One hundred and forty-ninth three-legged golden crow

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"Beyond the division of one series" Wang Ai thought for a long time and said to Liu Ande: "In the sports area, the Tubingen Youth Club and the future Liaoning Football Club and e-sports clubs are now grouped together. The culture area is not very related to entertainment.

It is easy to distinguish, just like whether an Internet cafe is a cultural institution or an entertainment institution. It is not easy to distinguish. Let us divide it this way, from the perspective of cultural links, the upstream belongs to culture, and the downstream belongs to entertainment. For example, literary creation and script creation belong to culture

, the specific system is chain Internet cafes and partially invested online media. If the entertainment aspect goes well, the future will be dominated by movies, TV series, and electronic games. When appropriate, we can set up our film company, TV series company, or

Consider buying some theater chains and becoming a distributor, so that our foothold will be very stable. As for the two people you mentioned, Wang Shuo and Zhang Yimou, we have to look at the situation. If the cooperation goes well, we can ask Wang Shuo to work in the cultural company

The art director, after all, is engaged in literary creation. You can ask Zhang Yimou to be the film art director of the entertainment company. You can discuss the specific contract terms with them, whether you want to simply invest in them or invite them to join the company. The key point is

It is to deepen the cooperative relationship. In addition to them, there are other suitable candidates. But one thing we must keep in mind is that since we are cooperating and investing in people, we must choose this candidate well, and the key point is that the character must be acceptable. We

Of course, we are not choosing saints, but we cannot choose those who are obviously against social morality. After all, China is so big and has such a large population, and there are all kinds of talents. The so-called horses with a thousand miles of horses are often found, but Bole is not always found. We are not afraid of not being able to choose the right person.

We are afraid that picking the wrong person will bring a burden to our corporate image. We can cooperate with Beijing Film Academy and China Theater to select talents from their fresh graduates. These people have not been tempered by society. Although they are immature, they are at least smelly.

There won’t be many problems.”

Liu An nodded repeatedly, and after seeing Wang Ai finish speaking, he smiled bitterly and said: "Xiao Wang, if you look at what you just said, there are so many things. I definitely can't be responsible for it alone, especially for movies and TV series. I really can't be responsible for it."


"Okay then." Wang Ai nodded: "Let's start now and separate the three systems, starting with sports. By the way, do you have any ideas about the candidates?"

"I, how can I?" Liu An said with a smile: "It's better for you and Mr. Ai to discuss this matter."

"Hey, let me hear what you think!"

Liu An shook his head: "I really didn't think about it, but for the sports aspect, I think it would be better for Huang Xin to be in charge. The main body of the cultural aspect is chain Internet cafes, and I can be in charge temporarily, but I really don't understand the entertainment aspect.

too much."

"Okay, anyway, we have just gotten involved in the entertainment sector, and you are still in charge for the time being. Now we are involved as a pure investor and publicity side, and we will take a look at the situation and slowly find talents."

After preliminary research with Liu An, Wang Ai returned home and discussed with Ai Xiaoqing, mother and son, and decided to form the Beyond Sports Culture and Entertainment Group. It has three branches, namely Beyond Sports Company, the person in charge of which is Huang Xin, and

It is the three subsidiaries of Tübingen Youth Club in Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Liaoning Football Club (tentative), and Beyond E-Sports Club (not yet established); Beyond Culture Company, headed by Liu An, has Beyond

Chain Internet cafes, as well as part-owned literary websites and game R&D companies; Beyond Entertainment Company, which is mainly responsible for Wang Shuo's adapted works and Zhang Yimou's film works. It is suitable for investment. In the future, it will establish a film company, a TV series company, a theater chain, and a brokerage company, and develop film-related projects.

Extensive cooperation with schools and established film studios, etc., is temporarily in charge of Liu An. Group general manager Ai Xiaoqing, deputy general managers Liu An and Huang Xin.

Xu Qinglian, who was at home on vacation, heard the whole conversation between Ai Xiaoqing and Wang Ai, mother and son, at the dinner table. However, Xu Qinglian, who was busy studying crazily, did not react. Just as she was about to go back to the house after the meal, she was suddenly stopped by Wang Ai, who was smiling.

Asking Xu Qinglian to help design a logo for the Beyond Head Office, although it delayed her studies a bit, Xu Qinglian nodded and agreed with a blush on Ai Xiaoqing's half-smiling expression.

The next morning, when Wang Ai came back from morning exercises, Xu Qinglian took out a simple drawing of a three-legged golden crow, which was copied from Wang Ai's collection: "Chinese Myths and Legends".

According to Xu Qinglian: Since Transcendence is divided into three major companies: sports, culture and entertainment, it has three legs, and the most famous three legs are the Three-legged Golden Crow. At the same time, the Three-legged Golden Crow is also the sun bird, which has a very good meaning.

While Wang Ai was saying "so smart", he opened his arms and rushed toward her. Unexpectedly, Xu Qinglian, who had quick hands and quick eyes, leaned against her door and suddenly raised a leg to press against Wang Ai's chest. She smiled and let Wang Ai open her teeth and claws.

Don't let her get close. In the past six months, she has just started to fall in love. After self-study and Ai Xiaoqing's advice, she already understands everything. How can she let Wang Ai get started easily? Besides, Aunt Ai is still at home...

In fact, Wang Ai didn't think about anything, he just wanted to tell Xu Qinglian: crows are not the only ones with three legs.

On January 8th, Wang Ai stayed at home all day. In addition to training in the morning and evening, he spent his time during the day learning about the development of his family's business, and spent time with Xu Qinglian at night. Wang Ai now understands that when he was taking the college entrance examination, Wang Bin,

Ai Xiaoqing's mood changed: she felt distressed when she saw Xu Qinglian studying hard, but she couldn't persuade her, so she had to carefully find fun for her. The daily photography at home in Tubingen became the happiest thing for Xu Qinglian, Ozil's

The effect of these two surprisingly large eyes is amazing when paired together!

On January 9, Wang Ai returned to Shenyang. There was still more than a month before the Spring Festival. It was cold and freezing in Liaoyang, which was not a good weather for training. 15-year-old Xu Qinglian had bright eyes and was charming, and Ai Xiaoqing was

Often not at home.

Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang, who had stayed at home for less than two days, met Wang Ai at Taoxian Airport on time. Looking at the two people who were still hungover, they knew that they must have been very happy these two days. Because Huang Xin was on vacation at home and started working on it.

Beyond the formation of a sports company, Lao Bai is quite "arrogant".

"Xiao Wang, I've had such a great time these two days. You don't even know it. Last night, I was dragged by my buddy and stayed away from home all night..."

"Alas!" Wang Ai sighed: "Xiao Meng's life is so miserable!"

Lao Bai suddenly woke up: "Xiao Wang, I'm not talking about anything else. I just drank all night. If you don't believe me, ask Ronaldinho, he is here. Oh, by the way, ask Zhao Junzhe, he is also here. It's not nonsense.

Something else.”

Wang Ai lowered his head and flipped through his phone: "What's Xiao Meng's phone number... I'll ask Xiao Meng if he believes it."

"Hey, I'll find it later and tell you. Come, try the delicious food I brought! I heard that you like to eat dumplings. My mother made them by herself, pickled cabbage and pork, oh, and radish and beef..."

This chapter has been completed!
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