Chapter 136: The Scariest Thing (6)

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The next game is the "Battle at Camp Nou" led by Barcelona, ​​secretly supported by Real Madrid, and jointly promoted by various sponsors. But that will be half a month later, and now the international match day is here again, including Wang Ai

The stars including the players packed their bags and returned to their home countries.

Those in Europe and South America are much more convenient, after all, they are close. Wang Ai has to fly directly to Hangzhou to participate in another small training camp for the national team and to compete with the visiting Qatar team for actual training.

No matter how much Wang Ai uses his brain, wastes his energy, or encounters many troubles in the professional arena, it has nothing to do with the honor arena. These are two parallel tracks. Wang Ai can only temporarily put aside all his regrets and lead the way.

Xu Qinglian set off.

Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun planned to go to Tübingen in early spring for vacation and provide guidance on the work, so Xu Qinglian and Wang Ai reluctantly set out together.

Xu Qinglian has been having a bad temper with Wang Ai recently, and Wang Ai is upset, so he originally wanted to take Huang Xin, who is the most worry-free. However, Xu Qinglian has only been abroad for a week and has to go back, and he is not happy. But there is no way, as the king

Ai's wife has been absent from too many occasions that she should attend, not to mention that when she comes back this time, she will be responsible for implementing Wang Ai's idea of ​​anti-gambling.

If she doesn't follow, she's afraid that Wang Ai will cause trouble. Entertainment stars will not object to high ticket prices, and sports stars will not object to sports lottery, both because they rely on this to make a living, and because the stakes are unclear. Only people with multiple identities like Wang Ai

Only those who dare to think about it.

It is not easy for football star Wang Ai to fight football gambling, but Wang Ai, an associate researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences, can, and so can the heir of Northern Light Industry, a member of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Football Association, and the Minister of Youth Department.

Wang Ai can combine multiple personalities, but as his wife, no matter which Wang Ai dies, she will have no husband. So she would rather make Wang Ai unhappy than forcefully take over the matter.

Wang Ai is angry, Barcelona is afraid, Xu Qinglian is angry, and Wang Ai is afraid.

Thousands of miles above the sky, the two of them were angry and ignored each other. It wasn't until they got off the plane at Hangzhou Airport that Wang Ai was blown by the moist warm wind and woke up. He looked at Xu Qinglian and asked, "Are we suffering from progeria?"

"What's the meaning?"

"They say old people are like children?"


"Why are we both so childish all of a sudden?"

During the conversation between the two, the security guards consciously dispersed to give this legendary young couple a space to whisper. Not far from the airport, Ma Dong's car was already waiting, and it was a bit strange to see that this group of people had not left.

, got out of the car and got closer, only to find that Wang Chaoju was coaxing his wife.

Or being coaxed by his wife?

Xu Qinglian subconsciously grabbed Wang Ai's hand: "Maybe we all have regrets in childhood, and now we have the opportunity to make up for it, right?"

Wang Ai said "Ah" and thought for a while: "Then... continue to be angry?"

"I'm going to kill you." Xu Qinglian gave Wang Ai a small fist: "Oh, Ma Dong is enjoying watching us from the front."

"Old Ma, are you very busy?" Wang Ai smiled and hugged Ma Dong.

Ma Dong let go of his hand: "Hey, what are you busy with? Just doing odd jobs. Look at so many people taking pictures of you. Tomorrow the Internet will definitely call me 'Instructor Ma, who does odd jobs' again."

"Netizens are teasing you because they like you." Wang Ai looked at Ma Dong's depressed look and said, "Don't make mistakes. You think calling me this means you have no ability. Then you are trying to get the best of you. After all these years,

You have arranged many things well, but you have nothing to do? This is called a managerial talent."

Ma Dong thought about it and chuckled: "Okay, I will criticize netizens like this tomorrow!"

Wang Ai laughed and hugged Ma Dong's shoulders: "Last time I came back, I heard that you were going to be the deputy team leader. Is this true?"

"Hey, I've made it to the end of the year. I'm still doing odd jobs with Leader Guo."

"If you say that, I've been around for all these years, but I'm still a big-time soldier."

The two laughed and got in the car, and soon they arrived at the hotel where the national football team was staying. It was right next to the West Lake. Wang Ai reported on the familiar road, signed autographs, got the room card and access pass, chatted briefly with Old Tang for a while, and joked a few words with Guo Bingyan.

When I went upstairs, I discovered that this time everyone was bringing their girlfriends or wives, and each family had a room.

Probably because the top 40 have already qualified and the competition tasks are relatively easy.

After a while, everyone went downstairs to eat, and there was laughter and joy in the restaurant. Old Tang took the opportunity to announce that after dinner, he could go to the West Lake, but he was not allowed to stay up late at night, go to entertainment venues, or eat randomly. Everyone agreed happily, and Wang Ai

The group was still jet-lagged and had no appetite at the moment, so they ate early, greeted everyone, and took Xu Qinglian out.

The West Lake in March cannot be seen to be very beautiful in the night. If the surrounding buildings were not very elegant and there were many monuments, Wang Ai felt that it was no different from the artificial lakes in ordinary cities. It was nothing more than a big bubble. But he said this

But I dare not tell Xu Qinglian that she is talking about White Snake.

On the third day after arriving in Hangzhou, Wang Ai was playing with everyone at the training ground that morning. Suddenly Guo Bingyan came over with a phone and frowned: "Wang Ai, the track and field center asked you to take a BJ test. Your score is up to standard.

If so, I’ll take you to the Olympics in the summer.”

"Oh yes, there are also the Olympics." Wang Ai suddenly said: "What about our national team?"

The serious Guo Bingyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course it's approved. The Track and Field Center discussed it with our Foot Management Center. When it comes to us, it's not a negotiation but an order."

After getting permission from the national team, Wang Ai successfully skipped work and flew directly to BJ with his wife to protect him. On the way, he contacted the national track and field team and they arranged to go for a test tomorrow morning. Wang Ai and his wife just happened to be returning home. To Haidian.

My family just heard that the lion took Kang Si out to play...

Wang Ai calmed down before calling and scolding the lion, because he heard that the destination was Shenyang, and the lion must have taken Kang Si to handle the handover with Lao Gao. As a pure outsider, Mai Chao was promoted to the top leader of Beyond Sports, and there was still potential resistance.

No matter how small it is, the lion, the former transcendent queen, can guarantee smooth sailing in the past.

As for Kangsi, she must have been depressed from having sex all winter.

The only one left at home was an unmotivated Tang Mudan. She told Wang Ai that Wang Ai's mother had arranged for the children to be picked up and dropped off in the past few days. Wang Ai felt relieved, and then he called two foreign girls in Shenyang to exchange information.

I read the message. After making the call, Wang Ai still had a hot chat with Xu Qinglian and Tang Mudan, and tried to persuade this heartless person. The main idea was: others are busy upgrading themselves, and in the future, when they get older, they should give their children a good education.

Basically, although you are not short of money and your husband is also in BJ, you have no formal position, and you cannot build your horizons or connections. What will your children do in the future?

It's not impossible to rely on our family, but aren't you afraid that your children will look down on you?

After saying this, Tang Mudan was about to cry: "Okay, if you think I'm an eyesore, I'll leave."

This chapter has been completed!
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