Chapter 140: The Scariest Thing (10)

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 The two brothers chatted and explained this earth-shattering matter. Although the other team members were also curious, they were not as bold as Zhao Xuri to ask directly. And they are not Wang Ai, so they are not in the Football Association.

When talking about the Athletics Association, you can tell from Guo Bingyan’s face that day that the Football Association is not always happy, but it just can’t be said.

"Serving the country" and "gold medal strategy" are great honors, and even if you suffer a loss, you can only criticize them.

A few days later, the Huanglong Stadium, the main stadium of Zhejiang Greentown, welcomed two national teams. Compared with Qatar, which is powerful in West Asia, the Chinese team was star-studded, and the organizers specially arranged a grand entrance ceremony. When Wang Ai led the staff

When I ran into the dark stadium, the lights were on and the cheers were soaring.

Even though they have fought several battles in cross-border e-commerce, Alibaba's top executives still came out in large numbers to support them. This group of middle-aged and second-year students spent a lot of time running around the base to chase stars. Alibaba, which is in its prime, and the national team, which is in its prime, have mutual feelings for each other.

Yes, Lao Tang even signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Taobao on behalf of "Tang Jiajun"... In fact, it is a large-scale advertising endorsement, but who made Alibaba the second best? Instead of calling him chairman, he called him chairman of the board of directors!

The first cooperation of this large-scale multi-project "strategic agreement" has been completed. It was the invitation of national team representatives to last year's Alibaba annual meeting. Since Wang Ai was in Madrid and it was difficult to come back, Chairman Ma invited him personally, so there was no way for Wang Ai to come back.

Ai specially recorded a video and said some auspicious words to cope with it. At that time, almost all overseas players had not returned. We all entrusted Zheng Zhi, who had joined Guangzhou Evergrande and immediately became the captain, to attend on our behalf.

His prestige in the national team is not low. If he hadn't caught up with the cheating of the 85 National Youth Team led by Wang Ai, he would have been a captain in the national team.

After Wang Ai came on the scene, the game procedures were finally fulfilled. When the two sides shook hands, almost every Qatari player would say a few words to Wang Ai. The game started like a carnival, with Wang Ai, the starting midfielder, in his normal state.

At the beginning of the game, Qatar was already pinned down in the half and unable to move.

As soon as he made a move, danger immediately appeared in the backcourt. Many fans couldn't bear the commotion. Is this too bullying?

At 4:0 in the first half, Wang Ai scored 1 goal and assisted 1 goal. In the second half, Wang Ai retreated and led the national team to practice defense. The situation in Qatar was not so ugly, and he even allowed his opponent a goal in the final stage of the game.

The score was 6:1. Wang Ai scored 2 goals and assisted 1. Immediately after the game, he was blocked by Chairman Ma pretending to be a reporter. He pretended to wear a hat, hang up his ID, and held up the microphone: "Captain Wang, the game is won.

Now, how are you feeling?"

Wang Ai looked at Chairman Ma funny. He was a little nervous as a reporter for the first time, so he asked an unskilled question. However, Wang Ai had a lot of experience, so he turned around and glanced at the still boiling stadium, and turned around.

Said: "I have never seen heaven, but if there is one, it must be like here."

People near and far were applauding, and Chairman Ma suddenly had an idea: "Then if there is heaven, is there Ali in heaven?"

Wang Ai was startled, then nodded: "There must be, people in heaven also have to eat and wear clothes."

Chairman Ma laughed, stretched out his hand to shake Wang Ai's hand and hugged him, and then gave up his seat to a genuine reporter.

After the game, the training camp was disbanded, and those who were anxious had already set off first. Wang Ai's plane arrived at noon, so he chatted with Old Tang and the others at the base for a long time, briefly reviewing the game, especially the defensive aspect. As for

Nowadays, there are sensitive issues related to Lao Gao's promotion. As Lao Gao's two hardcore fans, they consciously remain silent.

Lunch was eaten at the hotel, and then Wang Ai took his wife, Marissa and Anna, who had switched sides again, and the guards to the airport.

"Wang Ai, there is something I need to tell you." On the way to the airport, Xu Qinglian rarely hesitated.

Wang Ai was thinking about the national team and didn't pay attention to his wife's expression: "What?"

"...Didn't I go donate a few days ago? Didn't I get some money at home before donating? Didn't I make a bed and play on it for a while?"

Wang Ai finally felt something was wrong and turned to look at his wife: "What's wrong?"

"It's just that, um, I took pictures while playing, and then I and my college classmates, um, teased them, and then, I don't know who posted it on the Internet."

Wang Ai was stunned for a moment and suddenly sat upright: "Give me the phone."

Xu Qinglian immediately handed over the cell phone that she had been holding for a long time to Wang Ai. At this time, Wang Ai only had two words in his mind: Show off your wealth!

It's going to kill you!

The moment he turned on the phone, he saw Xu Qinglian's lowered head on the screen. Wang Ai calmed down, took a few deep breaths, reached out and touched Xu Qinglian's head with a smile: "It's okay, I am here, people all over the country know that I am rich.


Xu Qinglian finally smiled, but still looked nervously at the phone in Wang Ai's hand.

Wang Ai deliberately slowed down the operation speed: "If you weren't my wife, you wouldn't have to be nervous at all, right? After all, you are still affected by me... I have the responsibility to help you solve it... Anyway, now that I am successful... I can keep a low profile.

Years later, everyone will still miss me."

While Wang Ai was talking, he saw the troublesome photo of Xu Qinglian. She was wearing home clothes and sitting on a 100 million cash banknote with a bright smile. But netizens were very rude when they reposted... Everyone is so jealous of showing off their wealth.

How annoying it is, so I added it to this photo.

Although there are a few rational analysts who say that she did not mean to show off and that this was a private photo that was deliberately circulated, most netizens do not listen to the explanation at all.

Wang Ai has been at the top of the Chinese celebrity income list for many years. As Wang Ai said, everyone knows that he is rich, but no one can say anything as long as it is reasonable and legal. He even mainly makes money from foreigners, and some people even think that he is rich.

He is proud of it.

However, 1 billion in numbers and 100 million in the picture have completely different effects.

Otherwise, why would Wang Ai talk about retiring? His mind was rapidly analyzing the current situation, and he couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart. This shows how serious the situation is.

After saying this, Wang Ai finally realized, and quickly put down her phone and put her arm around Xu Qinglian's shoulders: "Honey, you know best how I behave as a human being. We have no shame in our respect. Even if someone says something bad to me at the moment, we can just laugh it off."

Xu Qinglian forced a smile: "Well, you can take a look again."

When I look back, I see that the situation has deteriorated faster than I imagined, and some small-time officials have also come to an end.

Just then, the phone started ringing, and Wang Ai's friends were also alerted.

Tübingen, Shenyang, BJ, this is the most serious public image crisis since Wang Ai became a superstar.

This chapter has been completed!
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