Chapter 289 The Son of the East (9)

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 After the Japanese reporter got a satisfactory answer, he sat down. The reporter from the French "L'Equipe" was allowed to ask a second question. A middle-aged reporter stood up and said: "Are you willing to predict the prospects of this year's European Champions Cup?"

"I think Inter Milan is very strong." Wang Ai said with a smile: "I think Inter Milan has a high possibility of winning the championship."

"How high?" the reporter asked.

"Ibra is so tall." Wang Ai replied wittily.

The reporter was stunned and burst out laughing, and the Chinese reporter who understood the joke started laughing even earlier.

Then the press officer called Duan Xuan from CCTV, and he asked with a smile: "Wang Ai, isn't your girlfriend here? Still don't want to be exposed?"

Wang Ai scratched his face, not wanting to look at Duan Xuan's face, so he had to explain: "She doesn't want to take advantage of me. She doesn't like others to say that she is my girlfriend, and likes others to say that I am her boyfriend."


The reporters took a moment to taste it. Before the male reporter said anything, the female reporter started to applaud first.

The German reporter then asked: "You said in your speech that China is a free country. This is different from many people's views. Do you really think China is free?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "I have lived in Europe for many years, and I often go in and out of China's borders. I have never felt restricted. As for the natural power of freedom, I think it depends largely not on the government, but on the government."


"But China is a dictatorship, and a dictatorship will inevitably restrict freedom, so..."

After Wang Ai patiently listened to this speech full of political speculation and stereotypes, he replied: "I have money, so except for the fact that I can't go to the moon, I can freely go to any corner of the world. And a tramp

What kind of freedom does he have? It is nothing more than the choice of sleeping in KFC or sleeping in the park. How much freedom does an ordinary middle-aged fan have? He has to support his family, house and children, and he must spend a long time every day

Used in the workplace. In theory, he has the same freedom as me, but in reality? His freedom is very limited."

"So I think that only by improving the economic situation and making people richer can we truly protect the right to freedom. Just like Japan's economic boom in the 1980s, a large number of Japanese tourists came to Europe and enjoyed greater freedom than before.

On the contrary, during the European debt crisis in the past few years, citizens of many European countries have reduced the number of outbound trips. This is an example of how their freedom has been restricted and compressed in practice." Speaking of this, Wang Ai nodded to the German reporter: "

Theoretical freedom is beautiful, but I pay more attention to achievable freedom."

When it comes to sensitive issues, Wang Ai's star color faded, and a sharp and keen young philosopher came online. After many reporters silently thought and many reporters, especially Chinese and Japanese reporters, applauded, Wang Ai added with a smile.

: "I remind everyone that this is FIFA, not the United Nations, thank you."

Then the topic shifted to the field of football. An African reporter asked Wang Ai if he would participate in this year's Confederations Cup and who he was optimistic about. Wang Ai replied: "When the Confederations Cup was held four years ago, I finally chose the Netherlands, which was held at the same time.

I missed the German Confederations Cup because of the World Youth Championship. Because I and the group of teammates who participated in the World Youth Championship, the same group of teammates who won the Beijing Olympics this year, have trained together for many years and worked hard for the World Youth Championship for many years, so I

It’s a pity that I missed it. If the national team needs me this year and I have no problem, then I will most likely participate. As for who is more likely to win the championship, I can’t give you an answer yet because I haven’t thought about it yet. Relatively speaking

The Confederations Cup will be held in mid-to-late June, and for the time being, I am more concerned about Asia’s World Cup qualifying matches.”

The African reporter asked: "What are your expectations for next year's World Cup in South Africa? What will be the performance of the Chinese team?"

“Are you a South African journalist?”


Wang Ai nodded: "I haven't been to South Africa yet, and I really want to go to the southernmost point of human civilization. Well, I can't say the results of the competition, but I think about going to South Africa next year. If I can go, I will definitely

It was a very pleasant journey.”

Seeing the South African reporter sitting down happily, Wang Ai thought to himself: I hope you won't cry during the bombing of vuvuzelas.

The press conference lasted for more than an hour, and most of the questions were thrown to Wang Ai. This is a direct reflection of the huge gap in the influence of men's football and women's football. Wang Ai had to change the topic several times during the interview.

Marta, please say a few words too.

Fortunately, the Chinese reporters were very cooperative. After asking Wang Ai a question, they all rushed to Marta. Although there were many boring questions, Marta was not too disappointed. After the press conference ended, Marta specially asked

Wang Ai thanked her, and she was not stupid. The two exchanged mobile phone numbers and separated temporarily.

After Wang Ai went back to his room to rest for a while, accompanied by Yan Shiduo, he attended the FIFA reception and frequently talked with guests from various countries, including football celebrities like Matthaus and officials like Platini.

In particular, an important conversation took place in front of Blatter.

Blatter smiled and asked Wang Ai: "How many goals do you plan to score in next year's World Cup?"

"Then it depends on how many Golden Boots are needed." Wang Ai replied with a smile.

Blatter laughed and patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: "Your country is considering applying to host the World Cup. Do you think it is feasible? If it really succeeds, what do you want to do?"

Wang Ai felt the arm of Yan Shiduo, who had been on his left, move. He was not sure whether he was reminding himself or subconsciously excited, but Wang Ai, who had been prepared for it, said calmly: "The complexity of hosting the World Cup will not exceed that of the Olympic Games. China

The area is as large as that of Europe combined, which means that China has enough football fields and sufficient capacity. So I think there is no problem in all aspects of China's bid to host. As long as China proposes it, there will be

As for me personally, frankly I don’t know if I have retired by then, but even if I retire, I will come back, cry and make trouble for the national team to take me, even if I have to sit on the bench, I will


Blatter, FIFA officials, Yan Shiduo, Gao Hongbo and others all smiled broadly. Blatter said nothing. Just as Marta approached under the leadership of the Brazilian Football Association president, the two parties separated.

Wang Ai's commitment is very important. In the eyes of FIFA, a for-profit commercial organization, whether a figure who is destined to be China's football king participates will be an important consideration in commercial revenue.

It cannot be said to be more important than the Chinese government’s commitment, but it is undoubtedly a huge plus!

This chapter has been completed!
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