Chapter 288 The Son of the East (8)

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 Amidst the applause, Wang Ai, sitting among the five people in the front row, stood up with a smile while facing the camera that was almost on his face. At this moment, Wang Ai actually had time to think about it. Maybe it was because of his previous nervousness.

Contributing to the moment of calmness now.

In the gleaming hall, with numerous cameras in the back row, front row, and side collecting data, Wang Aiolo stood up, pulled the hem of his suit, adjusted his tie, walked up a few steps with a smile, and walked to the side of the football king Pele.


Accompanied by applause and flashlights, Wang Ai smiled like Bailey and stretched out his hand, holding Bailey's already outstretched palm. Bailey held the trophy with his left hand and handed it to Wang Ai's left hand. Their right hands had not yet separated.

The upper bodies have moved closer to each other, and the separated right hands have embraced each other's shoulders.

Pele presented the award to Wang Ai. The football king's embrace and Wang Ai, who almost glowed under the flashlight, were in the audience and the whole world's attention. With the sudden light of the big screen behind the two of them, he showed one by one his performance.

Holding a pair of golden boots in front of the Inter Milan club, he was the first to appear on the Beijing Olympic champion podium, and he scored 6 goals in a single game in the Champions League. There are precious historical scenes.

The applause was even louder.

In Tübingen, in Coruña, in London, in Milan, and in many more places, many of his former teammates also witnessed him ascending to the top of the world. Those unforgettable days and nights, those unforgettable moments

In an instant, outside the window in the early morning, in the mountains late at night, in the strange eyes of people, in the reflection of beer glasses, the sweaty figures who were constantly running with the ball in the mountains, fields, and seaside gradually gathered into the focus of the moment.

In the center, next to the football king Pele, there is a dazzling man smiling and holding the trophy.

Failure to succeed is a fluke, and it is fully reflected in him. It is precisely because he has put in more training than anyone else in the past ten years that he finally got to where he is today step by step, to the highest stage, to the legendary football king


Countless people from Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, and Africa were eagerly watching the TV in the bar. According to Marta's process just now, they had to give a speech after the award. Marta from Sanlianzhuang burst into tears as she presented the award.

Taiwan, people are looking forward to what the first yellow World Footballer in history will say.

After Pele signaled to Wang Ai and took a step back to leave the complete podium, Wang Ai stood behind the podium where Blatter and Platini had delivered speeches, facing the dark crowd under the stage.

After calming down, he smiled and spoke in English.

“I’m lucky, my parents passed down a good body to me; I’m lucky, I’ve met some of the best coaches in China; I’m lucky, I always have strong teammates and generous bosses; I’m lucky,

Born in the most powerful era of football."

Wang Ai doesn't speak fast and pronounces clearly. When choosing the language, he naturally considered Chinese, but this is Europe. In order to achieve the best effect, he chose English and the most popular English vocabulary. Most people don't need to wear headphones.

I can also understand it.

"I am lucky to be born in a free country, which allows me to pursue my ideals; I am lucky to be born in a reconciled world, which allows me to come to Europe to study and improve; I am lucky to meet a large number of people

Formidable opponents." Having said this, Wang Ai looked at the audience: "Cristiano, Leo, Fernando, Ricardo, when I knew you were my opponents this year, I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep.


Several guys whose names were mentioned grinned. Wang Ai waited for the laughter to subside before continuing: "I have lost to Henry, Ronaldinho, and Cannavaro. I also lost here last year."

To Ricciardo. It was these defeats that made me realize that my efforts were not enough. I was lucky to be at the same time as them. They forced me, and of course I also forced them. I must grow higher and give my best to the fans around the world.

A more exciting performance.”

After saying something, Wang Ai turned his head and looked at Pele, "Mr. Pele beside me, Mr. Beckenbauer in the audience, Mr. Platini, Mr. Maradona who is far away in Argentina, and

Many great figures of the same generation, who followed the rules of football, left countless admirable achievements and spread their lifelong technical summary, allowing me and the players of my generation to have a higher starting point.


Applause was given to several football bigwigs whose names were mentioned by Wang Ai, and Pele also bowed his head and applauded a few times. Blatter sat in the audience with a smile and looked at the Oriental superstars who were chatting, and the ratings in the headset were rising.

The news of the rise is enough to eliminate the reminder of too long speeches. The reason why football award ceremonies are far inferior to entertainment industry award ceremonies in terms of business is because these guys are all about muscles and their mouths are too stupid!

"Mr. Pele has never won the Ballon d'Or, and Mr. Beckenbauer has not won the World Player of the Year, but it was them who shaped this trophy and gave it to us." Wang Ai looked sideways.

He glanced at the trophy and then looked at the audience: "This is the encouragement given to us by our predecessors, and it is also the inheritance they have given us. I believe that in a more globalized era, in an era where all mankind is freer, the sport of football will be better."

It will definitely become the common hobby of all mankind.”

Amidst the applause, Wang Ai picked up the trophy and was about to end his speech. After nodding to the audience, he approached the microphone with a broad smile and said, "Thank you!"

Then, Wang Ai once again approached the microphone, speaking slowly but clearly, and said intermittently: "Vielen Dank! (German) Gracias! (Spanish) Grazie. Grazie! (Italian) Merci beaucoup! (French)


After reviewing the languages ​​of the four countries he has traveled to, taking care of the five commonly used terms of the United Nations, and adding an extra Japanese that has extremely high commercial value, Wang Aicai summed it up in Chinese amidst people’s applause: "Thank you!"

The audience stood up and applauded, and Wang Ai waved off the stage.

After the award ceremony, Wang Ai attended the press conference alone. The first reporter was mistaken by the organizer for being Chinese, but when he stood up, he turned out to be Japanese. He excitedly said a lot in Japanese, but Wang Ai could not understand.

Then he asked in relatively proficient English: "Wang, can you speak a few more words in Japanese? Have you learned it specifically?"

After hearing this, Wang Ai lowered his head apologetically: "Sorry, Mr. reporter, I don't know much Japanese. In fact, I only know a few words in Russian, Arabic, and French. You know, I only speak in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Italy."

I have never had the environment to learn Japanese. I use multiple languages ​​because I hope to be able to express my gratitude to them, including Japanese fans, in person."

Having said this, Wang Ai smiled: "I know they love me very much. Please tell them for me that I love them too."

This chapter has been completed!
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