

Wang Ai thought for a while and said with a smile: "Probably not, but my national junior teammates are probably the same. I can guarantee you that these guys who don't play official games and don't really need to go to school are definitely at home right now.

He was scolding me and practicing hard at the same time. Years ago, during the national youth training camp in Haikou, they told me that it was very exciting. So I had to work harder, otherwise, my position as the boss would not be secure."

Yang Chen sighed and patted Wang Ai on the head: "The future of the national football team depends on you. If you can keep practicing like this, and you can continue to practice like this, I don't believe that we train the hardest in the world, and we can still

Can’t win a good result in a World Cup!”

Wang Ai also sighed: "It won't work like this. Your generation grew up in the era of sports schools. You don't have much money to do sports. You can do whatever suits you. So, even if your technical foundation is not as good as ours and your nutrition is not as good as ours,

, but you are all talented people who select the best from the best. Where is our generation? Group projects cannot match individual projects in terms of honors and income. It is impossible for our generation to have as many talented people as you.

.So, if you don’t practice hard, what else can you do? If your talent is not good, you can make it up the day after tomorrow.”

The next day, Wang Ai left Yang Chen his phone number, QQ number, email and several game videos, and returned to Tübingen with Jonas. Yang Chen also promised to come to Tübingen in person when he had time.

Watch the game. He is now a big star in the Bundesliga and the idol of many fans.

At the end of April, the Baden-Württemberg State League completed the 12th round of the second half of the competition. As expected, the Tübingen youth won consecutive victories, and the total score has reached an astonishing 66 points. At the same time, once and

Hoffenheim, who are competing for the top spot in the Tübingen youth competition, plummeted due to a series of changes caused by the coaching change. They lost to their opponents in the sixth and seventh games, barely tied in the eighth game, and then lost consecutively.

After two games and two draws, the score now stands at 53 points, and the opportunity for promotion has basically been lost. On the contrary, Rutlingen, who was originally third, now has 54 points and still retains a theoretical chance to win the championship.

However, because Tübingen Youth has a goal difference of 66 so far, far exceeding Rutlingen's 22, so unless Tübingen Youth completely collapses in the last five games, Tübingen Youth will definitely win next year.

Playing in the German Southern Regional League.

The entire small town of Tubingen was immersed in the eve of a huge explosion of joy. When fans passed by the main stadium, training ground, and temporary club of the Tubingen Youth Team in the sports center, they could not help but look there expectantly, and at the same time cautiously.

Don't interfere with the team's training. The dream comes too suddenly, and they are afraid of being awakened. The University of Tübingen team is a world-renowned strong university football team. However, the city of Tübingen has never had a high-level league team. Now,

After lingering in the lower leagues for decades, Tübingen youth are finally breaking out of Baden and facing the entire southern Germany!

Wang Ai and Leonie, the two absolute souls of Tübingen youth, are very calm. They are about to upgrade. There are too many things. The first thing is the player contract issue. The current player contracts in the team, except for the third and fourth players hired from outside,

Except for one player who got a relatively professional contract with a time span of two to three years, the other players basically had temporary contracts. The longest "employment period" was only one year for Allison, and like

The absolute main players like Ozil and Mertesacker have not received formal contracts.

This is because Wang Ai and Leonie were not sure before that the team would definitely be upgraded this year. If it does not upgrade and remains in the state league, then the long-term contract will be a big burden on the club. The team has not been upgraded.

It is difficult to increase the price of game tickets, and the club will still be on the verge of deficit. Once a long-term contract is signed casually, if the players are not in good condition and still receive the salary of the main force, the team's finances will be very dangerous.

But now that the upgrade is basically confirmed, the matter of player contracts cannot be delayed. On the one hand, it allows players to feel at ease and retains core players with salary standards that meet the regional league.

Players are sold for a good price.

On May 5, after the 13th round of the league, the situation was completely clear. Tübingen Youth had 69 points and Rutlingen had 57 points. The goal difference between the two sides reached 42 points. Unless each of the last four games

Tübingen Youth have allowed 10 goals in every game, and Tübingen Youth are infinitely close to the goal of promotion.

After dinner, Wang Ai went out to train as usual, and did not go home for strength training until ten o'clock. While he was squatting with a barbell, the door of the fitness room opened, and Leonie walked in with a stack of documents.

"I asked about the contract. Mesut, Pell, Favre, Boateng and other main players all expressed their willingness to stay in the team. We gave them the average salary of the regional league, and they also expressed satisfaction. Several other introductions

All the old players also agreed, but one of them hopes to join the club's coaching staff as an intern next season. I also agree, what's your opinion?"

"Yeah" Wang Ai agreed, carrying the barbell, sweat dripping from his head. The muscles of his naked upper body were not strong, but they were very distinct. Compared with a year ago, Wang Ai's training this year has improved.

Ai's height is close to 160 centimeters, his weight is 50 kilograms, and his muscles are initially taking shape.

Leonie's eyes flashed: "But Allison doesn't seem to want to stay on the team. Like Boateng, he is a senior and is about to graduate. Allison may want to seek better development. There were some things when signing the contract.

I’m hesitant, I haven’t signed it yet.”

Wang Ai nodded and continued to do the actions: "He is the top scorer. If a German second-division team calls him, it will be difficult for him to refuse. After all, the salary is five times that of the regional league, and even if he is a substitute, it is more than twice."

.However, if he doesn’t even have a contract with our team, it will be difficult to negotiate terms with other clubs. The salary his new club will give him will depend on the situation of his old club. If you tell him this, as long as he signs a contract with us,

We pay the signing fee, and if no good team wants him, after signing the contract, he can continue to play for Tübingen Youth next season with familiar teammates."

Leonie took a long breath and nodded: "If that's the case, it'll be no problem. By the way, where's your contract?"

Wang Ai glared at Leonie who was teasing her: "I'm the boss. I sign myself. I have nothing to do but pay taxes for fun."

Leonie twisted the model's waist and walked in front of her. She stretched out her finger and poked Wang Ai's sweaty pectoralis major: "What a beautiful muscle." As she said this, she stuffed her finger into her mouth, and then she said with a bitter face: "

So salty!”

"Nonsense!" Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "I'm not a maple tree, and I still have sugary water!"

Leonie didn't leave even after finishing the matter. She just walked around in front of Wang Ai, getting closer and closer. Wang Ai was doing squats while carrying a barbell. With the barbell on her shoulder, her head naturally leaned forward. Wang Ai didn't want to bump into her.

Leonie's "prominent" advantage forced her to retreat.

"I said you really want me to arrest you?" Wang Ai said angrily.

"Come on!" Leonie's head and upper body shook together.

Wang Ai said angrily: "I have been weaned for a long time!"

"Okay" Leonie glanced up and down at Wang Ai seductively: "Since the handsome boss doesn't want to arrest me, then I..."

As he spoke, Bai Shengsheng raised his palms and stared at the legs of this sturdy little man in shorts: "I want to catch the boss!"

Catch it with one paw!

This chapter has been completed!
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